As the title of the TV series faded, the scene finally appeared in the camera: a distant corner of the city, it seemed like it was still a morning rush hour, with crowded traffic and people running around. When the camera speeded up, a heavy feeling came from the pavement in the scene. .

The camera kept zooming in and out, and now everyone could see a thin figure walking against the flow of people in the crowd. He was hit, pushed, and even scolded. But it does not affect the progress of the back figure.

Along with this picture, the background sounds just disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving only the picture still rotating, the back still moving forward, and at this time Kim Taeyeon's low and magnetic narration finally intervened.

"The road does not exist at the beginning. It will appear as more and more people walk on it. If no one walks on the road, it is not a road. The road is open to everyone, but not everyone will go there!" Kim Taeyeon's quiet and pure monologue provided the best commentary for the current scene.

This scene was performed by Kim Taeyeon. These people were all students from Dongguk University. They spent most of the day filming this scene. In the end, Kim Taeyeon even sang two songs to these college students who didn't take any money.

The words were also recorded when she was dubbing the lines in the later stage. There are many paragraphs of similar words, all of which are mysterious and mysterious. Many of them were compiled by Li Menglong and Kim Taeho plus the screenwriter.

But when the pictures and sounds were combined, coupled with the pictures and rhythm of the sounds at the beginning, Kim Taeyeon actually got goosebumps all over her body, and a little bit of the rice in her mouth really fell out, but she She couldn't care anymore, because as the star of this drama, she was also curious about the plot behind it.

There are definitely many people who are in the same pattern as Kim Taeyeon. It has an amazing beginning, and the key voice continues: "It's not that I don't work hard, but I think it's because I don't work hard!"

The moment these words were paired, the only person left in the bustling street just now was the back figure. However, the back figure seemed not to notice it. It would still fall down inexplicably, bow and apologize inexplicably, and then apologize to nothingness again. A person is walking in front of him.

The picture was simply switched, and there were scenes in black and white: Kim Taeyeon's childhood photos from Jeonju, her graduation photos from middle school, her trainee days, all the way to her final makeup photos from Girls' Generation. However, the picture becomes colorful at this point, showing Girls' Generation standing on the stage with their glamorous appearance in various periods. However, if you look carefully, you will notice that there are no direct shots of Kim Taeyeon.

Until there was a full frontal photo of the nine people at the back, Kim Taeyeon, who was originally standing in the center, turned into another girl. The nine girls were still smiling happily, but Kim Taeyeon was not there.

The final scene was of nine girls standing tall and bright on the stage, while Kim Taeyeon stood silently in a dark corner, turned around, and left!

She was walking forward in a daze, and at this moment the camera was divided into two, one was the back of a person walking backwards, and the other was the confused front of Kim Taeyeon now. The last two scenes gradually merged into one, and she in the camera also Finally he opened his mouth again: "It's because I didn't work hard, so I walked out of the world; I just didn't work hard, so I was abandoned!"

A deep sense of sadness has spread, and in less than five minutes, the scene not only explains Kim Taeyeon's background and current situation, but also sets the tone of the entire story: Kim Taeyeon really doesn't have enough. Work hard? The scene when he was just a trainee seems to indicate otherwise.

If you try hard, why do you fail? If you fail, you can only think that you didn’t work hard enough! A problem full of cycles, and the result is that she was abandoned, not only by the group, but also by society, and that damn fate!

Of course, these profound meanings of Li Menglong are definitely not so simple to see. These were analyzed by the masters after the broadcast. As for whether Li Menglong had this meaning, no one knows.

After the monologue and the beginning, there is a scene where Kim Taeyeon goes to the interview. Although Kim Taeyeon is a little timid and dressed in old-fashioned clothes, it still makes people feel pitiful, but it is much better than the depressing feeling just now.

Although the plot continues, many people still can't help but recall the scene and monologue just now.

No one has eaten the food on the table. To be precise, Li Menglong is still eating, because he has watched the TV series completely.

It's just that in a quiet atmosphere and in a collective situation of chasing this kind of sad drama, the voice of a person who is always chewing brittle bones is particularly harsh.

