(This is even 6k. I’m afraid everyone would feel uncomfortable watching it if I separated, so there’s also the third update of the naughty leader! That’s all for tonight.

I didn’t come up with the ridiculous name Chen Tianhao, and this plot will take at least a few days. I feel tortured and unhappy. You can save it and watch it together. It will be better if you watch it together. Thank you for your support! I will write it carefully! )

Chen Tianhao, a name that sounds like the protagonist no matter how it sounds, contains the meaning of parents hoping that their children will succeed. However, if a person's achievements can be distinguished by his name alone, then it would be better to change his name to Chen Hao, and everything will be fine. .

He has the clearest growth mark of this generation of Chinese people. He is an only child. He started in interest classes in elementary school, worked hard for a key junior high school, and then went to a key high school and a key university.

I originally thought that those days in high school were when pigs and dogs were inferior. Who knew that when I got to college, I discovered that this is the life that pigs and dogs should live and are living. After graduation, I no longer even have the dignity of a dog.

I graduated from college in 2007 and was about to enter my third year at the end of 2012. I had nothing in my career and my salary was barely enough for food and clothing. As for his girlfriend, it would be more appropriate for him to be a sexual partner because he knew he couldn’t afford a house here.

There are a lot of friends, good and bad are all brothers. Although they don't have much money, they can live comfortably for a month, except of course during working hours.

Regarding this job, at least in 2009, he would say that he would change it, because his leader is a fool, pure and not exaggerated at all.

However, for this seemingly decent salary and suitable job, and looking at the numerous so-called college students who came for interviews every year, Chen Tianhao retreated and became numb.

If life is rape, Chen Tianhao feels that he is already an insensitive bitch with his legs spread apart.

Such people often have their own spiritual beliefs, and religion is at least a big part of it. It seems that spending money every year to make offerings and donations can redeem what has been lost.

Hobbies also account for a large part of it. For example, there are those who watch football and regard the home team as their life. They can be depressed for a week because of a loss; In fact, they have already looked at XZ inside and out on the computer.

Of course, there are also some interests that seem perverted, but don’t despise them, because many people are just a little less perverted than them.

Chen Tianhao's beliefs are quite special among all his colleagues and people around him. At least when he talks about it, his friends either disapprove or look at him with contempt. He is also used to not refuting it. Who let this society? The understanding is that chasing stars is equivalent to not doing serious business.

Moreover, he was chasing Korean stars, a nine-member girl group, a group called Girls' Generation that is known by most people as a stick group and a thigh group.

Like many people, he likes Girls' Generation through the song Gee, so strictly speaking, he is not even a die-hard fan. At least he spends his monthly salary on it and has never bought any of their songs. Genuine album.

However, this does not affect Chen Tianhao as a member of the long wish. He knows everything about the girls. He knows the branches of their dormitories, he knows what they like to eat, and he even knows all their current status.

He himself didn't know if this was star chasing, but after going home exhausted every day, seeing their bright smiles would always make him feel better. Sometimes he himself would think, what are they watching when they are tired?

If there are no accidents, he and the girls are two parallel lines and will never intersect. After all, a so-called domestic concert ticket will be very expensive. The key is that there are miscellaneous expenses and Need to take leave...

Chen Tianhao was in a bad mood these days, so bad that he even had the courage to contradict the leader several times. As for the livid face of the fat and brain-dead leader, he simply ignored it.

I turned on my computer silently and browsed the latest news in the girls' fan club. I even jumped over the wall to go to South Korea. Although I couldn't read any text, it would be nice to have any pictures.

However, the top photo on all forums is still the one from more than a week ago, which shows Lee Soon Kyu opening his arms and hugging everyone.

In the eyes of the antis, this was a mockery of them, but in Chen Tianhao's eyes, at least for the first time, he looked squarely at this member who seemed to be a gangster in the group.

Although he keeps saying that the nine people are a whole, he actually always thinks that the absence of people like Hyoyeon, Lee Soon Kyu, and Yuri will have no impact on Girls' Generation, and maybe it will be better.

But this time he knew he was wrong, so wrong! As Kim Taeyeon's fan, he is determined that the second girl he likes in the future will be Lee Soon Kyu, a girl who dares to challenge the whole world.

While looking through Korean posts, a piece of Japanese news came into view. As for the Japanese, I can still understand a few words. The general idea is that the girls will have a small meeting in Japan on December 12th, which is tomorrow. .

He subconsciously confirmed it several times, and even went to Japan to find the organizer of this event. The event was still there, and a small spark began to spread in his heart.

Needless to say, he is depressed these days. He goes over the wall to South Korea every day, relying on the system's built-in translation or using Pinyin or simple English to scold the trolls.

