The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 682 Temporary Calm

Li Menglong felt like someone was kicking his butt, but he didn't open his eyes. After all, he used his butt to figure out who it was: "Jin Xiayan, if you are naughty again, I will file a complaint with my aunt tomorrow. I can't kill you!"

Kim Taeyeon felt that the world was becoming more and more abnormal. Li Menglong was sleeping on her bed, still wearing only a pair of baggy shorts. When she just came in, the half of her butt exposed on the bed almost made her scream.

Fortunately, it was an experience, so after Kim Taeyeon recognized Li Menglong, she started to pinch the corners of his shorts with her fingertips to cover half of his buttocks, and then started to kick him wildly with her big feet.

But at the same time, I also thought about whether Li Menglong was too good at it. He threatened Kim Ha Yeon so much that he could give him any pocket money or autographs. However, Kim Ha Yeon was very favored by Kim's mother, and she couldn't even take advantage of Kim Taeyeon. Can I get it cheaply, Li Menglong?

Kim Taeyeon's cerebellum is extremely abnormal now. She can't understand what's going on now. She feels like something big is being hidden from her, so a minute later there is a sound of an iron pot and a rice spoon colliding with each other on the first floor. Voice: "Yeah, it's raining, hurry up and put away your clothes!"

The four sleepy-eyed people looked at Kim Taeyeon at the same time. It was not that they were not excited enough, but that the four of them accompanied Jin Xiayan to the amusement park yesterday. Everyone had so much fun together that even Li Menglong lost his energy.

But this attitude is simply contempt for Kim Taeyeon. It is no exaggeration to say that the few people who love her most are here, but is this the attitude? In vain, Kim Taeyeon always thinks about them!

I have to say that Li Menglong definitely knows more about Kim Taeyeon in recent times than Kim's mother, so he quickly saw her appeal from that little face: "Ahem, on behalf of the four of us, I warmly welcome the world Big star Ms. Kim Taeyeon is here to give guidance!”

After saying that, she took Jin's mother and others to join her in sparse applause. Kim Taeyeon looked at her obedient parents and sister, her head hurt a lot, but she didn't dare to act too familiar with Li Menglong, after all, she was afraid of being exposed. Well.

"I said why should you represent our family! You are not me, that is my father and my mother!" Kim Taeyeon thought for a while and then covered up for Li Menglong.

"How do you talk to Menglong? You and Xia Yan. Is this how I teach you?" Mother Jin, who was standing by, actually helped Li Menglong to criticize her daughter.

"Mom, look at me carefully!" Kim Taeyeon knelt down in front of Kim's mother. She wanted to put her face in front of Kim's mother's nose: "I am Taeyeon! Your biological daughter!"

"I understand, you're not leaving tomorrow, right? Then let mom go to bed first, and come back tomorrow to take good care of my daughter, okay?" Jin's mother yawned and walked into the room with Jin's father.

But before closing the door, he popped his head out and said, "That Menglong will sleep in the living room tonight and is not allowed to go upstairs!"

"Hey, I got it! Go to sleep and I'll make breakfast tomorrow morning!"

"Let's talk if I can't get up! Go to bed early! Taeyeon too!" Kim's mother did not forget to threaten Kim Taeyeon as she spoke: "I feel a lot older recently because of you, a damn girl. I will settle the score with you tomorrow!"

Jin Xiayan also climbed into Li Menglong's arms, wrapped her arms around his neck and let Li Menglong carry her up: "Let's go, big star, I will give you the room!"

But after everyone was settled, Li Menglong was caught by Kim Taeyeon again. Although he was not sleepy, he had to chat with the girl, otherwise the girl would not have to sleep all night.

"Don't stay on the second floor. Didn't you hear Auntie's order? Go sit on the swing in the yard. Are you hungry? I'll give you some Xia Yan's snacks!"

"Do we still have a swing at home?" Kim Taeyeon asked back, watching Li Menglong skillfully dig out Xia Yan's hidden snacks as if he were at home, and then walked to the small courtyard behind and sat down on a wooden swing.

"This is Xia Yan's reward for achieving excellent results. My uncle and I have been persuading my aunt for this for a long time!" Li Menglong explained for Jin Taiya.

"No! Is this my house or yours? Why are you so familiar with it? And why are you here?" Kim Taeyeon seemed to be asking a barrage of questions.

"This is a long story. Simply put, I'm here to ask for forgiveness!"

"Excuse me for what?" Kim Taeyeon asked in surprise. When she saw Li Menglong pointing at him and then at Kim Taeyeon herself, a mouthful of potato chips spurted out of her mouth. Fortunately, Li Menglong was prepared to avoid it.

"Did you say everything?"


The yard suddenly became much quieter. Kim Taeyeon was sitting on the swing and kept swinging, while Li Menglong just kept falling asleep, occasionally opening his eyes to glance at Kim Taeyeon, and then continued to nod.

Kim Taeyeon really didn't know what to say. She didn't even know what Li Menglong wanted to do. She didn't know what she wanted. She just felt that Li Menglong didn't need to do this. It’s too much to carry.

She couldn't imagine what Li Menglong went through when he came to Jin's house and said these words, but judging from his mother's attitude just now, it seems that they are getting along well now. Could it be that Li Menglong succeeded?

