We talked for nearly two hours at a stretch, during which Liu Zaishi wanted to leave several times, but he felt really embarrassed. Is he really useful here? He is just a human-shaped ornament.

Li Menglong and Jin Taihao began to discuss some professional issues, such as scene construction and the laying out of some bridge sections of the story. To be honest, Jin Taihao could only listen to ten sentences and speak two or three sentences. Although he expected that Li Menglong would be very professional, he also expected it in advance. I have learned a lot of corresponding knowledge, but there are still essential differences between variety show directors and TV series directors.

In fact, Kim Tae-ho had selfish motives in the original idea of ​​​​this idea. When Director Luo was still at KBS, the two of them had a good relationship. After Director Luo changed jobs, he felt a little lonely.

It's just that as Director Luo switched to TV series and achieved success one after another, although he couldn't be said to be jealous, he felt that it was okay for him to film TV series, because Director Luo could do it, and he was no worse than Director Luo.

So it was a coincidence that this creative idea was born. But as he learned more about it, Kim Tae-ho became more and more respectful to TV dramas. It can be said that there are two separate lines. Variety shows and TV dramas are both broadcast on TVs with cameras. There isn’t much agreement.

If Kim Tae-ho can talk to him honestly, Lee Mong-ryong will actually give him a real reason. At least when Director Luo asked for answers in the first film, he was the general manager of the scene and was not responsible for the specific filming matters. a learning process.

As for Reply, they didn’t expect it to be a big hit at first. Wasn’t it because Li Menglong wanted to fulfill fans’ dreams? As for the reason for success, the company summed up the reason for its success afterwards and believed that the most important thing was to seize the nostalgia card!

So far, this card is still being played by SW, and the effect is pretty good. It is very likely that nostalgia will become one of the labels produced by SW in a few years!

"Say hello to those people first. I will really scold them if you don't perform well, no matter if you are my eldest brother or not!" Li Menglong said to Liu Zaishi who was about to fall asleep over there.

"Don't worry, we still have this awareness!"

"Okay, let's see you tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow? Are you in such a hurry?"

"What else? The script is already there, the staff are ready, and the venue is ready. Why are you doing nothing if you don't shoot?" Li Menglong spread his hands: "Do you know my bank card number? It depends on your sincerity. I am a director who knows how to adapt. Yes, if you pay over one billion, you will be the director!"

"Did you capture this sentence? A scum like this is openly asking for bribes! Is there anyone in charge?" Liu Zaishi looked extremely aggrieved.

"What I admire most about Brother Zai Shi is this look of seeking death! See you tomorrow!" Li Menglong left a handsome back, but why is it so scary in Liu Zaishi's eyes?

This script has been revised more than once. It is similar to the habits of many literary workers. An idea that was regarded as a classic half a year ago was not so satisfactory after being put aside for two months. There will never be a day when you are completely satisfied.

Li Menglong is like this now. The itching impulse in his heart always reminds him that this story, at least the current story, is not what he wants to shoot. This state makes Li Menglong very entangled.

Li Menglong, who was deep in thought, did not allow strangers to enter. It was not scary, but he would not pay attention to him no matter what he said. Besides, it was impossible for the girls to go over to find trouble. After asking Liu Zaishi about the discussion, he stopped. So worried.

Li Menglong didn't speak much all day long, and the girls ordered takeout for dinner. As for Li Menglong, he didn't eat his portion. Even Xu Xian could only stare at him and take two bites, and then there was nothing he could do.

It's rare to see Li Menglong like this, because he is peaceful most of the time, and nothing seems to trouble him, so now the girls are naturally a little worried, but they can't help much.

Before going to bed, the girls came over in twos and threes to chat with Li Menglong, urging him to have a good rest and that he could rest at home tomorrow. To be honest, the girls also knew that they were overreacting, but he did not have enough experience to deal with such situations. , if you care, you will be confused.

The girls woke up relatively early the next day. On the one hand, they had schedules, but more importantly, they wanted to come down and see Li Menglong, or express their concern!

But it seemed that all the troubles from last night were over. Li Menglong was actually cooking ramen in the kitchen. Li Shunkyu, who came down first, was thinking about testing his emotions, so he coughed twice and sprayed the ramen pot with a "puffing" sound. Get some spittos!

Sure enough, Li Menglong is still normal. The pain in his face clearly expresses his inner struggle at this time: "Lee Soonkyu, don't challenge my bottom line again!"

"Tch, who cares? I won't even eat the ramen if you give it to me for free!"

"That's right. If you eat any more, you'll be as heavy as Kim Taeyeon!"

"Ah, bah, I'm very light. Comparing Kim Taeyeon's weight with mine is an insult to my weight!" Lee Soon Kyu bowed his head as if he had suffered some great grievance!

