The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 425 It’s Girlhood Now

If I had to describe Li Menglong's current behavior, it would be like making a touching prank. He is a happy naughty kid who is about to succeed. There is also a similar adjective called yuppie, which is what Li Menglong is now.

As he raised a hand and snapped his fingers, the accompaniment mixed with simple drum beats, guitar and finger snapping sounds started, but it was still too simple.

Li Menglong didn't care about this. Since he had already decided, he always wanted to do his best. He slid to the front in front of Kim Taeyeon, holding a microphone in one hand, and the other hand gently moved along her side. The curve of the cheek was gently stroked.

"Oh, I can't look at you directly! My heart feels like being hit by an arrow!" Li Menglong's unique deep voice paired with such disgusting lyrics, Kim Taeyeon wouldn't think that he was confessing his love. More The reason is that she expresses her love for her as a fan.

But she was still moved, and she was very moved. After exclaiming in surprise, the audience heard clearly Li Menglong's rap lyrics that seemed to be self-narrating, and they didn't know what to say.

Li Mengcai doesn't care about the reactions of these people. The best thing to do is to go all out in one go. In fact, both the lyrics and the current actions are a bit disgusting to him.

While Kim Taeyeon was intoxicated, Li Menglong's hand that was gently placed on her jade-like cheek suddenly exerted force, so Kim Taeyeon seemed to be pushed hard by Li Menglong's head, pushed directly to the side, and revealed her back, which was in a daze. Jessica Jung.

"I can do anything in front of you, I'm like a fool who has eaten honey!" Tian Tian looked at each other for no more than ten seconds, nodded Zheng Xiuyan's head again, and politely asked her aside.

There are really too many girls. If one person sings two more lines, the last person will be out of words, so the progress cannot be messed up. Fortunately, the girls behind have some reaction.

Of course, it is inseparable from Lee Mong-ryong’s rough actions at the end. Lee Soon-gyu even knew that those actions must have been specially made by Lee Mong-ryong because he is a person who doesn’t like to show his emotions, so he always added a funny ending to the touching ending. usual means.

"I don't know why I love you, maybe it's because I follow your charming brilliance!" When Li Menglong sang this, he was facing Li Shunkyu. She didn't know what it meant to be polite. Just when Li Menglong was about to bypass her At that time, Li Shunkyu just clung to him.

Fortunately, the songs are all casual, and even the accompaniment in the middle is the same, so Li Menglong doesn't sing, even if he fights with Li Sunkyu, he won't even say a word of praise.

Shocked by Li Menglong's scenes, the fans at the scene have just come to their senses. When they just pushed Kim Taeyeon, they didn't have time to boo, because they could see that it was all a joke, and it was too fast.

Fortunately, Lee Soon Kyu has given them a chance. The people at the scene are also united today: "Keep singing! Keep singing!"

Under Li Soonkyu's proud gaze, Li Menglong couldn't stand it anymore. The key is that he should praise more: "I want to calm this violently beating heart, because it has been burned to ashes for you!"

"Ugh..." Li Soonkyu pretended to be disgusted and moved away until he vomited.

Although Lee Mong-ryong himself admitted that he was disgusted, could he not show it? He had not sung more than half of the song, so he kicked Lee Soon-gyu in the butt while her back was turned, amidst the good-natured laughter of the fans. , and continued to praise these girls mindlessly.

"Taeyeon, Jessica, Tiffany, Sunny, Yuri, Hyoyeon, Seohyun, Sooyoung and Yoona!" After a round of praise, Li Menglong once again stood in front of the nine people and called their names while singing what he wanted to say to them. Words: "No words can describe them, such beautiful girls, my girls! That sweet voice and charming smile, my girls!"

The language was almost flattering, but it expressed the sentiments of thousands of fans at the scene. In the hearts of all of them, these nine girls are their goddesses, and their love for them is 10,000 times greater than what Li Menglong sang. !

"La la la..." This is the most critical part of what Li Menglong did temporarily on the third floor. He added an infinitely long repetitive interlude with a poisonous rhythm to the chorus.

Li Menglong first raised his hands high, then clapped his hands rhythmically on his head to the beat of the drum, and hummed this meaningless chant. The fans also understood what he meant, and the whole place suddenly clapped their hands in unison.

And the originally sentimental murmurs for the goddess have turned into a rhythm similar to cheering on a football field. Fortunately, no one cares about it now. In such a beautiful atmosphere, who can ask for more?

At least the girls felt that enough was enough. The nine of them clung to each other, constantly looking at the fans around them with sparkling eyes, looking at Li Menglong with a smirk and a hint of blush in front of him, and the man he was dragging out. box.

