The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 440: Some gossip

(Thanks to "It's Yuanlai" for the 10,000 rewards, more will be given, thank you for your support!)

Quanzhou Yangzhi Middle School is an ordinary middle school. If nothing else, Kim Taeyeon is the most famous alumnus here, at least for now.

And because of the existence of this outstanding alumnus, at least Kim Taeyeon's fans will pay attention to this name when they see her personal profile, but that's all.

There may be fans of Kim Taeyeon who have traveled thousands of miles to buy a pair of glasses at Mama Kim's store in Jeonju, but there are almost no people who come to this middle school to check out it. This is also the first time for Lee Mong-ryong to come.

"Oppa, let's go around for a while. We only have two classes in the morning today, and we'll go home together later!"

"Why don't I go home first and you go back by yourself later? Don't tell me that you don't dare to leave alone, classmate Jin Xiayan who skipped class!"

"I hate it, I want to stay with you for a little longer!" Seeing Li Menglong's expression that showed no reaction at all, Jin Xiayan knew that he was about to bleed: "Okay! This is my meal card. You can go to the school cafeteria. Buy food!”

"Take it out early, see you after class later!"

"You save some money, I won't tolerate saving some money!"

How could Li Menglong really spend Jin Xiayan's money? He was just teasing Jin Xiayan. He rushed directly to the gymnasium under construction. Although the junior high school gymnasium was smaller, all the audience were standing this time. , so it’s okay.

It was only when Li Menglong called Park Xiangmin yesterday that he learned that the girls' last Jeonju concert was held at Kim Taeyeon's alma mater.

This was not Li Menglong's attention. Even Li Eunxi didn't care about these details. They were all handled by Park Xiangmin. I have to praise Park Xiangmin for his delicate thoughts. At least Kim Taeyeon should be very grateful to him.

Moreover, Li Menglong also saw Park Xiangmin conducting at the stadium. In the past few days, he had changed to a new company, contacted the girls' previous spokespersons, and even had to take care of the details of the girls. He was also very tired.

But the spirit is very good, which seems to be the norm for all employees in SW. The reason why Park Xiangmin is happy is of course that he feels comfortable at work. In fact, he can please Girls' Generation and handle work at the same time. Is he really willing to be the bad guy? After all, no one is born a bitch.

Moreover, he has great power in SW. In addition to setting the most basic tone, he can directly decide on almost all Girls' Generation matters. This also stimulates his enthusiasm for work. At least it allows Li Menglong to see that he, Park Xiangmin, is not a freeloader.

"There's no need to work so hard. You're the general agent. If you're going to collapse from exhaustion, we won't be able to reimburse you at public expense!"

"Fortunately, I can relax after these few days. I have communicated with SBS, but is it a bit too much?" Park Xiangmin rarely hesitated about the artist's schedule.

"It's okay, just treat it as a vacation!"

"Okay, and I recently answered an advertisement for them..."

"You can make the decision or explain these things to the company. I am just a little assistant. You don't need to care too much about my opinion. You can continue to treat me as you did at the beginning!"

"At first I wanted to tear you apart!"

"We are each other!" Li Menglong smiled: "How many of our people are there? I'll get some breakfast over here!"

Naturally, he went to the school cafeteria to buy breakfast. When Li Menglong went to charge money, he found that no one was there. After all, it was already winter vacation and the school accountants were off work.

So Li Menglong could only silently take out Jin Xiayan's meal card and swipe it. It was worth hundreds of thousands of Korean won. Although the nine girls had more than that for a meal, this was a meal for a junior high school student. It's stuck.

So after dozens of breakfasts were served, the card was only a fraction. Li Menglong sent the breakfast over with a smile. As for the remaining amount, the little girl would probably jump up in anger.

Although Li Menglong was said to be an assistant, there was no way that these SW staff members could treat him as an assistant. So in order to let these people have a good meal, Li Menglong could only wander around.

Posters for the girls' evening concert had already begun to be put up in the school, and there were even some guiding signs. Li Menglong pressed down the corners of some of the raised posters again along the way, and it didn't take long for him to finish visiting the place.

For a while, he himself was quite curious. Of course, he was not curious about where Kim Taeyeon had appeared, but curious about the life of a junior high school student, which he had never experienced at least in his memory.

So by mistake, Li Menglong walked directly to the teaching building. It happened to be recess, so the corridor was full of bustling students, and the topic they talked about was naturally the concert held here in the evening.

And Li Menglong, a person who was out of place in both size and appearance, naturally received unanimous attention, so Li Menglong could only keep asking if anyone knew Jin Xiayan.

Being led by kind-hearted classmates: "Are you Jin Zhiyong?"

"Uh, you know all this?"

"Of course, Kim Ha-yeon is very popular in school!"

Although Li Menglong was not very keen on gossip, thinking about Jin Xiayan's expression after telling Jin's mother all this when she went home, Li Menglong couldn't help but start to make up his words: "Many male classmates like her?"

"Of course! Who allowed her to have so many signed photos of her girlhood!"

