(Thanks to "liji129109" for the 10,000 rewards, and I will give you more. Today is the third update. It seems that there are still 10,000 rewards today, which will be added tomorrow. Thank you again for your support!)

At this point in the TV series, more than half an episode has passed. If anyone can connect the three episodes together, they will know that if Li Menglong does not want to keep suppressing it or maintain this rhythm, then it is time for a change. .

It was a somewhat tumultuous day. When Kim Taeyeon was lying at home last night, she was still thinking about how to get along with Jiang Dongyuan, but today she was staring blankly at the ceiling.

The originally romantic star stickers were like will-o'-the-wisps. Kim Taeyeon yelled nervously. As a result, the group of people who usually made noise every day cursed Kim Taeyeon on the balcony.

Kim Taeyeon was completely crazy. She rushed from the room to the window and shouted hysterically: "Are you sick? Did I say anything about the bad things you do every day? If you can't bear it, come over and kill me." Otherwise, I'll be here..."

"Forget it, let's talk to such a lunatic!" The young couple opposite were also a little scared, especially when they heard Kim Taeyeon's harsh voice.

After yelling, Kim Taeyeon didn't feel any better after venting her anger. She covered her head in the quilt without saying a word, but there was gradually some stirring in the quilt, and a faint sound of sobbing could be heard. At this time, the camera had slowed down. He retreated slowly, as if he couldn't bear to see this scene.

The audience is naturally worried, but most of them are still thinking about Kim Taeyeon being betrayed by the scumbag Jiang Dongyuan. This kind of pain is too heavy for Kim Taeyeon.

Life is like a pool of stagnant water. After a little ripple, everyone quickly joins forces to smooth it out. I don’t know if it was intentional. When Zheng Junha came, there was no one in the office except Kim Taeyeon.

There were only two of them in the quiet office. Although the afternoon sunshine was very warm, Kim Taeyeon did not dare to look at Zheng Junhe at all, and there was a sense of weirdness in the silence.

At this time, the picture in the lens flashed as if the signal was poor, as if there was a light that kept flashing on and off, and then switched regularly.

Many people were a little confused when they saw this and couldn't understand what Li Menglong meant. But as the scene continued, many people had goosebumps on their bodies. Li Menglong's methods had evolved.

The camera switches between a normal afternoon shot and a somewhat dim shot about every two seconds. The dim shot seems to have a filter added, and the movements of the two people in the shot are no different.

The first thing that showed a difference was Zheng Junha. In the afternoon, when the light was bright, he was packing his things on his seat, but in the filtered picture, he stood up and walked towards Kim Taeyeon.

"Taeyeon, don't blame yourself, this is not your fault!" Zheng Junha said bitterly to Kim Taeyeon as he was cleaning up the sundries in the sun.

And two seconds later, Zheng Junhe in the filter also appeared in front of Kim Taeyeon: "Still working overtime? I'm here today, so you can leave first. It's also a day off for you!"

Although Zheng Junha's movements are different, Kim Taeyeon's movements in the two scenes are very consistent: "Thank you, senior!"

Seeing this, many viewers have already understood Li Menglong's intention. The scene with the filter effect is what happened that night, and it was actually shown by Li Menglong in this way.

At this time, Kim Taeyeon finally made a move, and the two scenes were still consistent. Kim Taeyeon, who had spoken, silently began to do the final tidying up of the office. The last thing she did before leaving every day at noon and evening was to put the garbage out of everyone's trash cans. take away.

In front of Yoo Jae Suk's trash can, Kim Taeyeon paused slightly in both scenes, and then walked out silently holding the garbage bag in her hand.

At this time, many viewers were already a little nervous and speechless. As Kim Taeyeon walked in the deserted corridor, the sunlight shining from the windows could not make the audience feel a trace of warmth. They really I don't want to think the same as what they think.

However, the plot is still proceeding firmly according to its own will. Kim Taeyeon walks extremely slowly in the long corridor. The scene still switches seamlessly between the present and the past. The movements of the two Kim Taeyeons so far are... are consistent.

However, in the past tense of the next paragraph, Kim Taeyeon finally had some differences, so through the scenes of the intermittent past happening in the corridor, everyone finally knew what Kim Taeyeon was carrying.

He took out the scrap paper that Liu Jae Suk tore off from the garbage bag; Jiang Dongyuan took it with a smile; Kim Taeyeon looked anxious but full of expectations for the future.

The picture is already a bit illusory at this point. Kim Taeyeon is standing at the corner, where Jiang Dongyuan's illusory figure appears. He is saying affectionately: "Don't worry, this is the beginning of our beautiful life together! I will be good to you." of!"

What does it mean to be suddenly enlightened? The audience almost jumped up from every position at this moment. A series of doubts were finally connected with a line.

Why does Jiang Dongyuan like Kim Taeyeon, a hot girl? Why did Kang Dong-won break up with Kim Taeyeon so suddenly? Why was Kim Taeyeon so lost and in pain yesterday?

