The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 522 Overlord Flower

"Here you are, why are you in a hurry! I'm warning you, don't go out and talk nonsense about this matter. It will take a while for Enhui to get there!"

"I'm very strict, don't worry!" Liu Zaishi didn't get the recognition he imagined after saying that, so he asked suspiciously: "Do you have any questions about this?"


Of the four middle-aged men put together, it turns out that Yoo Jae Suk has the most experience in playing. After all, he had a long period of low ebb before becoming famous. What can young people do if they don't play in Seoul? Unlike Kim Jong Kook who is a young man. Became a star.

So Liu Zaishi was very proud and started to work as a tour guide. However, when he visited three places in a row and everything changed, he became a little embarrassed.

"I have been a good husband for too long, you have to understand!" Without Li Menglong having to say anything, other people immediately started to despise Liu Jae Suk's words.

Seeing that Liu Zaishi could not be relied upon, Li Menglong had no choice but to find a place by himself. It was not suitable for the four of them to go anywhere. In the end, they searched and drove directly to the bank of the Han River. They had been there once before with Kim Taeyeon and the others.

Sure enough, the tent was all ready. He lit a stove inside, bought some meat skewers at a high price, and moved the purchased food from the trunk. When he saw the four boxes of beer, Jin Jongguo knew that it was impossible to shirk today. .

Although he doesn't drink, he is with ordinary friends. His brothers are all here, so it's hard to spoil the fun. Besides, Kim Jong Kook is different from Yoo Jae Suk.

He avoided drinking for the sake of his health and throat. It is said that when he was young, he was also good at bottle drying, so the four brothers quickly joined forces to start a drinking bureau.

On a January night in Seoul, there were very few couples who came out to enjoy the cold air. In addition, they chose a tent in a bad location, so there was no one around.

If someone can lie down on the tent and listen for a while now, he will definitely become at least a multi-millionaire, because there will be countless reporters outside waving banknotes to buy these news.

Looking at Yoo Jae-shik who started grinning after just drinking a can of beer, Li Menglong had to say that it was wise for him to never drink. Otherwise, with his mouth and this memory, the things he said would scare people to death.

"Do you have any ideas for Director Luo's variety show? How about filming Kim Jong Kook's happy married life!" Li Menglong was patted on the back of his head just after he finished speaking.

"I have some preliminary ideas. I am discussing it with my colleagues. We will discuss it after the year!" Director Luo said with some emotion: "I really never thought that one day I would be able to film a TV series. I filmed a variety show one year ago. No one wants it!"

When Li Menglong saw that the topic was going awry, he hurriedly stopped and lamented to Director Luo that if a family does not talk about two families, they should do whatever they can to help. As for normal times, teasing is better.

"I think it's good to shoot the two of them. It will definitely have ratings!" Yoo Jae Suk also came over and covered Kim Jong Kook's ears before speaking. This is one of the most romantic scenes between Kim Jong Kook and Yoon Eun Hye in XMAN. .

"Then let's film you and Li Menglong. You two will get more ratings!" Kim Jong Kook is not a good person either.

Li Menglong and Li Menglong looked at each other the same way. When they thought about one day when he was cooking in the kitchen and he was taking a shower in the bathroom, they felt disgusted.


Li Menglong was very envious of Liu Zaishi's drinking capacity, because even after drinking just a little bit, he could express his dissatisfaction by vomiting, but Li Menglong could only watch, which made him feel like he was being disrespectful.

Drinking really depends on the occasion. Even if you drink too much, it will be socializing and painful at a dinner party, but when you are with brothers, this is your temperament, this is Kaisen!

"Is there anywhere else to go? It's not enough!"

"Do you think my title as the little prince of Seoul nightclubs is for nothing? I'll show you what I'm doing!"

"Can you please stop swaying? I feel dizzy!" Li Menglong tried to cover his eyes with his hands, but why did his hands sway too?

Li Menglong couldn't even remember how he got here. Anyway, he didn't drive by himself, because in that case, the four of them would be in the hospital right now.

The surrounding music no longer shakes the eardrums, but even the heart is trembling. The beer in front of me has long been replaced by red wine and foreign wine. It's so enjoyable!

Even in a drunken state, Yoo Jae-seok was still somewhat rational. He brought Li Menglong and his gang to the most private nightclub in Korea. After recognizing Yoo Jae-seok, the waiter took the four people directly to a private room on the second floor.

It is nothing new for Korean celebrities to come to nightclubs. There are more men and women, so top nightclubs have measures in place for the arrival of celebrities, and even provide some protection.

It's just that when other celebrities come over, they either wear masks and hide in the corners, or they hide in the boxes and don't come out. Who would insist on going out to hang out like these people, or hang out in the hall.

Li Menglong didn't know anything. He suddenly emerged from the crowded place for no apparent reason. To be precise, he was dragged up and slapped on his cheek to try to wake up.

