The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 648 On hugging thighs

(Thanks to "super`Kaka" for the 10,000 reward, more will be given!)

There is always a boss's seat on double-cab cars, that is, behind the co-pilot, because the position of the front seat can be adjusted without disturbing the driver.

Li Menglong was sitting in this seat today. Seohyun, an experienced driver, was driving, while Yoona, in the passenger seat, kept taking out various snacks and asking Li Menglong if he wanted them.

"I said it's almost done. I'm not nervous to this extent yet!" Li Menglong told the truth. If he was a little nervous yesterday, he has gotten better as time approaches.

What should be prepared has been prepared. When the time comes, it all depends on the on-the-spot performance. In other words, Li Menglong has no chance to continue to improve, and he himself is also a kind of on-the-spot player.

Originally, Yoona wanted to call a nanny car over because she could rest more comfortably, but Li Menglong directly rejected it. Driving that car to school was too eye-catching and she couldn't do it.

So the three people drove over in Jessica's little BMW. The class was scheduled for nine-thirty and lasted two hours, so it was already early for them to arrive at eight-thirty.

It's just that things always go a little wrong, right? When Li Menglong and the others got out of the car and were walking on the road, they could see many people taking the initiative to say hello to them. The key is that the people were not Yoona and Seohyun! There are also some guiding signs and volunteers on both sides of the road!

Li Menglong has somewhat foreseen the seriousness of the matter. It can be said that most of Li Menglong's appeal today is due to his own strength, and he relies on his works to speak and rise to the top.

Unfortunately, he has talked very little about this aspect, and after this wave of unsheng, the mysterious Li Menglong has been pushed to the center of public opinion, and everyone is eager to understand the method of Li Menglong's success.

Let’s not talk about Li Menglong’s achievements in SW. In less than a year and a half, he has produced one film, Reply, One House, and one Unborn. The mere fact that a director can be so productive is enough to make a big splash. The key is Look at the results again!

So when the news spread that Lee Mong-ryong was going to give a lecture at Dongguk University, you can imagine the enthusiasm of students from various schools. Yes, it is no longer a class, it is Lee Mong-ryong's lecture!

In order to control the number of people, Dongguk University has opened the largest auditorium and even limited the admission quota for students from each school, so that more students from different schools can hear Li Menglong's lectures.

As for the fact that Li Menglong's lectures are so popular, his own success is one thing, but there are many people who are more successful than him, but they have never been so popular. The key is that he also has a bit of a star status.

If Girls' Generation could come to give a lecture, or if any A-list idol came, they would be more popular than Lee Mong Yong. After all, students are just people who join in the fun, but the university won't invite them. On the one hand, they can't afford to lose that person, and on the other hand, What are you just inviting me to talk about?

Therefore, Li Menglong became a bit of a comedian through his flawless appearance and Youth Over Flowers. He debuted in Turbo and held a concert last year to become a bit of an idol. As an assistant to Girls’ Generation, he also gained a bit of their incredible popularity. The key is that he He is still a capable director whose works speak for themselves!

Everything can only be said to be a coincidence. If Weisheng didn't support it, it wouldn't have such great influence. But it's useless to say this now. Li Menglong walked into the lounge of the auditorium from behind, and Yoona Sneak out to spy on the enemy.

As soon as he poked his head out from the side, he immediately shrank back. It’s not like Yoona has never seen so many people before, but this is not the same thing as a concert, especially since this auditorium seems to be able to seat 4,000 people. ? Is it so full?

She took another look with disbelief, but several students on the side noticed her. Yoona immediately made a quiet gesture and hid her face and ran over secretly: "Why are there so many people here? There are no classes in our school?" "

"Sorry, we are from Sungkyunkwan, come here for a lecture!" the male classmate replied.

"Not from our school? Then how do you know about this?"

"My classmates told me. Besides, this information is available online. Many outsiders want to come, but your university stipulates that only students can come in!"

Yoona also admires her own university for still treating this lecture as an academic discussion without being tainted with any social vulgarity, otherwise it would change the taste.

Little did he know that Professor Liang was apologizing to Li Menglong from behind at this time. He was a little surprised that the matter had reached this scale. Fortunately, the university itself was aloof, so it was not a bad thing for Li Menglong.

"What's the use of explaining so much now?" Li Menglong rubbed his scalp. This is the advantage of not having a hairstyle: "Anyway, let's go up and chat. No one will scold me later, right?"

"How is it possible? All the people coming in are students!"

"Students are good, students are easy to cheat!" Li Menglong forced himself to have fun. With the report of Yoona's return, Li Menglong simply stopped preparing.

"Now that everyone is here, everyone is here to see me, Li Menglong. If there is anything else to be reserved about, let's start early!" Li Menglong said somewhat free and easy.