"Well, isn't there the same kind of love between men and women?"

The classmate pointed to the classroom in front of him: "Maybe there is, but I've never heard that she agreed."

Li Menglong stood at the door not knowing what to do for a while. At this time, a female teacher from behind happened to rush over: "Hello, who are you?"

"Hello teacher, I am Jin Xiayan's brother!"

"Xia Yan, are you coming here?"

"I just feel that classes for junior high school students should be quite interesting. Come and take a look. If I'm disturbing you, I'll leave now!"

"It's okay. We happen to have a system for parents to follow us. If you don't mind, just come and listen to a class!"

What else could Li Menglong say? Just follow him in. The class became much quieter when the teacher came in. The status of teachers in Korea is still very important.

"Today there is a new parent coming over temporarily to take a class with you. Welcome everyone!" The teacher was not lying, because the students were not surprised at all, as if they had experienced it many times before.

But many people are a little nervous, what if it’s their parents? But Kim Ha-yeon is not worried at all. Can her mother leave Kim Tae-yeon and come here on her own?

So Jin Xiayan, who was writing and drawing on paper, heard the voice of her deskmate standing up, followed by the familiar tone: "I can just go to the back!"

"It's okay, there are still a lot of empty seats, but can you sign your autograph for me later?" Although Li Menglong was not recognized all the way, after all, his news was too much for a junior high school student. Almost 20 years old.

But Jin Xiayan's deskmate knew about him, because Jin Xiayan had listed Li Menglong as one of her idols, and after knowing about him, Li Menglong's high-quality uncle style is also very attractive to little girls.

"Oh! Why are you here?"

"I finished my meal card and came here because I had no place to go!"

"What? All spent? That's hundreds of thousands!" If Jin Xiayan hadn't seen the look in the teacher's eyes, she would have rushed up and strangled Li Menglong to death. Was he a pig? So edible!

"Hurry up and have a good class!" Li Menglong pushed her, then felt the somewhat low desk and looked at Jin Xiayan's other textbooks. It felt very novel for a while.

Even though Jin Xiayan said this, Li Menglong was still very excited to sit next to her in class. At least she had to perform well in this class.

The teacher was also very considerate, throwing some small questions to Jin Xiayan, and the answers were fluent. However, Li Menglong had been reading a book, and occasionally looked at the teacher's blackboard, but not at her.

Because it was a make-up lesson, the class was 90 minutes long, so there was a small break in between. Li Menglong was naturally called by the teacher to talk about his children's education.

To be honest, the lectures given by the other party were a bit hollow in Li Menglong's ears, but considering the receptive ability of junior high school students, it was unrealistic to keep talking about new knowledge points throughout the whole process, so Li Menglong just replied with a few words with a smile.

It's just that he has never been a parent, otherwise any parent would not try to please his child's teacher. Therefore, although Li Menglong thought he had a good attitude, there was some dissatisfaction in the eyes of the teacher.

Of course, generally speaking, it was nothing, but it just happened to be a lot more time. The teacher simply called Li Menglong up during the last ten minutes of chatting.

In name, it was to let him chat with his classmates, but of course it was more to let him know how difficult it is to teach junior high school students. After all, it is difficult to even talk about topics that interest them.

Li Menglong never knew what stage fright was. As for this part, he thought that all parents had it, so he walked directly to the podium and knocked on the podium lightly: "Introduce yourself, I am Jin Xiayan's Brother, my surname is not Jin. I would like to chat with you for a while. Can you tell us what topics you are interested in or what you are talking about just now?"

Li Menglong randomly named a male classmate, who hesitated for a moment and then directly said it was Girls' Generation's concert that night: "Follow the trend, good! But do you have tickets?"

Seeing the other party shaking his head, Li Menglong did not answer: "Since you like Girls' Generation very much, let's start with Girls' Generation. Why do you think they can stand here and hold a concert today? Kim Taeyeon is still yours Where’s the senior sister?”

Li Menglong started from the girlhood, which is not a long speech, but it can be regarded as a narration of the hardships of girls along the way.

Being able to convince Lee Soo Man and prevent Yoo Jae Suk from taking advantage of his language, I have to say that the logic of Lee Menglong's words is perfect. As for the fun, isn't it the gossip of girls?

The bell rang soon after class, and Li Menglong finally added: "All students who don't have tickets can come to Jin Xiayan tonight, and she can take you there tonight!"

Seeing that everyone didn't cheer as expected, Li Menglong knew that he didn't believe it, so he could only spread his hands towards Jin Xiayan, and Jin Xiayan jumped out: "What my oppa said is what I said!"

Seeing that Kim Ha Yeon's usual status is not low, mainly because she is Kim Taeyeon's younger sister, it seems that she can bring dozens of people in with her.

As for the teacher who had just escaped long ago, this small episode meant that Li Menglong would never think of such a small thing again in the future. It was just that Jin Xiayan might suffer more in the future, but in disguise it made her even more miserable. Love learning, that’s a good thing.

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