But it's only a little better. The indulgent gene is still there. The DJ over there is already introducing: "Today we are fortunate to welcome the turbo group. They are standing in the middle of the dance floor. Next..."

Listening to the music, Li Menglong moved out of habit. It was normal for his body to be faster than his brain, especially for a brain numbed by alcohol.

Tubro's songs were born for nightclubs, especially since there are rare stars here who don't mind appearing in public, so the atmosphere is even higher.

"Turbo, turbo..." Li Menglong and Li Menglong stood on the stage and danced enthusiastically, and Liu Zaishi was also dancing blindly beside them, but they were so excited here that many people didn't need to sleep.

Li Shunkyu was disturbed by the sound of the phone, but he still fumbled for the phone randomly. The only people who could call at night were his own people: "Sister-in-law?"

"Are you going to sleep? Do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

Lee Soon Kyu is still in a state of confusion: "I will go back to Seoul in the afternoon to record Infinite Challenge, and in the morning..."

"You want unlimited challenges? If you're not busy, go back to Seoul early. It's very lively!"

There is no need to look for what happened. There are messages on various communication apps on Lee Soon Kyu's mobile phone. He enlarged a picture. It seems that Lee Mong Ryong is dancing side by side with Yoo Jae Suk in his arms. It is a very charming atmosphere.

After understanding a little bit about things, Li Shunkyu first felt funny. After all, as family members in the entertainment industry, this is a trivial matter. A few men went to a nightclub to have fun, and there were so many people staring at them, and they still dared to find girls. ?

It's just that the activities led by Ron Jing over there seem to have to be supported, otherwise I won't give my sister-in-law face, and we have to get along well with her in the future.

So I exchanged a few words with Kim Taeyeon and went to call Seohyun next door. On the one hand, I had a companion, and on the other hand, the maknae also wanted to come and record Wuchao together.

The few people who were having fun didn't know that the dragnet had already rushed over. Everyone just felt very relaxed. They didn't have to think about anything. They just shook their bodies and enjoyed the cheers of the audience. There is a reason why nightclubs have a market. .

As the alcohol and sweat began to evaporate, several people became more awake. First of all, they made sure that their clothes and everything were there, and that they were not doing anything to tease a good family member. Everyone was not afraid anymore. They just came to the nightclub to dance, and they would not kill anyone. of.

The pressure was fully released, and several people returned to the private room happily. The boss came over very discerningly and exempted the three of them from today's consumption, and even brought a lot of drinks.

It was already past three o'clock. The four of them looked at each other and couldn't help but hesitate a little.

"But we agreed not to go home!" Li Menglong reminded kindly, mainly because there was no one at home. He had a wife to take care of him when he returned, so he would just stay in the empty room alone.

Men cannot be cowardly in many cases. For example, nowadays, each person takes a big sip of a bunch of beer first, and then pours all the red wine and soju into it. A glass of deep-sea bombs, and a glass like Liu Jae-shik's is basically enough.


"Long live!" Everyone shouted from the bottom of their hearts without knowing how long they had been drinking.

Li Menglong seemed to feel someone calling him, but it was difficult to confirm because of the relationship between music and alcohol. He put a finger in front of his eyes, but no matter what, there were several people looking at him. He knew that he couldn't hold it anymore.

"No matter who you are, please call Lee Soon Kyu's number now, 13XXXXX!" He kept repeating this sentence, and then he didn't know anything else.

When Li Menglong opened his eyes again, the feeling of ecstasy really made him almost ascend. I opened my eyes, but I couldn't seem to see anything. It took a long time for my soul to return to its place, and then there was the head that was almost about to explode.

"Uh..." He sat up slowly and looked around. It seemed like this was a dormitory, but why was Yoo Jae Suk also lying here? Where are Kim Jong Kook and Director Luo?

After standing up, he discovered that the two of them were covered with a blanket. Could it be that something happened that shouldn't have happened? Li Menglong suddenly got goosebumps.

He forced himself to think hard. He remembered drinking, but the girl should be in Busan. Could it be that he brought Liu Zaishi and the others back? Why don't you have any memory at all?

He stood up unsteadily, but he couldn't put his legs down just after he lifted them up, because the almost weightless feeling made him always think that after putting them down, he would step into an abyss.

It was troublesome to put his legs up, let alone stand on one leg. As a result, Li Menglong could only watch the ground getting closer and closer to him. Fortunately, there was a flesh pad underneath.

Several wailing sounds in his sleep finally woke up the sleeping people in the room. Li Menglong looked at Goddess Xu Xian walking out of his room from an absolutely upward angle, with a sleepy look that was extremely cute.

"Xiao Xian, water!" Li Menglong was like a traveler in the desert who was short of water, stretching out his hands tremblingly like a kitchen.

Xu Xian, who was half asleep, helped Li Menglong sit up and drank a few large glasses of water, and then returned to his room. Xu Xian obviously slept here all night.

"What day is it today? Why are you back?" He motioned to Xu Xian to continue lying down, and he began to recall the fragments of last night.

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