When Yoona bravely stood up, the atmosphere in the car suddenly became tense.

If before, it was just mutual complaints between them, now it was time for them to prove themselves.

But how to prove such a thing? Are they all relying on the testimony of people around them?

This is simply a breeding ground for false charges. Those who really farted must lie crazily, with the purpose of implicating everyone.

The facts are indeed developing in this direction. Not only the women in the back, but also Li Menglong and Xu Xian who were sitting in the front were affected.

Xu Xian was still talking about facts and reasoning at first. For example, because of the distance, even if she really farted in the front row, the group of people in the back would not hear it.

Theoretically, unless Li Menglong spoke up to testify, Xu Xian must be innocent.

As for whether Li Menglong would speak up, isn't it obvious?

Who doesn't know that Li Menglong defends Xu Xian? It's better for them to frame her directly than to rely on Li Menglong to testify.

However, Li Menglong did not choose to remain silent this time: "Sorry, I really heard some noises vaguely, and I can't lie openly, right?"

When Li Menglong took the initiative to speak, not to mention the girls behind him, even Xu Xian looked shocked.

Although Li Menglong has always been very doting on her, Xu Xian has no arrogant mentality. Instead, she keeps reminding herself to calm down and not to let down Li Menglong's friendship.

So if Li Menglong is telling the truth and does not intend to cover up for her, Xu Xian can accept this approach.

But does Li Menglong dare to look into her eyes and repeat this sentence again!

Whether it is farting or not, doesn't Xu Xian know it herself?

Li Menglong is just spreading rumors and perjury. How dare he say such words? Has his conscience been eaten by a dog?

In fact, from everything that happened this morning, Xu Xian had a vague guess that Li Menglong was not targeting her, right?

Before, I thought I was just a by-product, and the girls were his main target of attack.

But now it seems that she was too naive. The girls were indeed one of the targets, but it seemed that she, Xu Xian, was also targeted?

What was it for? It couldn't be just something like last night, because she didn't wash the remaining dishes and left all the work to Li Menglong?

Let's not talk about whether there was a reason for it. Even if Xu Xian was willful once, couldn't Li Menglong tolerate it once? Even if she had been busy with him for so long before!

Who has been accompanying Li Menglong to cook, wash dishes, and tidy up? It's Xu Xian!

All the hard work in the past was ignored. She was just "lazy" this time, and Li Menglong couldn't wait to retaliate.

This move was too mean. This was not the Li Menglong she knew. Instead, it seemed like the work of the girls. After all, they had done ungrateful things more than once or twice.

In short, Xu Xian felt very wronged at the moment, but she couldn't produce any evidence. The women behind would definitely stand on Li Menglong's side, right?

She underestimated the unity of the girls. They can quarrel among themselves, but they will be extremely united whenever there is an external enemy.

Li Menglong is openly bullying their youngest, which is simply an unforgivable crime!

Only they themselves can bully their youngest, and no outsider can do that, including Li Menglong.

So what else can be said, they must stand up for Xu Xian:

"What are you talking about? Our youngest is a famous fairy. How can someone who doesn't even need to excrete fart?"

"Is there something wrong with your ears? Go to the hospital when you have time. I can reimburse you for the round-trip fare!"

"I advise you to be kind, otherwise you might be beaten when you walk one day!"

Although the girls' words sounded a bit unreasonable, Xu Xian was really moved. She really needed the care from the sisters.

Now the pressure is on Li Menglong, he must give an explanation, don't think about getting away with it.

But the effect of this kind of pressure is very limited. Li Menglong is not afraid. Anyway, he is driving. At most, they will die together.

This really stumped the girls. They can't take the initiative to die because of such a small matter. It always feels that it is not worth it.

So without anyone speaking, they returned to their previous state, that is, exposing and attacking each other, and they had to find out the person who farted.

Seeing that the matter was going to end, Xu Xian couldn't blame them. After all, they had done a lot, and she could only rely on herself next.

After confirming that Li Menglong was taking revenge on her, Xu Xian would inevitably have some doubts, such as whether everything that happened at this moment was another prank from him?

The possibility still exists, but the only thing that makes Xu Xian hesitate is this smell. The real thing doesn't seem to be emitted by some kind of food, unless he really got a pile of...

After a little dry heave, Xu Xian knew that she had reached a dead end, and she had to find a way out.

Although there was no specific direction, Xu Xian still had a way. She gradually focused her attention on Li Menglong.

Anyway, the problem was with him. As long as she kept a close eye on him, even if she couldn't get more evidence, she could at least prevent him from doing bad things.

And the effect is too obvious. Since being stared at, no one in the car has farted anymore. Does this indicate something?

"Don't you see what they are doing? No one dares to act first at this time. It has nothing to do with me!"

Li Menglong reluctantly explained, but Xu Xian didn't ask at all, so this answer was too guilty.

Xu Xian's only trouble at the moment is that she can't find evidence, which gives her a headache.

Because she doesn't know whether Li Menglong will make trouble next, he should be satisfied, right? Must he be satisfied only when they catch him?

Xu Xian wants to talk to Li Menglong. If he insists on an apology, Xu Xian is not unwilling to bow her head. She is not such a stubborn person, even if it is not her fault.

But it is better to find a place with fewer people, otherwise Li Menglong will never dare to admit it. Otherwise, let the girls get off the car first?

Xu Xian's action was quite decisive: "Ounis, go up first, I'll accompany Oppa to park the car!"

This abrupt explanation made the girls stunned for a moment, and then they realized that the little girl wanted to have some secrets with Li Menglong.

