The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 386 Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea

(Thanks to "Empty Soul" for the 10,000 reward, and I will give you more! No one can say for sure about money, so just take a look. Here is the Korean won exchange rate: 100 million Korean won and 600,000 RMB)

With Li Menglong's instructions, fans have become more self-conscious. It's hard to say how many fans Li Menglong has. But most of them have been working for many years. For them, 1w is just a matter of missing a cup of coffee at noon.

So when Liu Zaishi was recording RadioStar, Wuchao's staff suppressed laughter and listed Nine Points' latest assets. Seeing Li Menglong's 7 million funds, Liu Zaishi threw the paper out: "What is he doing? Pick up the money!”

After telling Li Menglong's methods, Liu Zaishi's head hurt. The only good news was that Li Menglong felt sorry for his fans, so he turned off the live broadcast when he got to work at nine o'clock. Otherwise, Li Menglong probably wouldn't have to do anything today.

Liu Zaishi has finally discovered that there is really no benefit in confronting Li Menglong. The main reason is that his resources are richer than he seems to be, but Liu Zaishi is not willing to give in. After being played like this by Li Menglong, he still has to compromise? dream!

After the recording here, Liu Zaishi also found that this kind of one-shot deal was not suitable, and wanted something long-term, so he invited the big fat brother and the two to work together. The big fat brother would find the supplier, and Liu Zaishi would deal with the venue and personnel. .

Just half an hour later, a fried chicken stall was set up in the center of the MBC hall. Of course, the finished products were shipped directly. As for the sellers, they were naturally juniors from various comedy circles. They could help Liu Jae Suk and also... Show your face on Wuchao, no fool will come.

Facts have proved that Yoo Jae-seok's idea is correct. There are thousands of staff at MBC, and they are not short of money and love to watch the excitement. In addition, the fried chicken itself is not bad. Yoo Jae-seok has a bad heart and increased the price. He actually earned more than half of the share.

These are just the prices for a single type. If you get some milk tea, snacks, etc., and occasionally Liu Jae Suk can deliver them personally, you can't sell them too fast.

And Yoo Jae Suk's brain didn't end there. He found some idols who came to MBC to record, and directly asked for some personal items, such as hats, scarves, etc., plus signatures and certification photos, and then directly placed them on the Go to auction online.

And it was still an unlimited time. Liu Zaishi thought about picking the most expensive transaction whenever he needed it. With both hands prepared, Liu Zaishi's funds began to move upward slowly but surely.

It's just that Liu Zaishi's action directly offended one person's anger, and of course it wasn't Li Menglong. He would not get angry with a bitch like Liu Zaishi.

It was the proprietress who got angry. Yoo Jae Suk was also a good brother of Lee Meng Yong, but he was selling fried chicken and didn’t even come to his house to stock it? You must know that after the last publicity of Please Answer, the boss lady's fried chicken restaurant has been popular for a long time.

Having tasted the sweetness of being on TV, the boss lady always felt that if she didn't catch this unrivaled opportunity, she would be at a real disadvantage.

It didn't matter to Li Menglong. The landlady was willing to supply him with fried chicken without charging labor costs, so she could sell it, but she couldn't sell it directly. Liu Zaishi was in the right place at the right time at MBC.

Li Menglong wanted to come and go first. It seemed that he also had such a place, but he needed to find someone to come over first, so he made a few calls and then walked out of the door.

Naturally, Xu Xian was the first one to come, because this girl was in class here, but she had a lunch break now, so she ran over after receiving a short message from Li Menglong.

"What is oppa doing?"

"They sell fried chicken, and the lady boss came here in person!"

"Of course I know they sell fried chicken, but why?" Xu Xian felt that talking to Li Menglong was sometimes so difficult.

"Make money! Are you stupid?"

"Oppa!" No matter how stupid Xu Xian was, he knew that Li Menglong was teasing her, so he came over and beat him twice, and Li Menglong responded with a smile.

When Kim Taeyeon and Kim Taeyeon came over, this fried chicken selling team was established. With three fried chicken beauties around, university students would buy some just to join in the fun.

What's more, the boss lady's fried chicken is famous for its delicious taste, so there are not many people who donate generously. As for how many students there are in a university, ten thousand? Twenty thousand?

In fact, this is not the main battlefield. In order to expand the victory, Liu Zaishi started to take the initiative to promote the food. That is, he called his celebrity friends to order the food, and he didn't care who it was for.

For example, people like Kim Jong Kook who never touched fried chicken were forced to sell fifty boxes by Yoo Jae Suk. Kim Jong Kook sent some to his small company, but there were too many, so he could only send them to SW. Luo guided them to eat.

In the end, he was almost beaten out by the proprietress. Who are these people? Are they sitting in McDonald's and ordering KFC takeaway? This is really too much!

And the troubles faced by Kim Jong Kook didn’t end there. After Li Menglong learned about this, he naturally called him. The core meaning is that you bought 100 boxes of Liu Jae Suk’s fried chicken and didn’t come to support your biological brother?

