The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 603 Making trouble

When he got home, Li Menglong was not qualified to use the bathroom immediately. After all, the girls needed to take a shower and go to bed early. This could be regarded as a preferential treatment given by Li Menglong to the girls.

As for the question of who takes a shower first, it's easier, just based on age. As for who wanted to wash on the first floor, it was easy, he was the youngest among the three, so it was already bright when Xu Xian came out of the bathroom on the first floor.

"Thank you for your hard work, Oppa. Actually, you can take a shower first. I'm not in a hurry!"

"Oh, it would be nice if everyone was as sensible as you. I'm happy even if I'm humble." He stood up and rubbed Xu Xian's still wet hair: "Blow dry before going to bed, otherwise the water vapor will get into your brain. of."

"Hey, Oppa is lying, how is that possible? Isn't that because the brain is flooded!" Xu Xian is not stupid at all. He immediately reacted after saying it. If he didn't want to go to bed now, he would definitely chase after Li Menglong. Who asked him to say that about himself after slapping him hard twice?

After bidding farewell to Xu Xian, with the sky just getting brighter, Li Menglong thought it would be better to get back to work. After all, he has been resting today. As for what he should do, he would naturally check for and fill in the gaps for Jessica.

No matter how passionate and talented Jessica was, she would still be messy when dealing with this kind of thing for the first time. If it weren't for Li Menglong and Li Eunxi supporting her from behind, Jessica would definitely be deceived to death by those experts.

Fortunately, the busiest period has passed. Now the main thing is to see if there are any gaps. As for this work, there is no need to tell Zheng Xiuyan. This way, after the final success, this girl will probably be much more confident.

Not to mention that in a few years, another strong woman would appear in the entertainment industry, and there would also be one more girl, Mr. Zheng. Although Li Menglong did not force anything to happen, at least he was looking forward to seeing this scene.

As the broadcast date of "Youth Over Flowers" is approaching, the girls have begun to live a life of leaving early and returning late. They almost live in the store in Myeongdong at night. After all, their status is not suitable for appearing during the day.

Almost every detail in the store is installed in the girls' minds, and even the display of many clothes is arranged by the girls themselves. They gain a strange sense of satisfaction in this kind of work.

It's just that Park Xiangmin didn't dare to go to Li Menglong, but he had already protested with the company. After the Chinese New Year, he first took a long vacation, and then he finally recovered and ran for two days of commercial performances, then ran away from home and went to Paris. When he came back, he didn't wait for work. Start working on this store.

Park Xiangmin knows that these are attractive to girls, but as an agent, he knows that it is wrong to not appear in the public eye for a long time, and he can't let money go unearned.

Park Xiangmin is traditional. He has never believed how much money this kind of store can make. In other words, he thinks that the foundation of girls is still based on popularity, and they cannot pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon.

As for the company, they felt that what he said was quite reasonable, so their opinions came to Li Menglong. He was naturally strong enough to resist, but he also compromised a lot. After all, his opinions could not be said to be wrong.

Li Menglong did not tell the girls immediately that they would be busy again after this period of time. Let them have fun for two more days first.

While Li Menglong was accompanying the girls, he also wanted to book a screening room. Who made him make a wish to watch the premiere together when he was picked up by fans at the airport? Now it's time to fulfill his wish.

The money issue is only a small aspect. After all, even if you book the largest movie theater for the first half of the night, it doesn't cost much. It's equivalent to booking a few movies.

What Li Menglong cares about is the thing itself, which is just a variety show. First, he had all the pre-shooting done and then screened it, and then he had a nondescript press conference. Now is he going to go overboard and have a premiere ceremony? When Li Menglong thought about it, he felt that he deserved to be unpopular in the film industry.

What's the difference between this program from beginning to end for a broken variety show and making a movie? Director Luo really had the nerve to ask questions, and even asked Li Menglong and the others to invite some friends and celebrities in the industry to come over. It seemed that Director Luo was really crazy.

Fortunately, Li Menglong is still normal. Let's handle this matter in a low-key manner. After the venue is settled, Qiu Xiaoying will leave the follow-up matters to Qiu Xiaoying. Her mother will help from the side. It seems that it is easy to choose some people to come and watch the show. Not too difficult.

It's just that Li Menglong ignored one student's enthusiasm for this kind of thing. Qiu Xiaoying simply regarded this matter as one of the biggest things in her life of more than ten years, and strived to achieve perfection.

So the matter was first stirred up within Zuyuan. Many fans, either to join in the fun or to make a fuss, asked Qiu Xiaoying for votes. Then fans of SW and fans of Lee Mong-ryong, Liu Jae-shik and others quit. It was a variety show for the three of them, so why did they only participate in the show?

