The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 673 Responsibility

(Thanks to "liji129109" for the 10,000 reward, more will be added!)

With Li Menglong's words, everyone was stunned and speechless for a while. The most innocent and excited one was Jin Xiayan. She really liked Li Menglong, the oppa, but when she was about to speak, Jin Xiayan Mom hugged her directly.

After all, Kim’s father has been in business for so many years, so it’s easy to find contradictions in it: “It seemed like at the award ceremony last night, you and Lee Soon Kyu were a couple!”

Taking a deep breath, Li Menglong clenched his fists and whispered: "Gui, he is not only my girlfriend, but also my wife!"

Now even Jin Xiayan can understand a little better, but Jin's mother is still a little unsure: "Does that mean you have a girlfriend and you still like our Taeyeon?"

When she saw Li Menglong nodding, Jin's mother almost jumped up. Whose daughter is not a treasure? Didn't Li Menglong come here to ruin their family? They are not parents who sell their daughters!

Fortunately, Kim’s father is still somewhat sensible and usually has a good impression of Lee Mong-ryong. In addition, considering Lee Mong-ryong’s status as Kim Taeyeon’s president, his tone is quite calm: “We, Taeyeon, are ordinary children and cannot accept such a thing. , so you get up first, I’ll call Taeyeon and ask her to tell you directly!”

Li Menglong came here today to talk about this matter because he did not want to burden Kim Taeyeon, so he sounded a little tougher for the first time: "Auntie and uncle, I know that you all love Taeyeon, so you can see this matter Don’t embarrass her, can’t we just make it clear?”

"Don't make it look like you are the only one who cares about Taeyeon. Let me tell you the truth. Do you want to raise Taeyeon to be your mistress? Does she know about this?" Mother Jin asked irritably. road.

"I ask you to believe me or your daughter for once. You know better than me who she is and what her character is. This matter really has nothing to do with her! Don't disturb Taeyeon's life! Since I'm here, I will naturally take care of everything. I told you all!" Li Menglong prayed very sincerely and even a little coquettishly.

As a man who can speak so much, Kim's mother couldn't help but refuse to agree. Besides, Kim Taeyeon is her daughter. If Li Menglong can solve the problem from the source, who would be willing to scold his daughter.

Seeing the two adults nodding, Li Menglong even looked at Jin Xiayan. After all three people nodded, Li Menglong bowed again: "Although it cannot be summed up simply like this, but from some aspects, it is true that Taeyeon can Call her my mistress..."

There was no further continuation. This sentence made Jin's mother completely explode. The bowl in her hand was thrown directly at Li Menglong, and Li Menglong's forehead was instantly opened.

However, it was as if he was unconscious. He just raised his head and looked at Mother Jin seriously and sincerely without making any evasive movements. Father Jin did not stop her either. He was very disciplined if he could restrain himself from taking action.

A man suddenly came to the door one day and said that he wanted Xu Xian to be his mistress. What would Li Menglong do to him? Even Li Menglong dared to beat him to death! Therefore, Li Menglong could completely understand the other party's anger, and there was no trace of dissatisfaction at all.

Although there could be a more gentle way of talking, the matter between him and Kim Taeyeon cannot be summed up clearly by the derogatory word mistress. Is there a mistress who sleeps in the same room as the mistress?

But Li Menglong chose the most intense and straightforward method. As a result, the kitchen was now in a mess. Jin Xiayan patted Mother Jin on the back, while Father Jin glared at Li Menglong.

"I know……"

"Get out of here! Don't dirty the floor of my house!" Jin's mother choked in anger.

"Guilty, but don't tell Taeyeon!" Li Menglong looked at the three of them with the same eyes as before, but this time there was another round of abuse, but Li Menglong just knelt there silently and looked at them.

It was Kim’s father who saw what Li Menglong meant: “Go away, we won’t call Taeyeon!”

He nodded gratefully to Jin's father, and then slowly looked at Jin's mother and Jin Xiayan. After they nodded, Li Menglong slowly stood up. His knees were so sore that he couldn't straighten them up.

Li Menglong took off his coat, carefully wiped the blood stains on the ground, and then slowly retreated. There was no need to explain anymore, at least for now. They didn't kill Li Menglong directly today. It can be said that he earned it. Of course, it has something to do with the good impression Li Menglong had in the past, but it seems that there is nothing left after today.

Standing outside the door, Li Menglong touched his forehead lightly. There should be scabs on it, but the blood stains on his face seemed to be thirsty. Although his body and head still hurt, Li Menglong felt a rare feeling in his heart. A little more relaxed.

What he did was a scumbag, and he was really not unjust when he was beaten. It is estimated that many conscientious people who have done bad things have this desire to be punished, so Li Menglong cannot be said to be a masochist now, but he is indeed Physical pain can bring mental comfort.