Taking advantage of the break in the plot, Lee Soon Kyu knocked on the table in dissatisfaction: "I wonder if you have any sympathy! Kim Taeyeon is like that, and you are still eating here!"

Kim Taeyeon instinctively wanted to agree, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this sentence was not a good thing. She didn't know what to say for a while, so she just glared at Li Menglong.

"This dish will get cold if you don't eat it. I'll eat some while it's hot!" Li Menglong defended in a low voice.

"When can't we eat food? We have to eat it now..." Li Sungyu was about to say something more, but Yoona reminded Xu Xian to appear, so the room became quiet again, except that Li Menglong replaced the ribs with Beef stewed with potatoes on the side, this one has no sound.

The rhythm of Li Menglong's drama is very tight. After all, the 16-episode script is compressed into just three episodes, so the climax, tear points, or exciting parts are very dense, making people even slightly nervous to take a breath.

Soon after the beginning, the scene of Kim Taeyeon's interview came, and the part where she was wronged soon arrived. The struggle for power between Yoo Jae Suk and Park Myung Soo, Ji's villain image, and Kim Taeyeon's tears of grievance at the end, all of a sudden... Kim Taeyeon is definitely not the only one who sheds tears in the drama.

Although he reminded the audience to prepare tissues before the broadcast, Li Menglong thought that the girls were considered insiders and would not be so obsessed with it, so toilet paper was in short supply when he came here.

Li Menglong, who was sitting in the middle, kept handing tissues to everyone, especially Kim Taeyeon who felt aggrieved watching her performance, and Li Menglong was convinced by her.

But I didn't dare to complain, or to be precise, I didn't dare to speak. The only sound in the room was the TV, and even the sound of breathing seemed to be muted.

Being frustrated by a bunch of girls, Li Menglong could only eat his meal quietly by himself, and look up when he had time. Kim Taeyeon's current experience on TV can be simply summed up as a collection of 33 of the most classic ways for newcomers to be bullied!

Li Menglong's reminders are very friendly to the people. He asked the audience to prepare tissues and have just used them. It is estimated that the things that will be thrown will also be used now. If they are not prepared, Li Menglong can only pray for them that there are no valuables around them.

One of Liu Zaishi's arms was already blue. Liu Zhihao was sent to his grandmother's house. Liu Zaishi didn't even have an excuse to avoid trouble. He felt pain in his arm again. The key was that his wife's voice said: "Why are you so bad? I'm so young." The girl is so pitiful, how can you do anything to her? Let her find printing paper, won't you get it yourself? "

The advantage of Roon Jung compared to other drama-goers is that Yoo Jae-seok is right next to her. This national MC has spent more than ten years accumulating a good reputation. I don’t know if his acting skills are too good. In short, after more than half an hour, he has become a became synonymous with a generation of beasts in disguise.

The only thing that makes Yoo Jae Suk happy is that even though he is a beast, at least he is still wearing human skin. Ji and haha ​​at the bottom are really shirtless and personally on the front line of bullying Kim Taeyeon. Why do they work overtime, play tricks on her, and deliberately make friends with her? Give her a job she's not good at, and the two of them will be complete beasts.

Ji was also watching the TV series, and his initial feelings were similar to those of Kim Taeyeon. Although he acted all the scenes himself, he really didn't expect to feel so hateful after watching the finished film, and he even wanted to slap himself.

Gary, a member of the group on the side, was silent and moved away from Ji, and said quite formally: "I don't want to be too close to scum, especially scum who bully women."

Even the people who are involved in the entertainment industry are so involved in seeing this, not to mention those professionals who have more or less personal experience. The unknown fire should not be too strong. Fortunately, the TV series is still going on, everyone. I can only suppress my anger and continue to follow the plot.

Through the comparison between colleagues like Seohyun, who is smooth sailing, and Hyomin, who relies on his body to do whatever it takes; through the psychological imbalance of Ji and Haha, the oppression of his direct seniors who kowtow to the leader and vent their anger on Kim Taeyeon; through the bullying of Yoo Jae Suk and Park Myung Soo who only He knows how to fight for power and profit, but at the same time he is dismissive of his so-called subordinates.

Li Menglong used every means to spend almost an hour showing the difficult situation of Kim Taeyeon, who failed to debut, knew nothing, and lacked social experience and academic qualifications, and was struggling in the company.

