The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 519 The Taste of Freedom

Li Menglong's character is actually very popular with fans. Many interactions that were previously unimaginable are quite smooth under Li Menglong's leadership. At least he can joke with girls.

In the past, I could only take pictures of the girls from a distance and watch them look like goddesses on stage. Although Li Menglong has a tendency to become more feminine, everyone likes him more.

Because the goddess is a god, and the female nerve is a human being!

Unconsciously, it had been almost an hour since I signed the contract. The girls were already rubbing their wrists, wishing they could write with another hand. Although Li Menglong felt distressed, there was nothing he could do about it. He looked at the fans holding albums in the distance, especially those who brought albums with them. With a look of expectation on his face.

In fact, signing autographs is not too troublesome. First smile at the fans, then write your name, or write two more words of blessing, then ask the fan’s name, and solemnly say thank you XXX for your support. It's over for fans.

On average, four can be signed in about one minute, so it is a very simple math problem: 4*60*9=2160.

The girls were at full strength, and only about 2,000 people came and went in an hour. At least 5,000 people gathered at the scene, and the autographs were endless. Fans who signed autographs kept changing to another girl's line to continue queuing.

Although I was very considerate of the fans' feelings, the autograph session ended after more than two hours, which was nearly half the time originally expected. However, the girls still sang a new song before leaving.

Although there was no dancing or accompaniment, the fans were still quite satisfied. Their requirements were really not high.

After the autograph session, I continued to visit local radio stations. Based on Li Menglong's opinion, I didn't take any commercials this time. It's not worth spending half my life for such a small amount of money. How can I earn it?

The day's trip ends after nine o'clock in the evening. The next morning, I have to accept interviews with several local media, and then continue to the next city.

As soon as I walked into the corridor of the room, I could hear a series of ghostly cries and howls, and then when I looked over, the girls looked like corpses, lying motionless on their beds.

In this state of exhaustion, Li Menglong didn't dare to take them out to eat some snacks, otherwise he would definitely have to carry them back, so he could only order food from the hotel.

However, based on Li Menglong's understanding of them, most of them would just eat some fruit at night, after all, they ate so much at lunch.

Li Menglong threw the girls' bags into each room, and then closed the door for them to avoid being taken advantage of again.

"What are you doing? Didn't you see that I was resting?" Li Shungui said angrily with half of his face buried in the pillow.

"I'm going back to Seoul, and I won't be with you for the next two days!" Li Menglong put her backpack on the bedside and stuffed the candies in her pocket into it.

"Are you going to run away? You can't be so unloyal. How about you take me with you?" She turned over and let Li Menglong put a pillow under her neck, and suggested excitedly.

"It's okay for me, but there's someone listening over there. Do you want to silence me?" He pushed aside a candy and stuffed it into Li Soonkyu's mouth.

"What a great idea. Should I do it or should you do it?"

"I said, can you knock me out first and then discuss the next step? Give me a gummy, and why are you going back to Seoul? We are all here, is there a mistress?" Kim Taeyeon also sat up half-way , asked with a yawn.

"As for the company's affairs, all the plans in hand have been completed. After taking such a long break, our president can't sit still." Li Menglong picked an orange and peeled it.

"Oh! Are you trying so hard? The New Year is coming soon, let's talk about it after the New Year!" Kim Taeyeon said calmly.

"Even if you think so, the company will no longer be able to continue, my President Jin!" Li Menglong secretly pursed his lips, feeling sour.

He walked to the passage between the two beds without leaving a trace, and then divided the remaining orange into two halves: "While I, the senior executive of the company, haven't left yet, is there anything you want to do? I'll help you communicate!"

"I don't know, this kind of thing is very annoying!" Kim Taeyeon rubbed her hair, and when she yawned, a small half of an orange was stuffed into her mouth.

"What about you? President Li!"

"Leave me less arrangements..." Before he could finish his words, Li Menglong blocked him with oranges. Before the two of them chewed, Li Menglong wiped his hands and walked out: "Contact me at any time and try to meet again in Seoul! "

It always felt like Li Menglong was too tired and went back to enjoy it alone. Just when he was about to criticize, the lemon-like taste finally burst out in his mouth. For a while, both of them drooled a lot. The goods are just lemons, right?

Unlike these two lazy guys, Xu Xian has already finished washing up: "Oppa, do you want to take me to dinner?"

"Eat? Wait for me!" Yoona's voice came from across the door in the bathroom: "No, I'm taking a shower. Why did you let a man in? Maknae, kick him out!"

