The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 6 The So-Called Romance

Li Shunkui, who was shaken awake again, wanted to scream loudly, but she didn't have any strength in her body. She could gain nothing but more brutal treatment, so she could only clenched her fists tightly, bit her lips tightly, and shed two lines of tears unconsciously. It flowed out.

When Li Menglong fell down, he was very comfortable feeling the softness under his body, especially when the back of his head fell into a gentle embrace. In an instant, he had time to press down again, and then reluctantly got up. .

It's just that the tears in the corners of the girl's eyes made him completely flustered. To be honest, the intimacy he made was driven by the instinct of men and women, and he couldn't even tell how much damage these actions could cause to the girl's heart.

He thought it was just a harmless joke, but now it seems that he has gone too far. Li Menglong thought of it like this, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Li Shunkui was a little tired from crying, but he still didn't feel the other person's movements, so he opened his eyes secretly, and saw the man standing by the bed looking around in a daze, the hand on the back of his head seemed to want to The trend of hair untouched.

Seeing that the other party opened his eyes, Li Menglong didn't care about anything else, and lowered his head awkwardly: "Bianet, I didn't know that these actions would hurt you. I'm really sorry."

"You don't know?" Li Shunkui's voice suddenly rose, but he managed to suppress his anger. He already had the idea of ​​being a human again, so don't turn him into a beast again.

So he cleared his throat and said as gently as possible: "Uncle, I know you are just impulsive. We are all grown men and women. Don't worry, I won't blame you. Can you pass me my mobile phone?"

"Your phone is out of battery."

Is this going to imprison me? Li Shunkui panicked for a moment, but still made a last effort to sincerely stretch out his hands, not caring about leaving them all, and begged with the most innocent expression of his hands together: "Uncle, let me go!"

Li Menglong is not stupid, it's just that he lacks certain memories, and now he can see that the other party has had some serious misunderstanding. Although he doesn't know what's wrong, does he have his own stupid way, following what happened last night? He began to tell Li Shunkui in detail.

Li Shunkui's face began to heat up gradually. This time, she didn't have a cold, but was shy. How could she wrong a good person, so she took the time to let him go out and dress herself, and checked carefully.

There were no traces of bruises on her body, only some bruises on her wrists. The most important thing was that she touched her lower body carefully, and it didn't hurt at all. She knew this common sense, so she completely let go of her hanging heart.

Only then did I have time to look at the surrounding environment. Generally speaking, it is a very simple room. In addition to a bed, there is a coffee table by the window, a futon by the wall, and books, all kinds of things. There are many, many books.

Everything in the room seemed to be old, even the books were a little yellowed, but overall it was old but not dirty at all, it could even be said to be clean and bright, at least much better than her dormitory room.

The seductive smell around her floated over bit by bit, and she sniffed it with her eyes closed, for that Asian tour, for those sexy and tight-fitting costumes, she hadn't eaten it for several months up.

Although she didn't have much strength in her hand, she stretched it out without hesitation, and lifted it tremblingly, but the copper pot was shaking more and more in her hand, and it was in danger of overturning at any time.

Li Menglong outside the door brought two small bowls. Although he still didn't know what the woman had misunderstood, he also knew that at least what he did was not so easy to handle, although they were all passive.

However, Li Menglong, who is indomitable in the sky, is not enough to shirk in front of a woman, so he treats it as a debt to her, and just ask someone to pick her up quickly.

As soon as he walked into the door, he saw the copper pot in mid-air. His heart was about to break in an instant. He took two big strides and went directly to the bed, and caught the copper pot with the general. Breathe a sigh of relief.

Both of them saw the desire for this pot of ramen from each other's eyes, and Li Menglong was not polite to her, and directly picked a small bowl for her and filled it with soup. According to his understanding, a woman's appetite is only so big.

"Can you be more stingy? Pour the soup for me, I want to eat dry." Although he said fiercely in his mouth, his eyes didn't leave the bowl at all, and he handed it over with both hands impatiently.

Fortunately, Li Menglong saw the scene just now, and consciously guarded against it. The bowl that fell from her hand was firmly held in Li Menglong's hand. The sneer at the corner of her mouth made Li Shunkui very dissatisfied, and the whole person was directly covered in the quilt .

Counting one, two, three without making a sound, I thought that with the charm of Girls' Generation Sunny, he would immediately kneel down and beg for mercy, but he miscalculated again, listening to the snoring sound of noodles swallowing outside, considering the weight of the noodles , she had to uncover the quilt.

Facing her was indeed a somewhat pitch-black bottom of the pot, Li Menglong's entire face was buried in the pot, and when the pot was taken off, it seemed to have been washed.

For a moment, Li Shunkui didn't know whether it was anger or pity for herself. She, Li Shunkui, never thought that one day she would compete with a man for a pot of ramen. In this world, there really are such men who are not gentlemen at all.

Whenever Li Shunkui's mouth is in a daze or in a daze, a gap is always opened, and one can even judge her current mood from the angle of opening. How did Li Menglong know this, he just rolled up a roll of ramen with chopsticks and sent it to her mouth with his mouth pursed.

Chewing subconsciously, Li Shunkui felt that she was alive again, even if she died now, it would not be so scary. She knew Li Menglong's current actions, but her eyes were only looking forward, so she would not say that she felt that she had scolded in her heart just now. People are a little embarrassed.

The bowl was finished quickly, and even the soup was drank down without a drop. The man's feeding technique was quite good, and he didn't spill a single drop. Li Shunkui had already labeled him a playboy in his heart, otherwise how could he? So sophisticated.

If Li Menglong knew what she was thinking now, he would definitely put the bowl on her face. He just didn't want to waste food, so he picked up another bowl, and it was full of noodles.

Just now he directly picked two bowls of noodles, and then he ate the leftovers in the pot whole. These noodles are not enough even for him to eat alone, and now most of them are given to Li Shunkui: If I had known earlier, it would be better Put more water.

But Li Shunkui, who was still a little hungry after eating a bowl, felt something pressing against her teeth, and opened his mouth numbly. This time Li Shunkui turned his head, but found that the man didn't look at her at all. .

To be precise, he was just staring at the noodles, putting them into her own mouth bit by bit. From yesterday and now, Li Shunkui can see that Li Menglong is not rich at all, even poor.

But the person who can help you give you a bowl of ramen in the most difficult time is a real friend, isn't it?

"I'm not hungry anymore." Without knowing what to think, Li Shunkui bit half of a strand of noodles and dropped it back into the bowl.

"Oh." Li Menglong didn't seem to know what it means to be polite, and he still took a small half bowl of noodles in his mouth, chewing happily.

It seems that the so-called romance is not simple, at least now Li Shunkui can only grit his teeth to express his dissatisfaction because of his lack of strength, while Li Menglong directly puts Li Shunkui's used chopsticks in his mouth, and walks to the kitchen with the pot and bowl.

Romance seems to be coming quietly again.

(Please recommend, please collect, thank you!)

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