The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 365 The Assistant Returns

Li Menglong unexpectedly felt a little guilty. He was actually eating and drinking from the girls, and he didn't do any work all day long. If the quarrels every night were considered work, he still did some work.

He doesn't care if it's just Lee Soon Kyu, Kim Taeyeon, or even Seohyun who spend money on him. To put it harshly, these three people owe him! Of course, Li Menglong prefers to understand that the relationship is in place. It doesn't matter if you have something to eat or drink, there will always be a chance to repay it in the future, and you don't even have to think about repaying it.

But other girls are not good enough. At least Li Menglong doesn't want to get too close to them. In other words, he, Li Menglong, is not a perfect person. He can't let nine girls with different personalities get along with him like Xu Xian.

The relationship between Yoona and Jung Soo-yeon has been heating up relatively quickly recently. One is a flatterer for the heroine, and the other is a relationship that stems from quarreling every day.

Of course, she is still not comparable to a biological sister like Xu Xian, but at least it is enough as an ordinary good friend. Li Menglong himself is not greedy, as long as he can bring him some snacks when he comes back every day.

In fact, Li Shunkyu and others were watching Li Menglong's current situation, and she knew that this state was not right at all. It's as if students study hard every day from junior high school to high school, but when they get to college, they stop studying at all and just play.

Not too many students are dismissed from key schools every year, and Li Menglong is in a similar situation now.

It was too hard some time ago, and now Li Menglong subconsciously doesn't want to do anything. He just wants to eat and die every day, and there are girls around him, so life shouldn't be too beautiful.

And Li Menglong is still qualified to do this. Which major director makes two TV series or movies in one year? Filming a film in two years is already very productive, so it's no big deal that Li Menglong, who has one foot within this threshold, just took a week off.

Li Soonkyu and others are indulging Li Menglong. After all, they all feel sorry for each other. They all see Li Menglong's hard work some time ago. And if Li Menglong doesn't indulge in front of them, will he still go out to find other women?

If there had been no accidents, Li Menglong would probably have stayed so depressed until he returned to Seoul with the girls, and then was angrily caught by Kim Jong Kook and others to see what else he needed to do.

It's just that there are too many surprises in life, and no one can live according to plan. The biggest variable here for Li Menglong is the girls. In the past few days, he has keenly noticed that the condition of the girls is getting worse and worse.

Although everyone deliberately avoids these topics every day when they come back, Li Menglong is not blind. Jessica doesn't even have the energy to quarrel with him. You must know that she is the best rested girl among the girls.

So Li Menglong started to move his body that night. It was rare that he got up early the next morning and resumed his morning jogging. Although his body was a little resistant, Li Menglong knew that he couldn't rest, otherwise he would really be eating the snacks of the girls in vain. .

The large group of girls all went out first, but Li Menglong pulled Xu Xian in the end, and everyone left without paying attention. Xu Xian looked at him suspiciously, and then understood what he meant.

After waiting for Xu Xian for two minutes, the nanny car was opened. Jessica glanced at the maknae from the side: "What did he call you for? Want snacks again? Don't buy them for him!"

It's just that Jessica's daily teasing has not received the usual response. You must know that Li Menglong's snack jokes have become a daily routine for girls. Even the biggest expectation every day is how to give Li Menglong some "surprises" with snacks and also give herself some jokes.

At this time, she felt that the sunlight dimmed a little, and she did not hear the sound of the car door closing. So that meant someone was blocking the sunlight? But didn’t the maknae just come in? Jessica's mind was spinning rapidly, and then she reluctantly opened her eyes.

For a moment, the figure against the light and shadow was very dazzling, but although she couldn't see clearly, she could hear clearly: "Ji Xiuyan! You really think I have no money, don't you? I'll show you my ability to make money today!"

"Tch! Can you please stay away from us when you are making money?"

"If I hadn't seen Xiaoxian sitting in this car, do you think I would be willing to come?"

"Can you two stop arguing? It's very annoying! We still have to sleep?" Li Shungui muttered at the end, but he couldn't hold back the smile on his lips. Li Menglong still felt sorry for her.

And in the car, Li Menglong didn't shy away from everyone's eyes, stuffing snacks into her mouth. You know, Li Menglong would always prepare some candies for her, but Li Shunkyu suddenly thought where could he have candies? He has recently eaten all the sugar at home.

However, the brain could no longer control the chewing mouth. The pungent smell of mustard filled the car. Kim Taeyeon and Yoona beside them couldn't help it. They covered their mouths and held it in extremely hard.

At this time, Li Menglong also took credit and said: "I have never been willing to eat the biscuits you gave me. I just brought them here today. Come and share them together!"

In the eyes of Li Menglong who wanted to kill, even Jessica ate a small piece. Who made Li Menglong so miserable? Everyone must share the joys and sorrows, otherwise the prank will change the taste.

