The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3526: Too Much Talk

Yoona thinks she has seen through everything. This is the plan of Li Menglong and Pani teaming up. The purpose is to play with all the girls.

This behavior is too bad. In the eyes of both of them, are all the girls the same as fools?

Although she was quite angry inside, Yoona did not choose to speak out these analyses.

Firstly, this is just her personal speculation, and she doesn't have any evidence at hand; secondly, it is of no benefit to her personally, and she might even be hostile to Li Menglong and Pani.

Since she holds such a big secret in her hands, Yoona naturally has to strive for the best interests for herself.

This is something I learned from reporters. Once they have mastered dirty information about an artist, their first choice is often not to expose it, but to contact as many interested parties as possible.

As long as the bid is high enough, it doesn't matter who you sell it to.

This is what Yoona is planning at the moment. The girls are just her last guarantee. If she really wants to make a lot of money, it depends on what conditions Li Menglong and Panina can offer.

Based on the seriousness of this incident, Yoona felt that she might become rich.

Will she simply make enough money to retire? Sure enough, when it comes to making money, it's easier to go astray.

Yoona is already fantasizing about how she will spend her money, while the girls are trying to persuade Pani.

They wanted Pani to follow the instructions in the text message and go downstairs to meet Li Menglong.

According to their guess, Li Menglong probably wanted to develop Pani into an internal agent, so that Pani could take advantage of his plan.

And Pani's sacrifice was not in vain. Li Menglong had to bring some benefits, right? And this is Pani's reward!

How could Pani agree to such a ridiculous approach? She knew who she was and how dare she go to meet him.

She even felt that this was a test for her from the girls. Once she accepted it carelessly, they might immediately fall out.

However, Pani was unable to resist the girls' persuasion after all, because they saw that the persuasion was useless and turned to threats.

Moreover, their threats were quite crude: "If you don't go down, we will have to treat you as our former internal agent. Have you considered this?"

Pani is very confused at the moment. Can these women stop threatening her with the truth? What if they believe it themselves after repeating it too many times?

If this is true, Pani will be wronged to death. Originally, everything was done perfectly, but in the end, these women found the truth simply by guessing?

In desperation, Pani could only take one step at a time, and go down to "do internal response". Pani was no stranger to this.

To be precise, she should go down there to meet with Li Menglong. If a new plan is discussed again, the girls will really lose their wives and lose their troops.

However, the girls are not stupid. They also know that Pani may be incited to rebel, so they plan to send someone to monitor the whole process.

As expected, this task fell on Yoona again, but this time she was willing to do it.

"Don't worry, I will definitely help Ernie complete the mission successfully!"

Yoona put her arm around Pani's shoulders and assured with unusual confidence.

Yoona's positive attitude surprised the girls. In the past, she had repeatedly shied away. Why was she so relaxed this time?

But their suspicions would have no effect unless they were willing to go themselves, and would they?

This is also the reason why Yoona dared to take the initiative. She knew these sisters so well that they were all too lazy to wait to stick to their chairs.

If possible, they probably want Yoona and Seohyun to go out to work while they sit at home and collect money.

But don't talk about such whimsical ideas. It's easy to not even be sisters.

He walked out arm in arm with Pani. This intimate movement made Pani feel slightly uncomfortable, mainly because of the psychological effect.

Whenever Pani wanted to break away, Yoona would always change the angle and hug her again. After several times, Pani also realized the problem.

"That Yoona, I won't run away, you don't have to hug me." Pani said as calmly as possible, not wanting to reveal her uneasiness.

It's just that Yoona knew the answer a long time ago, and seeing Pani's little actions, she would only find it interesting.

"Unnie, I've recently taken a fancy to a bag, but unfortunately it's too expensive and I can't bear to buy it." Yoona started talking about an unrelated topic, at least Pani was confused.

Putting aside the fact that this little girl earns so much money every year, if she is reluctant to buy something, she, Pani, may not be willing to buy it either.