He felt that these people were all sick, and if they didn't like what they saw, they could just leave. Why did they have to come over and talk? Of course, even many experts can't solve such a complicated problem, not to mention he is just an ordinary person, so all he can do is vent, although he knows this is not good.

Chen Tianhao had never experienced the low point of Girls' Black Sea. He even felt that it was just that when he saw the news later. And he doesn't even think that he is a fanatic. At least he doesn't feel anything when there are love scandals among girls, because it is going to rain and women want to get married. It is a matter of course.

So he never thought that one day he would be so angry. His impulsive and bloody things that had disappeared for many years gradually came back. Although many years of experience and reason told him that this was not right, he could no longer help it. .

He closed the computer directly, and then resolutely walked towards the pig leader: "I want to take annual leave, and take back all the debts owed to me this year, last year, and the year before last. Don't call me. Wait until I come back to hand over the work." Besides! Also, you really should eat less!"

Leaving behind the stunned leader, Chen Tianhao felt half happy and half worried, but he only knew that he had no regrets, because if he didn't go crazy again, he would be thirty and old!

The visa in hand is ready. This year, the company went to Japan as a group to travel, and he also applied for it. However, the company suddenly came to have a single business, so his own visa was in vain.

Due on the 13th, Chen Tianhao felt that God was supporting him, otherwise why would it be such a coincidence?

One set of clothes is enough, and I won’t be staying long anyway! Computers, mobile phones, chargers, various identity information and money.

He still felt like he was dreaming when he got on the high-speed train heading to the imperial capital. After living a step-by-step life for so many years, did his rebellion come a little too late? And is it too serious?

Chen Tianhao no longer has the mind to care about this anymore. What he is thinking about now is how to let the girls know that there is someone in a foreign country who has traveled thousands of miles to support them.

What immediately came to his mind were Yoona, Hyoyeon and the maknae, because these three people could speak a few words in Chinese, but then he overturned it, could they talk to him?

That is to write signs for them to see. Chen Tianhao has only seen these in videos and knows how to make them. He just wanted to buy a set on Taobao, but then stopped immediately.

Maybe this was his only chance to see them in his life. It would be embarrassing to get some pirated towels, so he decided to go to the Japanese event and buy genuine ones, no matter how expensive they were!

In just one night, he traveled from the city where he lived to Tokyo, Japan. Although his face was tired from traveling all the way, his spirit was high enough, because he was much closer to the girls now. Although he was only at the Tokyo Airport, he was also very excited. We're in the same city.

He knew that taxis in Japan were very expensive, so he took the subway and bus in reverse order. Although he didn't know which station it was, it would always be cheaper to take a taxi when he got nearby.

At noon, he followed the example of other people and got two rice bags from the vending machine and had a casual meal. Although he knew that his language talent was poor, he really didn't expect that he was so bad.

I couldn't even memorize a single line of the somewhat complicated cheers that the girls sang in between songs, so I just managed to remember this sentence: Now is Girls' Generation...

After reciting it for a while, he even laughed to himself. Thinking about what he was doing, did he have to remember this? These are what professional fans do, and he is not a so-called crazy fan.

And the purpose of coming here is not so much to support the girls, but to let myself live a freer and freer life and fulfill my little dream, so the result is not that important, as long as I can see the girls and follow them with unconscious shouts. .

It would be enough if the girls could feel that there were many fans here today and they were very enthusiastic. Of course, if he was the only fan present, he would be happy, no matter what.

With a relaxed attitude, Chen Tianhao finally returned to the appearance that made the gang of friends like him, and he repeated the few Korean phrases he learned through variety shows: "大发Heyyo; Dafa; fighting! brittle bones! Jin Tae" Yeon, there’s one in every store! Lee Soon Kyu, like it!”

This is all Chen Tianhao plans to say today, and it is enough. He can praise the girls with a combination of back and forth, but I guess if the girls can really hear it, it will feel quite painful.

Seeing that the time came to noon, he directly pointed out the location to the driver, and then rushed over with full of joy. As for what the driver said, he couldn't understand. Anyway, he was very happy to see the other person being happy while collecting money. .

I didn't bother to argue with the other party. If I took a long detour, I would treat it as a charity. I stood on the street with some anxiety and confusion. If nothing else happened, the girls should be putting on makeup nearby. The thought of getting closer and closer to the girls. As he came closer, he became more excited.

The sun began to set from noon, and the number of pedestrians increased from sparse to after-get off work rush hour. Chen Tianhao had been waiting outside the door of this small theater in the city center all afternoon.

