The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 63 On the way to work

Li Menglong's room is above the room of two girls, one of which belongs to Li Shungui, which is different from the calmness of the past, and Li Menglong can faintly hear the occasional bustle.

"Ah, Xiuying and the others haven't come back yet, just go to their room and sleep!"

"Why won't my room let me sleep, why!"

Li Menglong swore that he only heard this, and then he hid from the room and watched tomorrow's show in the living room.

After midnight, the room gradually quieted down. Before Lee Mong-yong came, Kim Tae-yeon was the one who was trained by Lee Soon-gyu in Girls' Generation, and she could barely compete with her in terms of games. Much stronger.

The night passed quickly, and when Taeyeon woke up in the morning, she also enjoyed the treatment of Lee Soon Kyu, walked along the scent, and realized that there was a man underneath when she was about to go down the stairs.

I hurriedly checked the clothes, but fortunately it was winter, and the pajamas I was wearing were very thick, a set of simple pale pink pajamas with heart-shaped patterns on them, with my hands in the sleeves, I shook over like a landlord.

Li Menglong was cooking with all his heart, and when he turned around by chance, he found Kim Taeyeon, who was leaning against the door frame with her eyes closed and sucking her nose. I don't know how long the other side stood there, but I just thought it was very funny.

He happened to be accompanied by mixed vegetables in his hand, a small dish similar to cold vermicelli. He rolled it up and stuffed it directly into Kim Taeyeon's mouth. Seeing her chewing contentedly, Li Menglong really felt that he wanted to get close to Girls' Generation. Absolutely the best place, provided of course you have the opportunity to cook them in the morning.

"Go and wake up Li Shungui and the others." Li Menglong ordered, but he didn't see Kim Taeyeon moving, and followed the other's gaze to see the steamed buns at hand. Li Menglong reluctantly picked up two and stuffed them. Her mouth is full.

Chewing hard, Kim Taeyeon didn't take it seriously at all, she imitated the appearance of a soldier on TV, with her heels together, her head raised and her chest raised, she gave a military salute with her arms crooked.

And Li Menglong seemed to be subconscious, his legs were exerting force, and when his heels collided, he made a lot of noise, and then his back straightened up as if to pierce the sky. One hand is clinging to the side of the thigh, the other hand is tense on the forehead, and the throat is full of blue veins: "loyalty!"

The shocking scene of Li Menglong really frightened Kim Taeyeon, he waved his hand casually and fled in despair, but he thought angrily: "Did he just leave the army?"

It wasn't until the domestic dishes smelled burnt that Li Menglong's memory was interrupted. He shook his head and stood in front of the stove again.

The three sleepy beauties and a cheerful Xiaoxian holding a book really didn't feel like a combination. They dipped the steamed buns in vinegar and put them on Xiaoxian's plate: "Let's serve dinner."

"Why don't you clip me?"

"Look at what people do when they get up in the morning? This is the pillar of the country." After speaking, the father looked proud of his daughter, and then asked full of nothing: "Do you know who Ban Ki-moon is? That is Xiaoxian's idol, how about yours?"

"Hmph, Taeyeon eats steamed stuffed buns! Let's eat more if we don't read books." That look full of resentment is clearly those stupid kids hiding in the corner of the school and hating the top students in the first row.

Li Menglong took out the big book after taking a few bites casually, and saw that the latest page was already covered with various words. Kim Taeyeon glanced at it, and seemed to see that it was marked with one, two, and three.

"Everyone has to speed up, we will leave on time in half an hour, it's on time!" Li Menglong walked into the kitchen after a special reminder, and began to load other dishes into the bento box.

The girls looked at Li Menglong's actions, and even the upright Xu Xian automatically ignored the fact that the TV station has bentos. The reason Xu Xian gave himself was that Li Menglong's cooking was cleaner. As for the better taste, it was just a side idea, um. ,That's it!

Seeing that several people were still eating there in the past fifteen minutes, Li Menglong had no choice but to eat noodles to drive him away: "Hurry up and change your clothes, and see what you need to bring, today's show doesn't need costumes, just wear whatever you want. "

"We're Girls' Generation, do you ever wear it casually?" Lee Soon Kyu said triumphantly as he snatched the last bun from Pani.

"Nai, hurry up, I have an appointment for the beauty room, it's not good if you're late."

Ten minutes later, a group of five people walked to the parking lot. The car was naturally Lee Soon Kyu's Hyundai. Seo Hyun took advantage of the co-pilot because of his large frame. Squeeze?

When he arrived at the beauty salon, it was ten minutes early. Li Menglong nodded in satisfaction, and then put all the girls' backpacks in his hands: "It's not safe to put them in the car, so hurry up and go make up."

This beauty salon is a year-round cooperation between girls, so they are much more familiar than Li Menglong. When they walked to the door, they ran into a few beauticians who had just arrived. So punctual? Is this the end of the world?"

Li Shungui didn't know what the others thought, anyway, she blushed a lot, especially since Li Menglong was still behind her, so she flung her teeth and claws at the familiar people in front of her.

I have to say that the circle of celebrities is really narrow. Although they seem to be in contact with many people every day, there are still a few who can speak with confidence. These people who have signed a non-disclosure agreement with ** are one of them.

After sending the four girls in, Li Menglong casually found a place and sat down. He and Xu Xian had similar habits outside, and they both liked to read something, but here were all fashion magazines. put it down.

"Xiaoxian, have you brought your book? Can you lend me a read?"

"Nai, Menglong oppa, you can just take it yourself."

"Li Menglong, I have a game console in my bag, think about it."

Li Menglong seriously hesitated, mainly because he had already spoken to Xiaoxian first, based on his understanding of this child, if he was not reading when he came out, she might be disappointed.

Sure enough, after washing his hair, Xu Xian saw that Li Menglong was holding a book in his hand, and his cheekbones could not be put down, so he gave Li Shungui a proud look.

When they are busy, they usually sleep in the rest of the time. Now that they are resting so well, they make an exception and start chatting with each other, but after chatting for a few words, they always feel a little boring.

So Li Shungui's eyes naturally shifted to Li Menglong: "Li Menglong, why don't you come and make a pose too."

"Have you ever seen a personal assistant who is more handsome than a celebrity?" Li Menglong said without raising his head.

"Ah, don't force me!" Li Shungui said angrily.

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