If there was a diamond ring or something like that here, Kim Taeyeon guarantees that she would definitely refuse it, that’s right! Fortunately, the surprise was almost over here. As for Li Menglong, he dragged out several bottles of hair spray, which is similar to temporary spray paint for coloring hair. As for the color, it goes without saying.

Li Menglong had never used this before, so he looked at the everyday jar, shook it first, and then sprayed it all over his hair. The uneven pink hair looked like it had been gnawed by a dog, but the meaning was there. Just fine.

At this time, Li Menglong finally got down to business. He turned off the microphone in his hand and dragged the box of hair spray over. The girls naturally picked it up to help each other.

"The songs in a while are all songs from your albums, and the backup dancers are from s*m that you usually use. The songs are probably three dance songs, slow songs, and member solos. It's up to you!" Li Menglong explained. Follow-up: "It is initially expected that today will last until about two o'clock. I just ate fried chicken, so I should have enough energy!"

It's okay that Li Menglong didn't say this. After he said it, there were more than two girls who stared at him. Fortunately, Li Menglong was thick-skinned enough: "Enjoy today and give these fans a different stage!"

"In a moment, I will have the second half of the song, which is similar to the previous one. After I finish praising you, you can walk on the stage one by one, and walk in a decent manner! There are so many people watching! Especially the short ones!" Li Menglong couldn't explain anything anymore, so he got up immediately.

But at this time Xu Xian pulled his sleeve, and then gently sprayed his hair evenly again. With that gentle look in his eyes, Li Menglong felt that the dark maknae was about to appear.

Because he didn’t care what the occasion was, Xu Xian’s action simply meant that he was not going to let him get out alive. This was also the case, even the most innocent maknae Li Menglong was not spared?

All kinds of dirty words were shouted out for a while, "Li Menglong, let go of the maknae, the maknae belongs to everyone!" "Li Menglong, if you are a man, just come to me, bullying the maknae is nothing!" "Li Menglong, I want it. I’ll give you a monkey…”

He flicked Xu Xian's head hard. It seemed that this little girl needed to be educated in the future, but he didn't realize that his hair had gone beyond the category of pink, pink and then black. It is in sharp contrast to the light pink color of the girls. Could this mean that he loves the girls more?

"Everyone will think that you are the sun and the moon. You are everything in my life! As long as I can be with you, I will be by your side until the end of the world!"

Accompanied by Li Menglong's hoarse voice and disgusting lyrics, and looking at his doting eyes at this moment, Kim Taeyeon silently put her hand on his raised hand, and finally snorted at him, and then she was held by Li Menglong and walked away. After a few steps, we reached the passage.

The moment she left Lee Mongryong's hand, Kim Taeyeon knew that she was no longer the little girl hiding in Lee Mongryong's doting eyes. She was now the captain of Girls' Generation and Kim Taeyeon, who was loved by countless people. She would never Let these people down.

Although Kim Taeyeon rarely walks in shows, even though she doesn’t even have high heels, even though this journey is very rough. But Kim Taeyeon still regards this section of the road as the most beautiful runway she has ever walked on in her life, just because they are there.

She raised her head vigorously, twisted her buttocks and pushed out her chest without hesitation. Even though her appearance is not that beautiful now, Kim Taeyeon believes that this is the confident and beautiful Kim Taeyeon that everyone wants to see.

He held the hands of the girls one by one, as if he were a father sending his daughter off for marriage, but seeing the confident looks of the girls in front of him, Li Menglong was also full of joy.

Seeing that Xu Xian was about to reach the stage at the end, Li Menglong looked at them on the stage from a distance. He shouldn't be here anymore. This should be a carnival for Girls' Generation and their fans.

So I clasped my hands together with the microphone between them, closed my eyes gently, and the pictures that came to my mind were all the bits and pieces of my acquaintance with them: "Taeyeon, Jessica, Tiffany, Sunny, Yuri, Hyoyeon, Seohyun , Sooyoung and Yoona!”

This time, Li Menglong's tone was too soft, and he simply called the girls' names, but many people could hear the emotions contained in it, and the last word was whispered so softly that people couldn't hear it: "My girls." Time! My girls!"

His eyes were still closed, but his right hand had been raised. With a quiet snap of his fingers, the spotlight shining on him was instantly extinguished, and finally there was only one center left in the scene, which was the nine people standing on the stage. A girl surrounded by countless pinks!

The nine girls all looked at the direction where the lights went out for a long time and were unwilling to move. Li Menglong had done so much that they didn't know what else to do besides being grateful.

Now they just want to say thank you to him in the name of Girls' Generation, but they say it silently in their hearts, because now - it is - Girls' Generation!

"It is--"

"Girls' Generation!" Everyone shouted this slogan together!

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