As a guest, Li Menglong was still very responsible. Since the girls liked to eat, Li Menglong stayed with them. Anyway, he ate until the end, until Yoona and Xiuying also patted their bellies.

After finally having enough time to stuff the last shrimp dumpling into his mouth, Li Menglong took the hawthorn juice from Xu Xian with great satisfaction. This thing was appetizing and very suitable for today's scene.

After the meal was over, it was natural to say something. The girls had clearly prepared their ideas, but no one wanted to stand up first during the eye contact, which always felt a little awkward.

Who is Li Menglong? Don't be too familiar with these girls, so he quickly discovered something was wrong. Thinking of this time and occasion plus the current scene, he could naturally guess what he was about to do.

Although Li Menglong usually just laughs and passes it on, because Li Menglong himself doesn't like it, girls must always be given a formal opportunity to do this kind of thing, otherwise they won't feel comfortable holding it in their hearts.

Therefore, Li Menglong also restrained his teasing words and picked up the leftovers again, preparing for the next embarrassing scene for everyone.

"Uh, um, Oppa, why don't you add two more dishes?" Yoona, as the second maknae, was made to take the blame again, so she could only bite the bullet and said.

"You haven't eaten enough yet? That's because I didn't accompany you well!"

"That's not true." Yoona waved her hands quickly, joking! I’ve heard of people vomiting after drinking alcohol, but where have I heard of people vomiting after eating? Is she, Lin Yoona, going to be the first?

"Oppa, I have something to say to you!" Yoona lowered her head and fiddled with her fingers. Li Menglong couldn't stand the sight at this moment. He hated to see this the most.

"No need to say it, I know it all!" After Li Menglong said this, he saw Yoona's surprised look. He didn't explain, but looked very regretful: "You're late..."

"Too late?" Yoona was also a little confused: "No, I want to ask you a question!"

Li Menglong directly stretched out his hand to signal Yoona to stop talking, and then said in a deep tone with a vicissitude of life: "I loved..."

"Pfft..." I don't know who reacted first, but in short, it was like a relay of laughter in the room, and soon the laughter could be heard next door.

A few of the less funny ones were clutching their stomachs and starting to shed tears. They had eaten a lot today and felt like they were being tortured. However, the conversation and Yoona's aggrieved appearance made them unhappy in this scene.

Kim Taeyeon smiled as she had no strength at all, and forced Yoona to move lower. Then she hugged the girl and rubbed her cheek hard: "A person like him must have guessed everything, just say no." Well, we still have to go around the bush."

After saying that, he slapped the table domineeringly, but he felt that the momentum was a bit weak. He wanted to use more force but was afraid of pain, so he raised his little hand in the air and didn't know what to do for a while.

"Classmate Kim Taeyeon, you can speak now, Teacher Li allows it!" A mean voice floated over, but it was not Li Menglong, but Li Sunkyu who couldn't bear it anymore, so he complained.

For a moment, the mutual criticism among the girls was so fierce that Li Menglong wanted to run away. Fortunately, Xu Xian was still playing his role. He calmed down and coughed twice, while frequently pointing his eyes at Li Menglong. Everyone put aside their personal grudges for the time being. After all, there will be many opportunities to quarrel in the future.

"Ahem, let me say a few words about that first!" Kim Taeyeon deliberately imitated the leader's speaking tone on TV. Although it was nondescript, it added a touch of playfulness. She even knocked on the table: "The captain here speaks seriously. point!"

The girls sat upright one after another. After all, Kim Taeyeon was also the one who stood up to the thunder, so she had to respect her, otherwise no one would be willing to stand up on such occasions in the future, so they all solemnly saluted with attention, and almost stood up and bowed.

I am very satisfied with everyone's state. Of course, it would be better if Li Menglong could be more nervous, but this guy is always so smart, and he must have guessed everything, so he could only look at him angrily and say in advance. I have been thinking about it for many days.

"On New Year's Day, we were all still in Madagascar, and we didn't bother to say anything together. A lot has happened to Girls' Generation this year. They changed to a new company, signed a new contract, released a new album, and... Personal development plan. Xiaoxian has achieved success as an actor, and Yoona is also going further and further on the road to becoming a street heroine..."

"Unnie, you don't need to say this!" Yoona said shyly while hiding behind Yuri.

"Don't worry about these minutiae. In short, in general, everyone's development has been very good this year. We can avoid the curse of the five-year itch, of course, it is inseparable from my wise leadership, Kim Taeyeon, under my high-level leadership... ...Well, you can applaud now!" Kim Taeyeon looked at the people opposite and said shyly, but she seemed to have a posture of not continuing if she didn't applaud.

