The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 678 To be continued

Li Menglong and Liu Zaishi's explanations were basically ineffective. If it weren't for Li Menglong's mother Jin not being able to fight with him, he would probably be even worse off than Liu Zaishi.

Yoo Jae Suk really feels like he's been unlucky. The good image of them and their incompetent gang that was filmed in a TV series is gone. Although there will be a wave of fame after the TV series is over, it's too uncomfortable to be scolded now. .

Nowadays, there are definitely not a few people who scold Yoo Jae Suk and Lee Mong Yong at the same time. The image of Kim Taeyeon is so representative that many people even think about their children or whether they will encounter such a situation in their future lives.

And to be honest, with Kim Taeyeon's current situation where she can't find a job at all, and the company here is a large enterprise, would a normal person close their eyes and endure it in this situation?

Everyone has a different answer, and now it is Kim Taeyeon's turn to choose. Hyomin, who seems to be open-minded, chose the most extreme way. I don't know if this was Lee Mongryong's foreshadowing in advance.

The atmosphere in the room seemed to be frozen. Kim Taeyeon just lowered her head, while Liu Zaishi didn't look anxious at all. This matter was just a small thing to him.

He didn't even like Kim Taeyeon, but there was a quota, and if he didn't squeeze something out of the intern, he felt he would be at a loss, so even though his figure was a little worse, Yoo Jae Suk reluctantly slept with her.

This is Yoo Jae-seok's truest thought, so he is not in a hurry or looking forward to it. He even feels that he is already very good to Kim Taeyeon. He can have such a good opportunity just by sleeping. If he can get to the top by sleeping, Yoo Jae-seok will definitely do it. I slept all the way.

I don’t know how many people were resisting the urge to smash the TV. At this time, Kim Taeyeon finally raised her head, her expression adjusted perfectly, but it was sad to see: "I've had my period these past two days. , is it okay the day after tomorrow?”

It seemed that the whole of Seoul was silent for a second at this moment. Kim Taeyeon actually agreed, still with such a submissive and non-struggle attitude. This is not filming a TV series, this is simply a documentary.

Liu Zaishi knew the plot in advance, so he hid in the bathroom early, otherwise domestic violence might occur today. As for Li Menglong, he wanted to run away, but he didn't dare.

"How did you write the script? Did you deliberately bully my daughter?" This is what Jin's mother said to Li Menglong again in the past few days, but the questioning tone was very obvious.

Li Menglong swallowed and didn't know how to explain to them. He could only analyze Kim Taeyeon's choice from a realistic perspective, and many rational viewers also knew that this choice could never be said to be wrong, and could even be regarded as a comparison. suitable method.

After having paid so much for this job, Kim Taeyeon lost this opportunity and was limited by her academic qualifications and could not find such a company. At most, she could just wash dishes. It can be said that with this opportunity, Kim Taeyeon can get rid of the shackles of her academic qualifications and can rely on relevant work experience to work in this company or other companies in the future.

It is no exaggeration to say that this job can affect the rest of Kim Taeyeon's life, so just lying down with her eyes closed for a night, just think of it as being fucked by a pig. There are indeed many professional women in front of the TV who have been lifted up. Scars that you don’t want to touch.

Although she appeared very peaceful in front of Yoo Jae Suk, after get off work, Kim Taeyeon seemed like a zombie, bumping into people, running red lights, and being scolded by drivers along the way.

The scene here is strangely like returning to the scene at the beginning of the first episode. Kim Taeyeon was walking aimlessly alone in the crowd, but that time she was going against the flow of people, but this time she was following. in the direction of the public.

Kim Taeyeon, who has perseverance, a bottom line, and a dream, has been in this company for three months. After experiencing being excluded and deceived, she has finally been assimilated into this society.

Many viewers are like Kim Taeyeon on TV, as if all the bones have been removed from their body. The reality is too cruel. Who has never had dreams or perseverance in their hearts, but in the millstone of society, all these will be ground away for you? of crushing.