In fact, when he arrived at the entrance of the theater, he knew something seemed to be wrong, because even if the fans of the girls didn't come, the trolls should always come, but it was so deserted here, if it weren't for the picture of the girls at the door. poster, he thought the driver had taken him the wrong way.

Regret is inevitable, and it is quite huge, but he himself has no intention of complaining about others. It can only be said to be a beautiful coincidence.

He took a photo with the posters of the nine people behind him. Although he didn't see the real person, Chen Tianhao at least went crazy with the nine of them. Although no one might know, he just wanted to know.

Leaning on the subway leading to the airport, he decided to record today's events in the form of text and pictures, at least to have a thought. Of course, in the end, because he did not understand how to use the software, this picture and text record The document began to be shared online:

This is my working environment, this is my leader, and these are my colleagues, but it may no longer be the case soon, because I have to do something big. The accompanying pictures are some photos of the office.

What followed was a series of random photos of trains, airports, and Japan, and he even wrote about the changes in his heart.

But when he arrived at the small theater, the script changed. He wrote out all the imaginary scenes in a imaginative way:

There were really a lot of people outside, and even though I couldn’t understand them, I still greeted the trolls on the other side with fXXk and rub XX. If someone on the scene made the first move, I would never lose face to the Chinese men.

I spent a few hundred yuan to buy a support outfit. It’s really complicated, but the quality of the towels is very good. I wonder if anyone has used it in life!

My position is actually in the third row, which is relatively close to the front. Today is free, I knew it early, but there were a lot of people there, and it was very noisy. Most of them were Japanese, a few were Korean, and I was the only one who spoke Chinese.

However, I was confident that the girls could hear the shouts from the Chinese fans. After the host’s verbosity, the girls finally came out and said they couldn’t understand what they were saying. I could only instinctively follow the fans on the side. They were screaming, their ears hurt, and their throats hurt, but they were happy inside.

By the way, girls’ legs are really white!

They sang two recent dance songs in succession. According to the script beforehand, they might have just said hello and then left the stage after singing the last song. I can understand this, after all, the situation is not good now.

The person walking in my direction happened to be my real life Kim Taeyeon. She was really less than 1.6 meters tall and looked very petite, and the people here were already excited.

However, I, Chen Tianhao, am a Chinese man, so I overcame the Japanese dogs and Korean stickmen around me and successfully stood out. At least Kim Taeyeon was surprised for a moment, then covered her mouth and snickered.

It wasn't until Kim Taeyeon turned around that I proudly raised my eyebrows at the foreigners around me. How dare they compete with me for attention? Don't even look at me, Chen Tianhao - a man whose pants are unzipped.

Well, it seems that I was disgraced, or was thrown abroad, and the most important thing is that I was thrown into my own destiny. But things have to be viewed dialectically. At least I have a small position in Kim Taeyeon's heart.

Maybe Kim Taeyeon will talk about me on a talk show in the future. Of course, it's best not to use words like stupid or stupid. It's still good to be wise or foolish or informal.

In my wild thoughts, I didn’t even have time to appreciate this gee song. At the end, I just held up a towel and shouted with everyone: "Now is girlhood..."

I feel that I am satisfied. This trip to Japan is really not in vain. Everything is so beautiful. Sitting on the subway, I can still vaguely see Kim Taeyeon covering her mouth and snickering at me on the glass opposite.

The text comes to an end here. The text in this paragraph is different from the previous one, because it is only accompanied by a photo of Chen Tianhao posing with a poster of girls, although he is smiling very happily! When this diary was translated into other languages ​​and circulated, many people who had long cherished it felt a little pain in their hearts.

They knew that the girls had officially notified the cancellation of the meeting one day in advance, but the news obviously did not reach this Chinese fan who traveled thousands of miles just to say "fighting" to Girls' Generation and Kim Taeyeon.

There is one last paragraph in the diary:

My phone still has the last 5% of its battery. I forgot to bring my bag out when I took the subway half an hour ago. I don’t know what I should do when my phone runs out of battery. Should I call 110 now?

And the last sentence, actually this time, I really don’t

The whole article came to an abrupt end. Li Menglong looked at Kim Taeyeon opposite who was dropping golden beans, and asked speechlessly: "Is this one so woolly that you can cry? There are thousands of people who like you. Believe me, there must be someone better than you." He is so pitiful!"

"Are you human? You are cold-blooded!" Kim Taeyeon threw the pillow over.

"You have to understand, he is your fan! I am very good to my own fans, you know!" What Li Menglong said made Kim Taeyeon find nothing to refute, because this is the fact. .

Did Li Menglong not treat Shin Ha Na, the last member of the Hexagram star, well enough? Their relationship can be called a model. You have stayed with me for thirteen years, and I will give you everything you want!

