The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 500 Harvest of Tears

Before ten o'clock, everyone had already found their seats and started getting ready. The TV had already found tvn, but it was still showing advertisements, all kinds of advertisements.

These are all the income of tvn. Because he was asking for help, Li Enxi was too embarrassed to ask for more income. To be honest, apart from offending some media, tvn made a lot of money this time.

Not to mention that the people who watch it are all paying viewers, how much money does the advertising cost alone cost? The closer these ads are to 10, the more expensive they are because more people may see it.

"Why put these things? TVN is stupid?" Li Menglong took a sip of beer and muttered.

"What can we show instead of commercials? Are we showing a variety show?" Lee Soon Kyu picked at the beef on the plate that was not burnt.

"It's better to put on a variety show!"

Seeing that the people around him were a little confused, Li Menglong was about to explain, but was overtaken by Li Enxi: "Do you think every company is the same as yours? When you give the order, everyone rushes together, because they want to make money! Although the vision is a bit short-sighted, there are so many people with high positions!"

With Li Enxi's explanation, everyone realized that the number of people watching TVN now may be the most since the launch of the channel. Many people came not for TVN but for Room 7.

So the right choice is to show Taiwan’s best variety shows or TV series, whatever can attract people, and tell everyone that our tvn also has a lot of good stuff.

But this way, at least today, you can't make any money, and the real money paid for those advertisements has made many people lost. It is a short-sighted approach.

"Do you still have time to worry about others? Hurry up and take care of your movie!" It's not a good feeling to be despised for your intelligence. Li Shunkyu depressedly put a lot of burnt beef on his fork and stuffed it into Li Menglong. mouth.

If the burnt smell represents Lee Soonkyu's love, then Lee Soonkyu must love Lee Mongryong to death, of which Lee Mongryong is sure.

Not only are people here watching the TV, the whole of Seoul and most of South Korea are repeating the same action. The news is really too noisy during this time. Whether you want it or not, whether the news is good or bad, the people in Room 7 Almost everyone knows the name Gift.

The focus of the debate changed again and again, and the whole process was full of twists and turns. Countless people came forward to express their opinions. It can be said that this is no longer discussing the movie itself.

Especially when seven professors stood up together today and pushed this topic to a higher level again. Originally, today was supposed to bring a higher level of debate. It is likely that more knowledgeable people will get into the water. Maybe the Korean Ministry of Culture will make a statement in a few days.

However, these finally stopped when Li Menglong announced the free broadcast. However, the flood was only accumulating but did not disappear. Everyone at least agreed with Li Menglong's point of view: the audience should judge the quality of a movie by themselves.

Everyone also appreciates Li Menglong's generous act of sacrificing his own interests. Although it is suspected of being impulsive, in the eyes of sober people, Li Menglong's magic stroke is simply beneficial and harmless. Of course, the premise is that his movies cannot be told to the media. Just as bad.

Both fans and antis are ready to watch this movie carefully. They even need to pay more attention to watching movies than in the past, because whether they are praising or criticizing, they have to come up with details. You can no longer say that you have not seen this movie. Movie.

As for the time of ten o'clock, it is also a good time. At least everyone is free, so when the minions came out pushing bananas accompanied by Xu Xian's singing, this slightly spoof title entered thousands of households, but Xu Xian Xian couldn't think about it anymore, she was so nervous now.

Everyone in the fried chicken restaurant has watched the movie, so it is relatively easy. After all, everyone has their own judgment, but Seohyun is indeed a person involved in this movie.

Now that it is watched by so many people, Seohyun wonders if this can be regarded as the number of viewers? If so, is she the queen of 20 million movies? The first Korean actor?

Regardless of whether it is counted or not, it can be said that the benefits to Xu Xian are too great. At least no one in this movie has abused Xu Xian. When there are benefits, when did Li Menglong forget this girl?

So it is not unreasonable to say that Seohyun has entered thousands of households. When Seohyun stood in the snowflakes like an elf with a pure smile, many idols and even popular actresses were jealous. Just for this one shot, Even if you get scolded, it's worth it.

So far, the number of people who have watched this movie has not reached 1 million, and compared with those who support SW, the people who are more troubled are the anti and some neutral fans, because they come here with a picky mentality. However, I always indulge in it unconsciously.

Liang Tianyi, the reporter who made a bet with Li Menglong, was huddled in the room and staring at the screen. Next to him was a big notebook. He planned to write down all the problems he saw in the notebook, and then write out a series of seven chapters overnight. News from room number.