What exactly was the content? Even they were not worthy of listening? Would she say something bad about them?

In order to prove this point, the girls did not get off the car immediately, but argued to stay. There should be no secrets between them.

Fortunately, Xu Xian was also very strong. Seeing that there was no chance, the girls left in disgrace.

Xu Xian didn't think too much about it. The only thing that was a bit strange was why they left so fast. Shouldn't they dawdle and not want to leave?

In fact, the girls were in a hurry to monitor. They were not the kind of good kids. They had many tricks.

Not only did they leave a mobile phone that was on a call, but they also left an extra mobile phone that was recording. This was double insurance and evidence.

Xu Xian didn't think so much. She came up and confronted Li Menglong: "You made the smell in the car, right? This is not good!"

Xu Xian didn't give Li Menglong any room to quibble. She said this with extraordinary certainty. She wanted to see if Li Menglong dared to admit it.

It may be that Xu Xian created a good atmosphere, or it may be that Li Menglong still trusted the little girl. In short, Li Menglong did admit it.

He even took out a bottle of perfume and shook it at Xu Xian. This was the source of the smell in the car.

Xu Xian was skeptical about this. Why would there be a perfume with this smell? Are people so perverted these days? Is she out of touch with the whole society?

In order to verify this, Xu Xian gently pried open a gap on the lid, and the strong smell instantly made her dizzy.

Xu Xian couldn't even stay in the car now. She opened the door and ran out, and ran a long way in one breath.

She almost ran around the company. When Xu Xian came back again, the bottle of perfume had disappeared.

"What a waste! This thing is not cheap. Not to mention using it a few more times, it can be sold as second-hand, and it can still sell for a lot of money!" Li Menglong said with regret.

Xu Xian undoubtedly sneered at such words, and Li Menglong should just flush this thought down the drain.

Don't think she knows nothing. The so-called second-hand goods are still sold to fans under their banner.

It is said that this business is quite prosperous in Li Menglong's business, that is, the girls are unwilling to provide a large number of goods, otherwise they might make a lot of money.

After all, everything they have used is fought over by fans, and they may even be worshipped after buying it back.

However, the girls would rather give it directly to fans than let Li Menglong make a fortune. If you make too much money like this, it is easy to be backfired.

How to make money from fans rationally is a very serious topic for any company or artist, and it may take a lifetime to study.

Why do many small companies always go bankrupt? It's not just a matter of funds. This kind of experience summed up with blood and tears is also part of the reason.

So forget about perfume, especially this kind of smell, which is easy to be misunderstood by fans.

Now should we talk about the follow-up issues, such as where the perfume came from and why she did it.

It's not wrong to talk about these, but why did Xu Xian stay so far away? Is this a shadow on the car?

Li Menglong had to jump down to communicate with Xu Xian, but in this way, the girls' plan failed completely, and they couldn't hear anything.

The failure of the girls did not affect the honesty of the two. Although Li Menglong did not analyze his own mental journey, he also gave a general idea.

It was nothing more than a momentary impulse. I hope Xu Xian can understand that he will try not to do such childish things in the future.

Xu Xian agreed with this explanation and even felt that Li Menglong was a little pitiful.

Although they didn't communicate on weekdays, he should still be under pressure, right?

Considering that Li Menglong's hobbies are quite limited and he probably has no outlet for his anger, it seems that his occasional wilfulness is a rare relaxation for him?

Although Li Menglong's behavior should not be beautified, Xu Xian does not intend to pursue it further and see how he behaves in the future.

And how should I put it, seeing the embarrassed appearance of the girls, Xu Xian also felt a sense of pleasure in her heart that she had a great revenge.

These women have been dominating the family for so long, and finally someone can teach them a lesson. This behavior should even be encouraged!

Patting Li Menglong on the shoulder, Xu Xian walked to the company with her hands behind her back. For a moment, her back looked a little tall.

This is understandable. With the "elders" at home so naive, Xu Xian has indeed paid a lot for the maintenance of this family.

She didn't ask these people to understand, but only hoped that they would not bring her along when they interacted next time, which would be a reward for her.

However, when she walked to the company, she remembered that Li Menglong had not answered a question. Where did he get the perfume?

If he said he bought it himself, it would be a lie.

Li Menglong's series of actions were impromptu. Without prior preparation, it would be fine if he could buy these foods, but why did he even have this kind of perfume?

It is not so easy to find even if you look for it deliberately on weekdays. After all, this smell is really too niche.

He must not say that he found it at the door, just lie to himself.

Once you think in this direction, things will become quite interesting.

At least one of them is a traitor, not only providing "tools for committing crimes", but also perhaps participating in other things.

Whether it is going to the room on the second floor to set up and wake up the girls; or making fart sounds in the car, which then caused the girls to argue.

This is all the work of the "inside ghost", who could this person be?

Xu Xian thought about it carefully and found more than one suspect.

There is no way to do this, after all, from a subjective perspective, each of them has a motive to participate.

Xu Xian can only find clues from some interactions, but more often she still uses the method of elimination.

For example, Kim Taeyeon can't be an inside ghost, and the inside ghost is not a fool. It's too conscientious to make herself unlucky to the point of almost dying.

Several names flashed through her mind one after another, but Xu Xian really couldn't screen them further, so she could only put the matter aside.

If we confront the girls one by one, it will easily cause another storm, which is what Xu Xian doesn't want to see.

So what else can we say? Just treat it as the girls' bad luck, or balance their luck?

Today's bad luck is for a better tomorrow...

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