"Lee Soon Kyu, do you want to be embarrassed? I haven't spoken yet!" Kim Taeyeon also walked over, but she was looking at Li Menglong.

Li Menglong seemed to be a barometer for the girls. When he began to return to normal, everyone immediately began to return to sunny weather, but I didn't know how Li Menglong was thinking about the script.

"By the way, you all know about the TV series Wu Chao. Do you want to star in it?" Li Menglong asked first: "But let's talk about it first. This time I have to change the script almost entirely on the spot. That is to say, now I only have I can’t even give you the general direction of the story!”

"Are you so embarrassed? Are you trying to trick Zaishi Oppa and the others?"

"Trick? Why is the Infinite Challenge TV series shot so solemnly? It would be great if it can be edited into one episode!" Li Menglong is very open to this point. The fact is that in the past, Infinite Trading Company looked like that and people could like it. The script alone has been revised several times, although the more it is revised, the more unreliable it becomes.

When it comes to acting, even if Seohyun is popular now, Yoona is still the one who is most recommended among girls. However, this girl is a bit coy. She has already been said to be a ratings poison, although she is counting on Lee Menglong's next film to make a comeback. , but it is definitely not this kind of three-no product.

"Okay, I understand. In fact, Yoona doesn't quite match my planned image, so I'll make a guest appearance if I have time!"

"Thank you Oppa, I can come over at any time if you need it!" Yoona was also a little embarrassed. It really seemed that she was only willing to gain benefits and not suffer losses, but Yoona was too focused on the next work. .

"It's okay, I still have enough tolerance for you Oppa!" Li Menglong glanced around the girls as he spoke, and in the end there were only two people who looked at him.

One is Xu Xian, and she will listen to what Li Menglong says as long as it is not outrageously wrong; the other is actually Kim Taeyeon, because this guy doesn't think she has any acting talent at all, and she plans to sing songs for the rest of her life.

"Okay, then Xiaoxian and Kim Taeyeon, follow me in a minute. I'll talk to Park Xiangmin about the event!" After speaking, Li Menglong lowered his head and continued to eat, but there were so many people who wouldn't let him eat properly.

"Lee Menglong, did you pronounce the name wrong just now? Come on, read it after me - Lee Soonkyu!" As soon as Kim Taeyeon finished speaking, she was hugged by Lee Soonkyu on the side, and he pushed everything on her head.

"I can't do it. I'm not good at acting. Don't be like this, Director Li!"

"It doesn't matter. The protagonists are Liu Zaishi and the others. You and Xiaoxian are the hook, or the main thread of the connection! Relax, it's a variety show, it's very simple!" Li Menglong finished the ramen in his hand and went to the bathroom to wash up.

As for Kim Taeyeon, she received unanimous sympathetic looks from everyone. This time, at least in their senses, the so-called TV series was a bit of a joke, and it was mostly a variety show. Therefore, they did not object to filming a variety show to help Li Menglong, but they did not Expect to volunteer.

So they were very happy to have two top picks, and sent their sincere blessings one after another until they were taken away by Li Menglong.

The girl lived not far from several TV stations. When she arrived at the MBC Wuchao conference room, the members and Kim Tae-ho were already there. Li Menglong and Kim Tae-ho looked at each other. The same two dark circles under their eyes made them both smile. come out.

Last night, Li Menglong spent the rest of the night discussing with him, and finally convinced Kim Taeho. It has to be said that everything about Li Menglong's plan was so full of novelty except that it was hasty. Of course, one of the reasons that impressed him the most was: Don't you want to film it? Can a TV series be produced that is better than Director Luo?

"To put it simply, you don't need to consider anything else, as long as the performance has the effect it should have. Again, this is not a variety show, it is a workplace drama!" Li Menglong tapped the table lightly.

"The filming this time will be very hasty. Everyone should be mentally prepared first. Let me tell you the most serious situation first: there is no complete script at all. The main plot is all in my mind, and I think about it on the spot every day and every moment! So! Everyone should give full play to their respective strengths. I am very democratic. If your lines and performance methods can convince me, I will accept it with an open mind! So why don’t we start now?" After Li Menglong finished speaking, the whole audience seemed to have blown a cold wind. Generally, it's unbelievably cold.

This news is really too shocking. To make a variety show, you need a script. This is a TV series. What can they say without a script?

Jin Taihao was still sitting there calmly. Seeing everyone staring at him, he had to explain: "Don't you have the original script? The character design is still according to that, but the main line has been changed a little. Don’t worry too much, Menglong will take care of it!”

There is a director and a producer, and neither of them is worried. It is indeed not the turn of Yoo Jae Suk and the others to worry about it. To put it bluntly, it is not their turn to take the blame. Let's take a look first. If you are not satisfied, you can reshoot it or simply pretend that this special has never happened. This is not the first day I have done this infinite challenge.

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