They were already in the nanny car, but Liu Zaishi called again: "Performance fee? Did your conscience find out? You don't want a kickback, do you?" Li Menglong said easily.

"Go away, do you have any requirements, such as the minimum amount?"

"Uh, are you as mature as you?"

"What do you think?"

"Then it's as much as you should. Anyway, you can't cheat me, right, brother!"

"Am I the eldest brother only when I make money for you?" Liu Zaishi said quite dissatisfied. Seriously, Li Menglong called Liu Zhihao eldest brother more times than he did: "I will take care of it, money." Should I call you directly or should I collect it for you first?"

"I don't need to bother you anymore, just hit Lee Soon Kyu's card directly!"

The two people here had just finished talking, and Li Shunkyu over there, like a puppy that smelled the smell of food, came over very smartly: "Are you asking for money?"

Li Menglong was about to reply casually, but suddenly felt that his tone was not right, so he turned around and looked at Li Shunkyu again. The other person's expression meant a lot.

For example: I have supported you for so long, and finally I can see the money back; For example: As a great mother, I most want to see the day when my son makes money; For example...

"Hey, if you look at me like this again, I'll ask them to send the money to Xiaoxian!"

"No, I have been waiting for a long time and finally waited until today. I have been dreaming for a long time and finally realized my dream..."

"If we sit in the same row, believe it or not, I will strangle you to death right now!" Li Menglong said fiercely, and then ignored Li Soonkyu who was holding Xu Xian behind and sneered. Sometimes this guy is annoying. Really - cute, cute!

It's past nine o'clock in the evening, and the three of them have gotten off work. The girls' team should still be in Busan, but they will come back tomorrow to play songs together. It is rare to have some free time during the singing period. Although it is short, Lee Soonkyu cherishes it very much. Recently, when he wants to check his phone every day, he always falls asleep as soon as he turns on the phone, which makes Lee Soonkyu feel very bad.

As someone who would die if she didn't check her phone for a day, she felt like she had been dead for many days and it was time to live for a while, even if it was just for a few hours.

But as soon as he turned on his phone, his screen was instantly flooded with fans in the club. Following the clues provided by everyone, Lee Soon Kyu followed the pictures and found exid's fan site and his own company's fan site.

With a little bit of disbelief, Li Soonkyu patted the shoulder of Li Menglong in front of him.

However, Li Menglong was still disgusted by her cuteness, so he ignored her and just silently leaned his seat forward. Seeing how angry Lee Soon Kyu is, doesn’t she, Lee Soon Kyu, know how to do business?

These self-questioning words made her a little cautious, because since Li Menglong came, it seems that she really hasn't done much serious things. She has to work hard in the future, and she can't be despised by Li Menglong!

"Have you watched the news in the past two days?" He asked Li Menglong after adjusting his mood. However, after five seconds of no reply, Li Shunkyu became angry: "Ah, Li Menglong! Believe it or not, I will shoot you!"

"Do not believe!"

"Uh, I don't believe it either!" Xu Xian actually added at the critical moment. This kind of behavior that added insult to injury won Li Menglong's full approval, but there was no surprise, because this is how the sinister Xu Xian came, and occasionally he would do it once or twice. A person who can truly be angry can say that one Buddha will leave the body and two Buddhas will ascend to heaven!

"Maknae, that's too much! You have to understand your own position. Can certain men be trusted? In the end, you guys are not the ones left, so you have to know how to take sides!" Li Shunkyu said earnestly.

However, looking at Xu Xian's disapproving look, with a contemptuous mouth and a proud look in his eyes, Li Soonkyu finally pounced on him. Xu Xian's defense was soon messed up in the wind: "Unnie, I didn't do anything just now. …”

Accompanied by Xu Xian's helpless shouts, the car drove quickly on the streets of Seoul, and Li Menglong took the mobile phone handed over by Li Sunkyu and finally knew what the other party was going to say.

In one sentence: exid is popular!

In Korea, there are many ways for idol groups to become popular. The more classic and most conventional one is to rely on songs, such as Girls' Gee, Big Bang's Lies, etc. After a song becomes popular, as long as the follow-up can keep up, it will still be popular. Relatively easy to sustain.

Of course, there are also some so-called divine comedy groups every year, but those songs rely on their own so-called characteristics, and it is difficult to have a sustainable effect. They are more like comedians than singers.

Another method is for one member of the group to become popular and drive the entire team. This is the most commonly used method when there are no popular songs.

For example, Yoona took this route when the girls first debuted, but in the end the girls didn't use it. The most typical one recently is Jung Eun Ji. After becoming famous with the movie "Reply", her next step is definitely not to continue filming TV series. Instead, she will intensively start preparing a new album with the group, and use her fame to drive the group. .

If Exid's album dies silently, SW will actually arrange them in this way, let Solji start singing OSTs for TV dramas frequently, and let Hani or other members participate in TV dramas. If another Kim Taeyeon or Yoona comes out, everyone will Everyone will be very happy.