Kim Taeyeon has been working overtime even on her days off in the past three months, but she actually asked for leave today. She knew that since she agreed to Yoo Jae Suk's request, she didn't need to worry about this little thing at all.

Sure enough, Yoo Jae Suk just called her and told her to have a good rest and said nothing, but Kim Taeyeon wrapped the quilt tighter, then buried her head in the quilt and cried bitterly.

Li Menglong made this scene too depressing, especially with the plot before and after. Kim’s mother and Kim Ha-yeon couldn’t stop crying. Li Menglong could only go over and hand him a tissue. This time, Kim’s mother didn’t refuse, maybe The attention is no longer on Li Menglong's side.

Next, Kim Taeyeon seemed to be possessed. Her hands would tremble inexplicably when she saw her own hands while eating. She put away or taped all the mirrors at home. She would rub her arms with a bath towel when taking a shower. The blood is red, and of course the tears never seem to stop...

After all, Kim Taeyeon couldn't stand it anymore, or she needed to talk and vent, but she didn't have any friends there, so she hesitated for a long time and finally dialed Lee Soon Kyu's phone number, which was when Lee Soon Kyu was a trainee.

"Hello? Are you from a pyramid scheme?"

"Well..." The moment she heard the other person's voice, Kim Taeyeon couldn't stop crying.

He glanced at the screen suspiciously, seeing this mobile phone number that few people knew: "Who is it? Talk to me!"


"Kim Taeyeon?" Lee Soon Kyu asked slowly, as if blessed to the core, and then heard louder crying from the other side.

Covering the phone, Li Soonkyu seemed to be backstage at some show: "Let's find someone else to come on the show later, I have something to do here!"

"But the recording of the show is about to start now, and national MC Yoo Jae-seok specially invited you!"

"Don't mention this name. It sounds disgusting. Can I just stop recording today?" Li Shunkyu said with wide eyes.

Lee Mong-ryong's little easter egg raised everyone's expectations. Lee Soon-kyu should do something, but it seemed that the phone was hung up after a long time, and Lee Soon-kyu said to himself suspiciously: "I'm crying." What do you mean half an hour? Does this count as asking me for help?"

The little bit of expectations that had just been raised completely disappeared when Kim Taeyeon went to work. Kim Taeyeon was extremely out of state today, but when Ji came over to scold her out of habit, she was called aside by Yoo Jae Suk and scolded her.

Objectively speaking, Yoo Jae Suk is quite fair. Since he wants to receive benefits from Kim Taeyeon, he must also give her some space. I believe that after tonight, Kim Taeyeon's situation in the company will be much better.

Without any trouble, the two of them arrived at a hotel one after another. Liu Zaishi seemed to be very familiar with this situation: "You think about it yourself. I won't force you. I'll take a shower first, and you can think about it later!"

What does it mean to be disgusting? Yoo Jae Suk's current appearance is that he looks sanctimonious but does not do human things. I believe that if Yoo Jae Suk appears in front of the audience at this time, there will definitely be impulsive people who dare to beat him to death.

Li Menglong didn't know what Liu Zaishi was thinking now. Anyway, he was really lucky to have had that discussion, because the story had already passed more than half of the episode by this point, which could be said to be the end of the whole story.

Li Menglong had a serious dispute with the entire crew over the handling of the ending. The discussion was not just between two people, but between two factions, which affected the entire crew and even the actors who came to star.

Since the TV series was everyone's hard work, and the ending was not simply a matter of good or bad, Li Menglong chose to vote, and the side he supported lost in the end, although there was only a few votes difference.

To be honest, Li Menglong was a little disappointed, because he felt that the final impact would be much smaller. He spared no effort to explain it to many people, but everyone said: reality is cruel enough, so I will leave some for everyone in the TV series. Be wonderful.

That's right, according to Li Menglong's intention, the next scene should be about the camera showing some hidden things, the marks on the bed, Kim Taeyeon's dull eyes and tears the next morning, and so on.