"Why don't you give it to the maknae?"

"No more, only four yuan left in total!"

"Li Menglong! You must have done it on purpose, you know you feel sorry for the maknae!" Li Shunkyu casually threw the pillow over as he spoke.

"Why do I feel sorry for Xiaoxian? You white-eyed wolves know how to play tricks on me, so Xu Xian is the only one who can still feel sorry for me!"

"You..." Li Shunkyu still wanted to defend himself, but this matter seemed to be similar to what Li Menglong said. As for his private concerns, it was not easy to express them in front of the sisters. Li Shunkyu was so depressed.

The car made a lot of noise and then became quiet. The driver in front glanced back at Li Menglong. He was just a low-level employee in Japan, so when the girls didn't say anything, he didn't dare to say anything about Li Menglong, but the curiosity in his heart was unavoidable, because everyone I have rarely laughed like this in the car these days.

The car was driving to a book signing event. The entertainment industry in Japan is more abnormal or more developed than in South Korea.

First of all, Japanese people have a high awareness of genuineness. If they like a group, they will often buy genuine albums to support it. Moreover, Japan has a very high idol audience. It is the second largest record market in the world, and the largest is naturally North America.

As for the second point, it's even weirder. There are so many idols in Japan that it's scary. Simply put, a so-called former entertainment company employee can find a few female students from school and practice for a few days to establish their position and become an idol.

The low cost and training time of idols has also led to the prosperity of the Japanese idol industry. Many novel combinations and ideas have been proposed. Anyway, it is good if some people like it. For example: the concept of pirates, that is, the combination has always been All have been pirates' image activities, not just one album, but their entire career.

However, this is only the lowest level of the Japanese entertainment industry. There are also many Asian stars in higher positions. Generally speaking, the market potential is greater than that of South Korea. This is also the reason why many Korean groups come to Japan to make money.

The girls have been working hard in Japan for more than a year, so they still have a lot of fans. They will buy and support an album that is so bad. Li Menglong feels that it is not easy to be a fan.

It’s no different from Korea. You still go to the beauty salon first, but when everyone gets off the bus, there is a man carrying a pink schoolbag next to you. Li Menglong really has no choice. Among the girls, only Xu Xian has a schoolbag, and hers The schoolbags are all from this series.

Automatically blocking everyone's attention, Li Menglong took a stick of chewing gum from Li Sunkyu, put it in his mouth and chewed it crazily. At the same time, he kept looking around for acquaintances, and soon found his target.

"Isn't this our manager Park Dae? You've been busy lately, and Sunny has given you a lot of trouble, right? I'm not going to leave this time. If Sunny does something wrong in the future, just tell me directly and I will teach him a lesson. !”

Seeing Li Menglong walking towards him enthusiastically like an old acquaintance, Park Xiangmin felt bitter in his mouth. Are he and Li Menglong so close? Does he like Li Menglong coming over? He even felt that Li Menglong came here to support the girls.

And today, he, Park Xiangmin, has to say that Li Menglong at least has some qualifications. Although he is not strong enough, at least he is no longer someone that Park Xiangmin can treat casually in terms of level. If he wants to arm-wrestle with Li Menglong, at least it will not be his turn. .

"Recently, there has been a lot of news about you from Korea. Congratulations, but isn't it a bit inappropriate to have a big director be your assistant?"

"It's okay. I'll tell you the truth. I didn't make any money at all from that TV series. I'm so poor recently. If I didn't work as an assistant, I would probably starve to death!" Li Menglong told the truth. It is true that he has no money. Now He had nothing on him other than a piece of chewing gum tinfoil, anything resembling paper.

"Anyway, take care of me in the future and hope we can get along happily!"

"hope so!"

The conversation between the two ended here. As for the extended meaning of the words, it depends on the individual's understanding. However, Park Xiangmin always felt that things could not be that simple, because he knew better than anyone else what he was doing recently.

Li Menglong walked up unsteadily, said hello to some Japanese and Korean staff, so as not to recognize them in the future, and then started to look through the girls' backpacks.

Of course it's not too much, it's just for Lee Soon Kyu, Kim Taeyeon and Seohyun. Then they were holding gummy candies and dried apples and chewing them boredly on the sofa nearby.

Unlike in Korea, Li Menglong didn't know anything in Japan. As for planning, it was just a fantasy, so Li Menglong came here purely to act as a human bodyguard and run errands part-time!

"Americano, right? One hundred thousand dollars!"

"Why don't you rob a bank? One hundred thousand for a cup of coffee! You think I'm stupid!"

"The labor fee is not money! After all, I am also a director, so there is a bonus!"

"Who cares?"

"Ah, Jessica, if you talk like that again, be careful I ban you!"

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