Qiu Xiaoying felt that the hundreds of tickets in her hand were extremely hot, so her mother finally gave her an idea, just let the fans prove how much they wanted this ticket and let everyone vote.

As long as things related to Li Menglong are always so fresh, fans of the three Li Menglongs will say more or less. Key Wishes feel that there are also shadows of girls in it, so they also want to participate.

As a result, things became more and more bizarre. The most expensive ticket was worth 100 million! A long-time rich fan of Turbo proved her urgency for this ticket with money. Of course, the money was donated to charity.

Then in a more remote village, the whole village made a video together to prove that they all liked Liu Jae Suk the most, and sent one of them as a representative to get a ticket. This moved many people, and Liu Jae Suk personally called and gave instructions to more people. A few tickets.

There is also the Japanese housewife fan whom Li Menglong met in Japan last year. He spoke half-baked Korean and took the initiative to record a video. What he said was sincere.

Xiaoying was very lucky that the last one to vote was the all-powerful netizen, otherwise she would have been extremely entangled if she had been asked to make a choice. Then she looked at the two seats reserved in her hands. They belonged to her and her mother. They were the only ones she had. Keep the benefits for yourself.

Li Menglong was one of the relatively late ones to know about this matter. After all, if girls don’t have time to watch the news, few people would tell him this kind of news. He was told by Yoon Eun-hye: "Ask me for tickets? Girls' Generation's concert meeting?"

Li Menglong's cold joke was really not funny, but he really couldn't think of any votes he could give. After being educated by Yin Eunhui, Li Menglong said speechlessly: "If you want to come, just come with Jin Zhong. When the time comes, If there is no seat, you just sit on his lap. He has been waiting for this day after practicing for so many years!"

After sending Yin Eunhui away, Li Menglong naturally checked the Internet immediately and soon realized the seriousness of the matter. He really didn't want to make such a big news, but this kind of news spread spontaneously by the masses is the most contagious. .

Li Menglong had to temporarily divert his energy here. Li Menglong may not care about his opposition or reporters, but he has always been caring about these fans who simply like him. Their relationship is like that of confidants who have never met each other. , Although the statement is contradictory, Li Menglong does think so and has always done so.

Since his friends are coming to support him, Li Menglong will naturally not let them come in joy and return disappointed, but he still needs to go into detail on how to do it.

We called director Luo and Liu Zaishi together, but did not go through the company because they all felt that this was a matter between themselves and the fans. The corresponding plan was quickly completed, mainly because they had no time to delay. .

None of them were procrastinators, so they asked Qiu Xiaoying to pass on the nearly 500 people who were finally selected. Li Menglong and others each received a dozen pieces of paper, and then began to immerse themselves in writing letters. .

Although the number of words has been suppressed to a minimum, the average of nearly 200 handwritten letters per person is no joke. Several people who finished writing in one breath felt that their hands were no longer their own.

"Then let's all work separately, don't let the chain slip!" After exhorting each other, a few people dispersed, and then Li Menglong ran to confirm the venue in person, the corresponding lobby arrangements, manpower, and even went to several nearby restaurants .

I didn't go home at night and went directly to the girls' store. It was almost ready for business. The employees recruited during the day were already learning some relevant product knowledge. It can be said that the girls were waiting for the day when the broadcast would be launched.

"Didn't you go find Zaishi Oppa for dinner? Why do you feel more tired than us?"

"Who told you the false news? I wonder if the Internet is in chaos now? And your title is already making money to death. Do you know how much someone is offering Director Luo now? A whole billion? This is before the show starts. !”

Girls like to hear this kind of advantageous news very much, especially after confirming it in person. How about they all want to sell this opportunity? You can make 1 billion for free just by changing hands. It’s so tempting.

Fortunately, compared to money and feelings, the latter is more important. You must know that Director Luo was unwilling to take advantage of outsiders at that time and finally gave the naming rights to the girls. If they are sold now, they will not have to behave in front of Director Luo in the future. .

It's just that they still have a high regard for Director Luo. If they take the initiative to talk to Director Luo, he will definitely agree. As for dividing everything, it's easy to discuss.

After a few crazy days passed, Li Menglong really felt that this kind of life was not meant for human beings. It was best to have fewer things, not to rush together, and even everyone would be happy if nothing happened.

It was hard to sleep in on Friday, because everything was ready, all he had to do was wait for the time to come, but he could sleep and the girls couldn't, they were nervous!

The girls had no intention of letting Li Menglong sleep soundly because of their nervousness, so when Li Menglong was woken up and saw the time at four o'clock in the morning, he became a little angry: "Aunts, please let me go and let me sleep for a while. meeting!"

"No, just chat with us, we are very gentle!" The girls rushed in with smiles and no feeling of embarrassment at all.

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