The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 382 The script delivered to your door

After the gang dispersed, Li Enxi started to complain to Li Menglong again, which probably meant that in the Korean industry, movies were the boss. TV actors and singers all want to act in movies, directors all want to make movies, and production companies also want to make movies.

Li Menglong finally understood: "You mean we want to make a movie? This seems to cost a lot of money, right?"

"For a small production, hire idols or unknown actors, and come up with a more reliable script, not science fiction. It doesn't cost a lot of money, but the probability of losing money is higher!" Li Eunxi said in He used to be a senior executive of South Korea's second largest publishing company, and the rules here are very clear.

Movies are all about big investment, big budget, big production, and big returns. After all, it's still a matter of luck in making small things. For example, a 100 million won movie ended up with a box office of 2 billion, which is considered a profit of 1.9 billion, a 20-fold increase.

But for a big production with an investment of 10 billion, the final box office may be 30 billion. It seems that it has only tripled, but the profit is indeed 20 billion! And the risk is actually much lower than the small cost.

This is also the reason why today’s movies have unconditional big scenes and famous actors. It’s better to spend more money but have a guaranteed box office.

Li Menglong really didn't know anything about the movie, so he could only barely chat with her for a few words, and finally told her to just figure it out on her own. The money was all with her anyway, but the most important thing he reminded her was the script. It must be good, otherwise I would rather not shoot it!

In fact, that's about it. If Li Menglong was asked to say something in detail, he wouldn't be able to tell. But it's good to have a direction. Li Enxi and the others are all veterans.

"Why did you come back? Weren't you in Japan enjoying yourself with Taeyeon and the others? We still have to refute the rumors for you!"

"Well, come and have a look with Lee Soon Kyu!" At this time, Li Menglong dared not say that Kim Taeyeon was also here. Isn't this just a sheep in the tiger's mouth?

After chatting for a while, Li Menglong was about to leave, otherwise he would feel unsafe staying here: "You don't have to send it off, I can just leave by myself!"

"Don't tell me, I don't know when I will see you next, so I'd better give you a gift!" Li Enxi couldn't say it so simply. She always felt that Li Menglong was hiding something from her.

The moment she saw Kim Taeyeon in the basement, it was like a fly seeing an

"Well, hello, I'm Kim Taeyeon!" Kim Taeyeon said generously, but her hand was directly grabbed by Li Menglong the moment she was about to touch her.

Blocking Kim Taeyeon behind him, Li Menglong held Li Eunxi's struggling hand with his other hand: "We are all on our own, so there is no need to be so polite. Let's leave first!"

"How can it be one of our own? I don't even know Taeyeon, but I'm still your fan, Taeyeon!"

"Really? Then I have to thank you even more!" Kim Taeyeon didn't know what was going on at all. She knew Li Eunxi. As an old friend of Li Menglong, Kim Taeyeon naturally wanted to have a good relationship with him.

So he took the initiative to open his arms and hug him. In Li Menglong's eyes, this act of seeking death was like putting his hands in the crocodile's mouth and betting on whether it would bite.

Li Enxi hugged her with gleaming eyes, but she only hugged Li Menglong's back, because Li Menglong held Kim Taeyeon's armpits in front of her and directly lifted her up and turned her behind her.

Then he kept winking at Lee Soon Kyu. Although he didn't know the reason, Lee Soon Kyu pulled Kim Taeyeon and walked out first. Lee Mong Ryong stayed behind and left quickly.

"Hmph, you can't hide from the first year of junior high but you can't hide from the fifteenth! I don't believe there won't be a chance to cooperate with Taeyeon in the future!"

"What are you doing? I can't even get to know her?" Kim Taeyeon complained. Li Mongryong's artificial actions were so ambiguous that even Lee Soon Kyu was curious about the reason why she could get in touch with Lee Eunxi but Kim Taeyeon couldn't. Woolen cloth?

Li Menglong was also very confused. It was really hard for him to talk about this kind of thing. He always felt like he was saying bad things behind his back, so he could only remind him tactfully: "I can't say the reason, but you can understand in detail why she All women can meet Lee Eun-hee, but not Kim Taeyeon?"

There was no answer to this question until the door of Xiaoxian's classroom. The very strange term "lesbian" was really too far away from girls.

The warm winter sun was very comfortable. Because the company was at the back door of Dongguk University, the three of them walked all the way to the classroom wearing masks and hats.

As for whether Xu Xian will come to class, this is not a question at all! She must be here, and judging from the class time, it should still be the professor's class. He must have missed Xu Xian, a good student, for a long time.

