The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 611 Everything is great

As a group of celebrities, and a group of celebrities who have experienced the ups and downs of life and are still at the peak of their popularity, the girls have a good ability to control this kind of joy.

No matter how exciting and proud things are, one day is enough, or we have to keep running around tomorrow. Just keep the memory of yesterday and recall it slowly when you get older.

Li Menglong bought another day of rest for the girls, and then all the activities he had accumulated were about to begin. The girls lived in a continuous busy life, and they were very familiar with this rhythm.

First, we slept for almost a day, ate some food and chatted for a while. In case we couldn't sleep at night, we all drank some wine together. Of course, there was an internal celebration, and then we slept all night.

This is also an ability that allows ordinary people to sleep more than 16 hours in 24 hours at least, which is impossible for ordinary people. That is to say, young girls slowly develop this ability due to the pressure of life.

Li Menglong got up early the next day. He accepted this rhythm better than the girls, because it was abnormal in the first two days, and it was Li Menglong's ordinary life behind the scenes.

After a long time, I brought a lot of breakfast to these girls, and as expected, everyone had already started to get up. After all, there was a commercial performance in the afternoon, and the girls were all very poor recently. If they didn't make some announcements, they would almost be out of trouble.

Everyone was in good spirits. After all, they were in a good mood and well rested. At this time, they finally had time to confirm the latest news. It had been more than a day, and it was time to have preliminary results. .

The first thing to pay attention to is naturally the turnover in the store. The turnover alone has reached a terrifying 3 billion. The girls behind them can no longer see the fractions. They are all carefully tapping the screen with their fingers to count the long string of zeros.

Kim Taeyeon could no longer see clearly due to my short-sightedness and excitement, so she pulled Seohyun tightly and insisted on looking at her to count, while Seohyun's fingers started to tremble even though he was calm, 3 billion in one day, 30 billion in ten days...

Li Menglong didn't dare to break the girls' dreams. He knew that this turnover was extremely abnormal. At least 70% of the credit should be attributed to their fans. The number of free T-shirts distributed throughout the day yesterday had reached more than 50,000. .

Because each person can only receive one piece, which means that 50,000 long-cherished wishes have come to the store. Fans themselves have to spend money for idols, and many people in the forum have popularized this fact. Girls spend at least hundreds of millions. , even if only calculated based on cost price.

Therefore, the long-term wishes spontaneously called on fans who received free T-shirts to buy some clothes before leaving. The clothes here are not expensive, so let the girls earn some money, otherwise the girls will lose their lives.

No one knows exactly how many fans responded to this call, nor how much each person bought. However, even if 30,000 of the 50,000 people eventually purchased, one person spent an average of 50,000, which means he bought two to three items. , so that there will be a turnover of at least 1.5 billion.

Of course, there are many good friends like Yoo Jae-seok who can buy millions of dollars each time. However, this kind of shopping is a drop in the bucket for the remaining turnover of more than one billion. This has to explain the location of the cave. This is South Korea's shopping paradise.

And people have always had a tendency to follow the crowd. With so many people here, they naturally feel the need to come in and take a look. The prices of girls’ clothing here in Myeongdong are the most affordable, so with corresponding promotions such as opening rewards, in the end, Just made such a terrifying number.

This number will definitely not continue. After all, the more long-cherished wishes come later, the less willing they are to repay. In the end, they will still rely on the advantages of ordinary customers and the brand itself, but the long-cherished wishes can be regarded as a stable customer group. , there are still some die-hard and huge ones.

Moreover, this money needs to be deducted from costs, and then from daily rent, labor, red envelopes, and finally the key is to be divided. Have the girls ever thought about how much money they would have left in their hands?

Although Li Menglong didn't explain it to them, they understood that it wasn't that complicated, especially since they had never heard of so much money. They themselves could generate tens of billions of income every year.

She looked away at Li Menglong with some embarrassment, especially since this guy was still so calm and cool. He didn't like this kind of unsociable person. It would be great if everyone could see money together, but now they feel embarrassed!

"Hey, the fans are discussing that T-shirt. Should we take a photo together and upload it?" It was a slightly blunt way to change the topic, but the girls enthusiastically agreed.

After changing into T-shirts, several people gathered together, and then Xiuying, the tallest person, took her mobile phone and started shooting for ten minutes. She selected one of hundreds of photos that everyone was satisfied with and uploaded it.

Su Wan is naturally very happy to be able to wear the same type of clothes as the girls, not to mention that the dress itself has become the hottest topic in the forum. The number of posts in the trading area asking for deals has been overwhelming, but so far there have been very few transactions. very.

Holding the red bean cake Li Menglong bought, he took a bite and felt that the taste was acceptable: "I don't eat red bean cake! Don't you know?"