That's right, he has never seen this movie. First of all, he is a reporter covering singers. The first conflict with Li Menglong was because of exid. Later, when he saw some tricks in room 7, he immediately started chasing after room 7 to ask questions.

Although a billion-dollar bet made him famous within the company, he knew that this was not enough, because he also needed subsequent news support, and he needed big news.

It just so happened that Li Menglong made another one. Although he didn't know much about movies, he knew that no one would be perfect, let alone a movie, so there would always be shortcomings, and he did write down a lot of them. .

As many people who watched the movie thought, the traces of the routine in the previous hour were too obvious, and with comedy as the backbone, it kept telling a bland story and clearly explained the context of the entire story.

There is no climax, it is slightly depressed, and it is accompanied by a faint joy. Aren't these enough accusations? A single four-dimensional image is enough, and Liang Tianyi is already preparing a manuscript on another computer.

But after all, he is not a professional film journalist. Although many professionals do not have high evaluations of the first half, they are definitely not low, because Li Menglong did it so that people will not feel reluctant to watch it.

In fact, this is really difficult. The plain narrative is supplemented by a small amount of comedy, but it doesn't make people want to watch TV. This is the skill, the big skill!

The next hour was filled with real climaxes, all kinds of unexpected turns, all kinds of pure emotions in the world, accompanied by the faint pure music accompaniment.

Just like in the movie theater, Li Menglong has contributed a lot of business to South Korea's paper mills, because now there are so many people using paper.

Why do TV series with tragic endings often receive positive reviews, while movies with tragic endings often fail at the box office?

Because people instinctively dislike plots with tragic endings. Although it will be memorable and there will be a final sublimation, it is enough that people don't like it.

But compared to movies, TV series can keep showing comedy segments to attract the audience, and give the audience a fatal blow in the last two episodes. By that time, it will not affect the ratings themselves.

But movies are not good, or they cannot. People will resist when they hear tragedy movies. Therefore, if the quality of a tragedy movie is good, it may receive good reviews online in the future, but the box office will not matter, so there are fewer and fewer people making tragedy movies and investment. It’s getting smaller and smaller, a vicious cycle.

But none of this can cover up the natural advantages of tragic movies themselves. It can be said responsibly that among all major types of movies, movies that end in tragedy have a much higher probability of being good movies. This is itself. Determined by characteristics.

Room No. 7 has all the conditions for a good movie. When everyone thought the father and daughter were reunited in the last half hour, when everyone hoped for this ending, Li Menglong showed that smile that is familiar to girls.

So the fool died to save his daughter; and Yisheng grew up and became a lawyer to overturn the case for his father.

Father's love is as heavy as a mountain!

Li Menglong used his habitual thinking to make a big joke with everyone, but this joke was a little heavier. Even after watching it countless times, this movie will still make people move.

There were a lot of sobbing sounds in the fried chicken shop, mostly from women. Li Menglong sat there holding a paper towel, while Li Soonkyu on the left and Xu Xian on the right came over from time to time to wipe their tears with tissues.

Liang Tianyi wanted to tell himself not to cry, but he really couldn't control his feelings. He also had a father, and the relationship between father and son was very good. Like many ordinary fathers, he worked hard and without complaint, just to support him. .

At midnight, I hung up the phone with my father, but the "end" screen was still on the screen. There was a sentence below that was rarely seen because few people would see the final ending: Tribute to the great. Fatherly love!

Liang Tianyi is an adult, and he can clearly distinguish the relationship between personal preferences and work. Don't say that he has never seen this movie before, even if he has seen it in advance, he will still do similar things as long as the leader needs it.

So he opened the notebook and almost didn't write in the second half, but there was no need for it, because the second half of the movie was difficult to edit, so he could only start from the first half and start writing what might happen tomorrow with reason. Headlines.

There is no replay button on Vlive, and tvn has also started to play. Please answer, maybe some smart people among them know what to do.

Many viewers felt a little lost after watching the movie. A person started to be in a daze and shed tears at midnight. It was a very scary but mysterious thing.

There are many criteria for a good movie, but crying is always one of them, whether it makes people laugh to tears or makes people move or sad to shed tears.

Li Menglong is still sitting there obediently. He has evolved into a humanoid smart paper towel. He actively draws out tissues at a fixed frequency, and then passes them to the goddesses on the left and right. Even if the goddess does not use them, he can still pass them to the goddess next to him.

Of course he was moved by the movie, but he didn't watch it carefully this time because he would cry after watching it, so he just started to feel dazed on the sidelines.

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