The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 563 The last tenderness

When the number of pranksters increased from Lee Soon Kyu alone to SNSD's nine people, Lee Mong Yong couldn't handle it. Although he had a premonition that something bad would happen if he took his ID card, and although he fought several times, the nine girls together rendered Li Menglong speechless in minutes.

Li Menglong had no choice but to save the country in a roundabout way. He originally planned to break into the enemy's interior and develop Xu Xian into someone on his side. It would be best if he could steal his ID card secretly.

But this time Seohyun also stood on Lee Soonkyu's side, and he also knew that he had made excuses for himself. According to Seohyun, Lee Soonkyu's gang was too powerful this time, and Seohyun couldn't protect himself, so everyone had to do it themselves. Please be blessed.

Although Li Menglong wanted to fight against this evil force to the end, he was not strong enough, so he could only lie dormant. As for the ID card, he just pretended that he had never been a gangster.

The weirdness of the girls in the past few days didn't end there, which made Li Menglong very nervous. When he came back the night before, a group of girls unexpectedly gathered on the first floor to watch TV. They thought it was some new variety show, but who knew? What you are watching is the Travel Channel. What does this mean?

Moreover, if Li Menglong doesn't accompany them to watch, these girls are not happy. They are all desperate for life and death. The momentum is simply that if Li Menglong doesn't accompany them to watch, the nine of them will jump off the building.

I don’t know how much Li Menglong wanted to refuse at that moment. He was even looking forward to the graceful figure of nine people flying in the air, but his reason told him that even if he refused, the girls would not dance, or even if they danced, they would definitely dance. Take him with you.

Sitting helplessly in the middle, surrounded by girls on both sides, Li Menglong could only look at the TV in front of him: "Where is this? Can't we go to some exciting places when traveling?"

"Tsk!" The girls were very interested when they heard this topic: "Where do you want to go?"

"Go to the North Pole, or climb Mount Everest, or go to the sea and sail across the ocean on a sailboat..." Following Li Menglong's answer, the girls were silently thinking about how that scene would appear on TV. They had to say I really want to see it.

"When the time comes, let's all go together. The nine of you will dance gee in the North Pole. It will probably be very popular!" Li Menglong said with a bad taste.

The girls, on the other hand, were thinking about a group of girls wearing hot pants singing and dancing in the Arctic ice and snow, against the biting cold wind. This scene is simply too beautiful to behold.

Feeling an inexplicable coldness, Li Shunkyu forcefully held Li Menglong's head: "This one is better. These are European travel programs, so watch them carefully!"

"I think this is useless. Do you think I'm going to travel here?" Li Menglong complained casually, and then picked the snacks on the ground. However, he didn't see that the girls behind him were almost frozen. At this moment, they really thought their secret was exposed.

Fortunately, Li Menglong just said casually. Even with his level of association, he did not expect such a crazy situation, so he suddenly felt the air became quieter: "Let me come over and watch TV. You don't talk. It won't be another prank." Bar?"

One wave after another, the girls' hearts seemed to be on a roller coaster, and slowly fell back down with Li Menglong's words: "Is there something wrong with this food?"

The girls who felt alive again thought it was better not to stay here. Li Menglong watched the show whether he liked it or not. Anyway, they were not the ones who suffered in the end, so they ran away quickly one by one.

In the end, Li Menglong only saw Xu Xian's ruddy face: "Xiao Xian, remember to tell me when they bully you, Oppa will take revenge on you!"

Hearing Li Menglong's caring words, Xu Xian, who had not been completely blackened by the girls, still had some conscience, so he raised his head and said, "Oppa, you should watch this show carefully!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was forcibly taken away by the girls behind him, while Li Menglong sat here speechless, eating snacks and watching TV. He even thought that a surprise video would suddenly pop up on the TV, but it seemed He thought too much again.

This kind of thing is just a small microcosm of life in the past two days. Although the girls have tried their best to restrain themselves, they always want to tease Li Menglong. After all, it is a rare opportunity to crush his IQ.

For example, the inexplicable dinner had to go out for Western food and a formal French meal. Although there are such restaurants in Seoul, the queues and the price are expensive. Li Menglong felt that the taste was really ordinary, even a bit unpalatable. .

For example, when I come back one day, the crazy people at home insist on showing off some English dialogues. It’s okay for people like Jessica Jung and Pani who have their own language packs, but what kind of English do the Jeonju Chaihuo girls like Kim Taeyeon, who were born and raised in Jeonju, insist on showing off? Don’t you know what embarrassment is?

"Three grams of oil for your mother!" I don't know if Kim Taeyeon did it on purpose or not, but she had such a long tongue.