And what does this mean behind the scenes? Isn't it because he wants her to help him buy it? And then give it to her Lin Yoona as a gift?

This face is too big, isn't it asking for a gift, it's clearly blackmail. Do you really think Huang Meiying is easy to bully?

Just when Pani was about to fight back, Yoona stretched out her finger and gently touched Pani's mouth: "Don't rush to tell the result. You can discuss it with Li Menglong first. What if he agrees?"

In order to prevent Pani from not understanding the current situation, Yoona specially blinked while speaking.

Just such a small movement made Pani feel as if she had stuck her head directly into the snowdrift, and her brain was frozen for a moment.

Pani opened the door in a daze, and when he saw Li Menglong, Pani finally came to his senses: "Oppa, others know about the two of us, or should we run away?"

One sentence can only stop Li Menglong. He strongly suspected that Pani came with a recording device, and maybe there was a hidden camera. Otherwise, why would she say that?

Doesn't she know how ambiguous this sentence is? If Pani dares to say this in front of outsiders, she and Li Menglong will both be scolded!

If he really did something with Pani, it would be fine. At least he didn't suffer any loss, so he deserved to be scolded.

But he is innocent, Pani, don't wrongly accuse a good person here!

After a complicated communication, Pani finally explained the matter with a red face, but she still complained: "Why do you think so? I'm just your sister, you'd better control your feelings that have nowhere to go!"

Not only did she not think about reflecting on herself, but she also turned the tables. How should he answer?

"I don't want to either. The main reason is that your charm is too great, so don't seduce me all the time in the future, otherwise you will also have to bear the responsibility!" Li Menglong chose a teasing answer.

Hannah's face became even more rosy, but she looked in a pretty good mood. This could be considered a compliment, right?

However, Hannah knew that this was all just a joke. The primary issue now was Yoona. How much did this little girl know?

Although he had not personally experienced the interaction between the sisters, based on Li Menglong's understanding of Yoona, the little girl's statement was mostly just speculation.

If Hannah's attitude was stronger, Yoona might have taken the initiative to withdraw.

But Hannah's panic before was too obvious, which undoubtedly strengthened Yoona's confidence. She was now in a situation where she could fight to the death.

Even if there was no evidence in hand and the two could not be convicted, did the girls need evidence? As long as it could arouse their suspicion, it would be fine.

Yoona knew this, and Li Menglong and Hannah knew the same.

So now there are really not many tricks left for the two of them. The most ideal solution is to satisfy Yoona's wish: "How much does that bag cost? Is it expensive? I can pay..."

Li Menglong did not say the specific number, because Tiffany's eyes were too contemptuous.

This is understandable. After all, how much can he pay? It may not even be enough for a zipper. It's not enough to say it out loud.

It's not Tiffany herself who will bear the cost in the end, so what she is considering now is whether it is worth it to use this money to buy her life?

"Need to say that? Of course it's money, otherwise it will be difficult for you to earn so much money in the future!" Li Menglong gave a bad idea.

Tiffany didn't even have the desire to refute. She was not at the age of going downhill yet, and she had many opportunities to make money.

But when she thought of this, she vaguely understood that Li Menglong was trying to be roundabout?

After all, she is considered one of us, so don't beat around the bush when talking. If she doesn't understand, won't the consequences be more serious?

Although she had thought it through, Hani still did not move her hands. She was really unwilling.

Why not use so much money to do something else? Why waste it on Yoona?

Even if she donated it, at least someone would think well of Hani.

But in Yoona's case, most people would attribute the credit to her. All this was obtained by Lin Yoona through hard work, and Hani was just a tool to pay.

As if seeing Hani's hesitation, Li Menglong couldn't help but say: "Why don't you give me some, and I will be responsible for handling Yoona for you?"

After hearing this, Hani's eyes widened as much as possible. She didn't understand how Li Menglong had the nerve to speak.

