Kim Taeyeon and the others probably arrived about half an hour late. After all, they still had to find a boat after landing. In fact, if Li Menglong was here, they would have just swam over by themselves, but after all, there were still many people who cared about her.

It's just that when they came over, they felt like they were already two days late because the people opposite were living too comfortably.

Two hammocks were hung between the coconut trees to block the wind and sun but not the view. In one hammock was the patriarch himself, while in the other hammock Li Menglong and Xu Xian were lying end to end.

As for the island's biggest enemy, mosquitoes, they were well isolated by mosquito nets. Xu Xian also imitated Li Menglong and stuck his sunglasses on, squinting his eyes in a daze, occasionally moving his head a few centimeters to the left and biting a coconut. straw, and then take a few sips of the sweet coconut water.

Li Menglong raised his head and shook his own feet under Li Menglong's armpits playfully. Li Menglong didn't take it seriously. With the sound of the sea breeze passing through the forest leaves and looking at the sapphire-like waves in the distance, Xu Xian felt as if time had stood still. Everything was fine until the Ernies arrived.

"Ah, what are you doing? Li Menglong, maknae is not yet an adult, be careful and I will sue you!" "That is, if you don't come down, I will organize fans to fight against you when you return to Seoul!"

"Xuxian, don't you know what a girl's reserve is? How do the guys usually teach you! It's so delicious..." Li Shunkyu immediately became honest after taking the coconut from Xuxian.

"You all understand the basic situation. Don't try to ask the staff for help, they won't help! Don't come to me either, I'm just here for tourism! The only rule on the island is to take care of yourself!"

They complained a few words about Li Menglong, but looking at his unmoved look, the girls felt that what he said was a bit true. Doesn't that mean they have to find a place to sleep on their own? Find something to eat on your own? self catering……

Then the clan leader's side became lively. Li Menglong swung the hammock leisurely, and Xu Xian also relaxed.

This program created by Li Menglong is not to make girls suffer. Of course, the basic process is all there. If you don’t find food and build a house, then the most fundamental fun will be gone.

But Li Menglong will not watch the girls being stung by mosquitoes one by one, so there will be mosquito nets; nor will he watch the girls face all kinds of fishy fish, so there will be seasonings;

Of course, these are the basics for them to live a good life, but the experience will still be there. After all, it is for the program, and the program and relaxation are perfectly integrated, which is what Li Menglong has been pursuing all along. a little bit.

The staff worked in two or even three shifts, so there were already people filming. Li Menglong looked at this messy scene and couldn't help but shake his head and jump off.

"I'll take you two days to get used to it! You have to be grateful, you know! Long live the president!"

"Long live the patriarch!" The girls ignored Li Menglong at all. The patriarch here is the boss. Do you really think that Li Menglong can do everything?

Seeing that he was ignored by Huali, Li Menglong was not in a hurry at all. He didn't have time. Besides, Xu Xian should stand firmly by his side and let the patriarch take the eight girls to play.

The degree of freedom in the program is frightening. There is no script at all. It’s just that these people can do whatever they want. The people in Peach Blossom Eyes are equivalent to consultants and bodyguards.

They will follow the girls when they go deep into the island or swim. After all, for these people who have not lost their memory, this island is like going to the restaurant in the community downstairs, and they don't have to pay.

The girls who had settled down a little took the time to appreciate the beautiful scenery here. It was a scene that everyone would like, and it seemed that the time was not tight at all, even if they sat on the beach in a daze for more than ten minutes, someone came to remind them. nothing.

Needless to say, these are all due to Li Menglong. Although I don’t know how the final show will be, the girls have at least fallen in love with this uninhabited trail and their usual tense, busy and crowded crowds. A place where the life scene is completely opposite, like a paradise.

In addition to Li Menglong being a little irritating from time to time, there is also that damn girl Xu Xian. Thinking that she can lie there all the time by hugging Li Menglong's thigh is too much? There will be no food for a while, and I won't give any to these two people.

Together with the clan leader, they prepared to take action, but they had to change their clothes, especially cotton underwear that would be a disaster after absorbing water in this place, so they all put on sports underwear, quick-drying ones, with the outside Then put on short sleeves, and follow the clan leader's instructions to at least wear long trousers on your lower body, otherwise it would be bad if something hits you.

The dressed-up girls were just like the previous guests or the audience in front of the TV. They were excited and ready to have a big fight, and then... nothing more!

Isn’t it said here that you can catch fish if you want to? You can catch it with your hands? Are you going to eat it raw after catching it? You don’t have to handle it when you eat it? It is completely different from washing and frying the fish pieces at home.

