The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 446 Gift from Room 7

(Let’s post the two chapters together for a more coherent reading. Thanks to “snowboll” for the 10,000-dollar reward! Room 7 is a light movie. At least after watching it, you will feel a little less empty than after watching American blockbusters. At least it can make people think about it. Then, two times, two golden beans will drop by the way. If you are interested, you can check it out, it is available online)

Almost everyone present had watched the two premieres on both sides. There was still a gap, but it would be more appropriate to say that the styles were different.

It's like Yoon Eun Hye is wearing a red evening gown over there, but here she is wearing a down jacket and chatting with Yoo Jae Suk and Lee Mong Yong.

I can't say which one is better. Anyway, everyone thought that Li Menglong's premiere was not that bad. However, after a while, a somewhat embarrassing scene appeared.

Because when the protagonists of the movie arrived, although everyone looked familiar, they couldn't pronounce any of their names, and they were not even as familiar as Apink and the girls.

This is also the reason why even my own family members are not optimistic about this movie. Can these people have any box office appeal? In addition to Xu Xian, he can also attract some popularity.

Fortunately, the guests at the scene did not go in, so a large group of people stood on the small stage, interacting with everyone while barely letting the atmosphere cool down.

The premiere bar is actually not that complicated. The core is just to let the stars show their faces. But Li Menglong had almost everyone here, why were they still standing here, so he let everyone walk into the cinema.

The largest auditorium in a movie theater can only hold a few hundred people, so only a small number of lucky viewers can sit with the creators and have some small interactions before the screening.

After all, there are reporters. Even though they are new reporters, there is still a question-and-answer session. However, looking at the row of veteran actors in front of them, these newcomers really don't feel that there is any topic for these uncles.

The most talked-about person in the entire crew is director Li Menglong, and of course Seohyun: "Can the director please share some interesting things during the filming of this movie?"

"There are a lot of them. For example, one of the scenes was filmed by Xu Xian. For example, our heroine Ge Suyuan is already Liu Chenglong's goddaughter..." Li Menglong said a lot, but finally asked: "I said Can you report so much to me? If not, I will say less!"

The audience burst into laughter. Instead of being published in newspapers, these words are more likely to appear online. After all, the lineup and publicity of this movie are not very good, and the selection of such a schedule means too much competition pressure.

Fortunately, everyone could tell that Li Menglong was in a good mood, so at the end of the chat, the reporters asked a regular question about the box office.

Although this thing needs to be exaggerated, it should not be too exaggerated. The box office predicted by Liu Chenglong on behalf of the actors is 1.5 million moviegoers.

"Too careful! You said that you won't even leave us a piece of tofu tomorrow!" Li Menglong seemed to be a news veteran: "You will write tomorrow. Room 7 director Li Menglong predicts that the box office will exceed 10 million moviegoers!"

"If your leaders don't pay attention to this news, just say that I predicted 100 million!" Li Menglong's satellite broadcast made everyone laugh unconsciously. Although it was a joke, it still made people feel that Li Menglong was not interested in this news. There is still hope for the movie.

"I know the shortcomings of our movie, and it makes sense that this movie will lose money now! However, my team, my company, and I still made it, for no other reason than just for everyone to watch it. It's a good story. All of us are working hard to make this movie, and I hope everyone can watch it carefully. This is really a great story, and I hope it can also be a good movie!" Li Menglong finished. He put his hands together and bowed to everyone present.

All the actors stood up. Although a large part of the reason for taking this film was the high salary, but later on in the filming, they really integrated into their roles. They had Confidence says this is one of their best roles to date.

However, people like Won Bin and Hyun Bin might pay more attention to this kind of statement. As for the declaration of these supporting actors who can’t even be named, there is no chance for people to laugh at it. Because no one will see it at all.

So although it was very interesting and the atmosphere was good, the premiere of Room 7 officially ended soon. There were not many topics, and Li Menglong and the others were not willing to hype it up, so everyone should just watch the movie.

Li Menglong was in the main creative position, and behind him happened to be Girls' Generation, and next to him was Seohyun. As soon as the lights in the cinema dimmed, he felt the fragrance of Shan Dan in his ears: "No matter what the movie is, I am proud of you! "

"It's your turn to comfort me? Let's watch a movie!" I don't know if Li Shunkyu heard it, but Li Menglong still liked this feeling of being cared about, especially.

The title of a movie is often a variety of dazzling titles from major distributors and even investor companies, but Li Menglong's movie is almost an art film.

It’s not about its content, but the investment is small, the investor is single, and the cast has acting skills but is not well-known. All of this falls into the category of small-budget art films.