It would be too much to just suppress it blindly. Besides, only the appearance of some good things and the suppression can highlight the cruelty of the workplace.

So Jiang Dongyuan appeared, and a prince charming who was handsome, smart, and wealthy appeared opposite Kim Taeyeon. This was not only a benefit to Kim Taeyeon at the time, but also gave the depressed audience some breathing time.

The moment I saw Jiang Dongyuan, the atmosphere in the dormitory suddenly relaxed a lot. People kept saying that Jiang Dongyuan was so handsome. Of course, there were also complaints about Kim Taeyeon. It was just that Kim Taeyeon was not worthy of her, so don't go and harm Jiang Dongyuan's oppa. .

However, the plot did not move forward according to the girls' expectations. In a classic Mary Sue TV series plot, Kim Taeyeon, the lowest employee, was saved by Kang Dongyuan, a senior executive who was on equal footing with Yoo Jae Suk.

When Kang Dong-won went to confront Kim Taeyeon and Yoo Jae-seok, the scene was really handsome, and of course it also included Yoo Jae-seok's acting skills, a rational, responsible and somewhat gloomy Yoo Jae-seok. At this time, everyone seemed to understand Li Menglong's intention. Every leader sitting in that position has a reason for its existence. It was the first time that Liu Zaishi received praise from his wife, and there were many people who were as relieved as him.

If this were a movie, the pace would be pretty good. Desire is suppressed first, and after being bullied to the extreme, it gave Kim Taeyeon a perfect Mary Sue ending.

But this is a TV series. Kim Taeyeon seems to have a complete life. What will she play next? Will she play her happy life with Jiang Dongyuan? Although I really wanted to watch it, it seemed a little unworthy of the exciting plot.

As the time gradually came to eleven o'clock, the first episode of Misaeng, which was one and a half hours longer than nearly one-third of the length of ordinary Korean dramas, finally came to an end.

The ending scene is a scene where all the plot characters are taking a rest. Yoo Jae Suk took off his suit and was riding on his son, not seeing the gloomy look of the company; Ji smiled at his wife and obediently handed over his bankbook; Hyo Min took off his clothes. Wearing a sexy outfit, she was holding a bottle of beer and sipping sluggishly on the balcony...

Kim Taeyeon, on the other hand, huddled in her somewhat cramped den. The sound insulation around her was very poor. There were all kinds of sounds from people arguing, cooking, watching TV, and couples. Kim Taeyeon was very child-like. He blocked his ears with his fingers, and then looked at the ceiling with a smile.

After following the camera, I found that there were some luminous stars on the ceiling, and these stars seemed to be connected together to form a road...

As a little man who looked like Jiang Dongyuan's headshot suddenly appeared next to him, Kim Taeyeon's eyes narrowed as she smiled. She felt that although she was not worthy of Jiang Dongyuan, she had met her love.

Although life was full of hardships, she thanked her fate for the first time sincerely. Without the sufferings in the past, how could she have met Jiang Dongyuan again?

The picture is completely dark here. The darkness is perfect for ending this episode. But will Li Menglong let this episode end properly?

Just when the audience was unprepared, someone suddenly lit up a match on the screen. Naturally, the first thing that appeared with the light was a hand and a vague figure hidden in the darkness, but it was not clear who it was. .

Just at the moment when the match was about to burn out, the man seemed to have moved his head to blow it out. With the last remaining light, the other man raised his head coldly and looked directly at the camera, his eyes so cold that they seemed to freeze a person's soul.

At this time, everyone recognized this handsome face, it was Jiang Dongyuan!

Countless people were so frightened by this last scene that they leaned back in their chairs and gasped. It was a bit like a horror movie, especially Jiang Dongyuan's last look, as if he was about to crawl out of the screen.

There was no ending, no names of actors and actresses, and it suddenly switched to commercials. Countless people immediately went online to look for MBC replays, because they all thought they had missed something.

After all, every scene in this TV series seems to be a story, and you really can't miss it. However, after repeated confirmations, they had to say that the scene where Jiang Dongyuan looked at the camera was indeed an advertisement, which caught everyone off guard.

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