The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 456 Diaojiaolou

We got back bananas, coconuts and some unknown berries. It was a fruitful harvest for the girls, so they all came back with their heads held high.

Fortunately, the group that went to the sea also got some food, so everyone managed to satisfy their hunger. Next is the main problem today. It is impossible to live here for more than ten days without a house, and building a house is a science.

Reinforced concrete was a joke, and using a branch to prop up a plastic sheet in the middle was too hasty. The girls spoke enthusiastically for a while, but in fact it was of no use at all.

"I saw bamboo in front, I can use it!"

"Bamboo is a good thing, but the site selection also needs to be considered, and it's not realistic to build a place for more than a dozen people to live in!" The clan leader also has his own considerations.

But this is easy to do. It’s easier to divide into two groups. Naturally, there are two people leading the group. It’s just that the girls who are very shameless have to be grouped with the clan leader, except Xu Xian!

"Think carefully, this will affect your decision in the next ten days, so be careful!"

"It is precisely because it is so important that we chose the clan leader. I never heard that you can build a house!" Kim Taeyeon finally expressed what the girls were feeling.

This is the wilderness, and experience is much more important than face. Although Li Menglong may lose face for a while, the girls don't care so much anymore. Let's live their lives first. As for Li Menglong's dissatisfaction, it can slowly subside in the future.

Li Menglong didn't answer, but just gestured for Xu Xian to put on his backpack: "I wish you all a happy morning, and see you soon!"

"Ah! Where are you going? Don't get lost?" Li Shungui kept complaining behind him.

The patriarch smiled and said nothing. It was certainly a good thing to have the trust of so many people and a beautiful woman. No man would take the initiative to shirk it. As for the more people, it would be no problem to build a bigger house. He was dedicated to construction. I studied house building in college.

Stepping into the forest again, of course it couldn't be just the two of them. The photography team and Peach Blossom Eyes were following behind, but the main force was still two people, and it was the two of them who made the decision.

The advantage of having fewer people is that we can fully listen to the opinions of every member: "What does the place where Xiaoxian wants to live look like?"

"Huh? It would be better if it is rain-proof, the sea breeze can be blocked, and there is a good view..." Xu Xian, a girl, doesn't know what it means to be polite, especially to Li Menglong, who will say whatever comes to mind.

But according to Xu Xian's standards, it was as good as a star hotel, and a female writer behind even felt it was ridiculous.

Li Menglong glanced back lightly, then rubbed the girl's head: "I understand, let's see Oppa build a house for you!"

Everyone thought that Li Menglong was just talking casually, but he had systematically communicated with Taohuayan about the key points of field construction in the early morning, and he still had at least the basic ideas.

While Li Menglong and Li Menglong were still choosing a suitable location, the clan leader was already preparing to start work, which was different from Li Menglong's plan to live a little closer to the inside.

The patriarch meant that it would be good to lean on the shrubs by the sea. The location would be open and the food would be sufficient, so the preparation of various materials began. The patriarch and several men in the work group began to chop bamboo together, while the girls were responsible for relatively simple tasks. of transportation.

This is not to deliberately take care of the girls, but it would be the same if it were any other woman. Some things still have to be done by men.

And Li Menglong quickly found his favorite location. The mountainside not far from the girls was dozens of meters higher than the beach. It was an open space with only low plants in the jungle, splitting several trees in the distance. A bunch of plants can see the blue sea.

Li Menglong and Taohuayan kept talking about the appearance they were about to build for a while. After all, it would be inappropriate if it collapsed. Xu Xian seemed to understand, but when Li Menglong wanted to take action, Xu Xian was the first one. Followed.

"Be careful for a while!" Li Menglong is not the kind of doting parent. Children should experience it, not to mention building a house from raw materials with their own hands. This experience may only be once in Xu Xian's life.

"Okay! Oppa, be careful yourself!" Putting the bag in place, Li Menglong finally started. The first item was to build bamboos, lots and lots of bamboos.

Li Menglong and Taohuayan were responsible for cutting, while Xu Xian cut off the branches in the open space, leaving only a long bamboo pole. The number of chopped bamboos alone was close to hundreds. Li Shungui and others did not forget to open the branches when they came to investigate. He taunted: "We've given you a place over there!"

This level of verbal attack was like playing house to Li Menglong. Unlike the program crew members next to him who didn't know what was going on, Li Menglong could already see the appearance of the house in his eyes, but it just took time.

The house built by Li Menglong is simply a bamboo stilt building. The foundation of the lower body is two thick branches about one meter high from the ground. It is covered with bamboo boards, that is, the bamboo is cut in the middle. The bottom layer is about A few square meters of flooring is completed.

