The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 458 The Snake Catching Girl

They stretched out facing the sea and yawned while looking at such beautiful scenery. They felt comfortable, but the surroundings were a little too quiet. Soon the girls found the reason - the two people who were teasing them and the ones they were teasing. No one is here!

So the large troops began to go up the mountain to rescue their sisters who were kidnapped by bandits. However, looking at the small bamboo building in front of them, the girls felt for a moment that they still had to believe in Li Menglong.

Then I saw the two people inside. As representatives of the early risers, Li Menglong and Xu Xian naturally woke up early, and the first thing they did after waking up was to drink God's Food.

School scumbags like Lee Soon Kyu and Kim Taeyeon didn't dare to get close to it, because this bamboo building seemed to have an invisible sign hanging on it - School scumbags stop!

If only Li Menglong was here, as long as the girls didn't make a sound, he could pretend he didn't see them, and even pretend he didn't hear them even if they made a sound. However, Xu Xian still respects his sisters, even if this respect is getting thinner and thinner as the girls commit suicide.

"Good morning, Ernies!" Xu Xian greeted politely.

The girls all smiled honestly, because the maknae was angry, otherwise he would not be so polite, so they kicked Li Menglong out, and the eight girls began to coax the maknae as usual.

Li Menglong only hoped that Xu Xian could persist a little longer, otherwise he would have to face another joke at some point. After greeting the staff below, Li Menglong and the clan leader looked at the sea and discussed some long-term plans.

It’s not interesting to just eat and drink at the beach. There is always something to do. To put it simply, we need to pursue spiritual enrichment. It is unrealistic to expect those people to read together, so now there are only two ways - to explore the mountains. , go into the sea to catch fish.

Li Menglong planned to let all the girls try it, so after a sumptuous breakfast, the girls had their usual free time, while Li Menglong went up to complete the interior decoration of the bamboo building.

First of all, he needed a chair, otherwise he would be too tired from reading in the morning. Instead of building it directly, Li Menglong chose a trick.

The bamboo building is in mid-air, so if you stick your legs out, there are only a few backrests at the back to act as a natural chair, so you only need to insert a few bamboos into the floor, and pull them out when not in use without delaying anything.

The same goes for the table. Four short bamboos are inserted on the floor, and a bamboo board is placed on top. Then some bamboo pieces are nailed inside as a place to hang clothes. Li Menglong even built a two-story small bookshelf for books.

Xu Xian completely fell in love with this place as soon as he came here. He took a sip of coconut juice on the table, leaned against the bamboo board behind him, picked up a book from the bookshelf, and looked up to see the blue sky and sea in the distance.

Listening to Li Menglong still banging on the side, Xu Xian felt that at least at this moment, life was too perfect. With a sweet smile on her lips, she handed the coconut to Li Menglong's mouth: "Oppa, drink water! "

Li Menglong knew that the little guy was happy. Although he didn't know the specific reason, it was good to be happy, but this was also a bad sign.

Because this also tells the girls that Seohyun has been adjusted and can start the teasing plan again!

In fact, it takes at least three hours to have breakfast now, which is to catch prey quickly, so after escaping the scorching sun at noon, after three o'clock in the afternoon, the first short exploration of the island will begin.

Looking at the excited girls in front of him, Li Menglong wanted to ask, would anyone who climbs mountains and wades in water feel comfortable staying here? However, he still has this wink, and maintaining internal unity is the first priority.

While the patriarch was clearing the way, Li Menglong began to brainwash the girls: "We won't have time to come back to fish tonight, so everything we see alive on the mountain is food, including rats! Snakes! Frogs too! Is there any problem? ?”

Although the girls wanted to say yes, based on their understanding of Li Menglong, it was estimated that Li Menglong would exclude them from the dinner list just after saying this. Although they could eat shamelessly, it would still be a shameless thing.

Looking at such sensible girls, Li Menglong just smiled and said nothing, because it would be more powerful to let the facts speak for themselves, such as grabbing something by himself.

This uninhabited island still occupies a sufficient area, and because it is an uninhabited island, although there is not a towering tree in the center, some ferns and tropical trees can still create a feeling of blocking out the sky and sun.

And with plants, there are naturally animals. In view of the closed nature of the uninhabited island, apart from some small animals and birds brought by humans, there is no need to think about some tigers, lions and the like. It is estimated that the largest mammal on the island is the mouse. Already? if so.

The group of people walked in the quiet jungle. Although the road was a bit difficult, there was no urgent pressure like in the previous shows. Their only pressure was dinner, and Seohyun had already carried two pineapples and Yoona along the way. Carrying several bunches of bananas on her back, Xiuying was the most miserable. There were actually several frogs in a mesh bag.

"I said, can you also take it for a while?" Xiuying's face was extremely pale. There are really not many normal girls who would like this kind of thing.

"Oh, Mao, do you want to let the Ernies come and get it? Do you want to rebel?"

