The heart-to-heart talk between brother and sister was very effective. It would be better if Li Menglong could say something more touching, instead of laughing at the way Li Zhien's nose twitches when he cries.

Angrily, he sat by the sink washing the dishes, watching Li Menglong arranging some remaining wild vegetables in the distance, and waved his fist fiercely at his back. Li Zhien felt a little relieved.

Of course it couldn't be because she was angry with Li Menglong, but she just felt that she cried a little too much in front of Li Menglong. You must know that Li Menglong didn't like her crying in the past, and this was still on the show.

"Brother, can the clip just now be edited out?" Li Zhien shouted to Li Menglong in the distance.

"Well, you have to ask the director about this!"

"Then Director Li Menglong, can you edit it out?"


Li Zhien felt that his IQ had been suppressed. Why did Li Menglong sometimes want to be beaten? He raised his head and screamed irritably, and washed the bowl angrily, as if he thought this was Li Menglong.

The quarrel and reconciliation between brother and sister were not a matter of minutes. When washing, Li Menglong took the initiative to come over, took a toothbrush and brushed it in his mouth, and at the same time bumped into Li Zhien who was beside him.

This kind of provocation naturally required a response, so Li Zhien used all his strength to hit him. However, what kind of tonnage was Li Menglong? So Li Zhien was knocked to the ground by his own strength without him exerting any force.

The toothbrush was still biting in his mouth, and the corners of his mouth were full of foam. He sat on the ground and stared blankly at Li Menglong, as if asking how could you treat me like this? It was so cute.

He stretched out his thumb and scraped the foam from the corner of her mouth: "I said don't make false accusations. I didn't even use any force just now!"

"Could it be that I fell down on my own?" After saying this, Li Zhien was a little shy, because it was the truth: "In any case, it's all your fault. This part is not allowed to be broadcast and will be edited out!"

"Why don't you just pretend you've never been here? I'll edit your whole story!"

"That would be the best. I didn't even get a performance fee for coming, so I just thought I came over to see you!" Li Zhien ran away with a smile.

The two of them had new activities in the evening. The signal from the projector to the computer was quite clear. Li Zhien also dug out some snacks she brought and brought two bottles of beer. Sure enough, people in the circle don't drink. There are fewer people than giant pandas.

Li Zhien seemed to realize that he was too excited, otherwise how could he make such a mistake? He was probably going to be scolded again, so he said first: "These two bottles are for you, I will treat you well, brother! "

"Yeah! I believe you've seen a ghost!" Li Menglong rolled his eyes at her: "It's okay to drink, but you have to know it in moderation, and you must be careful when drinking with others outside!"

"I know, I know you're good to me, brother!" Li Zhien smiled naively, opened the two bottles of beer, and took a sip of pleasure.

Then he leaned towards Li Menglong, leaning his head on his shoulder while picking up snacks to eat, not forgetting to feed Li Menglong some by the way. The picture was very harmonious and beautiful, if only there could be another light!

The picture without lights was very blurry, and the photographers next door wanted to rush over and turn on the lights for them, but it was really not suitable to turn on the lights for the projector, so they had no choice but to endure it.

At this time, TVN's three meals a day has officially started to air, and the promotion has been going on. SW's artists have started promoting it on Instagram a few days in advance, and those who are looking forward to the show the most are undoubtedly Turbo fans. The two Every fit is precious!

The nine people of Kim Taeyeon once again held a party. Although Li Menglong was not here and the family couldn't cook, the girls knew how to make phone calls, so various takeaways were delivered one after another. The reason for today's dinner was... Helped Li Menglong increase ratings.

If Li Menglong were here, he would definitely scold these girls one by one. Nine people on one TV is called increasing the ratings? It's better to go back to each other's homes and find some good excuses for a dinner party.

The title sequence was quickly released, and Li Menglong specially found another company to produce it. First it was like a piece of white paper, then a drop of ink fell, and then it was like splashing ink, and the ink drop kept moving forward.

After a few seconds, the camera was raised, and an ink painting of the scenery near Yusun Peak was displayed in front of everyone. This was a scaled-down picture of the real aircraft.

So when the camera zoomed in, we could actually find Li Menglong's house, from the sorghum field, to the yard, to the stove and even all the way to the room, where there was a simply sketched sleeping person.

Then the picture gradually changed from an ink painting to a realistic shot. It was a very amazing scene. At this time, the four characters "three meals a day" gradually emerged. When everything disappeared, only a real shot was left. , as for the sleeping man, the girls recognized him at a glance.

"Oppa made this title very mysterious, didn't it cost a lot of money?" Yoona asked curiously.

