The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 374 Express Special

"Hey, everyone is ready to give up. Whose turn was it just now? You are trying to cheat, right?" Li Menglong teased, leaning on the sofa in a leisurely manner.

"Who knows what card you just played? If the other one is the other one, wouldn't we be at a disadvantage!" Kim Taeyeon originally said it as an excuse casually, but the more she said it, the more sense it made.

However, this is not the first day that Li Menglong gets along with the girls. There are many ways to deal with them: "Then let's forget about it. Okay, let's continue. The ones just now should be more conscious!"

"Oh, there's no atmosphere here anymore. Why are we still playing? Besides, we all have to go to bed!"

"Then wouldn't I be at a disadvantage? I spent the whole night with you in vain?"

"Ah! Li Menglong, can you give me some face? We are Girls' Generation, and you look like you are at a loss when we play cards with you!"

"Girls' Generation is amazing, isn't it? I'm not a fan of yours, please give me an explanation quickly, otherwise you will be left with nothing to eat today!"

After washing up, the girls looked at Li Menglong who was holding a handful of yen in his hand. He looked like a successful villain, as if he had never seen money in his life. As for the fan shaped like a fan? Not too dirty either.

Seeing the girls' gazes, Li Menglong deliberately made some noise: "What do you think I can eat by myself tomorrow? It feels so good to have money!"

The girls felt that they could not read any more, otherwise they would easily suffer from cerebral hemorrhage. However, before leaving, Lee Soon Kyu snatched her phone. When she saw that it was Liu Jae Suk's call, she did not think that it was for her.

"Why are we looking for you in Shioppa?"

"It seems to be some part of the Infinite Challenge. Anyway, I'm here to film it!" Li Menglong yawned and said nonchalantly.

"Infinite challenge?" The girls' steps have slowed down a bit, especially Yoona, who has started to retreat.

How can I say Infinite Challenge? It is the variety show with the largest audience in South Korea. The key is its longevity and the even age distribution of the audience.

For example, girls are naturally not required to appear on variety shows due to their popularity, but if Wu Tiao invites them, they will definitely go, because almost half of the middle-aged and elderly people who watch Wu Tiao have never seen them.

I don’t expect them to buy albums or anything like that, so that they can become familiar with each other, and it would be nice to film some TV series or something in the future to gain audience popularity.

"Oppa! It's boring to be on a variety show alone. How about I accompany you? I have a lot of personal skills! I can really heat up the atmosphere!"

"Can your personal skills be better than mine?" Xiuying also intervened.

Although the girls seemed to be quarreling, most of them were teasing. Many of them even didn't want to participate in the show and just went along with the topic. After all, being flawless is just the icing on the cake.

"Um, one quota is 200,000 yuan! Money and goods will be paid in full, and no one will be deceived!"

After being coaxed, the girls immediately dispersed. Before leaving, they did not forget to leave a cruel message: "Just wait until the day you need our help! We will definitely bankrupt you!"

"You guys should look forward to it, I feel like this day is unlikely to come!"

With a happy smile, Li Menglong fell asleep quickly. As for the joyful willingness, it was naturally not because Liu Jae Suk and Infinite Challenge were coming. He took this very lightly and did not expect to make a living from it, but he did not reject it. Just go on TV.

The reason is naturally that he has money, and a man still needs to have a small treasury, otherwise it will be troublesome to eat snacks. With the rewards he received from the girls, Li Menglong fell into a sweet sleep.

When Li Menglong was jogging early in the morning the next day, he was stopped halfway by Peach Blossom Eyes: "Didn't I let you rest for two days first? How did you find this place?"

"This is all a trivial matter, Sixth Brother, shouldn't I also be paid?"

"Let me go, you came to me asking for money early in the morning? How can I have money? You can pay for it yourself first, and I will give it to you when I get to Seoul!"

"I don't have any money anymore. I borrowed it from you even if I don't get it back!" Taohuayan said and turned over her clean pocket.

Li Menglong subconsciously wanted to do this, but in the morning he took the money with him just in case, so the two of them sat on the roadside and started to share the money.

Yesterday, Li Menglong got a lot of yen. Xu Xian and others deliberately gave more yen, so it was enough for Taohuayan to live happily for a few days, but Li Menglong wanted to extort money from the girls in the future, and then give it to Taohuayan. ?

This is obviously the rhythm of raising a pretty face. The key is, are peach blossom eyes considered a pretty face? Li Menglong's attitude towards money has always been like this: when the wind blows away the eggshells, people will be happy when the money is gone.

Making money is the source of fun. As for spending money on the right place, it is not a serious expense to give Taohuayan a salary. Although it feels like it is a bit too much, it is also a bit frustrating.

So Li Menglong, who had no money again, had no choice but to rely on the girl, and asked for an extra breakfast from Li Soonkyu: "Aren't you rich? Go and buy it yourself!"

“If you have money, why don’t you save some money!”

"Then I have to be more economical!"

