The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 396 The ultimate evolution of the director

Li Menglong felt that the next two days were not realistic at all, and even felt a bit dreamy. If someone told him that he was dreaming, Li Menglong would be happy to believe it.

But looking at the five bosses in orange prison uniforms on the monitor, they are using their respective performances to fully demonstrate the characteristics of each character. Although there are no words, you can tell just by looking at their movements and expressions that these are all doing it. Yeah.

The one trembling in front of him is the protagonist of this movie, the fool Long Jiu. The man who plays the underworld boss has already stood up. He carefully put the Bible aside and moved his hands and feet: "Your sins are too serious! Let me help you atone for some of your sins first!"

To put it a little too far, the six men in front of them are the best and most golden supporting actors in Korea. Coupled with Li Menglong's full delegation of power, it can be said that they have a deeper understanding of their respective characters than Li Menglong.

So the picture shown in the camera is perfect, but what Li Menglong is curious about is why he is here? Didn’t you agree to go back to Japan to accompany Lee Soon Kyu and the others?

"Oppa! It's time to shout, the seniors don't know what to do anymore!" A female voice on the side warned carefully.

"Ah! It's stuck! Very good, let's take a ten-minute break, no! It's half an hour, everyone's performance was so perfect!" Li Menglong said it directly without thinking.

"Really? I feel like my expression just now was a bit off!"

"Me too. I was a little too concerned about the boss's momentum just now. In fact, it's more appropriate to be more natural!"

"Then there will be another one in ten minutes!" Li Menglong seemed to be a person who had no idea. Anyway, he would do whatever these people said.

He just tilted his head and looked at the girl who was carrying his big black schoolbag, holding a notebook in her hand and looking at the monitor to record something: "Why are you here?"

"Oppa has asked me many times. Didn't you ask Taeyeon and Unnie to call me back?" Xu Xian's tone was unusually impatient. In fact, Li Menglong had to ask the same question almost every once in a while. , she even knows the next question.

"You are the director of this drama. Because Lee Eun-hee and Oni assembled the crew too quickly, filming started on the third day after finding the actors. Because you feel that you have been cheated miserably, you have been selectively forgetting, Is there anything else you want to ask?" Xu Xian said all the answers in one breath, then looked at the confused Li Menglong and handed him a bottle of water pitifully.

Li Menglong has not lost his memory again, but he still can't believe it. It took half a month from the time the script was first obtained by the professor to the start of filming? Which other movie company would find actors on the first day, adjust schedules and assemble the crew on the second day, find all the shooting locations on the third day, and start shooting on the gift of Room 7 on the fourth day?

Although Li Menglong has little experience, he still has this common sense. Which movie is not shot by the director and investment company with caution? Even if their investment in this movie is small, the pre-production and post-production plus publicity will cost at least 4 billion. So is it too childish?

What's even more frustrating to Li Menglong is that in this movie, at least until now, he is just a handyman. Don't say that he is the director. He feels that he is at most a humanoid interlocutor.

"The picture I just took was great, one shot passed!"

"I feel like..." "That's right, here's another one!"

"It's much better than before!"

"But my expression just now..." "It seemed a bit awkward, don't be nervous, come again!"

Li Menglong is like this. It's not that he doesn't want to tell the actors a story, or that he doesn't want to pick out the bones, but the actors themselves have already picked out the bones!

If Li Menglong had to choose, he would be choosing eggs from eggs, and he would have to bear the risk of discussing the positioning of the role with the actors for half an hour.

Because there are not many main characters, and they are all prime supporting roles, Li Menglong has nothing to say to them, but the heroine does not leave a way for him to survive.

That 7-year-old girl named Ge Suyuan is called a ghost. If she wasn't a little childish sometimes, she could even catch up with Kim Taeyeon's IQ.

Moreover, the most important acting requirement for child actors is naturalness. After all, no one expects a child to have sad eyes, but Ge Suyuan can already treat the camera as if it were nothing.

The key is that the emotion is so full that he dances when asked to dance and cries when asked to cry. What shocked Li Menglong the most was that just a few days after filming, he himself was pushed aside by Liu Chenglong. Whether it was on or off the screen, these two people really They seem to be father and daughter.

"Director! How am I going to act now? Do I want to burst into tears?"

"Go and play! If you have something to do, come to your dad, don't come to me! I'm annoying you!"

"Uncle, I hate you even more!"

"I hate you 100 times more than you hate me!" Li Menglong made a face, and then he saw this ghost kid running to Xu Xian to complain.