Then there are the walls and ceiling, which are the same as the floor. Li Menglong has assembled three walls and a roof on the ground, and then affixed a waterproof cloth to the inner layer and clamped it with bamboo.

The bamboo joints on the wall are all lengthened, so they are directly inserted into the ground, and then connected to the surrounding walls with ropes. To put it more vividly, Li Menglong just erected the bamboo raft.

After the roof was finally completed, Li Menglong made some large banana leaves and spread it on it. The rainproof performance was perfect, but the comfort was much worse. After all, how comfortable it is to sleep directly on the uneven bamboo boards.

But this is not at home, this is in the wild. Looking at the green house in front of her, or it would be more appropriate to call it a shack, Xu Xian didn't know what to say. Did she spend nearly 10 hours building this?

Although they had been busy for so long, they couldn't stop them from getting up early, so now that the sun was just about to set, Li Menglong and Li Menglong rushed to the beach non-stop. They had settled their accommodation and still had food.

The place Li Menglong chose was not far away from the girls. He took a look at it when he walked over. The house was similar to Li Menglong's idea, but it was slightly simpler. After all, it was much bigger.

However, due to the large number of people, the work was completed very early, so the girls were already looking for food in the sea. Li Menglong first submerged his entire body into the sea to thoroughly wash off the smelly sweat on his body, and then came to the middle of the girls.

"What have you caught?" Li Menglong asked when he saw the small raft made of life jackets for placing prey.

"There are some shells. The clan leader is fishing for lobsters. I don't know if there are any!"

"If you don't, you'll starve!"

"No, you did so much work today, and you end up starving?"

Ignoring Kim Taeyeon's complaints, Li Menglong swam towards the deep water area, but it seemed that all his luck ran out yesterday. There was not a single lobster left. Of course, it had something to do with the weather and the current physical strength of Li Menglong.

So I swam back with a pile of shells and small fish, and sat in front of the fire. The atmosphere gradually became stagnant. No matter how good a life is, it is built on a full stomach.

Looking at the little food in front of them, it was estimated that Yoona could eat it all by herself, but now it has to be divided into eleven portions. The girls finally knew what the real jungle looked like. It turned out that what they saw on TV was real.

If there is no food, there will really be nothing. Li Menglong can only eat less by himself, but this does not help. As for looking for food for the show in private, Li Menglong has not thought about it at least yet. He has to try everything.

Otherwise, if you could eat lobster every day, the girls might think that lobster is not as delicious as crab. Fortunately, the patriarch took the staff to visit the area and brought back a bunch of green bananas.

The girls looked at each other, and finally pushed Yoona out to be the one to test the poison. After all, Xu Xian was now considered a person with a background, and Yoona was easier to bully.

Although they had expected that green bananas would be unpalatable, they really didn’t expect them to be so unpalatable. Although they didn’t eat them directly, they gave up the idea of ​​trying it when they saw Yoona’s tears and the banana she spat out regardless of the image. .

According to Yoona's description, this can no longer be called a banana, but a persimmon with a banana skin, which is very astringent.

Fortunately, the patriarch was well-informed. After roasting it in the fire, it barely turned into a potato with a slight sweet potato flavor. At least it was edible and still full.

Li Menglong didn't eat less either. After all, he ate less of the seafood just now, so now every time he burped, there was an indescribable smell. From the burping to farting, Li Menglong felt that things were going to be a bit uneven with the girls tonight. .

After barely eating and drinking, everyone had nothing to do after eight o'clock. At this time, the girls deeply felt the greatness of electricity. If there was no electricity, what would everyone do after dark?

Today we have some free time, and when the construction of material civilization reaches a certain level, the masses will spontaneously pursue the construction of spiritual civilization. This principle is taught to the world by the great leader.

Naturally, I tried it in this small place, so I either leaned against the trees in a daze, or chatted with two or three people. However, in such a comfortable atmosphere, discordant sounds unexpectedly appeared.

"Diudiu diu... da da da..." Li Shun Kyu, who forgot to turn off the sound, immediately raised his head and looked at the unkind eyes of the people nearby. Li Shun Kyu carefully tucked the PSP behind him: "Heroes, how about you rob me? Sexy..."

Following a burst of noise, a large wave of girls automatically gathered around Lee Soon Kyu. I have to say that it was a pleasure to watch others playing PSP at this moment.

Li Menglong also wanted to go there, but he knew he would be greeted with endless ridicule, so he and the patriarch quietly hid outside the camera, asked the director for two cigarettes, and started puffing away.

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