The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 467 Sensible Girls

Eating and laughing, the girls at least felt that their lives were complete with this meal. Even the person in charge of the hotel rushed over, not because they were afraid of the girls eating, but to ensure the supply of food.

After all, it would be embarrassing for the hotel if there was not enough food due to a bunch of cute girls, so everyone from the waiters to the kitchen was busy.

Li Menglong can vouch for his personality. These girls definitely paid for their fares. They are simply the conscience of the buffet industry. If Li Menglong hadn't been afraid that they would die and forcefully pulled them out, the meal would probably have continued for a while.

They walked out with difficulty holding on to the wall. They all looked like pregnant women, but the topic in their mouths was still the delicious meal they had just had after a long time: "The lobster was not fresh, and it was not as good as the one we cooked on the island." Eat it!”

"Then what? Should I send you back and stay for another two days?"

"Tch! You know how to bully me!" Kim Taeyeon turned over with great difficulty and lay on the lounge chair on the beach. She groaned comfortably, and then looked at the sea in front of her and the bamboo raft not far away.

Maybe like many girls, although the scenery is similar, I always feel that something is missing. It is completely different from the island at that time. As for which one is more enjoyable, I really have to weigh it carefully.

Sometimes spiritual wealth is more important than material things, but now they are in desperate need of material comfort!

In fact, when we get here, the law of the jungle is over, so the girls all got their mobile phones back. Because they all know that they are abroad, there are very few text messages on their mobile phones, but the girls have all made overseas phone calls to communicate with their families. There are many who drop two golden peas.

Li Menglong wanted to remind them that the phone bill was very expensive, but considering that these people were all rich women, they probably wouldn't feel bad about the phone bill, so he silently walked aside, got a bottle of cocktail and drank it slowly. .

As people in the entertainment industry, after communicating with their families, they naturally search for news about the Korean entertainment industry. The first person to bear the brunt is themselves, that is, the program "Law of the Jungle."

In the end, SBS obeyed public opinion. After New Year's Day, we received the materials from the past few days brought back by the trustee there, and then started working overtime.

So while the girls were still in Madagascar, the special episode of "Girls of the Law of the Jungle" was actually broadcast. This speed is comparable to that of a purely private radio station like SBS, and everything is profit-oriented.

And they succeeded. The ratings of nearly 25% were enough to make them laugh from ear to ear. And the girls have stayed on the island for so long. Optimistically, they can edit at least ten issues, which will catch up to one. A TV series.

When it comes to TV series, we have to mention Director Luo's Reply 1997. Everyone has witnessed the birth of another cable TV masterpiece. Although it has the name Reply, the plot and style are actually very different from the previous one. big.

But what remains unchanged are the restlessness of youth and the feelings of the past. Unlike the previous film, Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Dong Won are already big stars in the sky, so at most it can be regarded as another step forward.

But Jung Eun-ji and other young people have reached the sky in one fell swoop. Although they can’t compare with Seohyun’s national first love, let’s put it this way, with Jung Eun-ji’s fame in Korea now, no one among the girls would have an advantage compared to her alone. .

SW's TV series has once again attracted countless eyeballs with its exaggerated ratings and sophisticated production. Of course, there are also many people who are ready to take action. After all, SW's eclectic method of selecting actors has a too wide audience.

If you have any next steps, please answer. I believe the entire entertainment industry will be restless.

Opposite to the madness are two new traps. Needless to say, Room 7 has been released for more than half a month, and the box office is still struggling with hundreds of thousands of moviegoers. Now there is no report on it. , this movie is just like a foil to other blockbusters.

Room No. 7 has been declared a death sentence. Although the reputation is still good, there are more good movies and more people die every year. Fortunately, the focus of SW is no longer on this.

Everyone is paying attention to EXID, which is different from groups like Girls' Generation that came in halfway. In fact, they are SW's own group, and they are also the key to proving SW's star-making ability.

It's just that the album has been released for more than ten days, but the effect has been extremely mediocre. If SW hadn't used the company's ability to publicize it, it might not have been allowed to participate in the singing programs of SBS and MBC.

As for the title song, it is the same as for the newly debuted groups in South Korea every year. It can only be said that they are lucky to be popular. It is normal for them to disappear silently. Exid falls into the latter category. It seems that their debut failed again.

But the only good news is that SW is no longer a small company that could only release one album for them back then. With Fatty as the major shareholder, I can give my sister another chance. Of course, these are things in the future. .

