"Where's breakfast?" Xu Xian still didn't understand what was going on.

"No." He raised the large thermos bottle in his hand: "Let's eat with your parents when we get home later, bear with it now."

"Is this for my parents?" Xu Xian was a little surprised.

"Otherwise? As the saying goes, cannibals have short mouths. If you bring food home, your parents will say a few words. You can also say that you went back to the dormitory to make a special note for them." Li Menglong thought of it when he said it. The excuse is simply perfect and outrageous.

But he ignored the quiet Xu Xian, he just thought she was sleepy. But he overlooked an important thing, or inadvertently did something that is a plus for a man.

If a man can treat a woman's family and friends very well, even if a girl doesn't like him that much, she will feel that the other party is a very reliable person. And Xu Xian naturally has no male-female feelings for Li Menglong, but there is still some warmth in his heart.

However, although the plan was perfect, Xu Xian was still unavoidably nervous when he approached the door. Fortunately, there was someone more nervous than her beside her. I saw Li Menglong making the last effort: "I won't go up, your house, what am I going to do?"

"Visit my parents, they are very nice, don't worry." After finishing speaking, Xu Xian couldn't wait to push Li Menglong behind, not caring about what her parents would do when she returned home with a man early in the morning after missing all night. generate mood.

Li Menglong already had all kinds of slander in his heart, but he still couldn't say it to Xu Xian. Although he can run now, will he never see Xu Xian again? To lose this man who might or had been his friend.

All kinds of thoughts disappeared the moment the door opened, and Li Menglong only saw the middle-aged man who had just walked out of the bathroom, was about to put a hand into his underwear to tickle, and his face still had traces of sleep.

Li Menglong felt horrified when he thought about the complicated mood of suddenly finding a strange man next to him after going to the toilet in the morning.

So in order to avoid more misunderstandings, mainly to prove that he is not a robber or thief, Li Menglong threw himself to the ground in an instant, and threw a big gift directly on the floor: Will there be a robber who salutes his master?

While Li Menglong got down on the ground, he also revealed Xu Xian behind him. The corner of his mouth was forced to pull. Xu Xian finally realized that the development of the matter seemed to be out of her control, so he didn't care about other things, and ran directly to his mother. In the room, there was a crisp sound of locking.

The two men are in the same mood at least in this one, ten thousand muddy horses are galloping past in their hearts, at least what the woman is thinking at this moment, neither of the two men is very clear.

Li Menglong raised his head and smiled awkwardly at Xu's father, and Xu's father could only respond, and at the same time planned to pull him up, but Li Menglong looked at the hand he just took out, and didn't know whether to accept the other party's hand kindness.

Because I don't know what Xu Xian will say when he comes out, Li Menglong can only briefly talk about what happened last night. Of course, what he said is that your daughter and I are ordinary friends, please don't misunderstand.

Although I don't know whether I should believe it or not, but as a well-cultivated university teacher, although he is not as respected as a professor, he still has no education, so before his daughter came out, he reluctantly entertained her. This little friend.

After putting on his pants and walking out again, he found that Li Menglong was pouring porridge into a big bowl, and a sense of intimacy rushed over his face. You must know that although he does not earn less than Xu's mother, he can't keep Xu's mother busy, so the family Father Xu is responsible for a large part of the food.

In this chauvinistic country, there are not many men like Papa Xu. When I suddenly saw someone of the same kind, I still have a sense of identity in my heart. At the same time, I think that a man who can cook is at least not a bad person.

As for whether it was bought from a restaurant or fake handed by someone else, Dad Xu didn't doubt it, and he found out about Li Menglong's bottom with a few casual chats. Now he has identified Li Menglong's identity: his daughter's Friend, while being a man who can keep watching.

Obediently took Dad Xu's bowl, and filled another bowl for him. Li Menglong did it very naturally, and Dad Xu also picked up a few pickles and handed them to his bowl. silly smile.

So when Mama Xu and Xu Xian came out, they found this scene. How to describe it, at least one word came out in Mama Xu's mind-the marriage between Weng and son-in-law.

"Ahem, old Xu!" Mother Xu coughed from behind.

But Xu's father didn't cooperate at all, and directly instructed Li Menglong: "Menglong, serve porridge for your aunt, what are you doing standing there?"

Then an even weirder scene appeared. At six o'clock in the morning in Seoul, Father Xu and Mother Xu sat in a row in pajamas, while Xu Xian and Li Menglong sat stiffly opposite.

Xu Xian sipped the porridge in a small mouth, as if he was planning to practice closed-mouth meditation, and resolutely did not say a word. Compared with Xu's father's peace, Xu's mother was obviously too shrewd, her eyes were comparable to x-rays on Li Menglong's body Keep looking.

Just as he was asking about Li Menglong's family, Xu Xiancai couldn't help but say that this was already a pain in Li Menglong's heart. Xu Xian knew that Li Menglong had lost his memory, but he couldn't tell his parents, so he could only interrupt coquettishly. parental inquiries.

And Li Menglong finally had a chance to wipe off his sweat. Seeing that the pot of porridge was not good enough, Li Menglong felt that it was time to leave, and he would be dehydrated if he stayed any longer.

So just when he stood up on his legs to say goodbye, Mother Xu took a step ahead: "Your Uncle Xu likes to play chess, you can play a few games with him."

"Uh... inside!" Li Menglong obediently agreed.

On the other side, Xu Xian, who was cleaning up the dishes, began to be frantically interrogated by Xu's mother. It is really easy to cause misunderstandings even if this scene is explained.

On the other side, although Dad Xu is not lacking in interest, he is not excited at all. Unlike his father-in-law, who is a stinky chess basket in various legends, Dad Xu's chess skills are enough to compete with some professional players.

So playing chess with Li Menglong is just some adults' plan to accompany their children, and Li Menglong should not think about losing chess on purpose.

Xu's mother naturally knew what kind of virtue her husband was, so she looked at the time for about half an hour, and when Li Menglong was probably abused, she came over with a plate of cut fruit.

Li Menglong hurriedly got up to pick it up, handed it to Father Xu first, who waved his hand irritably, Li Menglong smiled apologetically at Mother Xu, and happily ate the fruit plate.

At this time, he actually felt a little revenge in his heart. After a simple game with Xu's father, he actually knew that he couldn't beat Xu's father, but he couldn't stand it. This is a chess book known as the World Remnant Chess Book.

So relying on his memory, Li Menglong began to approach all kinds of remnants shamelessly. The mistakes and pairs in the early stage were all for the endgame. Father Xu, who didn't pay attention at the beginning, naturally followed suit. Only get serious at the endgame.

When Xu Xian changed clothes and came out with Xu Doufu in his arms, she discovered this weird scene, especially the way Li Menglong raised his eyebrows at her and ate fruit, which made her very upset. Why would it be difficult for her father, even if it was playing chess? It doesn't work either.

If Li Menglong could know the other party's thoughts, he must be very aggrieved and asked Xu Xian: "Then why did they make things difficult for me just now?"

But talking too much is useless, Xu Xian put Xu Tofu on the floor and said something softly.

When Xu Doufu saw the person who almost killed him, and it was his home field, he naturally rushed away unceremoniously: "Wow!"

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