Jin Zhongguo explained a few words and found that Li Menglong had some characteristics of a woman today. I don't listen to all kinds of things, I don't listen, anyway, it's the same sentence over and over again. Do you support me? Then it goes up to the point where we can still have fun together in the name of a group?

Liu Zaishi learned this news again. Is this a big deal? I just bought 50 copies here, and 100 copies over there? No, it’s 200 copies!

Kim Jong Kook immediately turned off his phone, otherwise the calls from both sides would come in one after another, and he might end up buying 10,000 portions of fried chicken.

Li Menglong didn't ask many outsiders to come over, and he didn't know anyone. Originally, people like Yoona were good candidates, and they could come over for a food show or something.

But weren't they all worried at home now? Li Menglong didn't have the nerve to go over and harass them, so he found Yin Eunhui and Han Jiaren. He just asked them casually, but they actually came over.

On the one hand, they do have time, and on the other hand, they both want to have a closer relationship with Li Menglong. Don’t many friendships begin with helping each other?

So with the addition of two top actresses, top beauties such as Diao Chan and Zhao Feiyan seemed to have joined the original Fried Chicken Xishi team. The students were so enthusiastic.

Finally, it was past 1:30 in the afternoon, which was the time for the students to go to class. Fatty and the others were asked to clean up the stalls. As for Li Menglong himself, he was really exhausted, and the girls and Yin Eunhui were also about the same.

"What are you doing? Are you short of money?"

"Can't you see such a big camera over there?" Li Menglong glared at Wuchiao's group. He now regretted playing this game.

I really didn’t expect Liu Zaishi’s ability to make money and their serious attitude towards the game. Li Menglong’s original plan was to have a maximum fund of about 10 million, which is just like a few people working part-time in MBC.

But this idea is already a thing of the past, because the funds in his hand now alone have reached a terrifying 16 million. This number seems a bit scary, but he has to spend 7 million of his own.

And if you add the faces of Girls' Generation trio, Yoon Eun Hye, Han Ga and Lee Mong Yong, then earning 9 million won't be too surprising. This is because Lee Mong Yong didn't go crazy and take these people to MBC to find a program to record. Otherwise, it would be just a joke to talk about tens of millions of acting fees.

The program team has also seen that this game is getting bigger and bigger. It can be said that it has completely deviated from everyone's control. Now it is time to compete with connections and their own value.

Therefore, Lu Hongzhe and Little Fatty immediately fell behind. It was unrealistic for them to earn more than 10 million in a few hours. As for the original punishment, it was even more excessive. It was equivalent to several people making money every hour. With tens of millions of private funds subsidized, Kim Tae-ho temporarily added a bankruptcy option.

The specific meaning is that after choosing bankruptcy, the highest amount of funds after the end of the program will be divided equally among the bankrupts as punishment, and the bankrupts can also choose to join forces.

So now the team is directly divided into three groups, Li Menglong, Liu Zaishi and Big Fat Brother, and finally the bankrupt team composed of all other brothers.

In this way, the game became competitive again, because the popularity of Wuchao group is still there. With six people together, it is still possible for each of them to earn one or two million, so the bankrupt brothers became a high-quality stock, steadily Pulling up the funds of the other two teams.

Han Jiaren came here purely to make soy sauce. Li Menglong ignored Li Sungyu and Li Sungyu who were secretly eating fried chicken over there, chatting with Yin Eunhui.

"What's going on with you and Kim Jong Kook lately?"

"You can call me Kim Jong Kook? He is your eldest brother!"

"Then have you ever seen an elder brother who relied on his own younger brother to pimp him out?"

"You're looking for a fight, right? Believe it or not, I'm going to call him right now!"

Li Menglong glanced at Yoon Eun Hye on the side suspiciously, feeling that there was something fishy: "Are you successful? Give me some benefits. I made a TV series just for you two. How touching!"

"Get out of here, we're not there yet, but it's almost there, but we may have to wait a little longer!" Yin Eunhui herself felt a little depressed after saying that, and couldn't help complaining to Li Menglong: "Go back and have a meal with him to persuade him. , that’s almost enough, they’re both big and small!”

"Are you two going to live with me from now on? Do you really think I have no control over everything?" Li Menglong was also speechless. He came to him for every trouble. The key was what he and Kim Jong-guo said: Yoon Eun-hye already wanted to get married. Why don't you just propose marriage right away?

After basking in the afternoon sun, Li Menglong received the latest asset details from the program team. His was 16 million, and Liu Jae Suk's was 14 million. It is said that he still has several auction items waiting for appreciation, and the bankrupt one A few people from the alliance pooled together funds and actually reached 15 million. I have to say that the power of the masses is great.

I felt that the advantage of 2 million could last for two hours, so I brought a few beauties back to the company to talk some gossip, and they didn't look like they were filming a variety show at all.

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