But even this step has not been used yet, exid has become popular. The reason is the Hani solo dance video that Li Menglong watched a few days ago and was watched by many fans.

This video has completely detonated the Korean Internet. Don’t ask Li Menglong or the company or even experts why this kind of video became popular, no one can understand.

The conformity and blind obedience of netizens is a subject in itself, but it is not Li Menglong's turn to study it. The only result he can see is that the number of views of this fanpai video has exceeded 10 million.

For comparison, the MVs of girls released at the same time have only received close to over 10 million views, so by comparison, it is not unreasonable to say that exid is the most popular.

As for Li Menglong, he didn't know, and the company didn't tell him. On the one hand, it was because he was too busy recently, and on the other hand, exid and the others were still in the street show.

Although the most suitable thing now is to appear on the show, the company's thinking is that this is too eager for quick success. Since the girls have received support from the road show, they should continue it.

And the road shows now are not the same as before. People cheer, sing along, and ask for autographs afterwards. The popularity of the girls is very good now, at least there are die-hard fans showing up.

"Ouch, someone finally stood up, your status as the number one girl group is not guaranteed!"

"Fart, it stinks!" Li Shunkyu waved his little hand in front of his nose in a pretentious manner. After so many years, various groups have gained attention every year, and divine songs have appeared frequently, but they still sit firmly in this position. This It’s confidence!

"Tsk, tsk, then who can say it accurately? When you had Gee, didn't you think that you could defeat Wondergirls?" Li Menglong said provocatively. He only discovered this when he was looking through the girls' past history that day.

The main reason is that Li Menglong was curious about who the girls were in the first girl group before, so he found the group JYP, and Li Soonkyu was choked and speechless.

To be honest, WG back then was a big mountain in front of them. At least the girls always talked about transcendence, but they didn't have much hope in their hearts.

When they had Gee, WG had just released Nobady. It’s really hard to say which song is more popular, so according to this logic, if Exid continues to be popular, it really might be able to surpass the girls.

Lee Soon Kyu was ready to say ugly words, but he just thought that Exid was still a combination of his own company, so he couldn't say it at the moment, so when he couldn't speak, Lee Soon Kyu usually chose to take action.

"Ah, for the tribe!"

"You traitor, you should be called Demacia!" Li Menglong still found time to reply when he was being slapped.

"A bit of cold light arrived first, and then the gun came out like a dragon!" With a sweet shout, Li Soonkyu began the second round of the conquest.

According to Li Menglong's intention, he was going to eat. It was less than ten o'clock, which was a good time to have a midnight snack, but he was ruthlessly rejected by Li Soonkyu. This time, Xu Xian also stood on the opposite side of Li Menglong.

"How about you go back first? I'll go eat something myself!"

"I'll lend you some courage!"

"No need to borrow it, I can do it myself!"

In the end, Li Menglong couldn't go out on his own, because this was a huge blow to Li Shungui. It seemed that she was eating braised vegetables at home, and Li Menglong wanted to go out to eat and drink.

So the final result was that the three of them were eating grass together at home, flipping through the various vegetables on the plate. Although Li Menglong didn't object to it, eating some meat after a tiring day wasn't too much, right?

Li Shunkyu also seemed to have no appetite, holding a bitter chrysanthemum root in her mouth as if taking medicine, only biting a little bit at a time. It was estimated that she could eat this vegetable for ten minutes. Only Xu Xian was eating big while looking at the two people opposite who kept flipping the plate. Bit.

She really wanted to tell the other person that even if the plate was turned over, no meat would come out, but after considering the power of the two bastards combined, she decisively gave up the idea.

"No, I want to eat meat. Do you want anything?" Li Menglong said seriously.

"It's better not to, we are all a little fat!" Li Shunkyu was not so determined when he spoke.

"No, I made money today, so I want to celebrate!" Li Menglong casually found a reason, but after careful calculation, this was his first time making money seriously.

If you have an excuse, everything will be easy to explain. Many times people just need such an excuse. If Lee Soon Kyu believes this excuse, he can eat with peace of mind.

Xu Xian didn't believe it at first, but he couldn't resist the two of them eating meat. Even though she had already hid on the balcony, Lee Soon Kyu chased after her with the meat, so she half-pushed him and ate one piece, and then he had the second piece and the third piece. Three pieces...

A few words, I work out of town all year round, so I have to go back to my hometown during the Chinese New Year. Everyone knows this. And my family is from the Northeast, so everyone understands better. I went out at 4pm yesterday and drank until midnight. This chapter was coded two days ago while I was staying overnight at BJ South Station, because I couldn’t hold on while I was saving the manuscript, and I felt really panicked when I looked at it.

The above is the background, because during the Chinese New Year period, I will do my best to keep updating, and strive to maintain the daily two updates. As for the additional updates, I am really a bit powerless, so if you are not in a hurry, I will put the additional updates into the New Year. Will it be successful later?

Since you don't say anything, I will assume that you agree! I'm really sorry for all of you, long live your understanding!

Just in case, I'm talking about just in case, if one day there is a sudden update or an interruption...

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