Taking the initiative to get applause, he clenched his small fists in mid-air with satisfaction, indicating that the applause could stop: "Of course, beside the great Captain Kim Taeyeon, there is another person who has also calculated a little bit of strength, although the credit is not enough. Big, but I, Kim Taeyeon, am a person who knows rewards and punishments, so I just mentioned it casually!" Kim Taeyeon took great pains to set up this sentence, but fortunately, the atmosphere is still relaxed now, which is good.

"Li Menglong is a good comrade. Although he seems to have done nothing in the past year, but..."

"Sorry, I seem to have done something!"

"for example……"


"Anyway, today's meal is a thank-you banquet to thank Li Menglong. Let's raise our glasses together and sincerely say something to Li Menglong..." Following Kim Taeyeon's words, everyone really stood up, and as for the wine glasses in their hands, everyone stood up. It is pure and transparent soju.

No matter how witty Kim Taeyeon's words are, the core meaning has been said. Today, at least at this moment, they sincerely thank Li Menglong for helping them this year.

Although a glass of wine feels a bit empty, they really can't help Li Menglong, otherwise they really don't mind doing it. Li Menglong doesn't even lack money. It seems that all they can do is throw themselves into his arms, but Li Shunkyu also Already dedicated, no.

Therefore, although a cup of soju cannot represent more, it can at least represent their sincerity. It is no exaggeration to say that in their more than 20 years of life, Li Menglong has been at the forefront of the ranking list of noble people.

Moreover, the relationship between this man and them was very complicated. He was a friend, a president, an employee, a brother-in-law, and even a friend of women. In short, Li Menglong perfectly filled the missing male role in their growth, which they were most grateful for.

Although he had foreseen this moment in advance, Li Menglong was still not used to it. Fortunately, there was only time for one glass of wine. There were no other jokes. Li Menglong also stood up solemnly, raised the wine glass in his hand, and talked to each girl seriously. Look past.

Li Menglong's memory is still stuck at more than a year ago. It can be said that the girls have penetrated his memories of his entire life so far. Any coordinates in his memory can be marked by the events that happened to the girls.

For example, his first job was when he sent Lee Soon Kyu back to his dormitory; for example, his first contact with movies was when he accompanied Seohyun to film an introduction to architecture; for example, his first time comforting a crying girl was when he learned in Japan that he would not be able to star. Please answer Yoona...

There were so many things that Li Menglong could not count, but the only thing he knew was that he was very lucky, and very lucky that he had the opportunity to get along with them and this group of elves.

He couldn't even tell whether amnesia was a punishment for him!

So far, there are his friends, sister, girlfriend, and an inexplicable confidante. The connection between them is really closer than the outside world thinks.

"I am very grateful to God for his arrangements. This year's life is enough to offset his neglect of me in the past; the memory of this year with you is enough to offset my lost memories; if this is a dream, I only hope Allow me to imprint your smiles in my mind and never forget them again..."

Li Menglong's gentle words, affectionate eyes, and slightly uncontrollable trembling hands. These girls all see that they are not a bunch of stupid girls. Even if they were at first, they would have been dyed by the dye vat a few years after their debut, including Xu Xian.

Therefore, they can better distinguish what kind of feelings Li Menglong has for them. Those are eyes that do not expect anything in return, but just hope that you can live a better life. That is the care that can only appear among family members.

Li Menglong treats the nine of them as friends and family!

That's why they showed their true nature in front of Li Menglong so passionately. They would not show off their idol looks in front of the camera or in front of the fans. That would be a blasphemy to this relationship.

The love is naturally strong when it is deep. The girls are not as good as Li Menglong. They can't help but shed tears. There are so many things that happened this year, too much for them to handle, so much that they feel uncomfortable even if they think about it. I won't be able to survive it.

But they still made it this far, and the person who should be thanked the most was looking at them with some emotion and saying affectionate words, so everyone followed Li Menglong's words and laughed hard, with the brightest smile!

Li Menglong also covered his mouth with one hand and rubbed it vigorously, but his eyes were firmly looking at the girls, as if he really wanted to engrave this scene in his mind.

I don't know how long it took, but Li Menglong finally calmed down and said with a warm smile: "Should I say that everything is in the wine, you can do whatever you want with me?"

Li Menglong's smile is always so gentle, like a spring breeze, nourishing the girls all the time. It was as if the experience that Li Menglong felt was like a dream was not the same for them.

If this is a dream, never wake up.

Ten cups crashed together!

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