The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 553 Three Families

This was the first time Li Menglong could remember coming to a bathhouse, so he was quite curious about it. Whether it was steaming, eating, or the Datong Shop-like lobby, he was quite satisfied.

But he soon discovered the flaw here. There was no entertainment here! Although there is a TV set working hard there, these people are all related staff and family members of the TV industry.

Although they are all still a little tired, it is too early to go to bed now, and it is a joke to go back to their respective homes. They all want to make it more lively, especially the two who are getting married today.

Fortunately, there are two veterans of variety shows among them. You must know that many games were invented by Liu Zaishi and his gang, but everyone always feels weird when playing them.

It is natural for ordinary people to learn to play games on TV, but it is not so comfortable for people on TV to play games in private, as if they have to work during their private breaks.

Pushing away Liu Zaishi who was chattering aside, Li Menglong found two playing cards. The game didn't have to be too difficult, as long as he could find out the person who was punished fairly. Isn't that how rock, paper, scissors has been around for so long?

One of the simplest ways to play poker is to play pairs. The two decks of cards are mixed together, and then each person is dealt a point, and then they form a circle and draw the cards of each family in turn. If you have a pair in your hand, you can Throw it away, of course, only one ghost card is left. Whoever holds it in the end will be unlucky.

The game is simple and easy to understand, much better than Liu Zaishi's games that require either brain power or physical strength. Although he doesn't agree with it, because if you play this kind of game in a variety show, you will definitely be laughed at. There is no point of laughter.

Fortunately, we are all our own people here, and there is no need to play tricks like on TV, but you still have to be clever. Yoona deceived Kim Taeyeon through a series of complicated expressions, so that's the trick. It has always been in the hands of Kim Taeyeon.

After playing it twice, everyone no longer underestimates this game. Some basic mental skills are still required, but the girls don’t play it anymore because women and men sit separately according to gender. That is, Liu Zaishi and Li Menglong put the women Separate into a circle.

"With you two guarding the gate, the bad cards will always be on our side. It's not fair!" Kim Taeyeon jumped out as the loser just now.

Li Menglong yawned. In fact, he and Liu Zaishi were not interested anymore. They just wanted to play with these girls for a while. Anyway, as long as they lost two more times, the situation would be over.

The three men sat down alternately. Li Menglong wanted Xu Xian to sit at his previous home, so that Li Menglong would always be able to help her.

However, it’s not like Li Menglong didn’t know how good Seo Hyun was, especially Kim Taeyeon from the next family, because Li Menglong would definitely cheat him, so the opposition was the most intense.

So the last player became Lee Soon Kyu, and the game could continue. There is no need to be nervous at the beginning of this game. There are so many cards, just draw them casually. If you draw a ghost card, it is unlucky.

So those who got away at the beginning were all lucky. Only when there were only a few people left did strategies need to be used. Li Menglong looked back and forth. He was very sure that the ghost card was among the three of them, because there were only three of them left. .

However, both Kim Taeyeon and Kim Taeyeon have an enigmatic attitude. Although they don't want to think too much, Li Menglong knows that the best result now is that he will draw the ghost card and then the world will be peaceful!

But I don’t know whether it’s because the acting skills of these two girls have skyrocketed, or because Li Menglong’s IQ has plummeted, and he only has one pair of cards left in his hand. Fortunately, he is still calm, and he doesn’t tell anyone and continues to let Jin Tai play. Yeon draws a card.

Relying on this posture of clearly winning but determined to lose, Li Menglong still had a ghost card left. Looking at Li Shungui's rather profound smile, Li Menglong was very embarrassed.

Yoona no longer works there. Li Menglong could obviously pass the trick to her in the previous rounds. After thinking about it for a while, she came to a not so wonderful conclusion - among the four girls present, she turned out to be the most beautiful. The unpopular one!

Although she herself knew that this was just a joke, but because of her young age, she could not act like a spoiled child at this time, so her little fist hit Li Menglong's back like it was free, and Kim Jong-guo and Kim Jong-guo looked at each other with heartache. It seems that it is not easy for Li Menglong to deal with nine girls.

It's not just the two of them who feel this way, Li Menglong himself also vaguely discovered that it seems that the girls are very difficult to deal with after the Chinese New Year. Not to mention others, Xu Xian has been tossing him less in the past few days?