Fortunately, the patriarch is like the headmaster of a kindergarten and has great experience in leading a group. A group of girls turned into mermaids and walked into the sea with simply made harpoons.

The harpoon is very simple. It is just a sharpened tree branch with a rubber band attached to the tail, just like using the rubber band to shoot out matchsticks. In fact, many childhood games have been magnified and become the simplest means of survival in the wild.

The hammock turned into a sofa. The name depends on whether the person on it is sitting or lying down. When he dug out his bag, he found two packets of potato chips given by his fans in Korea. Seohyun also took out an mp3 and played it, which was particularly fitting here. music of jungle birdsong.

"Do these people know how to swim?"

"Everyone knows how to do it, but Yulioni is the best swimmer and must be faster than you!" Xu Xian was still dissatisfied that he had just been surpassed by Li Menglong.

"As long as you can swim, you can't drown!"

"Tch! If you keep doing this, you'll get very tan!" Xu Xian said worriedly.

"Didn't you bring lots and lots of sunscreen?"

"That won't completely work!"

"It's okay, your president didn't say anything, so you don't have to worry." Li Menglong took out another book and threw one to Xu Xian. Li Menglong's identity sometimes felt useful to him.

Just like this problem, if Li Menglong is no longer here, he will have to call Park Xiangmin on the satellite phone, and he may also ask Jin Yingmin for instructions. But here Li Menglong's words are enough, or Li Menglong doesn't care at all, black spots are healthy!

"Humph!" Xu Xian didn't care about anything. She had already sensed Li Menglong's intention. Anyway, she decided to enjoy it here and follow Li Menglong's pace. He would never bear to let herself starve.

Xu Xian has just experienced how fascinating the bizarre underwater world is, so she can understand the excitement of the unnies now. There are really few opportunities to be exposed to these in girlhood, and now it seems like a being. Some of the crazy girls who were released after being imprisoned for 20 years are so fresh.

As for this island, it’s actually quite small. The nearby sea area is also a first-rate good place. It’s just that it’s too far away from the mainland. Moreover, this place itself is an island country. There are many good small islands, so there are no people here. Asked.

As a result, there are a lot of edible things in the surrounding shallow sea. To put it bluntly, even a fool can catch something by going down there. It is like an artificial fishing ground, where you can experience the thrill of catching prey.

What's more, this is in the wild, although it is easier to fish than artificial ones. So the girls got excited and wondered what else the harpoon would do. Such a beautiful little fish was killed cruelly?

It would be better to catch some shells, crabs, etc. So the girls were like little bees in the sea, diligently carrying them towards the beach.

Looking at the various shells on the fishing net, Li Menglong gave the girls a thumbs up. However, the girls' pride did not last long because the next step involved a very serious issue, getting angry.

The patriarch didn’t care about them. The experience was interesting only if he came by himself, so he came over to grab some of Li Menglong’s few snacks. For the first time, the patriarch felt happy doing a program, and even thought about every episode of Jungle in the future. That's all.

Girls are also people with self-esteem. They just want to light a fire. These are eight top Asian stars, but their status does not add anything to the fire.

Wearing gloves to collect firewood and laboriously remove shells, these gloves were also thickened versions specially bought by Li Menglong to prevent the girls' hands from being scratched.

The tool for igniting fire is a ignition stick, which produces sparks by swiping it. The girls are not stupid enough to use branches directly. Instead, they smartly take out the napkins they brought. Seeing the girls' generous investment, Li Menglong really wants to tell them to wipe the leaves with leaves. It hurts my butt!

The napkin-like method of setting fire to cheating was naturally successful very quickly. The girls seemed to have won the first place in the song. They clapped their hands excitedly. They were a bunch of children who had never even played house. child.

It's just that the girls who have never lit a fire made a joke again. In order to save trouble, they directly found some tree branches nearby, but these were all wet by the tide, even if the outside was dry,

Therefore, although the milky white smoke seemed to make the girls full of fairy spirit, it was just a joy when paired with the girls' tears and coughs. It made Li Menglong and the patriarch feel like they were watching a movie.

But you can't give up at this time. The girls moved away the shells. The meat in a palm-sized shell was only about the size of a thumb. So when all the shells were put together, the largest shell was not even covered.

But he didn't care about that now. He put the shell covered with shell meat on the fire and stared at the shrinking meat on the shell with eight pairs of red eyes.

As long as any food is made through one's own efforts, it will at least taste delicious. This principle has been universal since ancient times.

And the girls were not all stupid. They had secretly hidden a lot of ketchup on the plane, so each of them would wrap a few strips of poor scallop meat in ketchup, and the girls began to eagerly eat it.

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