The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 74 Liu Zaishi's Dinner

Just halfway through the drive, Li Menglong hesitated and hesitated, looked and looked at the address in the phone, and drove over. It was the first time that he didn't want to go to a dinner party that was treated by others.

It quickly arrived at the place, an ordinary building hidden behind a building. When you walk in, it should be a traditional Korean food from the decoration, and it doesn't feel amazing at all.

Li Menglong stood at the door and looked around with his phone on his phone, and asked the waiter who came running, "Hello, Liu Zaishi should have reserved a seat here, where is it?"

"Okay, let me ask." While looking at Li Menglong, she communicated with the person on the phone, and soon she smiled again and brought Li Menglong to the second floor.

When I got to the second floor, I felt a little different. There was a special person at the door, and the inside became a lattice room similar to an izakaya. Walking in the corridor, I couldn't hear the sound inside.

"It's a good idea, isn't it very expensive here?" Li Menglong couldn't help asking the waiter.

"It's okay, it's not expensive, but our service is good. It's here, please come in!" Helping Li Menglong open the door, she also took a special look at Liu Zaishi who was drinking tea inside, except for the excitement of seeing a star There was no other excessive move.

The room was a regular Korean-style kang table, and he sat down cross-legged. Liu Zaishi across from him handed him a cup of tea, and Li Menglong drank it bluntly, and then thought about what to say.

He doesn't even know what Liu Zaishi asked him to do today, and he has only met Liu Zaishi three or two times, only the ones who know their names, so there is nothing to talk about.

People like Liu Zaishi can naturally see Li Menglong's embarrassment, but this should be the performance of ordinary people when they see the National MC: "Let's eat first, you can order yourself!"

Now that he is here, he will naturally not be polite, no matter it is his age or fame, he is not in his turn to spend money, but Li Menglong still plans to order something cheap, but there is no price on the menu except for the name of the dish.

This didn't bother him, he pointed to the barbecue bibimbap recommended at the top, estimated to be 10,000 yuan, Liu Zaishi is not picky about food, ordered the same as him, and added a few side dishes, and then he said his thoughts.

"Li Menglong, right? If I'm older than you, I'll call you Sheng Menglong, and you can just call me brother!" Liu Zaishi said familiarly. It's just that Li Menglong has mixed feelings in his heart, don't be so casual, you like to recognize me as your younger brother, I have to think about it.

"I already know some things about you, Girls' Generation Sunny's new personal assistant, just finished a new kbs program in the past few days, what a great deal!"

Li Menglong wiped the spoon with a napkin and lowered his head. His movements were very slow, his eyes stared at the table without focus, and his mind was full of Liu Zaishi's purpose for saying these words. He finally decided to test the worst tone.

"Well, brother, are you interested in this show?" Li Menglong had already put on a friendly smile when he looked up.

Looking at Li Menglong's unnatural smile, Liu Zaishi felt that this kid's city is not that deep, but he decided not to tease him anymore: "No, I won't go if you invite me to such a small show. I'm sorry for you." interest!"

He breathed a sigh of relief just now, but he had to bring it up again. Instead of staring directly at Liu Zaishi to find the answer, Li Menglong began to look around the surrounding environment. If there were no outsiders, he should still be able to beat Liu Zaishi.

"Brother, in this world, men and women are king!" After realizing that he could be suppressed by force, Li Menglong persuaded him earnestly.

"Inside? Kid, I'm already married, and your sister-in-law is a female anchor!" Liu Zaishi couldn't help laughing, emphasizing the word "female".

"Female anchor?" Repeating this synonym for beauty, intellectuality, and nobility in Korea, if the status of celebrities in Korea is not high, then the female anchor is completely the dream daughter-in-law of mothers across the country.

"What do you mean by your eyes and tone? Forget it, if you ask me sincerely, I can give you some tricks some other day!" Liu Zaishi said slightly wretchedly.

"Let's forget it, I'm so handsome, it's not the same route you should take!"

The two of them just complained to each other one by one, and the chat was quite pleasant, but they didn't say anything serious. After a while, the bibimbap was brought up. Just looking at the arrangement and the whole half bowl of beef, Li Menglong I know that this bowl of rice may not be cheap.

"Brother, isn't this meal cheap?"

Liu Zaishi was already eating big mouthfuls, and when he heard Li Menglong's question, he waved his hand proudly to indicate that it was not a problem, so Li Menglong began to eat with confidence.

After the meal, Liu Zaishi finally revealed his purpose. It turned out that since the Infinite Challenge and the last happytogether, Liu Zaishi always felt that he and Li Menglong got along quite well, but he didn't appreciate it yet.

It wasn't until I chatted with Li Xiugen in private yesterday that when I learned what Li Menglong did in Undefeated Youth 2, I really started to love materials. This kind of talent doesn't matter which program he puts on as a writer, even if he follows him back The company can also mix.

So with today's dinner, according to his original idea, what kind of future would a person like Li Menglong have as a personal assistant? Could he be promoted to the general manager of Girls' Generation?

After circling each other for a long time, Li Menglong understood Liu Zaishi's meaning. It is impossible to be valued and unhappy. Li Menglong became more polite when speaking, and tried to be tactful when explaining the reasons for rejection.

"You boy! It's too embarrassing for me!" After laughing and cursing, Liu Zaishi stopped persuading him, because he could see Li Menglong's talent because he was right; Better development left.

After losing their purpose, the chat between the two became more and more unconstrained. From time to time, a few faint laughter could be heard in the room, which made the waiters guarding by the side envious of Li Menglong's situation.

If it weren't for the sisters who are still here to accompany her today, Li Shungui would have called Li Menglong a long time ago, and he ate noodles with fried sauce at noon. Li Shungui, who was raised by Li Menglong recently with a big mouth, would have been insensitive to these takeaways.

Pani, who was eating deliciously, was very dissatisfied with Li Shungui's picky attitude, but when Li Shungui reported the recent dishes made by Li Menglong, just hearing the name, she was not interested in the dark fried noodles .

Without the presence of Li Mong-ryong, the girls returned to their original habits: Pani and Lee Soon-kyu were watching TV boredly on the sofa; Xiaoxian was hiding on the balcony basking in the sun and reading a book; It touched the ground and fiddled with it quietly.

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