There is a complete answer to all this, a series of events triggered by Jiang Dongyuan in order to bring down Liu Zaishi.

In fact, if you can look at this gag from an overhead perspective, it is actually quite cliché, but being cliché does not mean that there is no audience, and it does not mean that it does not work, especially when it was expressed in this way by Li Menglong.

"Kim Taeyeon! Are you ready for the afternoon meeting materials?" Gina's hateful voice pulled everyone and Kim Taeyeon out of their memories.

"Senior, I'll go right away, but just now Section Chief Zheng Junhe..."

"Zheng Junhe? Who is he? You don't need to pay attention to him!" Ji said snobbishly, and then went to the office to add insult to injury.

At this point, the time of this episode is almost over. The camera seems to be flying up. As it continues to rise, the overlooking outline of a city is gradually revealed below.

As if from the perspective of God in the game, as the camera quickly drops, the joys and sorrows of the world are once again presented to everyone’s eyes:

Liu Zaishi was drinking with the vice president of the company. After all, he relied on this person to keep him safe this time. He drank the entire bottle of soju handed over by the other party and continued to talk flatteringly while holding back his vomiting. He was also talking to the guy in the office. The contrast between the bossy and arrogant Yoo Jae-seok is extremely sharp.

Zheng Junhe was sitting in a tavern on the street, with the things in his office in the box next to him. Looking at the incoming call with the word "wife" displayed on the phone screen, he silently put the phone back on the table, and then drank heavily.

Jiang Dongyuan seemed to be in a nightclub, with several beautifully dressed women eating his tofu, but he was as cold as a stone, his eyes full of madness, struggle and a trace of regret.

The last shot was naturally of Kim Taeyeon, who was dragging her chin with her hands and staring blankly at the steaming bowl of noodles in front of her. The hollowness in her eyes was terrifying and heartbreaking. But when the camera was about to rise again, she seemed to finally start eating noodles...

The screen fell into a familiar darkness, and everyone knew it was coming to an end, but Li Menglong didn't let them go, and went even further.

There seemed to be a faint silver light flashing in the darkness, and then a "ding" sound was heard. Many smokers recognized it as the sound of a lighter opening the lid.

Then, as the flint rubbed and produced sparks, there was finally a moment of light. However, after sliding a few times, there was no flame. The man seemed to have exerted his strength one last time in a fit of rage.

With this biggest spark, I could finally see a little bit clearly, although I could only see the chin and mouth - an evil smile.

It was the familiar relaxing advertisement again. For a while, many people's stiff bodies relaxed, and their minds were filled with all kinds of questions and various scenes from the TV series. Although Li Menglong explained a lot, the foreshadowing he laid was even more... many.

But at this time, many long-cherished wishes were forgotten. Just now, because the TV series was so attractive, I didn't bother to interact with the radio. Now, naturally, I have to increase the popularity of the radio program first.

The broadcast is still going on, and the prank has not been exposed yet. The key is that Xu Xian and the three of them are in high spirits. Don’t be too happy chatting, playing songs, or even singing by yourself. Being a radio DJ is indeed a very fulfilling thing. The key is that it is still very exciting. free.

The PD outside was already making gestures to Li Menglong. Although the broadcast was delayed for half an hour, it was time to reveal the answer. I didn’t see so many viewers asking, what if they hadn’t blocked the short message? When we got down, Kim Taeyeon and others had already discovered it.

Li Menglong really regretted it. He didn't know that Xu Xian was so willing to be a broadcaster. Seeing the child excitedly swaying to the music, he knew that he was really happy.

After all, there are no cameras here. Seohyun doesn’t need to make any unnecessary movements. He will do this only if he is really happy. The two opposite Kim Taeyeon are similar. Their shoes have long been thrown away and they are sitting cross-legged on the chair in excitement. Shaking.

Just now, Li Menglong had already indicated to the PDs that they could put in the text messages, but in an instant he changed his original focus. If it wasn't just a radio show, why should three people from Girls' Generation compete? TV shows don’t have this confidence, either!

Kim Taeyeon was originally planning to deceive the audience's sympathy. After all, she also knew how miserable she was in the second episode of the misfortune, so she was so cute that many real mothers would jump out to comfort her.

But she was instantly overwhelmed by the flood of text messages in front of her: "What does it mean that I was deceived? I am not the guest in this broadcast, Xu Xian is the guest? Is this a hidden camera?"

Xu Xian's face darkened every time Kim Taeyeon read out a broadcast. After sorting out everything, Xu Xian's face turned as dark as a pot.

Xu Xian trusts Li Menglong so much, and now he makes such a bad joke. Don’t you know how nervous she was at first? Don't you know how happy she is now?

Seeing Xu Xian's rare inability to maintain a basic expression, Li Menglong jumped out instantly. He didn't want to be unable to enter the house tonight: "Dang Dang Dang, hidden hidden camera, big twist! You guys! I was deceived! Dear listeners!”

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