After calling out to the audience, except for some white puffs of breath at the corners of the mouth, it had no effect at all. Some passers-by even subconsciously avoided this place.

The fat man really couldn't bear it anymore. The sister he held in his hand had already shouted like this. Are these people's hearts made of stone? You can die if you stop for a moment, and there are those few who just leave after chatting.

Fortunately, Li Yingui held him aside. Looking at the fat man's angry eyes, Li Yingui just motioned for him to look again. This was when the other four girls finally plucked up the courage to stand beside the captain, even if it was embarrassing. Individually together.

Sometimes things are just like this. There are all kinds of hesitations and apprehensions before doing it. In fact, once you actually do it, at least it is not as difficult as you think.

Hani even started to call people directly. The efficiency of calling people was so slow: "This oppa, can't you waste ten minutes to support us?"

When a pretty girl on the street calls a man "oppa", the normal man's resistance is not high, not to mention that the request is not excessive, but seeing the girls wearing so little makes him feel a little pity.

The fat man stopped talking, and he and a few people in the car behind pulled out a simple stereo. These were all prepared in advance, including microphones.

Less than ten minutes later, a circle of people had formed around them, probably less than a hundred people. It wasn’t because Exid didn’t want to scream anymore or because he was afraid of the cold, but because the few people who stayed at the beginning had something to do, so Don't delay others.

"We are exid, SW's new group. We will bring our songs next. I hope everyone can support us!" As Solji opened the show, the five girls started singing and dancing.

In fact, the song itself and the dance are not that important anymore. What is important is the environment and everyone's attitude. It is not that rare for fans to be attracted to fans. It may just be a moment when they see a star's smile.

For example, Li Dongguo, who is currently taking pictures of Hani with his mobile phone, did not know that there was a girl group called Exid ten minutes ago, and even he himself is not star-chasing.

But when Hani pulled him just now, he hesitated. Even in such a cold weather, he still wanted to support her. Then out of boredom, he just took pictures of Hani with his phone, the girl who pulled him in the first place.

Some shyly, he pulled other passers-by along, but not everyone was as kind-hearted as him, so he was rejected indifferently. However, Hani always faced each other's unreasonableness with a smile and a bow.

Li Dongguo could see that the girl was feeling uncomfortable, but when she turned around and saw him holding up his mobile phone, Hani immediately showed a bright smile and gestured thumbs up to him with both hands: "We will do our best, thank you. Your stay!”

Just for a moment, he felt that he might know the feelings of those so-called fans. They were really as cute as elves. As for the dance they were dancing now, he couldn't comment on it, but it was definitely not unpleasant. The girl's efforts made him You can see it too.

But he didn't even know the names of the other members, so he just instinctively kept patting Hani. Even though his hands were a little cold now, he was not afraid of the cold for the goddess!

The song ended, and several girls were still advertising for their president. What kind of black-hearted president would let them come out to dance in this temperature? Why didn't he come out and run naked? Li Dongguo thought to himself.

It has to be said that there is a natural conflict between every idol's fans and the corresponding company president. As long as the idol is wronged, it will definitely be the president's fault, and this blame really belongs to Li Menglong.

"A gift from Room 7?" Li Dongguo repeated suspiciously. It seems that his girlfriend told him about this movie. They also made an appointment to watch it this weekend, but they have to think about it now. After all, it is the work of President Black Heart. .

Putting away his phone, he decided to go back and share this video with his friends. There was only so much he could do. While he was thinking about it, he heard someone calling him in the distance. As soon as he turned around, he saw Hani He ran over wrapped in a down jacket.

"Please drink! Your stay today is very encouraging to us. Thank you! I hope you like us!"

Touching the warm coffee in his hand, he watched the elf run back to the nanny car, but the running posture was so manly!

After returning to the car, exid and the others looked at each other, and then couldn't help laughing. Although it was very cold outside, and although there were not many people at all, it was really nice to be able to receive feedback from passers-by face to face. Very amazing thing.

After the first opening, the rest became much smoother. Of course, this refers to the psychological aspect. In terms of the effect alone, it was very average, and various small problems continued.

But it’s good to be able to gain something. To put it bluntly, it’s pain and happiness. If you see a place with a lot of people along the way, go and talk to it first. If it’s a square or something like that, just go straight down, and you’ll run away without knowing it. So many places.

It’s not just them who are like little bees, Li Menglong is also starting to go crazy. Although the plan is being revised along the way, the core meaning is correct, which is to increase exposure and tell everyone you have heard of this movie. The movie is indeed worth watching.

After the number of actors increased, they were divided into two groups and started running around various movie theaters in Seoul, taking the trouble to communicate with fans.