"Okay, it's not a transparent glass door! Besides, with your figure, what's there to see?" Li Meng's words were a bit venomous. If it had been Li Shunkyu, he might have just rushed out naked. Fortunately, allowed Except for a few curses, my son still has reason.

"Eating? How about I take you to finish the meal before leaving?" Li Menglong opened Xu Xian's backpack without anyone noticing and stuffed two bags of sweet potato slices and apple slices inside.

"Is oppa going back to Seoul?"

"Well, how about running away with Oppa and going to Jeju Island for two days and eating black pork?"

"The maknae will definitely not go, but I can!" Yoona said out of the blue. Privately, she is the manliest, but of course that's relative.

Knowing that Yoona had just finished taking a shower, if something bloody happened like her pajamas slipping down, she might not be able to explain clearly, so Li Menglong gave Xu Xian a few words and left directly.

But as I stepped out of the door, I heard Yoona's voice behind the door: "You little vixen, show your true colors quickly and see how I, Yoona, can subjugate demons! How about you teach me how to seduce a man?"

Xu Xian's expression must be particularly exciting now. He was probably a kindergarten teacher, feeling pain in his balls when he saw a boy in the senior class calling a girl in the same class his wife.

If possible, Li Menglong is still willing to stay with the girls. After all, teasing is more fun than youth, and there are more than one.

However, Li Enxi couldn't afford to offend him. He was also the person in charge of the company after all, so it was indescribable sadness to see a president like Li Menglong who would never go to the company unless he had something to do.

It's just that Li Menglong lied, and he didn't lie too much. In fact, there is a company meeting tomorrow, but it was postponed to the afternoon at Li Menglong's strong request.

In other words, Li Menglong could stay overnight in Busan and rush there tomorrow morning. However, Li Menglong mainly wanted to save hotel accommodation fees, which was quite expensive for one night!

This reason is completely impeccable. When he explained it to Li Shunkyu, he believed it himself. He definitely didn't rush back at this time just to go home and sleep comfortably alone.

"Lee Menglong, you big bastard, you left me here to suffer, but you went back to Seoul to live and drink, you are not a human being! My life is so hard..." Lee Soonkyu's third-rate acting skills still need to be honed. It would be better if you spit out the snacks you are eating.

In fact, being married to a director is quite miserable. If you lie to your husband in life, should you still consider the issue of acting? Li Shunkyu never paid attention to it. The ultimate level of deception was not that he was cheating, but that the other party knew it was a lie but still didn't dare to say it.

Lee Soon-gyu is at this level, especially when Lee Mong-ryong is in the wrong.

"Hmph, don't stop eating alone. If you're afraid of trouble, just order takeout. Anyway, you're not afraid of getting fat!" Li Shunkyu probably called for ten minutes mainly because of this sentence, and Li Menglong also waited patiently for this sentence. .

Then the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and he said dotingly: You little girl, you are so sweet that your life is not worth it...

Of course, these scenes would not appear in the minds of the two of them even if they were dreaming, otherwise both of them would be numb to death, so Li Menglong's answer was: "As soon as you reminded me, I remembered that I don't need to lose weight. I'll give you $7 when I go back." Eat some mature steak, and then order fried noodles..."

Swallowing her saliva, Li Soonkyu felt that if she continued to chat, she would drag Kim Taeyeon to eat secretly, so she ended the call decisively. As for the concluding remarks, she was still full of the couple's style: "Lee Mongryong, you are a complete idiot." Bastard! Goodbye!"

"Goodbye!" Li Menglong also replied, and then the other party hung up the phone. He turned up the radio in the car and went on many radio programs with the girls in the past two days, and then Li Menglong rarely swayed his shoulders to the music.

On the other side of Busan, Lee Soon Kyu also pounced on the food, directly aiming at the lamb that had just come out of the bath: "Come on, let me take a sip!"

How precious the alone space of men, especially married men, is, has been proven countless times by countless ancestors with bloody facts.

Therefore, even a family man like Li Menglong, who can be called the best among boyfriends, will occasionally want to be free. He doesn't have too much time, and he doesn't have to find two girls.

It's just that there is no one at home when I go to bed, and it's already fine when there is no one when I wake up. He can lie down in any position and watch TV programs he doesn't like to watch; he can experiment with his own dark cuisine without caring about any taste; of course, he can also turn on all the lights and sit there as if he is haunted. In the center of the living room, he was in a daze.

Although they seem to be simple and meaningless things, Li Menglong enjoys them very much, and where do so many meaningful things come from in his life.

I slept in the bathtub for a while while taking a shower, slept in a rocking chair for a while while drying my hair, and then lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

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