Listening to the news that Li Soonkyu said, Li Menglong had no reaction at all. In contrast, Lee Soonkyu looked like a child who had never seen the market: "Give me some feedback!"

Slapping Li Soonkyu's feet away, Li Menglong yawned: "What do you want me to say? Room 7's poor box office is expected. As for exid's songs, fans don't like it, what can I do? Besides, There are so many professionals in the company now, and it’s not my turn to speak!”

Although I know what Li Menglong said makes sense, after all, he doesn’t understand everything. At least there are too many things to consider for an album, and Li Menglong may not even understand them. This is no longer the time to be a personal hero. This is the need for a person. A team effort.

However, Lee Soon Kyu still wants Lee Mong Ryong to come up with a solution. After all, SW's long-standing successful reputation seems to be about to encounter a big Waterloo.

"No one can succeed all the time, just look away!" Li Menglong poked Li Soonkyu's belly as he spoke.

Li Shunkyu held his stomach and retched several times as if he was pregnant. Of course, it was not true that he was pregnant. It was just that there was too much food in his stomach, and he felt like he was going to vomit when he touched it.

He didn't dare to fight back now, otherwise he would be the one who suffered the loss. Li Shungui could only put this account on Li Menglong's head and calculate it slowly later.

After resting for a while, it was night and we would rush to the airport to go home tomorrow. However, the girls had to have a small meeting before going to bed.

"What are you doing? Are you running away together?" Li Menglong asked, leaning on the door frame and looking at the girls gathered in a room.

"Don't care! It was you who forced me to escape!"

"Then at least tell me how I forced you, so I can work harder!" After joking, Li Menglong walked back to the room and fell asleep five minutes later. As for what the girls were discussing, he really didn't care at all. Don't care, everyone has their own secrets, he is not very curious.

"This white-eyed wolf, it's in vain that we have to think about him!"

"Well, isn't that what he is like? You'll get used to it! He has a bad mouth!" Li Shunkyu also had to come out and say something fair. It's really Li Menglong's mouth, and the words he occasionally says are really infuriating.

For example, now, they are obviously worried about Li Menglong, but they are not grateful at all. Although they behave worse when Li Menglong is worried about them, they have selectively forgotten it now.

"Everyone has seen the news. The company's current situation is not that good. Although I have Reply 1997 to help, new breakthroughs are still needed!"

Just when Reply 1997 was mentioned, everyone's eyes unconsciously turned to Yoona. This girl has been depressed all afternoon. Although she used various reasons to persuade herself, the terrifying ratings and praise It still made her want to jump into the sea with Li Menglong in her arms.

If the heroine is her Yoona, relying on the fame of Girls' Generation and the accumulation of previous TV dramas, Yoona can make a movie. If the movie can hold up, she will be the movie actress Lim Yoona.

It's just that everything is a dream now, and she has to continue to struggle. Although she is optimistic about Li Menglong, he is not a god, and good scripts have to be encountered. Isn't this House No. 7 a hit?

Yoona forced a smile that said I'm okay, but that smile clearly meant come over and comfort me. Kim Taeyeon patted this girl on the shoulder: "It's okay. Look, Xu Xian has become a street heroine. Look at it! Unnie will find a chance for you in the future!"

Seohyun didn't answer, acquiescing to this, but Seohyun was still the nation's first love, and she, Lin Yoon-ah, was still the heroine of the street drama.

Skipping the topic of Yoona, Kim Taeyeon began to fulfill her responsibilities as the team leader. Different from the past in s*m, she and the girls all need to adapt to the new situation, and this is the case now.

"Everyone sees how the company treats us. Even though we are here to record a program in name, everyone should know it in their hearts!" Kim Taeyeon saw everyone's looks of approval and said, "So although no one Urge us, but I don’t think everyone can enjoy this as they should!”

"Just tell me what to do, we're not pampered!"

"What I mean is that everyone should start working immediately after returning to Seoul. Start with personal work, including variety shows and TV dramas, and then communicate with the company. It's time for us to release an album!"

As a top Asian group, Kim Taeyeon and the others have many ways to make money, but the most common ones are to release albums and hold concerts. Since they have not released an album for more than a year, it is time to make some money for the company.

Everyone has calculated the workload. Even now, they are still a little afraid of the hard stages before and after releasing an album, as if they knew they were going to get an injection.

However, the gratitude in their hearts still made them make the right choice. Besides, they still had that terrible debt, so they had to work in every aspect.

"Then I'll tell the company when I get back to Seoul. If I don't go to see Li Menglong, who knows what this guy will say!" Kim Taeyeon said smartly.

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