"That's not true, but Yuli and I are only two months apart. Can we be accommodating?"

Seeing that Xiuying was sensible and did not spread the war to the top power class of Girls' Generation, Kim Taeyeon and others acquiesced in this statement, and then ignored the subsequent arguments and continued to follow Li Menglong carrying a small wooden stick. Everything they saw was Go over and poke me first.

The program itself means a lot less survival for the girls, but the definition of the program itself is like this. If you want to see the real thing, just go to Mr. Bei directly. That guy can play to the limit.

At best, Li Menglong and his gang are experiencing life, semi-realistically, and some aspects are absolutely real, but the prerequisite is definitely not for the girl to really use a machete to clear the way ahead.

As for the final presentation in the eyes of the audience, Li Menglong believes that it will be a good show. It is as if ordinary people have zero knowledge of the wilderness and are not used to watching Mr. Pei's wild show directly. It is still this castrated version. I agree with everyone’s fantasy about the jungle. At least the scenery is pretty good, right?

As everyone went deeper, according to Li Menglong's estimation, they were already close to the center of the island. As for the edible animals, except for a few frogs and seabirds flying in the sky, no other edible animals had been seen yet.

Just when the patriarch was considering whether to find something to talk about, Kim Taeyeon made a decisive attack and finally stabbed something this time. What scared Li Menglong was not the emerald green snake behind him, but Kim Taeyeon's natural sound. scream.

The girls are indeed sisters who have practiced together for so many years. The leader and lead singer both spoke up, and the following harmonies immediately joined in.

That stupid snake didn't even run away. Although it might have never seen a natural enemy like a human being, Li Menglong was more inclined to think that it was stunned by the sound waves. But does the snake have ears?

Everyone formed a circle and gave the poor snake some personal space. Li Menglong naturally looked at it with peach blossom eyes first. The other person looked at it carefully and then nodded, indicating that the snake was non-venomous.

But looking at the group of girls who were looking at the snake from a distance and covering their eyes, Li Menglong felt that it might be difficult for them to catch it. However, sensing the eager eyes of the program PD, Li Menglong thought it was better to ask: "Yes." Do you volunteer to catch snakes? You can eat half of one for dinner!"

Silence, expected silence, the girls didn't dare to catch or eat. This was just a normal choice for normal people. After all, not many people could accept this.

The patriarch smiled and prepared to go over. Growing up in the countryside, catching snakes and other things were just trivial matters for him, but then a weak voice came from among the girls: "How about I try?"

The girls dispersed as if they wanted to draw a clear line with this person. Only Kim Taeyeon in the middle grabbed the small stick in her hand and looked around uncertainly. She, Kim Taeyeon, was half a girl from the countryside. She also went up the mountain when she was a child. He has hunted tigers and fished in the sea, but he has never caught a snake.

Li Menglong shrugged his shoulders. In fact, this is just like patting a cockroach. Although he didn't dare to do it the first time, he got used to it after patting it with his slippers a few times.

If the clan leader came, of course he would have to use his bare hands, but Kim Taeyeon asked for some tools. Although they were not poisonous, Li Menglong would probably be scolded if two needle holes were left on Kim Taeyeon's arm.

After receiving some temporary guidance, Kim Taeyeon has systematically understood the snake catching industry, but the difference between theory and practice is still quite big.

Kim Taeyeon was hunched over, holding her breath and concentrating. Her steps were only about ten centimeters each time, and her eyes were widened. It would have been better if she didn't take three steps forward and two steps back.

Maybe the snake also felt that it had been insulted, so it ran away angrily. Although Kim Taeyeon was relatively safe from a distance, this thing couldn't be calculated.

So when Kim Taeyeon subconsciously fell down, Li Menglong, who was a step behind her, also rushed forward. The blade of the machete in his hand was like a board, accurately hitting the snake's head.

Then he put one hand around Kim Taeyeon's waist, and he turned around. A very classic scene that appears in all love and comedy movies, Kim Taeyeon is almost lying flat, and the only point of support is her waist. Li Menglong's hand.

In this scene, this scene of a hero saving a beauty should at least receive some applause and a roll of the eyes. However, Li Menglong is not the leading actor. He looked around and saw that there was nothing hard under Kim Taeyeon, so he let go. …

Kim Taeyeon was in a state where her eyes were filled with little stars after being frightened. Being thrown like this didn't hurt, and it wasn't very high after all, but it was so embarrassing. She, Kim Taeyeon, was actually thrown to the ground by a man?

The girls behind him who were about to come over to greet her knew that it was not the right time to go there. At least they had to hold back the smiles on their lips, otherwise who knew whether Kim Taeyeon would fall out.

Li Menglong seemed to have done a small thing, and then found the snake in the distance that was unconscious or dead. Although it was a little small, it was still flesh.

So when Kim Taeyeon was about to angrily settle the score with Li Menglong, the little emerald green snake flew towards her: "Ah..."

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