The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 709 Punching Bag

The word "ecstasy" is often more appropriate for Yoona. This girl never knows how to give up when she is good. She just teases Lee Soon-kyu when he is confused. Lee Soon-kyu is still sitting on her when he wakes up?

"I sold 30,000 copies? How many did Kim Taeyeon sell?" Lee Soon Kyu asked quietly.

It's embarrassing, isn't it? 30,000 copies are already good, but comparisons are harmful. However, Kim Taeyeon sold 5,000 copies more than she did. Isn't this a slap in the face?

But this slap in the face happened to be slapped by Yoona. Nono hesitated for a moment, and even asked Li Menglong for help, but Li Menglong seemed to be looking directly at a ball of air and had no reaction at all.

Kim Taeyeon was also awake over there. Looking at Yoona's state, she also knew that she had sold more than Lee Soon Kyu, at least 30,000 guaranteed, so she felt extremely relaxed: "Yoona, don't be afraid, speak out boldly, Unnie Support you!"

Yoona would be damned if she believed her. This is not the first time that such unreliable promises have appeared. Who will care about whom when they really want to take action? Anyway, she is usually the one who gets bullied in the end. There is Xu Xian.

"Onies, seeing as you have achieved such good results, why don't you go out and celebrate?" Yoona began to talk about him.

"To be precise, you should treat us to dinner to celebrate!" Lee Soon Kyu knew how to understand Yoona's pain points: "Why don't you get off of me?"

Only then did Yoona realize that she was still seeking death. She hurriedly rolled sideways to the floor and said flatteringly: "When you guys get the Golden Record Award at the end of the year, don't forget to mention me. !”

Although they know that Yoona is flattering her nakedly, after all, their achievements are not even close to winning the Music Award, but let’s talk about it, and what if it comes true?

"You have a good vision, but who can get it between me and Kim Taeyeon?"

Yoona really feels like she is always jumping from one pit to another. The key is that each one is deeper than the last: "That one should be a joint award, it must be like this!"

After getting the accurate numbers, Kim Taeyeon can start to run wild. If she has good grades, she can still beat Lee Soon Kyu. Is there any more perfect result than this?

"Thirty thousand, go get me a drink!" Crossing her legs, Kim Taeyeon seemed to have no concern about her snow-white thighs being seductively exposed to the air.

"Thirty thousand?" Li Soonkyu almost choked on his water: "Kim Taeyeon, do you want to die?"

"If I die, it will be a glorious death. After all, it is five thousand more than thirty thousand, hahaha..." Kim Taeyeon's smile can be said to be evil and arrogant.

Li Menglong and Xu Xian have been hiding in the kitchen, not even daring to go to the living room, for fear of being affected by the flames of war. They both understand this and cannot mess with two happy people who may go crazy at any time.

"Why weren't you so crazy when your movie won the award?" Li Menglong asked Xu Xian curiously.

Seohyun will answer any question seriously, even if it's just a joke from Lee Menglong: "Maybe it's the difference between movies and music. After all, we have worked hard for so many years to become singers. If I can also solo, I may be better than Ernie." Still excited!”

"Hiss, are you trying to remind me to ask for resources in a subtle way?" Li Menglong said with some sadness: "Our Xiaoxian has also grown up and knows that he can take the initiative to ask for resources. Oppa is very happy!"

Xu Xian bit his lip, wanting to punch Li Menglong. He shook his head in annoyance to get rid of Li Menglong's bad hand: "Hmph! Oppa hates me!"

"You're not as good as Yoona in this. You need to have an attitude if you want resources, you know? Give me a hug from the goddess!" Li Menglong opened his hands with a shy face, but Xu Xian punched him in the stomach, and then he was arrogant ran away.

Because the song promotion period is relatively short, I didn’t warm up for a weekend in advance. I participated in the song promotion immediately after the song was released this week. While the album sales are online, I try to get one to come back, but there is only one person...

Li Menglong didn't even dare to think about it. Anyway, he planned to be a transparent person in the past few days, so that he would be pulled over by the two of them as a punching bag for no reason. Besides, wasn't Yoona very good at it?

Yoona instinctively felt that someone was trying to harm her, but when she saw Li Menglong's gaze, she felt a little confused, because there was a trace of pity in that gaze. Before she could react, Li Menglong took the initiative and said, "Xiao Xian and I will jointly buy one hundred sets from you." Give the album away!”

Li Menglong's actions naturally received unanimous recognition and praise. He is a good comrade who knows what is going on. But Yoona, who had crept away secretly, was grabbed again: "Our good sister, the face of Girls' Generation, how much do we want to buy our actor Lin?"

If it's possible, Yoona wants to die with Li Menglong now, so she can't take her with her. Can't it be considered as the purchase by the three of them? As for buying albums, she doesn't worry about the money, but the people she can give them to are at least half the same as Li Menglong.