Kim Taeyeon saw this diary from Instagram. Although it is difficult to post photos recently and although there are a lot of trolls on it, Kim Taeyeon still reads it just to see more people who like them. comment of.

As for the owner of this diary, Kim Taeyeon knows that Li Menglong is right. There are many people who like her, and this one is just one of them, but she is just a little pitiful.

Under normal circumstances, if the article circulates to this extent, s*m should have some expressions, but this is Japan, and s*m is also in trouble now, so Kim Taeyeon thinks she should do something.

At this time, Li Menglong also read this diary again, which was written about 5 hours ago today? Because it was only midnight on the 12th, which meant that if nothing else happened, the poor man was still at the airport.

"I'll go over and give him some money or something? If you get some autographs and photos, he should be very happy, right?" Li Menglong was already ready to take action when he spoke. After all, he should really help the other person.

It's just that all Kim Taeyeon can think about now is Lee Mong-ryong. Of course, it's not that kind of personal feelings, but if it were Lee Mong-ryong, what would he do if he met such a fan?

This issue is a bit complicated. First of all, you need to know enough about Lee Mong Yong, which Kim Taeyeon has no problem with. Secondly, she needed to have a lot of imagination, which she was somewhat lacking, so she ignored Li Menglong and jumped directly into the room to look for Li Soonkyu.

Of course, Lee Soon Kyu also read this article, but he was touched. It clearly stated that he was Kim Taeyeon's only fan. Naturally, Kim Taeyeon had to find a way to help, and Lee Soon Kyu estimated that the final action would fall on Lee Mong Yong. body.

"Nani? Li Menglong? If his fans were like this, he would have been heartbroken. First, he would take them to eat, then eat and play with them, and finally send them away after they were satisfied with everything they wanted! Of course they are that kind of old fans!" Li Shunkyu casually said He replied, as for the style, it is indeed possible for Li Menglong to do it.

But should she do the same? Kim Taeyeon was a little hesitant. After all, she was also a girl, and she had so many fans. She didn't have the ability of Li Menglong. After thinking about it, she was confused.

Throwing the question to Li Menglong again is hypocritical in Li Menglong's eyes. To put it simply, he wants to do something to give back to his fans, but he is afraid of this and that. Although the concerns are normal, it is so confusing!

Fortunately, Li Menglong has the ability to simplify complex issues: "Just consider the status of fans in your heart, what identity you or you want to get along with fans, and finally see what they want and what they can give. Just give it to me!"

What Li Menglong said is not a cliché. He and his fans are friends, tens of thousands of friends who have never met each other. If Turbo releases an album now, Li Menglong can be sure that the purchase rate of his fans will reach 99%.

Nowadays, idols and fans are not so close. To put it bluntly, they even have interests. Girls are no exception. It's not that they don't cherish it, but it's a problem of the general environment and their own fan culture.

All the girls who are fans of Li Menglong are envious, but everyone knows that it is very difficult to achieve this step. We can't let the girls disband for ten years, right?

But after so many days of everything, Kim Taeyeon still instinctively expressed her inner thoughts: "I want to be friends with them!"

Li Menglong turned around and looked into her eyes seriously: "Are you sure you know what you are talking about?"

"I want to be friends with them! Isn't it possible?" Kim Taeyeon's eyes became firmer and her tone became more intense. She was even a little dissatisfied with Li Menglong's suspicion.

"Okay, if you want to do it, just do it. The worst result won't be any worse than it is now!" Li Menglong said lightly.

It’s just that Kim Taeyeon knows the weight of these words. No matter what she does, there will always be Li Menglong who will tell her the truth in the end. As for the worst result, it is the best ending that Li Menglong can give her after putting all his efforts.

Kim Taeyeon, who had been gloomy for many days, seemed to have suddenly found a spiritual pillar. She knew that what they should care about and pay attention to most should not be those anti, let alone s*m, but the fans who have been supporting them behind them. , and the him in front of me.

In excitement, Kim Taeyeon rushed directly towards Li Menglong, and immediately wrapped her legs around Li Menglong's waist, hugged his neck, and kissed him on the lips!

"Yeah! Kim Taeyeon! Let go of my boyfriend!" A strange scream came from the side.

Kim Taeyeon was in a dilemma now, so she gritted her teeth and pecked Li Menglong on the side of his face, and then quickly ran upstairs: "I know it's your boyfriend, why don't I kiss him!"

"Kim Taeyeon! Just stop, you little bitch, I won't tear you apart today!" Li Soonkyu turned around and kicked Li Menglong first, and then chased after Kim Taeyeon.

Lying on the floor holding his calves, logically speaking, the two of them have had sex before, but Li Menglong felt that the kiss seemed sweeter.

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