"Who knows, but it's probably not cheap. It seems like this variety show is going to suffer a big loss!" Lee Soon Kyu said with some gloating, not knowing why.

"No way, the show has just begun!" Xu Xian still had confidence in Li Menglong, so he took the initiative to defend it.

The camera seemed to have stopped here. If this was not a live broadcast but a CD, many people would have thought it was a jammed disc. Otherwise, why would the camera remain motionless while focusing on Li Menglong while he was sleeping?

There are more than ten seconds of fixed shots. This is the tone Li Menglong set for the show. It is a slow-paced variety show. Fortunately, he did not go crazy and give himself a few minutes of sleeping shots, otherwise he would definitely be complained.

With the intrusion of Kim Jong Kook finally flowing, watching the interaction between the two, everyone can feel the friendship between them, but why are they still sleeping?

When Li Menglong and Kim Jong Kook lay down again, countless people almost cursed them. They did not watch this variety show to watch the two of them sleeping, especially when the two of them really fell asleep, many people Don't know what to say.

However, despite this, very few people chose to change the channel. Even when many people were muttering secretly, they did not notice the relaxed smile on the corners of their mouths. The charm of this program was finally slowly revealed. Come.

When Cai Yan also came over, the curtain of the program finally slowly opened, and the slow-paced rural life that Li Menglong wanted to show everyone was finally presented to everyone.

The pastoral scenery deeply attracts these people living in the city, whether it is Li Menglong and Kim Jong-kook clumsily working in the fields, or Cai Yan is overwhelmed by the heavy iron pot...

Under Li Menglong's skillful editing techniques, everything is presented to everyone slowly like a picture scroll. There is no sudden comedy or deliberate so-called selling point. Everything is so natural and calm.

But whether it was the chat between the three of them or the seemingly unpalatable meal, everyone was slowly drawn into this show. It was like a subtle influence. Unknowingly, everyone was looking forward to what the three of them would do next. Something to do.

A variety show lasted nearly an hour and a half, which is relatively long. Li Menglong couldn't even fully show three days and two nights of life in one episode, leaving an extra tail for the next episode.

But when the show ended, many people's first reaction was to look at the time. Did they really spend so long on such a slow show? Think about it, what did this program say in one and a half hours? It's just three people farming, cooking, and chatting. It's not funny at all, but it's not offensive.

The audience's reaction has nothing to do with Li Menglong. This show is not so much for everyone to watch, but it is more about the life that Li Menglong longs for, so he can be comfortable.

"How is it? Is it okay?" Li Menglong asked softly.

But she didn't hear Li Zhien's answer. When she looked sideways, she found that the girl was asleep and drooling all over the elder. In order to maintain the image of Li Zhien's national sister, Li Menglong specially grabbed a camera and took a close-up!

"Oh? Is it over?" Li Zhien was awakened by Li Menglong's movements, and then apologized: "It's not that the show isn't good, it's just that it's too hypnotic..."

"It's okay. If it really works like this, at least I can keep the ratings while sleeping!" Li Menglong replied with a smile.

In rural life, it is better to go to bed early and get up early, but the two of them slept soundly, but it was just the beginning of nightlife in Seoul. As a topic maker, Li Menglong's variety show has not surprisingly caused a stir. Wave discussion.

Are Antis saying that this kind of variety show is necessary to exist? In terms of writing, this is just an anecdote. There is no conflict, no climax, or even love or tragedy. Is it interesting?

Naturally, the first ones to respond were fans of Turbo. It was hard to see the two of them together again. Besides, the show was not bad. At least it wasn't annoying to watch. Even though there was no laughter, it was nice.

Then the second wave of rebuttals were naturally made by the long-cherished friends. Since Lee Mong-ryong and Lee Soon-gyu got together, Lee Mong-ryong can be regarded as one of his own family members, so what should be maintained must be maintained. Besides, the show is ugly and they cannot be allowed to say it. Go back in private. Just go and laugh at Li Menglong.

This program with distinctive characteristics is destined to make the audience's likes and dislikes very clear. Those who like it can naturally watch it however they want, and those who don't like it can also find a lot of flaws.

For a variety show, the best way to reflect its value is its ratings, and tvn and sw are now nervously waiting for this result, you can even say that they are looking forward to it.

Because according to the advance news, at least the ratings have not dropped since the launch, which means that the show has a very good adhesion to the audience, so everyone is looking forward to this result.

The final average viewership rating was 6%, which is definitely not a bad rating. It is just not comparable to SW's past TV series and variety shows, but it can already crush other cable channel works of the same level.

"A moderate success!" Li Enxi said silently after reading this text message. At the same time, she was looking forward to Li Menglong's TV series even more. Don't mess around in variety shows. Director Li...

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