He really can't stay in this crew anymore, it's not interesting at all. Although he also likes this script, Li Menglong is rare and has no sense of participation. Does he have to find something for himself?

"Director! Is it okay to have chicken legs for lunch?"

"No! Eat chicken wings!"

The steward nodded to him, indicating that it was okay. But Li Menglong pulled him and asked: "Aren't chicken wings much more expensive? You don't have any problems at all? Shouldn't there be a lot of difficulties? Don't worry, I won't scold you!"

"Director, the meal funds provided by President Li are very abundant. You just said that the steak is enough for lunch today, so you can order whatever you want and we can eat with you!" The manager pushed Li Menglong's hand away and smiled. said.

This field clerk was originally from Li Zhouyong's side, and later he also helped out until he arrived at Room 7, so he could clearly see that Li Menglong was too idle to find anything to do.

The entire crew can spot this sign, regardless of the fact that they are all veterans and this is not their first time working together. In addition, Li Menglong has sufficient funds, wages and even subsequent red envelopes, so everyone takes care of their own affairs. very good.

The result is that Li Menglong's presence in the crew is surprisingly low. Many people may like this feeling of sitting back and getting paid for nothing.

But first of all, he didn't take any money from this drama at all. The company belonged to him, so he only distributed dividends. Secondly, Li Menglong wanted to participate because the actors performed so well and he also wanted to make some contribution to the drama.

"Xiao Xian, do you think they will panic if I keep shouting "ng"?"

"Panic? I'm not sure, but it's possible that the seniors have come over to argue with you. They are very confident in their performances!" Xu Xian skillfully took out a candy from the zipper bag on the side and opened the back plug. into Li Menglong’s mouth.

Li Menglong chewed the soft candy helplessly: "Oh, this kind of thing still happens in life, it's really..."

Xu Xian didn't know what to say. After all, it was a good thing no matter how you looked at it, except that Li Menglong was a little boring: "You can tell me the drama!"

"Just your part? Then dress you up beautifully, add some snowflakes later, look up at the classic 45 degrees, and I will shoot 360 degrees around. Cry if you can, and put eye drops if you can't!"

"Then what?"

"No more! Don't you know your own role?" Li Menglong continued to bask in the sun, waiting for the actors. No, it was the directors who were ready to come to him to film!

Seohyun herself also laughed out loud. She was really just a show-off in this drama, and her role was very small! But since she called in, she knew what Li Menglong asked her to do.

Everyone here is really a drama, and there are so many things to learn, and Xu Xian is not the kind of person to be pretentious, so he immediately devoted 120% of his energy to start learning.

It's just that although she is the so-called female lead, as an actor, many of Seohyun's dialogues are not convenient. Fortunately, this crew is no different from her own.

So after bribing the director with two cups of yam juice, she got a title, Assistant Director of Room 7, or Director Li Menglong's personal assistant.

As for what to do, it depends on her personal consciousness. What she can do now is to remind Director Li of his current situation when he has selective amnesia; give him a candy to comfort him when he is depressed; and give him a candy to comfort him when he is distracted; Time to remind you...

"Oppa, everyone is ready, you can call start!"

"Ah, all departments are ready, action!" Li Menglong shouted and then looked at the father and daughter reunited in the camera. Even though his vision was already very picky, it was really perfect and flawless.

Whether it was Long Jiu with tears in his eyes, hugging and kissing his daughter stupidly, or Ge Suyuan slapping her with complaints, concern and self-blame at a young age.

Li Menglong closed his eyes, but he was definitely not moved.

"oppa! You can call card now!"

Although Li Menglong felt a little disappointed because the filming went so smoothly, he had to say that the acting skills of the actors were incredible, and many scenes were even better than he imagined.

Therefore, relatively speaking, the filming progress of the crew is very fast. If Li Menglong hadn't deliberately lowered the pace, just in terms of the shooting speed, it would definitely be a bad movie.

Although the filming location was Seoul, none of the actors went home to live. They all stayed on the set, either chatting or going out for a drink.

The daily scenes are not considered tasks at all, and the people who work in the evening are all old friends. With each other complementing each other, this group of people is simply happy to be happy.

Liu Chenglong drank a little too much one day and couldn't help but hold Li Menglong's hand: "Thank you for your hard work, Menglong, but it's all worth it, isn't it?"

Many people understand what Liu Chenglong said, that is, Li Menglong's views are different from ordinary directors, otherwise no director would lower his authority to such a low level.

I don’t know how many movies this group of actors have made, and there aren’t too many directors who obviously don’t understand anything but are giving random directions on the set all day long, so everyone raised their glasses that day: “Here’s to Director Li!”

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