In short, Yoo Jae-seok succeeded, and Kim Taeyeon completely turned black. She took out a small camcorder from her bag, and then took the opportunity to hold Yoo Jae-seok in her hand. It was a sad and indifferent scene. What a shocking ending. It is equivalent to It's not just about ripping out a person's heart, but it's also about crushing it and showing it to the audience.

But even many of the staff involved couldn't accept it. Li Menglong's ending is destined not to be accepted by the public. It's not that it's not good enough, it's just that it's too cold!

Although he had his own persistence, Li Menglong listened to the advice. After all, the TV series was not for him to watch alone, and it was not made by him alone. In some aspects, Li Menglong was willing to make some concessions.

So when Yoo Jae Suk was about to pounce on him, the hotel door was knocked open, and several policemen received the report and came to crack down on pornography. Yoo Jae Suk naturally insisted that they were boyfriend and girlfriend, but Kim Taeyeon remained silent. .

That would be fine, but Jiang Dongyuan seemed to be passing by: "Isn't this our Minister Liu Zaishi? Who is this? Doesn't she look like a sister-in-law?"

There is no follow-up to what happened in the hotel at this point, and the scene is divided into three: Yoo Jae Suk's gloominess, Kang Dong Won's teasing, and Kim Tae Yeon's weird smile while crying...

If you don't know Li Menglong's original plan, this is actually enough to handle the tension. Kim Taeyeon's weird smile really makes people get goosebumps all over their bodies. Many people point to the TV and have all kinds of plots in their minds, but it just doesn't happen. Can't say anything.

Li Menglong did not give any explanation for this matter until the end. The scene jumped directly to the work scene a few days later. Liu Jae Suk was already preparing to announce that Kim Taeyeon was going to be fired.

But at this time, Lee Soon Kyu walked over elegantly on high heels. Accompanying her was the vice president who Liu Jae Suk was trying to fawn over: "Let me tell you something, Ms. Sunny and Girls' Generation are offering cash and exclusive endorsement for the next five years. The price officially became a stake in the company and became the fourth largest shareholder!"

After stopping the applause of Yoo Jae Suk and others, Lee Soon Kyu directly pulled out a document. Without explaining it to Kim Taeyeon, he just took her finger, dipped it in ink pad and pressed it. Above the bright red fingerprint was clearly the entrustment document for the equity agency.

In other words, from now on, Kim Taeyeon will act as a shareholder on behalf of Lee Soonkyu and several others. As long as Lee Soonkyu does not tear up this agreement, Kim Taeyeon will be the fourth largest shareholder with actual say in the company.

The TV series that had been suppressed for three episodes finally had a big explosion at the last moment. Many people released some of the stale breath in their chests, and the key is that Kim Taeyeon was not panicked at all. She obviously knew about it in advance.

So that means you have to wait until this moment to come here just to show off your power to Yoo Jae Suk? With everyone's doubts, Kim Taeyeon straightened her body upright for the first time. It only took two minutes, but Kim Taeyeon's whole spirit and spirit became different.

What can reflect this change is the demeanor of the people in the office. Ji has completely slumped in the chair. A shareholder is laying off an employee as if it were a joke; Lu Hongzhe, who has spoken to Kim Taeyeon several times, has a flash in his eyes. He was naked; Yoo Jae Suk was holding the document in his hand and slowly balling it up.

The workplace is just like this, but this is not the end. Kim Taeyeon said carefully: "As a shareholder, I request to convene a board of directors to thoroughly investigate the theft of the lowest price of department orders, and re-appoint section chief Zheng Junha..."

The story is satisfying to this point, but all the viewers feel that something is missing. At this time, the camera seems to be rewinding like a movie, and the picture cannot be clearly seen, except for the frame that freezes every two seconds.

In the form of time flashback: There is a piece of paper in front of Lee Soon Kyu. After zooming in, you can see the detailed composition of small shareholders of the company, in which the shares that can or have the opportunity to be acquired have been marked; Kim Taeyeon received the message while hiding at home and crying. He made a phone call with an extremely frightened expression, and his mouth seemed to be able to recognize a surname; Jiang Dongyuan leaned on the back of the chair and held in his hand the crumpled bottom price list given by Kim Taeyeon, but on it was written his question: Who revealed the secret? of?