Although Li Menglong is not disgusted with it, and even thinks it is a sign of being close to each other, he still has to find out what the reason is. You can't just acquiesce to it in such a muddle-headed way, otherwise it will be okay if it becomes the norm in the future.

Now that Kim Jong Kook's wedding is over, the girl originally still had a few days off, but looking at the behavior of these people, she wouldn't go home. This was the time for Li Menglong to explore.

It's just that the result seemed to have been there long ago, but Li Menglong didn't see it. Li Shunkyu was tucking his clothes behind with a smile!

As there are games, there are naturally punishments, and these people were not short of money, so they started a prank, which was nothing more than sending two ugly photos to whoever lost.

Many fans looked at the last group photo with envy. It was easy to tell where they were by their clothes. Just the fact that they were still together after Kim Jong Kook's wedding was enough to show how close they were to each other.

But everyone is curious about why the girls got involved in this group. Of course, the biggest reason must be Li Menglong, but they are all wives, so Li Menglong is the one bringing the artists? younger sister? boss?

This time, no one believed Po Tian, ​​especially since everyone had already begun to speculate on who was having an affair with Li Menglong, but this time Yoona also showed up.

As a result, Yoona's fans began to become arrogant. She is indeed the most popular among girls. Don't be too fast with her words, and her tone is also very arrogant: Yoona is so beautiful, and Li Menglong is not blind, why? Maybe you can’t see it?

Of course, as a supporter of the newly emerging YoonA and Lee Meng Yong CP, they are still no match for the established three sisters. For a time, the atmosphere inside the house was very lively, but no matter how much they argued, they would naturally laugh out loud when they saw the latest photo.

Na Jung-eun and Yoon Eun-hye were struggling to carry their husbands on their backs. Only the four girls stood in a row. Yoona and Seohyun, the two stronger ones, stood at the middle, and Kim Taeyeon stood in the middle, with their arms still stretched. Lift it upward.

Li Menglong, on the other hand, straightened his body, which could save them a little effort. He was lying on eight arms, and he was very flustered. After taking the successful photo that everyone saw, the four of them immediately fell down. down.

Of course, he didn't break Li Menglong, but instead made him eat some tofu. His feet kicked him away as if they were kicking logs, and then kept rubbing his arms.

In the end, all my physical strength was exhausted, so I naturally prepared to go to bed. As there were no beds here, so even if everyone had a blanket, they naturally had some doubts about the sleeping position.

The main reason is that Kim Jong Kook strongly demands that the couple sleep together. This request itself is nothing, but what should Yoona and the others do? Or should Lee Mong Ryong just sleep with Lee Soon Kyu in his arms? Or sleep with four girls in your arms?

So there was no other way to sleep. The place was so big, and it didn’t necessarily have to be upstairs for someone to sleep. Li Menglong was squeezed in the middle by the two depressed people, and three grown men slept in a corner on one side. , listening to the vague whispers of the girls in the distance.

Li Menglong didn't know why he fell asleep. Anyway, the quality of his sleep was pretty good, even if there were two people around him, even if he seemed to be mistaken for someone in his sleep, and then he was hugged in his arms...

Pushing Liu Zaishi's arm away, Li Menglong's first feeling was pain. After all, it was just a wooden floor. It would be damned if it didn't hurt after sleeping all night.

As long as one person gets up on this occasion, everyone will wake up one after another. The girls naturally have their own set of stretching movements, but these three people cannot be left behind.

So the three grown men could only walk out depressedly. It was still very early and there were not many people on the street, so the three of them stood at the door to adapt to the sun.

However, a passerby was obviously more concerned about things in the entertainment industry. After taking two steps, he hesitated and stepped back. Through eye contact, he knew that he had not admitted his mistake. This person immediately became excited, but it was the person behind them who was curious.

"Where's Yoon Eun Hye? Where's Yoona?"

Being ignored by a group of women early in the morning, and now being ignored by passers-by, the three men naturally would not be very happy: "We went back last night, and we were the only three to sleep! Is there any problem?"

"You three, men?" The fan took two steps back with a hint of fear. Although she was a woman, fujoshi also depended on their looks. Only the love between handsome guys would attract people. This The three of them will be discussed separately.