"Can you spit out what's in your mouth before talking? Otherwise, there will be no credibility!" Li Menglong pointed at Kim Taeyeon and said speechlessly: "Besides, there are so many people, why don't you eat others if you don't want to?"

"Where do you come from so many complaints? I'm just talking casually!" Kim Taeyeon said nonchalantly: "The fans asked you to take a photo with your clothes on. You are also very important after all. We fans are so kind!"

"Can't you just tell the truth? Just take pictures, I don't have any clothes!"

"Huh? Didn't you pick it up yesterday?" Li Shunkyu asked from the side, and then pointed at Li Menglong with his mouth wide open, as if he had discovered a huge secret: "You haven't registered as a fan member yet, have you? No! You have. You don’t have enough years!”

Seeing Li Menglong's helpless nod, everyone started to scold him. In his tone, it felt like Li Menglong felt sorry for the nine of them and their countless long-cherished expectations for him, but they didn't even think about how long it had been since Li Menglong had his ID card. ?

After spreading the news, the most obvious thing is that the purchase price has increased slightly, because it seems that the girls want to play for real, absolutely out of print, even Li Menglong can't get it!

As for the suggestion that they lend their clothes to Li Menglong, all the girls rejected it. Although they were all one size fits all, they were still a little too big for them, but what if they were stretched out by Li Menglong? This is to be collected!

In addition to the news about the girls, Youth Over Flowers has a series of trailers that have made the program very popular. Liu Zaishi and the three of them have sufficient appeal in variety shows. Director Luo himself also has a group of old fans who follow him for two days and one night. .

And SW also has a good reputation here on TVN. Many paying users come to their company. Although it is not a TV series but a variety show, they still watch it in anticipation.

In fact, it did not live up to everyone's expectations. The program was exciting from beginning to end. The final ratings were just shy of 10%, which made everyone feel pity and at the same time surprised by this variety show.

Less than 10% is not derogatory. You have to know that TVN usually has a ratings of more than 2 for ordinary TV series. It is already very good. The highest number of the two series please answer is less than 20, and the average is even lower.

And this is only the first episode. As word of mouth grows later, it can be expected that at least the ratings will only increase. Even if this rating is maintained, Youth Over Flowers is already proud of itself.

Some people on the Internet have called Li Menglong and Director Luo a slap-in-the-face duo. Theoretically speaking, it would be considered a great success if the cable station’s ratings were half of those of the same period of the wireless station. However, some fans will still defend themselves sourly. After all, Numbers are not beyond what is not.

But when it comes to Directors Li Menglong and Luo, the same cannot be said. Whether it is their TV series or variety shows, the ratings have truly exceeded those of the wireless stations at the same time.

In other words, 10% of Korean TV users who watch TV at the same time would rather spend money to watch Youth Over Flowers than watch other free cable TV programs at the same time.

The word "slap in the face" can no longer be used to describe the damage caused by Director Luo and other wireless stations. This is simply grabbing each other by the collar, giving it a big mouth first, and then asking in a friendly manner: "Does it hurt?"

Without waiting for the other party to answer, he slapped him twice and continued to speak calmly: I heard malice in your answer!

Maybe many people are not very sensitive to the ratings, so omnipotent netizens brought up their good friend Liu Dashen as a comparison. Infinite Challenge and Running Man are both ace programs. I won’t talk about the good times, but in fact, one year At least half of the ratings hover around ten percent.

As for other small programs, they can't even reach 10%, but this is already a very good program. Haven't you seen many programs broadcast with single-digit ratings for several years?

Of course, the ratings cannot explain everything. For example, Wuchao, Running Man or Wojiu, which has single-digit ratings all year round, these are no longer completely dependent on the ratings. They mostly rely on their own domestic and overseas ratings. Because of its influence, the TV station may not cut it off even if it loses money.

After comparison, it is enough to show how great Director Luo was when he left Two Days and One Night, which had ratings of more than 20% all year round, and now that he has produced "Youth Over Flowers", he is almost being praised as a god.

Whether he is an actor or director Luo's brother, Li Menglong always calls to congratulate him when he sees the news. As soon as the call was connected, he felt the other person's fatigue: "Luo Shen! Remember to give me a hug when you ascend to heaven!"

"Go away, don't mess with me, I'm very angry now!"

"Isn't that true? I feel like the second spring of your life has arrived. Is it because your health is not good?"

"Can you please speak a little nicer?"

"I guess you're tired of hearing good things now, so you still need people like me to say something bad, right, Luo Shen!"

The girls were listening to the conversation between Li Menglong and Li Menglong. They wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh. What if they made Luo Shen unhappy and banned them?

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