This is just one level. Li Enxi, who is in charge of the company, started to make phone calls one by one. Friends from the media asked them to cooperate with the hype; friends from the cinema asked if they could schedule a few more shows at least this Saturday and Sunday.

There are all problems, but this time it seems that we are really lucky. The cinema happily agreed to add the screening. On the one hand, Li Eunxi gave away a part of the profit in the past two days, and on the other hand, there have been no movies recently. It’s ready to go.

As far as cinemas are concerned, I feel that the attendance rate is not very high regardless of the show. Since SW is confident that they are willing to spend money to expand the screening, they will just be a favor. However, the Spring Festival will be scheduled in two weeks, and they will not give it anymore at that time. Room No. 7 has resources.

As for the media, it’s funny. Lee Eun-hee initially looked for old friends, the kind of long-term cooperation that is mutually beneficial. After all, any entertainment company needs a media vent, similar to exclusive news, and the media will also feed back some gossip. to the company.

Li Enxi meant to ask someone to help report it, preferably to make some eye-catching news, but before she could say anything, the other person was already begging her to interview Li Menglong.

Only then did Li Enxi realize that they had the initiative. Although it was not completely good news, it was just news about Room 7 and Baeksang Awards, but the popularity was indeed there.

The reporters were like hyenas chasing their prey. They immediately sniffed it out as soon as it smelled something. Moreover, before the phone was hung up, another call had already come in.

The things are similar, they all want to interview, but the person being interviewed is exid. If the news about Li Menglong can be considered mixed, exid’s side is unilaterally bad news.

As a star, he goes to the streets for free road shows, but he still has to go up and pull passersby by himself, performing for free without anyone watching. Although exid is only a newcomer, many people in the entertainment industry can't help it.

The core meaning is that exid has lowered the lower limit of the image of a singer and idol. No matter how embarrassed a singer is, he must at least perform on stage. Is this a street performer now? Not even a street artist!

As some so-called music critics and seniors in the music industry who had never heard of it spoke out online, a group of people who followed the trend began to smell blood.

If the anti-fans on Li Menglong's side are still somewhat rational, and at least can still criticize with some principles; then exid's side is purely venting, a group of people who are dissatisfied with the current situation of society and celebrities.

There is no need to know who eixd is, nor why they perform on the street. Even the fact of going to the street itself is not important. The important thing is that they are being scolded, so the rest of the group can follow suit. In the end, the worse the exid is, the happier they will be.

Because the entire company had been busy with Li Menglong since midnight, they didn't pay much attention to the eixd activities. So when the news on the Internet began to reach a certain scale, SW and the others were caught off guard.

Li Menglong didn't know anything yet. There was basically no rest this day. Xu Xian could still take a short rest. Li Menglong had to think about the next movie even when he was free. He couldn't fail this time.

Now it is a screening in a large auditorium that has been temporarily arranged. The main creators are sitting at the front and watching the movie with everyone as if it were a premiere. Afterwards, a small Q\u0026A session with reporters will be held. This was arranged by Li Eunxi, and the reporter They are already on their way here.

"Oppa, why don't you take a nap? I'll call you when it's about to end!"

"It's okay, I'm not sleepy, I'm just a little tired!"

If you say you're a little tired to yourself, then maybe you're really tired, Xu Xian thought, but now he can't persuade him to rest. Fortunately, Xu Xian has much more experience in this kind of situation than Li Menglong. After all, every time he hits Song Qi felt as if he was about to die.

"Remember to take a hot bath and drink a glass of yam juice at night. You will be in good spirits the next day!"

"Yam juice? Can this thing cure everything? A universal medicine!"

"I told you well, don't doubt it!"

"Okay, one big drink tonight!"

The two secretly chatted for a while but were embarrassed to talk for too long, because the audience behind them started crying again. It seemed so inappropriate for the director and the female lead to relax here.

The movie came to an end with beautiful scenes. Although the main creators had watched it more than once and even participated in the filming, the charm of the movie was just that. Seohyun still cried.

All the main creators stood in a row hand in hand, raised their hands and then bowed to the hundreds of audience members. The audience also stood up and applauded without hesitation. Such crew, actors and directors deserve such admiration.

The reporters hiding in the side will naturally not miss this scene. These are all news. Of course, at the same time, they are also thinking about what kind of movie Room No. 7 is? Is it really so charming?

Even as professionals, they still have not seen this movie that has been judged as a hit on the street. However, as a group of people with the most sensitive sense of smell, they know that they have to catch up quickly. Many people even have tickets for the early morning screening in their arms. , because they are going to write a movie review.

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