She shook her head violently, even she was not sure. Would Mother Jin agree to this? Don't be kidding, so Kim Taeyeon is increasingly confused about what's going on now. She instinctively feels that the current harmony is inseparable from the sleepy man in front of her.

Her little hand directly covered Li Menglong's face and rubbed it gently. She thanked Li Menglong and felt sorry for him. He really did too much for her, but in this warm moment when he could kiss at any time, Li Menglong His venomous nature showed up again.

"Yeah! Just touch your face. Auntie doesn't allow extreme behavior! So if you kiss me, I will call it indecent!" Li Menglong said very calmly.

Kim Taeyeon couldn't help it anymore. Although she didn't use much force, she slapped her lightly: "Shameless! What kind of agreement have you made with my mother?"

"This can only be understood!" Li Menglong said pretending to be profound, but after hesitating, he took Kim Taeyeon's hand and stared straight into her eyes: "Don't have any worries, just follow your own path. Keep your idea alive, and I, aunt, and uncle will all support you!"

Kim Taeyeon seemed to vaguely understand something, but it was very vague. What was even worse was that Li Menglong didn't want to accompany her anymore and just wanted to go to bed.

"It's really tiring. You don't know how much Xia Yan can do. Mother Jin can't accompany those high-risk projects. I almost had a heart attack from playing!"

"The four of you went to the amusement park? You didn't call me when you went to the amusement park?" Kim Taeyeon jumped three feet high, but when she jumped down, she slipped and fell directly into Li Menglong's arms.

It's hard to say whether this was an accident or intentional. Anyway, the two of them felt very warm hugging each other, until Mother Jin scolded her from the window on the first floor: "Are you two going to sleep?"

"It's time to sleep. I'll sleep with you tonight, Mom!" Kim Taeyeon said, sticking out her tongue towards the window.

"Get out!"

"Boss is not young anymore, go to sleep by yourself! Also, can you leave my arms? It's really not good to always take advantage of me!" Li Menglong was teasing Kim Taeyeon while holding Jin's mother's smelly feet, and was chased by her all the way. Called back to the room.

From the second floor, I glanced at Li Menglong, who was lying on the sofa and snoring. It seemed that this guy really had nothing on his mind. When he returned to his small room, after living in Li Menglong for a month, it was rare that he didn’t have much of him. trace.

The pillow is still soft and the incense still smells the same, but Kim Taeyeon lying on the bed always thinks about the weird things today. Just like Li Menglong has never had anyone to talk to, Kim Taeyeon keeps almost everything in her heart.

And what she cares about most is the girls and their families. Although the girls may not understand it, they can at least not care. But her family member, Kim Taeyeon, dare not even think about it, because once Kim’s mother knows about this kind of thing, she will You must look down on your daughter, right? And then to disappointment and despair?

Sometimes she would be awakened by this scene in her dreams, so every time she went home or made a phone call recently, she was actually filled with worries, but such a big thing was solved by Li Menglong?

Kim Taeyeon didn't believe it to be honest, because there was no possibility, but she couldn't help but disagree with the facts. She couldn't tell the difference for a while, but it was not a bad thing after all.

After the last big piece of heart disease was cured, she lay on her familiar bed and smelled the faint smell of Li Menglong's sweat. Kim Taeyeon quickly fell asleep, and it was rare that all five members of the family fell asleep. Extremely sweet.

Kim Taeyeon felt her quilt being lifted, and then a smooth body squeezed in: "Ah, damn girl, you want to die, don't you?"

"Unnie, you can't do this to me. I helped you a lot when Oppa Menglong first came here!" Jin Xiayan's intention was obvious and she continued to claim credit.

"Let me tell you first. If it is true, I can have Jiang Dongyuan's signature in my hand!"

"Tch, I still have Won Bin's!"

While the sisters were whispering among themselves upstairs, Li Menglong was also whispering to Jin's mother: "Auntie, please don't get excited today. Taeyeon is also quite pitiful. Stop scolding her!"

"Pass the soy sauce!" Mother Jin commanded: "You kid, please stop covering me here. What's wrong with my own daughter scolding me? I've been scolding me for more than ten years and no one cares about me!"

"She's still working outside, which is quite tiring! Why don't you scold me? I'll resist the scolding!"

"Just stay here, I'm annoyed when I see you now! Let's go with Kim Taeyeon then!" Kim's mother said in annoyance.

"Don't worry, I have nothing to do when I go to Japan, so it would be nice to stay here with you. Besides, our script is still in the creation stage, isn't it!" Li Menglong stepped forward and put his arm around Jin's mother's shoulders in a flattering way.

"Ah, Li Menglong! Let go of my mother! Don't get close!" When she heard the voice, Kim Taeyeon also ran down from the second floor, but her eyes were a little red and swollen.

First she looked at Li Menglong seriously, and then she started slapping him randomly. After hearing the whole story, Kim Taeyeon was filled with too complicated emotions, and she urgently needed to express her feelings to Li Menglong.

It’s just that she didn’t know that Li Menglong had been sleeping with someone recently, so Jin’s mother grabbed her ear with one hand and said, “I haven’t settled the score with you yet!”

"Please be gentle, it hurts..." Kim Taeyeon wailed on her toes.

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