Therefore, the title of this movie is very few. Except for a few rigid ones, it is a title of my company, and it gave everyone some laughter from the beginning.

A hole opened in the middle of the pitch-black screen, and then a banana was pushed up. Then the black screen automatically acted as a curtain, and with a few following spotlights, several cute minions staggered away. Come up.

However, the shapes of these three minions are also very distinctive. One is relatively tall and thin with eyes and long hair, and is wearing a formal suit.

Followed by two shorter minions, one was struggling to drag a wooden platform while the other was trying to be cute.

The audience doesn't know the inside story yet, so it's hard to guess, but the girls can immediately identify which of the members these minions are. Li Menglong decisively leaned forward, otherwise he would be slapped to death on the back of the head.

The three minions stood up one after another, and following the signal from the formal minion in the middle, a Xu Xian version of the Minion Banana Ode appeared on the scene.

The brainwashing voice, simple lyrics and three cute little yellow people all made everyone laugh happily. Except for Lee Soon Kyu and Kim Taeyeon, you must know that as this meme spreads, every time SW has a new movie released in the future, The height of the two of them is probably going to be used as a joke.

Accompanied by this magical banana ode, the black curtain was opened, and with the flickering of lights, several huge letters popped out from behind - SW·B!

That's right, this is the name or number given to each subsidiary by SW after its recent internal integration. The film and television distribution company is SW·B, Director Luo's variety show and TV series production company is SW·Y, the live broadcast company is SW·V, and the singing department of the department, which is the company signed by these artists, is SW·L.

As for the ones with very simple meanings, such as banana, yse, and vilve, as for the "l" of the main company, it is purely because both Lee Menglong and Lee Soonkyu are named Lee, which is a bit arbitrary.

However, these are some internal divisions of labor within the company, and I guess this audience will not be interested in knowing about it. Everyone just needs to find the title of the film interesting.

"Thank you oppa!" Xu Xian felt that Li Menglong had forcefully promoted Minions for her, and she always felt quite happy.

"Well, remember to treat me to dinner!" After Li Menglong said this, the movie officially started.

At the beginning of the movie, Li Menglong brought out the most attractive point of the whole film, which is the scene of Xu Xian standing alone in the snow and looking into the distance. With that delicate face and beautiful scene, Li Menglong patted his chest and assured that this is it. 30 seconds of footage, any screenshot can be used directly as a poster.

Xu Xian is actually a character who promotes the development of the plot in this movie. Although she does not have many roles, it would not be possible without her, and Li Menglong captured various aesthetics in Xu Xian's few scenes.

Xu Xian almost only has two looks in the whole movie. One is the current winter healing goddess outfit, and the other is the professional suit of the female judge that will be shown next. That capable look matches Xu Xian's slightly cold look. Temperament, Seohyun is attracting fans again.

After all, it is still covered in the skin of comedy, so there are still plenty of jokes at the beginning. Xu Xian kept looking for the uncles he met in prison, and his various weird occupations and performances made the audience laugh continuously.

Whether it's a warlock with inaccurate fortune telling or a less professional priest, everyone is happy and at the same time a little curious about what this story is about. If it ends in such a funny way, no one will mind.

At this time, the characters who had just appeared were all sitting on the witness stand in the court, and Xu Xian began to explain to everyone an unjust case more than ten years ago, which was the story of the upcoming movie, in a capable and professional manner like a judge. Main article.

Next was the performance time for Liu Chenglong and his goddaughter Ge Suyuan. Li Menglong spent a full ten minutes letting everyone know the relationship and background between the two of them, and also told everyone the cruel scene that was about to happen.

Long Jiu, the fool played by Liu Chenglong, actually molested a girl to death. Although everyone knew that this was impossible through his love for his daughter and some God's perspective, the victim's father was the chief of the police station.

So the police who were eager to solve the case used Yi Sheng, Long Jiu's daughter, to threaten the fool Long Jiu. Long Jiu, who wanted to see his daughter, became the murderer without knowing what he had admitted.

The police, the prison warden and even the prisoners all had no good impressions of Long Jiu, because scum also had a bottom line, and Long Jiu crossed the line, and what he did angered everyone.

Although he was ostracized and beaten, Long Jiu still thought about his daughter happily. In other words, he didn't even know what the death penalty meant.

Occasionally, he did a big favor to the boss of the same prison, saving his life, and Long Jiu's repayment condition was Yi Sheng, whom he had always talked about.

At this point, the movie has lasted for half an hour. Except for the initial laugh, the next twenty minutes can be said that Li Menglong is just telling a story, and it is also a story similar to an unjust case.

