The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 358 Turbo forever

"You are the best in my world

your love is the most precious

Your company is beautiful enough

Iwantyouso~Iloveyousothankyou" Kim Jong Kook sang these sincere lyrics with a voice that is an octave higher than most girls. This is his own voice, and it is also a thank you to all the fans who have supported Turbo over the years. Of course, The deep guilt I feel for disbanding.

The two of them were still sitting on the edge of the stage, with their legs dangling outside. Li Menglong didn't say anything and just leaned on Kim Jong-kook's shoulder, looking at the fans opposite in trance.

He couldn't see anyone's face clearly, but he could seem to hear everyone's crying. The emotions that had accumulated all night were finally a little out of control. The two of them and their group had paid so much over the years. There are too many, and feelings are really painful when hurt.

But when it’s warm, it always makes people happy and want to go to heaven. When they see all the photos of Li Menglong’s fans and Turbo that can be found on the big screen, and look at the lyrics that express the two people’s heartfelt feelings, Seeing Li Menglong shed tears and Kim Jong Kook choked with sobs, what else should they restrain themselves from?

Because of the night of supporting, Cui Minya was completely speechless. It was not because of the pain, but because she had completely lost her voice. She probably had to go to the hospital after the concert. Her throat was probably extremely swollen.

And from the very beginning at 12 midnight, her emotions had been in a state of excitement, supporting, crying, being moved, and annoyed. She thought that all her emotions had been vented, but she underestimated herself. turbo.

Because at this moment she finally fully understood the intentions of Li Menglong and Kim Jong Kook. Their relationship with them was more than just fans and idols. It had been so many years, and everyone had a family, so they still wanted to chase stars?

Their relationship should be more like a pair of friends. They met by chance when they were young, quarreled when they were rebellious, and supported each other in difficult times. After going through happiness and ups and downs, when they looked back ten years later, they realized that it turned out that You are still by my side.

Although it is impossible for Li Menglong and Li Menglong to know every fan, sometimes friends need to know so much? Do you really have to be rewarded for your efforts sometimes?

Only they themselves can understand their contribution to each other. For example, now she is here to listen to their concert; they are also here to sing the songs they wrote for her and them.

Tears sometimes really don't live up to expectations. Cui Minya felt that she had no water left to lose, but the tears still flowed down freely, and the beads were so hot. I believe Li Menglong's were the same.

She pressed her boyfriend's hand off her face, then pointed at the stage and made a sound of "um, um, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah". He has really fallen in love with Turbo after today. No one would not want their former idol to be like them.

In fact, the fans' requests have always been very simple, and Li Menglong and Li Menglong have given them so much that Cui Minya didn't know what else to do except cry and let her boyfriend shout for her.

Holding the sleeves with one hand, he wiped his cheeks hard, but the sleeves were also wet, so Li Menglong simply hid in Jin Zhongguo's arms like a little girl and rubbed them hard.

He sat up straight and kept licking his chapped lips with his tongue. Unlike Kim Jong Kook, who has gone through hundreds of battles, his body and voice have also reached the extreme, and he is choking again. Fortunately, he wrote the rap lyrics himself, otherwise Li Menglong would probably not be able to say a word now.

As Kim Jong Kook's song ended, this time it was Kim Jong Kook who leaned on Li Menglong's shoulder. Both of them really had no strength at all, but the feeling of being able to rely on each other was also very warm.

"Maybe sometimes my selfishness hurts you

Maybe in those hard days, you cried alone

You tolerated my shortcomings and the fatigue I gave you

Maybe you are tired, maybe you will leave

Will you be sad when I leave?

No one can replace our happiness and tears

Our fate cannot be dissipated even in the next life

I never feel tired even if I stay by your side

You are by no means a passer-by in my life

Our love is as hot as the sun

In that night blessed by countless stars

Now I am willing to change for you

When I close my eyes today, I will miss you

When I close my eyes tomorrow, I will think about our tomorrow

ILoveyou, OhThankyouthanku, because of you I learned to love

ILoveyou, OhThankyouthanku”

Li Menglong's voice has reached a certain level. In the first few sentences, even half of the sentences cannot be heard at all, only the mouth shape and the lyrics on the screen behind him.

But it’s definitely not just Li Menglong himself who can’t make a sound. Except for Li Menglong’s rap, the whole scene is filled with the sound of crying. On the one hand, this song is newly written and everyone doesn’t know how to support it. On the other hand, everyone can’t help but cry. I don't know what to do anymore.

And it wasn't just the fans who were crying. Some passers-by, fans and even artists like Liu Jae Suk were secretly crying. It was like a legend that an artist could reach such a level with his fans.

Especially when I can see this scene with my own eyes, watching the singer really communicate with all the fans through a song. The two parties completely redefine the relationship between idols and fans, and even establish a new relationship. A new benchmark.

Tears flowed out again when Li Menglong rapped at the end, so he mumbled the last few lines, but he didn't have anything to be embarrassed about. After singing this part, he buried his head completely in Kim Jong Kook's arms. , and then his shoulders began to huff.

Tens of seconds later, Li Menglong faced everyone with swollen eyes and a bright smile. He felt that the next time they meet will be in who knows how many years, and he should leave the best to them, because they must also like him. He must be smiling.

It was obvious that the two brothers had similar thoughts. Looking at each other's red and swollen eyes, the two laughed hard again. At this time, the song also reached the interlude, and a short scene of the two writing songs in the recording studio was shown later.

"I finally finished writing the song, how do I write the lyrics?"

"Just write what you want to say!"

"Then I'm at a big disadvantage because I have so many more rap lyrics than you!"

"How about you sing the lead and I'll sing the rap!"

"Are you kidding? Why are you so serious? What did you write? Please give it to me for reference!" At this time, there was a burst of noisy laughter: "Because of you, I know love and believe in love!"