Didn't Kang Dong-won reveal that bottom price in order to bring down Yoo Jae-seok? So Kang Dong-won separated from Kim Taeyeon at that time to protect Kim Taeyeon? Many people covered their mouths and couldn't think straight.

But Li Menglong didn't give everyone any time to react. Each picture contained a huge amount of information. Now the picture has regressed to the time when Kim Taeyeon was a trainee. A piece of paper was placed in front of the immature Kim Taeyeon, and it turned out to be a piece of paper. Zhang’s handwritten initial debut opinion stated that Girls’ Generation will continue to lay off one person, and this person is none other than Lee Soon Kyu!

There is another explanation for why Lee Soon Kyu helped Kim Taeyeon so much. It is grateful, inferior and even showing off. Although it still seems a bit far-fetched, an explanation is enough.

There was no playback at this point, but the camera showed Zheng Junhe, a good old man who was fired, who was running an omelette shop by himself. He seemed to know that a camera was looking at him, and he gave the camera that classic fool expression.

It's just that there seems to be something wrong with the lens. The picture keeps switching between color and black and white and is slightly deformed. However, in the black and white picture at a certain moment, Zheng Junhe lowered his head and rolled the whites of his eyes upward, smiling silently...

When the three words "end of the play" appeared, many people were stunned and speechless. After all, even at the end, Li Menglong still carried out the brain-burning to the end, and there were enough surprises to make people happy and even feel scary.

Because based on Li Menglong’s words in the last scene, it seems that it is not impossible if the biggest black hand is Zheng Junha: In such a tragic workplace, why can a good old man survive until now? Why did Zheng Junha suddenly have to work overtime with Kim Taeyeon? Who guided Lee Soon Kyu to acquire shares in the company?

It’s completely over. After three episodes of Misheng, the subtitles of the cast and crew were finally released. The first thing that appeared was not the regular works of director Li Menglong, but groups of black and white silent animations.

For example, in Kim Taeyeon's house, she was crying bitterly with her arms around Lee Mongryong, and kept beating his back with her hands. Kim Taeyeon was really depressed, and her acting skills were brought into the character. She could only vent to Lee Mongryong on the scene.

At the end of the scene that required unspoken rules, Yoo Jae Suk gave himself two mouthfuls, and then walked away silently.

Ji stood aside depressed, and even knelt on the ground facing Li Menglong, saying that he really couldn't act anymore and he felt sick.

These people are not professional actors, so they can only rely on the introduction method to perform. It can be said that they are treating themselves as scum and fighting against their own conscience. This is not a pain that can be explained by simply talking about acting skills. .

What's more, this kind of pain shouldn't belong to them. Basically everyone cried during the entire filming process, except for Li Menglong, who was strong in communicating with everyone and letting the actors vent.

Now I don’t know how many viewers in front of the TV are stupidly applauding at the TV, not for anything else, just for these staff, these actors, and the director Li Menglong. This drama deserves such treatment.

In the end, it turned out to be a scene of Li Menglong alone. He was looking at the camera so deeply, and a series of handwriting appeared next to him: director, screenwriter, vent bag for the heroine, psychological communicator for the male supporting actors...

Along with these self-deprecations, the screen gradually became darker, but with the sound of matches being struck, another flame appeared in the center of the screen. There was still a blurry figure behind it. It was not clear who it was, but it could be heard. He deliberately said in a low voice: "Wei Sheng, to be continued..."

Even though the advertisements are out, many people are still watching the TV. Who knows if Li Menglong deliberately put an advertisement and then came up with something else? Many people are even studying whether there are any hidden scenes in this advertisement.

Mbc seems to be very responsive to everyone's needs. After the short commercial ended, three episodes of the nearly five-hour Misaeng series were released. As a result, Mbc received another wave of terrifying ratings in the late-night slot, and even This is the highest ratings ever recorded after 12 o'clock.

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