He jumped on the spot and took two deep breaths, then put on the coat that Xu Xian handed him from behind, and shook Xu Xian's cold hand, knowing that this girl was a little scared and guilty.

"Don't worry, it's just a small scene!" Li Menglong rubbed the girl's head and walked up with a notebook, drafts and a pot of coffee.

Even a person like Li Menglong who was used to seeing big scenes took a breath. He was the only one on the stage, and there were densely packed students under the stage. The key was that he seemed to see a lot of curious eyes from inside. Li Menglong Do you think it’s time to tell the truth?

As Li Menglong entered, the audience burst into thunderous applause. Li Menglong walked to the central podium in a hurry. The computer had been debugged in the back. As Li Menglong pressed the play button, the big screen immediately appeared. corresponding screen.

It’s just that it’s not a title, nor is it a serious topic, but a video of the girls’ performance: “Seeing that everyone is a little nervous, I’ll show you some of the benefits I prepared in advance!”

Following Li Menglong's words, the audience burst into laughter, and the popularity of the girls was incredible, especially among college students. There were not a few people singing along at the same time, making it just like a Girls' Generation concert.

Li Menglong took advantage of this time to spread out the materials one by one on the podium, then took off his coat, rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, and then took a sip of coffee in a leisurely manner. His leisurely attitude was a bit enviable.

"Don't be anxious, everyone. I have many other videos. I will show them to you later when I take a break!" Li Menglong clasped his hands together in front of his chest: "Everyone knows that I have many identities, but today I am Ying Xu Xian’s request is to teach students in the broadcasting department, so today I will only talk about directing and acting.”

Li Menglong snapped his fingers with one hand while speaking, and Xu Xian behind him had already cooperated and switched to the ppt. It contained a very detailed resume of Li Menglong's career as a director so far.

From the very beginning, he was a young and undefeated writer, helped with an introduction to architecture, helped with the music video for twink, helped Director Luo edit two days and one night, and planned the scripts of No Choice and Running Man, and then came Reply, and then the subsequent films. A hit piece.

"Everyone can see that this is what I have been doing for more than a year. It is not what you think. I just filmed it right away. Please answer! It can be said that I am more familiar with the low-level work on the set and variety shows than you put together. More." Li Menglong stood there and confidently said to his classmates.

He wanted to tell these students that Li Menglong was definitely not the kind of person who could reach the sky in one step. Maybe there was an element of luck in this. After all, success was the greatest luck, but his early accumulation could not be ignored.

Snapping his fingers again, Xu Xian released the video that everyone had temporarily recorded last night, including comments from Li Zhouyong, Director Luo, and even the director of the MV. Among them, Li Zhouyong, as Li Menglong's biggest guide, naturally commented. The most pertinent: "There is no doubt that he has talent, but I have never seen a young man who learns everything on the set. I dare not say anything else, but he is definitely the best person I have ever seen in distributing lunch boxes. !”

"Now you must think that I obtained the corresponding rights in the crew by handing out lunch boxes, right? Wrong, I did it by hugging the second female lead's thigh!" Just after Li Menglong finished speaking, the scene burst into laughter. Xu Xian He laughed too.

What Li Menglong said is right. In architecture, the biggest reason why he is qualified to be taken seriously and even give advice later is that he can master Xu Xian's acting skills. Otherwise, can he really be so successful as an assistant on the set?

Lee Mong-ryong himself has also been a director, and assistants Kang Dong-won and Yoon Eun-hye came over to give him some instructions! If Li Menglong doesn't spray these blind people to death!

"I have always felt that I am very blessed! Please tell me that I hired first-line actors like Kang Dong-won and Yoon Eun-hye at such a small cost! Director Luo and your Professor Liang also helped me among the directors!" Li Menglong also concluded: "Room No. 7 is Needless to say, the script was planned by the professors, and the actors are all real talents, even that little girl Ge Suyuan didn’t need to be trained by me!”

"As for Wei Sheng, how should I put it, I have a part of the credit, but everyone must also see the signature of Infinite Challenge, a national variety show!" Li Menglong said: "So it is not a false accusation that I relied on my thighs to get to the top. ah!"

Li Menglong stopped reading the manuscript at this time. He felt that it was good to talk so easily, so he walked freely back and forth on the stage, and then used simple words to mobilize everyone's thinking, and showed everyone his so-called success analysis. .

"Do you feel a little disappointed? Do you think you can succeed if you do it?" Li Menglong directly spoke to the hearts of many students: "But have you ever thought about why I want you to hold my thigh?"

While everyone was thinking, Li Menglong stamped his feet fiercely and emphasized his tone: "Look, isn't this a coincidence? You want to hug your thighs, and I have more experience in hugging thighs. How about we discuss it today? The topic of hugging thighs?"

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