"I seem to see something extraordinary in your eyes. Tell me and listen, we won't be angry!" Li Menglong was obviously disgusted with each other, but the fan's reaction almost didn't scare the three of them. .

She howled on the spot, and then she immediately covered her face and ran away as if she saw something disgusting.

The three brothers glanced at each other, and then immediately separated from each other with a tacit understanding. They didn't think that the reason for the escape was because of them, but there had to be an explanation.

"It must be because you are ugly. You come out early in the morning and scare people!"

"It's because Kim Jong Kook's muscles are so strong, how can people not be afraid?"

"It's definitely Li Menglong, this guy is born to be annoying!"

The three of them were pushing and shoving, and their eyes were darting around, trying to find some delicious breakfast. After all, they had to take it back to the lady. They could go out and have fun without anyone stopping them, but you let the girls come out and try it. try?

Although they don't want to admit it, although the three middle-aged men are popular, they are more respectful to each other. How many fanatics can Liu Zaishi be expected to have? Or are you talking about Li Menglong, a pair of idols separated by more than ten years?

The place to sleep was found by Liu Zaishi, so I expected him to be a little familiar with the area, but the places Liu Zaishi was familiar with were all from a few years ago.

As a representative of people who have lived a hard life, Liu Zaishi is very familiar with some of the high-quality and low-priced shops in the past. However, as he is busy and his income has increased, he has not been there for a long time.

Recently, I always showed off when I was with Li Menglong, so I went out to look for them. I searched several houses and finally found one in an old-fashioned community.

Ignoring Liu Zaishi's greetings with the boss over there, Li Menglong and Jin Jongguo sat down directly. As for ordering, it was left to Liu Zaishi. Besides, the breakfast in this kind of small shop usually only has one or two kinds.

Looking at the bright beef soup in the bowl, paired with the sesame seed cakes on the side, the three physically weak people all ate big mouthfuls. There were also slices of soy sauce beef in the middle, so the taste goes without saying.

Seeing the three of them devouring their food, many other customers unconsciously ordered more. The three of them were simply living advertisements.

He is a celebrity after all, especially Yoo Jae Suk. Although he is a bit uglier, his popularity really does not depend on him. The term “all ages” is perfect for him.

Although the store didn't ask for money, there was no way Yoo Jae Suk wouldn't give it. To put it slightly harshly, his name, Yoo Jae Suk, couldn't be worth just that little money.

The store still gave a discount, but Liu Zaishi and the other three had no choice but to leave the photos without any makeup. Li Menglong did not reject this, and besides, their beef was really delicious.

After a lot of tossing, three sweaty men trotted back with food in hand. The ladies who had finished stretching were eating the food with rosy faces. However, Li Menglong bet that these people had definitely finished putting on makeup, otherwise how could they have done it? Such a good complexion!

Lee Mong-ryong doesn’t want to say anything about Korean women’s obsession with makeup. Everyone knows that makeup will look better, but do you need to start putting on makeup from the moment you wake up?

Lee Soon Kyu didn't have this problem from the beginning, and he forcibly educated the girls who had the problem, so now the girls don't talk about it in the dormitory, and occasionally at the airport or in the car.

Of course there are people who criticize, but it is obvious that natural beauty is what Li Menglong likes. As for today, he is not going to say anything. It is obvious that as the bride, Yoon Eun Hye wants to maintain a good state, so let her be beautiful.

The three families had enough to eat and drink, and left separately after saying goodbye without any reluctance at all, because everyone knew that as long as there was a relationship between Li Menglong and the three brothers, they would see each other more often in the future. The only thing they needed to worry about was how many children Yoona had. People, who will always be able to follow you in the future?

It is customary for Kim Jong Kook and his wife to visit their father-in-law and mother-in-law's home; while Yoo Jae Suk and Yoo Jae Suk are going to pick up Yoo Ji Ho at their parents' home;

"Where are you going?" Li Menglong asked the people behind him. Since Jin Zhongguo had given him so much face during his wedding, Li Menglong naturally wanted to repay the favor.

The girls were each thinking about something suitable to play, and someone whispered: "How about going to accept a business performance..."

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