Along the way, everyone wore masks and hats outside in winter, but the girls were still recognized in the corridor. Although the students did not come up to hug them, they took pictures.

So Li Menglong could only protect the two of them and entered the classroom first. This move was correct. The assistant protected the star, but the bad thing was that he, Li Menglong, was also a star now, although he was not that popular.

"Even me? Have you not seen celebrities in how many years?" Li Menglong's communication with his so-called fans is always so direct. Anyway, he doesn't have an agent or company to take care of him.

"Uncle, you are quite popular now, my sister really likes you!"

"First of all, just call me brother! Secondly, your sister likes to let her do it by herself. Why are you a man filming me here? The key point is that you are not my fan!" Under Li Menglong's complaints, the college student couldn't save face and said sarcastically. Picked up the phone.

After Li Menglong finished speaking, he rummaged through his pockets, but unlike Kim Taeyeon and the others, he really didn't have any small gifts to give. In the end, he simply took out a thousand yuan note: "Go back and give it to your sister. Just say I gave it to you! Don’t spend it on yourself, kid!”

"Then my sister can kill me. It's not worth it for a thousand yuan!"

"You can wait if you want, but it's best to go directly to eat. They'll leave as soon as they come out!"

"Let them sing a song before leaving!"

"Are you an assistant, or am I an assistant? If you want to see them sing, you can be an assistant yourself. If you can't do it, you can be a star! It would be even better to be a director. Yoona has to find scripts for filming every day!" After Li Menglong said this, he stepped in. After leaving the classroom, other students would not be so bold.

The class was quite serious. Those who were sleeping, reading novels and the few who were listening to the class nodded to Li Menglong in the back row. Professor Liang continued to lecture. Of course, Xu Xian, who was staring intently, knew nothing.

In fact, both Lee Soon Kyu and Lee had a good rest yesterday. Although there were disturbing things, they still felt at peace with Lee Mong Ryong after all, so they naturally slept until dawn during the rare opportunity to sleep at home.

But I couldn’t stand it. How long had it been before I came to class again? The feeling of nostalgia instantly made Kim and Taeyeon yawn, and they managed to hold on for a while, but within ten minutes they started nodding.

Li Menglong listened with great interest. He even felt that after the experience of asking for answers, the professor's lectures had a lot more practical content, but these students could not hear it.

After the get out of class bell rang, there were many people rubbing their eyes with Li Sunkyu. The usual tacit understanding was that the professor left directly, and then everyone went to Xu Xian in an orderly manner to ask for his autograph. This was the end of the class.

But the professor didn't leave today. What should they do? They all said that they promised to sign the brother's signature, isn't this about breaking the promise? The key is to eat all the food!

Fortunately, Li Menglong was considerate enough and took the initiative to walk to the edge of the podium to chat with the professor. Li Shunkyu also sat next to Xu Xian, and it took half an hour for him to become completely quiet.

Taking advantage of the professor's favor, Li Menglong and the others came to the university's teachers' cafeteria. Since there were no students here, the girls were much quieter.

Of course, it’s not that there are no fans of girls among teachers, but asking for autographs in front of so many colleagues is a very shameful thing. This also shows the social status. At least these teachers feel that they are among their colleagues. It’s not good to chase stars in front of you.

Fortunately, the girls didn't care, but what they couldn't accept was that Li Menglong actually gained a lot of popularity here, and of course it wasn't because of his turbo status.

But as an investor, screenwriter and director, he gave the professor an opportunity to participate and realize his dream, and it was quite pleasant.

Because their status and income belong to the gold-collar class, the teachers are relatively easy to talk to and even seem a bit naive, but Li Menglong likes them very much.

After some introduction by the professor, Li Menglong finally understood what these people meant. It turned out that everyone felt itchy to see someone like the professor being able to film a TV series.

Of course, I didn’t mean to go too far, but after some research, we decided to write a script together. If it can be filmed in the end, it will be a dream come true for everyone.

Li Menglong hurriedly took two more bites of the rice on the plate. Regardless of the professor's reputation or the identity of this group of people, Li Menglong must read this script carefully, and it is estimated that this is the end of the meal.

While Li Menglong was flipping through the script, Li Shunkyu and the others had no intention of eating. They all stretched their necks to take a look. As for talking to professors, forget it, they are even afraid of teachers at school, let alone professors, it is scary just thinking about it!

Li Menglong tapped the table with one hand. He had simply read the script twice. I have to say that the skills of these teachers are still there, and the script itself is very exciting.

However, the shortcomings are also very obvious. This kind of niche so-called TV series that explores human nature is not popular. Even after it was filmed, he doubted how many people would appreciate it.

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