I went to the nearby bathroom to freshen up briefly. The cut on my head was not big, so I could simply seal it with a band-aid. As for the clothes, I had no choice but to stuff them into a corner of the yard to see if I could wash them.

Then Li Menglong acted like a handyman specially hired by the Jin family to do activities. He first cleaned the yard, then trimmed the branches of flowers and plants, and even brought a basin of water to wipe the door on his own initiative.

Although it is April now, the cold water in the morning is still very cold. Li Menglong's fingers were slightly swollen due to the hangover, and now they are as thick as if they are congested. However, Li Menglong found that his body was extremely adaptable to this state.

If he was not a masochist before, it means that he had received similar training in the army. Li Menglong didn't know whether he should thank the army, but it was good to have a good body. After at least half an hour of activity My body has become much more comfortable.

Mother Jin's face was still livid, and she seemed to be sending Jin Xiayan to school, while Father Jin was going to the store. Li Menglong stood in the yard and smiled awkwardly, but no one seemed to notice this person.

Mother Jin was holding the courtyard door outside, and it was obvious what she meant. Li Menglong packed up the water basin, and then trotted out. Then everyone went their separate ways. Only Li Menglong silently inserted his wet hands. in the pocket.

Then he didn't find a comfortable place. Li Menglong was not here to show off. He didn't plan to leave until the matter was completely resolved this time, because this was the only chance, the only chance not to involve Kim Taeyeon.

It didn't take long for Jin's mother to come back. She still had to prepare lunch for her family. As for Li Menglong, who was standing at the door as if guarding the door, he was just a ball of air. She wouldn't leave even if Li Menglong took the initiative to hold the door open for her.

The family was going back and forth, and Li Menglong had been at the door for a whole day. Later in the night, Li Menglong was wondering if he should find some scrap cardboard to survive the night. He was not afraid of suffering like this, but he would be worried if he got sick. All previous efforts were wasted.

But just when Li Menglong was looking for cardboard, Jin's father came out to throw away the garbage. After this day, Li Menglong also knew not to take the initiative to talk to him. People now treat him as a shit, and he feels sick even if he says anything more.

When passing by Li Menglong, he finally sighed, and then he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, but the courtyard door was not locked. At this time, Li Menglong couldn't guess what he meant, in case he understood it wrong.

But in the end he still walked in, but he just moved it from outside the door to inside the door so that he wouldn't be seen by people passing by. However, he couldn't move those cardboard boxes in, otherwise it would mess up the yard.

So Li Menglong leaned against the door of the courtyard and fell asleep with his clothes closed. In front of the dark window opposite, no one knew how many people had seen Li Menglong how many times.

Only then did he remember to take out his phone. It was mostly filled with missed calls from girls. When they saw that he didn't answer the phone, they all left text messages and replied to them one by one.

"Fortunately, things are a little complicated. Don't worry too much. Take good care of the children while I'm away, Captain Jin!"

"You're so nagging, didn't I bring Girls' Generation to its peak when you weren't here!" Kim Taeyeon added another text message: "Anyway, take care of your health. If you have anything to do, call me and I will help you!"

"Yes, thank you in advance! Good night!" Li Menglong turned off the phone and took the time to reply to text messages every day to prove that he was not dead, otherwise there would be no place to recharge his batteries.

Looking at the bright moon above his head, Li Menglong felt that living in a small place was quite good. In the future, when girls stopped becoming idols, he would never live in Seoul. The ghost place Jeongseon popped up in his mind. , Li Menglong himself couldn't help laughing.

"I won't pity you, because you deserve it, Li Menglong!" After complaining to himself, Li Menglong fell asleep, but he woke up much earlier this time.

On the one hand, he didn't drink, and on the other hand, he didn't block the door. Taking advantage of the morning light, Li Menglong cleaned the yard again, then retreated and locked the door, and then waited outside until the family of three went out. They smiled and then went around to find something to eat.

Whether as a director or an assistant, Li Menglong rarely has such regular moments in his life. Now he is just like clocking in to work, finding opportunities to say hello to the Jin family outside every day.

In fact, the wording of greeting is not accurate, he just simply smiles at others. Then he looked for opportunities to do some work in the yard. As long as Jin's mother pointed at the door, Li Menglong walked out of the yard without saying a word.

As for the night, I don't know if the Jin family was afraid of being embarrassed, so the courtyard door was always unlocked, and Li Menglong slept there every day. His life was tired and monotonous, but Li Menglong actually felt strangely good.

There is no self-pity and nothing to think about. Li Menglong just wants to talk about this matter if the other party is willing. Moreover, Li Menglong thinks that what the other party does is not too excessive, at least he leaves a door open for him.

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