Although there are some jokes from everyone in the prison interspersed from time to time, the heaviness still cannot be dispelled, and the audience can only feel this step. However, although these reporters are not old, they are at least knowledgeable, so they feel that they have gone too far.

Although Li Menglong's story is told very well, and the portrayal of each prisoner in the prison is very good, on the one hand, it seems to be trying to steal the limelight of the protagonist, and on the other hand, even if the desire is to be promoted first, the depression is too long-lasting and heavy. .

In other words, they don't think Li Menglong can film it to match such a depressing climax, so now, the few highlights are the performances of veteran actors and Li Menglong's relatively smooth camera language.

And if we give a simple score to the first thirty minutes of the movie, in fact, the movie is already rated below 70 points. If there can't be too many surprises later, a typical movie only cares about the director's own ideas and ignores the audience. Sensory literary films, referred to as bad films or high-brow films!

Fortunately, a turning point followed. When the prison chief really brought Yi Sheng in, a series of joyful scenes unfolded in this small prison room of less than 10 square meters.

The father-daughter relationship between Long Jiu and his daughter; the changes in the hearts of each of the other five people in the prison; the differences among the prisoners because Yi Sheng could not leave; and in the end, he was moved by the pure love between this fool and the girl.

It can be said that this half hour condensed most of the enthusiasm and energy of Li Menglong and the actors for this movie, because there is almost no other external force to rely on for this long plot.

All the scenes take place in this small room, and all the plots are driven by the emotional changes of this group of people: those who are selfish and timid and want to report, those who don’t care to watch, those who take all risks but are fearless of……

This half hour was wonderful, relaxing and touching.

Although there is no strong sensationalism, the coldness of the prison itself and the collision of humanity among the prisoners are well displayed, and it is still done in a relatively relaxed way.

However, all the viewers have not forgotten that Long Jiu is still a murderer, but according to the routine, Long Jiu must have begun to work hard to clear away the suspicion with the help of everyone.

The fact is that it started according to everyone's ideas. With the help of the warden, the prisoners united together. In order to give this poor but touching father and daughter a chance to be together forever, everyone began to prepare to overturn the case.

In fact, the entire case does not stand up to scrutiny at all. If the father of the victim girl was not the police chief, and if Long Jiu was not a fool, this case would not be established at all.

So the following story began to become exciting, with all kinds of positive energy. If the story ended with Long Jiu reversing the case in the last half hour, then this would be a typical three-part movie.

The background and origin of the story are explained at the beginning, and the interruption allows the story to be pushed forward with laughter. At the same time, there are various kinds of humanistic chicken soup, and the ending is a happy ending for good people!

Although the structure is classic, everyone feels that something is missing.

Fortunately, Li Menglong continued to bury a foreshadowing. This movie is not 90 minutes, but a full 120 minutes, so now the movie is only halfway through. When Long Jiu, with the help of everyone, memorized all the testimonies to overturn the case for his daughter, the day of trial finally arrived. All the prisoners, the warden, including Yi Sheng rushed over.

Many in the audience were already getting dressed because the movie was about to end.

"May I ask whether the defendant Li Longjiu killed..."

In an instant, Liu Chenglong really reached the peak of his acting skills. Although the audience had no idea what was happening, everyone could see the reluctance in Long Jiu's eyes and the love for his daughter...

"Guilty! I killed someone! Long Jiu killed someone!" The moment Long Jiu said these words, Li Menglong switched the camera to everyone present at the trial: the surprised inmates, the heartbroken Yi Sheng, and the people with the The director with a smile who was avenged.

At this time, the camera started to rewind, and everyone finally knew that Long Jiu was threatened, but the conditions of the threat made people want to cry. The director just said softly: If you don't plead guilty, I will not let Yi go. Win!

When the camera switched to the scene again, Long Jiu had already stood up excitedly. What he cared about now was not life or death, but struggling to look at the director: "Let Yi Sheng go! Let Yi Sheng go..."

The camera smoothly switched to the future, which is the scene at the beginning of the movie. Xu Xian, as a judge, stated the facts at the time and told everyone present how much a great father would sacrifice for his daughter.

The audience was reduced to a sea of ​​tears while watching the movie. When emotions are pure to a certain extent, there are no boundaries, such as the greatness of father's love nowadays.

Long Jiu sat at the trial seat blankly and kept repeating: "Help Yisheng! I was wrong!"

And Xu Xian, who grew up as Yi Sheng, covered his father's ears in the same court: "You are not wrong, Dad! Yi Sheng is here to help you!"

Accompanying this scene in Xu Xian's imagination was the cold voice of pronouncing the sentence: "Li Yongjiu, death penalty!"