"You have to save when you don't have money. If you have so much money, why should you save? You should be happy when you help others!" Li Menglong's reasoning always sounds reasonable: "Would you like to eat yours? If not, give it to me. !”

Kim Taeyeon handed over the remaining half of the gimbap and watched Li Menglong finish it in two bites. Then Yoona consciously handed over the rest. They just treated it as a relief for the poor and lost weight.

Since Yoo Jae Suk was also on the plane flying to Japan, with Yoo Jae Suk's popularity, there were naturally more people chatting with him, and Yoo Jae Suk was also willing to chat with ordinary people.

As for the cause and effect of this incident, Yoo Jae Suk himself feels ridiculous when he tells it. It was probably the beginning of the rebroadcast of MBC and Infinite Challenge, because Reply and Turbo Concert No Challenge began to rebroadcast with explosive popularity.

So in order to match such an amazing start, Kim Tae Ho and Yoo Jae Suk naturally began to look for suitable specials. Fortunately, there were enough specials that were unmatched, and everyone had been holding back the bad news for half a year.

So a large-scale special series began - the Unrivaled Express Special.

For this special episode, everyone wanted to capture the warmth of ordinary people and some scenes from abroad. At first, we really didn’t expect Li Menglong’s existence.

But who made Kim Jong Kook write a letter under his real name, naming people by name and wanting to send warmth to Lee Meng Yong, and also in the name of turbo and brother? If Kim Tae Ho can't catch such a good topic, he really doesn't need to do any more shows.

And this seems to be Li Menglong’s first variety show since his identity was exposed? With the tacit understanding between him and Yoo Jae Suk, Kim Tae Ho couldn't wait to rush to Japan.

It's just that Yoo Jae Suk doesn't want to. To be honest, he would rather go to the United States or Russia to visit ordinary people. He hasn't seen Lee Mong Yong for half a month and there is nothing interesting to see. Moreover, he flew over from South Korea, which is quite cool. Flattery. He could even foresee Li Menglong's teasing, but Liu Zaishi was also ready to trick Li Menglong.

Naturally, no one would pick up the plane after it landed. Yoo Jae Suk didn't need such good treatment. A group of five people, the most elite of all, led by Kim Tae Ho, quickly rushed to where Li Meng Yong was.

In fact, the activities of girls are not necessarily that rich. What changes is the location and brand. What remains unchanged are tasks such as endorsements and meetings. In fact, there is no essential difference for them.

After Liu Zaishi arrived, he found that the girls were communicating with fans on stage, so the group looked for Li Menglong in the crowd. After much effort, they found that he was chatting with Qiu Xiaoying on the second floor and watching the status of the girls. .

"Can't you bring a phone? And why don't you pick me up?"

"Aren't you already here? It turns out you don't need me to pick you up!"

"The show has already started recording, please be careful what you say!" Liu Zaishi was so choked by these words that he couldn't speak, so he could only half-block the camera and threaten Li Menglong.

"Okay, I'll give you face! But don't expect me to be too cooperative. Don't you just have to be yourself in a variety show? It's your MC's job to make jokes!" Li Menglong's thorough analysis finally made his point clear. In terms of positioning, he is not even a guest, he is just a passerby who has left the country. Can you expect the passers-by to cooperate?

"Find a quiet place to talk!"

"Brother! Didn't you see me at work? I also have a serious job, so can you wait for me to get off work?"

Following the direction of Li Menglong's finger, Yoo Jae Suk burst into laughter. Of course, it was not because he was happy, but because it was ridiculous. What kind of relationship does he have with Girls' Generation? Does Yoo Jae Suk not know?

But Li Menglong just said that, and Liu Zaishi had no room to refute, so a few people who had come all the way from Korea were here to watch the girls' meeting, and it was in Japanese!

Fortunately, after the meet-and-greet, Girls' Generation was still able to be photographed, which gave Kim Tae-ho a lot of comfort. Nine girls stood in a row, all of their previous looks were in place, and they all looked beautiful: "Everyone, viewers of Infinite Challenge Well, we are Girls’ Generation!”

"Gui! I'm really happy to see you in Japan!"

"Did Oppa Jae Suk come here specifically to see us?" Yoona started talking according to the fixed routine of variety shows. At this time, Yoo Jae Suk was about to explain the reason.

But there is another person here who doesn't act according to common sense: "What are you pretending to be? Didn't I tell you all yesterday? Are you still asking? Say a few words quickly and go eat, otherwise you won't even be able to eat after the event!"

"In order to compete in Infinite Challenge, we don't have to eat!" "That's right!"

"Hey, isn't it Yoo Jae Suk? I'll take him back to your dormitory to shoot in the evening. It's okay to shoot all night. Now go eat quickly!"

"Tch, how did you become an assistant? Don't you know it's important for us to be on the show?"

"You're still embarrassed, right? Do you want to show everyone how assistants manage artists today? Where's my nunchuck? Xiaoxian, bring it to me!"

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