"What are you doing? Are everyone crazy? Or are you saying that South Korea is going to sink to the bottom of the sea?" Li Menglong couldn't even escape because Xu Xian was the one guarding the door.

After two days of various invisible tortures, Li Menglong suddenly found that the seemingly normal girls were back tonight. One by one, they dressed up a little at home, at least not with messy hair like the aunt next door. Chat with him.

As long as normal people like beautiful things, including beautiful women. Although Li Menglong has given up on girls in private more than once, it is a rare opportunity for him to enjoy it: "My outfit today is okay. It finally reminds me that I live with Girls' Generation!"

The girls didn't react at all to Li Menglong's complaints. Everyone had a bright smile, as if they were determined to give Li Menglong a night of royal enjoyment.

"Did you get into trouble again? Or did you ask me for something?" Li Menglong asked suspiciously. This scene was actually not normal.

"No, I just feel like I'm usually too casual with you, so I want to be more serious with you today!" Kim Taeyeon said on behalf of the girls behind her.

"Ouch! You have grown up so much, and you know how to repay kindness. I always thought you didn't have this feeling!" Li Menglong said smoothly, but when the girls still didn't respond, he knew something was serious. .

However, as the representative of Shuilai Tutun, Li Menglong sat down unceremoniously and wanted to see what the girls were going to do. Sitting at the dining table in the living room, it was already covered with a large table of food, all of which were meaty foods in Korean cuisine.

This dish is quite to Li Menglong's liking. I guess Li Soonkyu, Xiuying and others will also like it: "If you don't say anything? Then I'll just eat it. I won't admit it afterwards!"

"Where did you come from with so many words? Hurry up and eat yours!" Li Shungui couldn't bear it after all, but he was just greedy.

He carefully took a few bites of the food and found that it all tasted good. As for whether there would be any ingredients added to it, it was not within his scope to consider. Anyway, he would eat it first. And as if to show their innocence, everyone ate them without ceremony.

It was a very satisfying meal, but the girls always remained silent. Even though Li Menglong had said some outrageous words to irritate them, each one of them could still endure it.

Li Menglong also got angry: If you don't tell me, I won't ask. He still didn't believe that girls could hold it in forever, but he didn't know that it was enough for girls to endure just one more night.

"Oppa, do we have any plans tomorrow?"

"You have to ask Park Xiangmin, where am I free recently?" Li Menglong replied angrily.

"Tch, your salary will be deducted for the irresponsible assistant!" Li Soonkyu answered immediately, and then as if it was well rehearsed, Kim Taeyeon had already dialed Park Xiangmin's number.

"We are going to Jeju Island tomorrow? Are you coming back on the same day? Got it, you can send a text message to Li Menglong later. It will save you that as an assistant, you don't even know the artist's schedule!" Kim Taeyeon said sarcastically.

Then Xiuying and Yoona jumped out immediately, talking about Jeju Island in a slightly artificial way, and even explained where to go shopping tomorrow.

Everything up to this point was planned in advance, but Lee Soon Kyu, who was watching indifferently from behind, had noticed the suspicion in Lee Menglong's eyes. Even she could see the girls' unnaturalness: You Yoona talks as much as you want, and you keep peeking at Li Menglong. What to do?

Secretly kicked Yoona's ass, and then signaled for the follow-up move. For tonight, the girls should not have too many plans, and Seohyun was the one to deal with the sudden situation: "That oppa, I want to be in Jeju tomorrow I will buy some green tea for my father to bring back, can you help me look for it then?"

If he still has some doubts about Yoona and the others, he naturally believes in Xu Xian 100%: "Green tea? Okay, check online and pick something cost-effective."

Seeing that Li Menglong and Xu Xian were browsing tea leaves on the Internet together, the girls breathed a sigh of relief. Then there was a wave of self-reflection. If the matter was exposed now, it would be a disaster. In the end, everyone unified their thoughts: keep up the good work. Stand for the last post!

It didn't take long for Li Menglong to be surrounded by girls again. In fact, the best thing to do now is to hide on the second floor and delay everything until tomorrow morning.

But the girls are not willing to give in. What they pursue is the feeling of dancing on the tip of a knife. Especially when Li Menglong suddenly realizes it tomorrow, and then thinks back to what happened tonight or the past few days, it will be such a secretly refreshing scene. .

Li Menglong's first reaction to the young girls nowadays is that they are all excited, but he does not dare to overestimate his own charm, or he has learned this after countless losses.

"Keep one meter away from me, except Xiaoxian. I will beat anyone who dares to come over again!" Li Menglong finally used force to solve the problem.

"You can't do this to us! You will regret it!" Under the similar curses from the girls, Li Menglong continued to look for green tea. He didn't know much about this thing. Don't buy fakes by then, as they would not be perfect.

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