"Isn't that too flattering? The outsiders don't agree with me. We haven't seen each other for more than ten years. Why do I still love you!"

"That's what I think anyway. We can't control what our fans think, but we can express our thoughts and I believe they will like it!"

"Okay, I can't let you be complained about alone! If you have something to do, let's handle it together! If you want to disgust people, Turbo will also be disgusted!" At this time, Li Menglong took off the camera and started taking selfies: "I haven't seen you here for many years, Are you disgusted by our sincerity?"

"If you don't like it, please don't complain about us, because this is our heartfelt voice; if you like this song and these lyrics..." At this point, Li Menglong scratched his head: "It's better not to cry, reunion and love should be Isn’t it joyful? I believe I must be smiling now!”

As this sentence ended, the big screen switched directly to the shot of Li Menglong. It was obvious that he knew about this video in advance. After all, he edited it, so now he was smiling hard with Kim Jong Kook.

It's just that Kim Tae-ho and Na Young-seok were really unscrupulous and even temporarily cut the camera to a close-up of the scene: Yoo Jae-seok didn't shy away from crying, he just gave a thumbs up to the camera and shouted: Turbo forever!

Switching to the Reply crew again, the situation of several people was even worse. After all, they were more emotional, especially Yoon Eun Hye and Lee Ji Eun, who almost used up all their strength to stand up with tears in their eyes while shouting "turbo forever". Bar!

Apink and the others even wore makeup, but now they didn't care at all. With their little painted faces, they all shouted "turbo forever!"

Cui Minya almost shouted this sentence from the gap in her blocked throat with a voice that was not much louder than a mosquito. She felt that if she didn't say it, she would never forgive herself in her life: "Turbo forever!"

Shen Ha Na hugged her daughter. She seemed to feel that more than ten years of persistence finally bloomed the most beautiful flower at this moment. In fact, please answer is not as good as this concert or this song. She only I wish I could see these two men standing on the stage, and they are called turbo, turbo forever!

With cheeks blurred by tears and shouts from the heart, Li Menglong was still smiling, but this time the corners of his eyes were always moist while he was smiling. He didn't think they were tears. What's wrong with a smiling person? Will cry! He wanted to say goodbye to everyone with a smile.

"My promise to you has never changed (I will love you until my temples turn gray, and stay with you until the end of time)

I am your blue sky (let my shoulders become your reliance when you are sad, and let my love soothe the pain in your heart)

Your smile is always with me (it’s your smile that gives me happiness, it’s your love that keeps me awake, it’s you that give me confidence and dreams)” Li Menglong and Kim Jong-kook looked at each other, accompanied by the faint guitar accompaniment , sang the last verse of the song together in their own ways.

Kim Jong Kook's singing and Lee Mong Yong's rap are so consistent together, but is anyone still reading the lyrics at the scene? Or can you still read the lyrics clearly? Everyone just stared at the two singing and rapping together. It was enough to know that they were expressing themselves through singing.

"Iwantyouso~iloveyouso——" Kim Jong Kook stopped when he sang the last line, and then the two people, who had figured it out, supported each other and stood up with difficulty. Their current emotions and physical strength made it impossible for the two to make any unnecessary movements. .

The two of them hugged each other's shoulders and slowly looked in every direction in the venue with eyes full of tears and emotion. No matter how beautiful they were, it was finally time to come to an end, although they were reluctant to part with it. But I believe it will still be there in the next ten years.

"Iloveyouso——thankyou!" As the two shouted the last sentence, Kim Jong Kook and Li Menglong bent down deeply together and did not get up for a long time.

At this time, the word "thank you" also appeared on the big screen, and the picture showed each representative photo of Turbo and the two from their trainee days before 1995: from the debut stage in 1995, to the peak in 1996, to 1997. ’s glory, its disbandment in 1999, Running Man’s reunion after more than ten years, stills from the crew, scenes from the songwriting process...

Finally, it settled on this black and white photo taken from behind the two men: the two men bowed deeply to all the fans in front of them.

The last words printed on the big screen were the words: turbo forever!

At this time, the scene also erupted with the final roar of the mountain and the tsunami, and the words "turbo forever!" It seems that everyone's feelings have been exhausted, and only this sentence can reflect the turbulence in their hearts now.

Li Menglong straightened up and still faced all these lovely people with smiling faces. Li Menglong always felt that this was one of the most correct things he had done in his life, otherwise he would not know how many people he would let down.

The name Turbo does not only belong to him, Li Menglong and Kim Jong-kook, but should belong to all those who like turbo. The two of them are more like custodians, and he is confident that he will protect this name for a long time.

"Turbo - Forever!!!" With this long-lasting vent from Li Menglong and his assurance to everyone, he finally gave out his strength completely and fell straight back. Fortunately, Kim Jong Kook provided a timely cushion.

However, the two of them now had no need to do anything and had no energy to do anything except lie on the stage. Looking at the energetic sky in the morning, Li Menglong turned his head slightly. He felt that the muscular man next to him, who had been single for so many years, was stronger than anyone else. cute!

Not right either! A little worse than Lee Soon Kyu!

Well, it’s even worse than Kim Taeyeon!

Well, Xu Xian is naturally incomparable...

He must be better than Liu Zaishi, Li Menglong firmly believed!

The lyrics in this chapter seem to be about 200 words, and they are so appropriate that I didn’t want to take them out. I don’t know how to charge for this kind of thing now. Can I get 200 more free words for this chapter? If not, just think I'm cheating on you.

There is a version of this song by Tiger Brother. You can see it on Du Niang's "MC Dream Kim Jong Kook Love". If you like it, you can find it. This section is finally over. I won't say more. I hope you all like it. Thank you for your support!

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