It can be said that this is the biggest climax of the film. Li Menglong spent almost an hour and a half setting the scene and finally succeeded in making the audience cry. However, everyone still had the final expectation. It should be a comedy, right?

Feeling Xu Xian's cold palm, Li Menglong smiled and covered it in his hand, but his hands were also full of sweat. This movie was a bit heavy for anyone, even Li Menglong who had watched it many times.

Li Menglong can only say sorry for everyone's expectations, because in the last half hour it can be said that as long as the audience wants to cry, almost every minute will bring tears.

Knowing that he was going to die, Long Jiu made the last birthday gift for Yi Sheng. He stood on the hot air balloon that everyone made together and said to his daughter: Don't forget today, and don't forget me!

He held a birthday party for his daughter in prison, and that day was the date of his execution...

Long Jiu held Yi Sheng's hand and said thank you to the inmates in a somewhat dull manner in the cell where most of the stories happened. The last words of goodbye, coupled with the background of about to enter the execution ground, were even more... It has reached the sublimation of human-to-human feelings.

When he and Yi Sheng were finally separated by two doors, Long Jiu was still smiling and saying goodbye to Yi Sheng as at the beginning of the film, as if he was going to work, but he knew that he would never come back. He is afraid...

"Help me! I didn't kill anyone! Yisheng..." With the scene of Long Jiu hugging Yisheng through the iron gate, the camera cut to the scene of Xu Xian's trial.

"Li Yongjiu is my father, a father who is like an angel. He also has a beloved daughter. How could he..." After Xu Xian presented various evidences, she finally complained to the judge in front of her with tears in her eyes.

When the judge finally said, "Withdrawal of Li Yongjiu's death sentence," Xu Xian fell to the ground softly. At the same time, he opened the file in his hand. The sub-file of Longjiu inside was clearly stamped with the seal: Shooting. To execution!

The screen turned again, and the original shot of Xu Xian standing in the snow appeared on the big screen. When the camera started to zoom up, everyone saw clearly that this was the prison.

And the shadow of the yellow hot air balloon appeared in mid-air. Looking at the interaction between Long Jiu and Yi Sheng above, Xu Xian's eyes were filled with tears again: "I have not forgotten you, dad..."

An ending that echoes the beginning and the end. When Xu Xian said these words, the screen turned black, and then there was a row of words on the top - Works by Director Li Menglong!

There are no relevant behind-the-scenes shots, just rows of cold words. Even Li Menglong's own line of words is the same except for the top row. It seems that he just wants to tell everyone what he said before applying for the job. story.

The audience at the scene was still in tears while reminiscing about the final ending. Although it was undoubtedly a tragic movie, everyone saw the purest emotions in it.

After the entire post-stage cast and crew had finished playing, and when the whole play finally appeared, everyone started clapping their hands, and Li Menglong also stood up.

He is the only one among the main creators who has watched the finished film in its entirety, but he will still be moved by the film, not to mention the other actors who are watching the film for the first time.

A lot of gentlemen kept wiping their red eyes, but Li Menglong was the only one who could still smile. When he stood up, the first thing he saw was the girls in the row behind. They were all crying like tears. Yes, very pitiful.

Then came the audience at the back. Those pairs of affirmative eyes made Li Menglong feel the joy of success. At least his work was recognized. Everyone felt the beauty of the script and movie just like him.

But his reason told him not to have too high expectations for the box office, because on this happy day like Christmas, is it a good thing to make the audience cry for more than half an hour?

In other words, for an ordinary moviegoer, these two movies have different labels. One is: a blockbuster, a big production, a luxurious cast, full of special effects. As for the actors' performance, the script is about the same, but it is very refreshing. .

The other one is a low-budget production with very good acting skills and profound humanistic connotations. The first half is very funny, and the second half can make people cry for half an hour. It is very touching!

During the holiday of Christmas, what will young people choose? A very simple decision that doesn’t even require too much thinking. After all, everyone doesn’t come to the movies just to cry, right?

But fortunately, Li Menglong is still open-minded about this, and after today, this movie essentially has nothing to do with him, or he can do nothing more for this movie.

As for his personal next arrangements, Li Menglong is still looking forward to it: "Thank you everyone for crying with us. If you feel good about it, you can recommend it to your friends."

"I allow you not to recommend it tomorrow. After all, you still have to be in a good mood at Christmas!" Li Menglong's understanding made everyone smile and feel helpless at the same time.

Although it is not suitable for Christmas, everyone is thinking of watching it again in a few days, because there are so many things worth remembering about this movie.

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