Fortunately, Yoona was smart and rolled her eyes: "How about I buy a hundred copies and give them to my fans!"

"That's a good note, but there are so many fans of Girls' Generation. One hundred copies are enough, so why not buy three hundred!" Kim Taeyeon made the decision directly, and even called the company to prepare it and give it directly to the fans. management staff, as for the funds, just deduct them from Yoona’s dividends.

Millions of dollars went out in such a minute. Yoona felt that there was no place to cry. Moreover, her original intention was to give it to her own fans, but now Kim Taeyeon directly extended it to the entire long-cherished wish. When will this world Is it so dark?

Yoona's resentment is just a simple adjustment in life. There are still many serious things to do. The entire company is very familiar with singing. And because this is a lyrical solo, there is no need for backup dancers, and the number of people is very small.

Fortunately, the enthusiasm of the fans was still very high. In the afternoon, a group of fans greeted them at the door of the music center holding their albums. The two of them also happily got out of the car and thanked the fans.

Since they had never played solo before, the two of them were a little unaccustomed to seeing this empty waiting room. When Girls' Generation sang together in the past, it was always crowded. They also envied other people's empty waiting rooms. Woolen cloth.

But more people means excitement. If there are less people, luckily there is Lee Meng Yong. Yoona and Seohyun also came over this time to cheer them up, and even got a cake in a formal way.

However, Li Menglong strongly suspected that this was Yoona's bad idea, because in order to stay in shape during the singing period, many things were not allowed to be eaten, and things like cakes were even more restricted.

Seeing Yoona eating the cake with big mouthfuls, Kim Taeyeon was so angry. Even with her eyes closed and headphones on, the faint sweet smell was still lingering on the tip of her nose.

She couldn't bear it anymore, and just when she was about to turn around to reprimand, she saw the cream on the corner of Lee Soon Kyu's mouth. This guy actually betrayed their offensive and defensive alliance, and Kim Taeyeon absolutely couldn't bear it.

Eating something like cake makes people feel good. Although she felt a little guilty, she couldn't care about it for the time being. Kim Taeyeon asked excitedly: "Who are the singers today? Is there anyone I need to say hello to?" ?”

"Uh, do you need me to take care of this?" Li Menglong asked awkwardly as everyone focused their attention on him. To be honest, he really didn't expect this.

"What the hell are you doing, assistant! You can't do anything, and you'll be fired in a matter of minutes. Can you believe it?"

"I, the boss, didn't say anything. Why are you so excited here?" Li Shunkyu rolled his eyes at Kim Taeyeon: "Besides, if I shoot him, you can recruit him again, right?"

"It's fine if I come here to recruit you. Why don't Oppa be my assistant? I'm easy to talk to!" Yoona said, taking advantage of every opportunity.

"Get out of here, you're going to risk your life by poaching, right?" Li Shunkyu said domineeringly as he swallowed the last bite of the cake, but his expression of squinting in enjoyment was inconsistent with his words.

Let the girls stay here to rest, and Li Menglong still has to communicate with the director team. Although it is a lyrical solo, it is enough to stand motionless in front of the microphone, but some settings, close-ups and the like still need to be discussed.

Park Xiangmin was originally responsible for getting these things, but this guy went to Japan to smooth relations with Exid. Now he doesn't have much time to take care of the girls, and he has a tendency to move closer to the company's senior management.

Fortunately, there was nothing to say about Li Menglong's identity or the status of the girls themselves. It was very easy for everyone to communicate. Moreover, the relationship between Li Menglong and MBC was very good, and several senior officials even came down to say hello.

Although the second season of Misheng has been shelved indefinitely, Liu Jae Suk also learned about Li Menglong's next plan. This time, the TV series cannot be snatched away by tvn again, so the relationship still needs to be maintained.

Li Menglong doesn't care about these. Where to broadcast depends on the resources provided by the other party. It's a business deal, but he can't be so indifferent to fans.

In fact, it is not suitable for Li Menglong to come forward to communicate with fans now, because he is not half a star himself. Fortunately, he does not dislike it, and the fans respect him enough, so everyone gets along very happily.

"President Oppa, are you partial because you are Sunny Unnie's boyfriend?"

"This is a very good question, but it turns out that there is no equal in a bowl of water. Anyone who knows me knows that I love Xu Xian the most!" Li Menglong laughed and said.

"Then who can win one tonight? I feel like the other Ernie will be very sad!"

"I said, don't make things difficult for me, okay? If you have questions like this, just leave a message on Kim Taeyeon's Instagram. They probably have nothing to do now!"

He stopped answering the fans' questions. He was not here for an interview. He called the leaders over, mainly to tell them about the seating division and related support issues.

This is not the first time these fans have organized an event, so they looked at the seating chart of the blockbuster in their hands and asked curiously: "President Oppa, are you giving money to the director?"

"No, what's the problem?"

"Of course there is a problem. These locations are the best, and there are too many people we can get in!" the leader replied excitedly.

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