At this time, he still wanted to blackmail her? Once Huang Miying fell, what would happen to Li Menglong?

Hani was completely awake. She pointed at Li Menglong and shouted excitedly: "I won't pay a penny. You can do whatever you want. Anyway, if I get into trouble, you will definitely not be able to escape!"

Having been confused for a long time, Hani finally became smart and punched Li Menglong's soft spot.

Li Menglong himself was also regretting it. It turned out that greed was the original sin.

If he had said less, the situation would not be so bad. Why did he see money?

What should he do now? Hani was about to die. He seemed to be able to only passively comfort Yoona?

But it was not the first day he knew Yoona. The little girl would indeed choose to compromise for various reasons, but the premise was that the temptation was not too great.

The current situation is that Li Menglong is going to make Yoona give up the benefits she has obtained, and the benefits are expensive, just by talking. Is this possible?

After a long time of hesitation, Li Menglong tried to soften Hani in this way, but Hani just wanted to kill him.

Li Menglong had better bring back a good result, otherwise the two of them will be the "unfortunate couple" together.

Originally, I was thinking of finding a place to calm down, but as soon as Li Menglong came out, he saw Yoona waving at him.

Has the little girl been waiting here all the time? Could she have foreseen this scene?

He found an empty meeting room again, and there were still only two people, but this time it was Yoona who accompanied Li Menglong.

This treatment is not bad. Ordinary people don't have this opportunity to be alone with Yoona and Tiffany.

However, Li Menglong didn't cherish it at all. He just wanted to escape from here quickly.

Considering that there was no turning point, at least Li Menglong couldn't think of any good way, so he simply gave the initiative to Yoona.

Li Menglong quickly recounted what happened, and then Li Menglong waited for Yoona's trial, or an exchange of interests?

In fact, Yoona was stunned for a while. She didn't expect that a cooked duck could fly. Didn't Pani plan to spend money to eliminate disaster?

The price of the bag is indeed not cheap, but it shouldn’t be a big problem for Pani.

Even if it wasn't for the sake of threat, just from the sister's point of view, what would happen if Pani gave her Lin Yoona a bag?

Yoona didn't think it was Li Menglong's problem, it was just that Pani was stingy and didn't want to pay or bear the consequences, so she sent Li Menglong out.

Regarding Yoona's misunderstanding, Li Menglong has no intention of correcting it. It is best to continue to make rapid progress in this direction.

There was no hope at first, but Li Menglong saw a glimmer of light, so what should Yoona do, go find Pani to fight in the ring?

"Why should I go to her? She doesn't want to give it, so how can I force her to ask for it?" Yoona muttered with resentment: "I, Lin Yoona, also want to face shame, I don't lack this package!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was quite good, Li Menglong naturally followed up immediately: "Indeed, I also think that Pani went too far this time. Just tell me what to do, and I will cooperate with you unconditionally!"

Regarding Li Menglong's proactiveness, Yoona knew that there must be a problem, but she was too lazy to guess and wanted to get to the core of the problem.

Yoona planned to keep her original goal unchanged, and she still wanted Pani to deliver the package, and she would do so "willingly".

In order to achieve this goal, she needed to push Pani from behind and make her sink deeper and deeper.

Only in this way will Pani re-evaluate and make the best choice.

If you want to achieve this, you need Li Menglong's cooperation. He shouldn't refuse, right?

After hearing Yoona's plan, bitterness filled the corners of Li Menglong's mouth. Why did things develop like this?

Yoona was obsessed with getting the bag, but Pani only knew how to force him, Li Menglong. If he helped Yoona now, wouldn't he be strengthening himself?

Once you are trapped in this kind of death spiral, it is really wishful thinking to try to climb out.

Li Menglong knew that he could not go on like this. Before he fell deeper, he had to take the initiative to break this predicament. Even if he had to pay some price for it, he would not hesitate!

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