Li Menglong and Xu Xian get along very harmoniously, at least from a distance, there will be a similar illusion.

After all, the two were just bickering, and it did not rise to the level of physical conflict.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this misunderstanding may become quite beautiful. Even if Li Menglong is a little ugly, he can't stand Xu Xian's attractiveness.

But do girls care about appearance? They are already past the age of looking at faces.

To put it bluntly, they never look at whether the other party is beautiful when making friends. Anyway, it is impossible for them to be more beautiful than them.

So it is difficult for Xu Xian to get special bonuses in their eyes, which makes it even more annoying. These two people can have fun washing dishes?

This makes them very jealous. Why do these two people look very painful every time they work with them?

It is clearly targeting them. They want to correct this trend, and they also want to become equally "happy"!

Maybe it's because of the time, or because they are full. In short, these women did not choose to be weird, but directly expressed their demands.

After hearing their accusations, Xu Xian's first reaction was to avoid suspicion. Did they think that she was too close to Li Menglong?

This idea was too ridiculous, so ridiculous that Xu Xian couldn't help laughing.

She didn't deny that she admired Li Menglong, and most girls would have similar emotions.

To put it more bluntly, if everyone was single, even if Li Menglong didn't make any moves, maybe the girls would take the initiative to confess.

But that's all. With their conditions, they really can't live without a man, even if the other party is Li Menglong.

So to compete for Li Menglong, they would engage in some weird interactions, even if Li Menglong would never dream of such a scene.

Xu Xian actually had such an illusion at this moment, and she herself felt strange.

But Xu Xian soon stopped laughing, and the tingling from her toes made her sober first.

After that, she didn't dare to look around, and she could already guess what happened.

Most likely, her smile hurt those women, and Li Menglong was "kindly" reminding them. Of course, it could also be a personal vendetta, otherwise why did she step on them so hard?

Now is not a good time to trouble Li Menglong. She has to give these women an explanation. It is impossible to tell the truth, right?

"I just feel too happy. As the youngest, I should do these dirty and tiring work, but the elder sisters took the initiative to help me share. I, Xu Xian, am really lucky to be your sister!"

Xu Xian's tone is quite sincere. Even if this monologue is put in a movie, it can be regarded as a good picture.

However, this kind of monologue wants to achieve the effect, not only testing the acting skills of the actors, but also being quite picky about the audience.

And the girls are not very suitable for similar style movies at first glance. Is this passage touching? Why do they feel a little ironic?

Coupled with Xu Xian's weird smile before, they have reason to suspect that Xu Xian is implying them. Is she too friendly to the little girl recently? Let her forget her duty as a youngest!

Seeing that the explanation had the opposite effect, Xu Xian did not dare to continue speaking, otherwise it would be troublesome for herself.

She stood aside honestly. From this moment on, she was like a puppet, and would listen carefully to the girls' instructions.

This attitude was right, and the girls gave affirmative gestures.

Xu Xian took the initiative to set an example, why should Li Menglong learn from it?

"So I am also your youngest?" Li Menglong asked without raising his head: "Ounis, do you want to take a bath together? I will rub your back!"

When it comes to the ability to stir up the girls' emotions, Li Menglong really has no rivals.

A simple sentence made these women furious. It's okay to take the initiative to be the youngest, but he also wants to come and take advantage of it. Bah, is he worthy?

Fortunately, the girls really have no intention of taking action, and they also want to rest.

But before that, they didn't forget their original intention: "Can you be fair? What's the difference between us and Xu Xian? Don't always treat us differently!"

The girls' complaints made Li Menglong not know what to say. Should they re-understand what they said? Is this something a normal person can say?

He wants to treat them equally, but are they willing to do so?

The girls actually realized that there was something wrong with their words, but it was too late to take it back, so they could only continue to be tough.

What else can be said now? Li Menglong immediately threw his gloves on the chopping board: "Okay, to show fairness, then you will be responsible for washing the dishes next!"

Li Menglong still felt that it was not enough after saying this, he threw the washed dishes into the sink again: "This is fair, Xu Xian washed too much by herself!"

This operation is really a bit provocative. Just to increase their workload, they have to wash the dishes again?

The fairness they are talking about is sensory fairness, not this kind of reality and material fairness. Can Li Menglong understand it?

"Sorry, I'm a very practical person. You guys should clean up here first, and then we can talk about the follow-up feeling. Is that okay?" Li Menglong urged, crossing his arms.

The girls were now backed into a corner. They wanted to break their promise, but the time was too short, and they were a little embarrassed.

So what else can they do? Wash the dishes!

But they seem to have one last trick. There is a "puppet" waiting for their orders: "Maknae, this is a test from the unnies. Clean up here quickly!"

After saying this, the girls didn't care about Li Menglong and Xu Xian's reactions and fled quickly. They were fast enough to participate in the competition.

From the sudden joining of the girls to their rapid departure at this moment, the whole process probably took only a few minutes.

Not only did they not come to help, but they also added a lot of extra workload. Isn't this something they planned in advance?

Xu Xian couldn't help but sigh: "I guess not, they don't have this brain, so why did oppa do that just now? Do you think they will really stay and wash the dishes?"

This complaint made Li Menglong unable to explain. If he really said that he believed them, it would sound like a lie.

But he did it again. He can only say that he is stupid!

Li Menglong wanted to confess his mistake to Xuxian, but Xuxian didn't want to listen, because it was meaningless.

She piled the dishes and chopsticks she had fished out to Li Menglong's side, and used her chin to signal him to come over quickly, don't think about delaying time, she won't share a little for the other party!

At this time, you must be proactive, Li Menglong's emotional intelligence is not always so low: "Xiaoxian, put it down quickly, I will sort out the rest, you go to rest!"

There are too many polite elements in this statement. Normal people should choose to refuse, but Xuxian agreed without any hesitation.

This made Li Menglong sluggish for a long time. He wanted to make sure if he heard it wrong. Until the little girl's back disappeared, Li Menglong realized the reality.

The girls didn't come here without anything. They at least "took" Xuxian away, so they are real sisters, and he, the self-proclaimed "youngest", deserves to be bullied?

Now it was Li Menglong's turn to smile bitterly. Fortunately, the workload was not too heavy, otherwise he would definitely go up there and catch another person.

Li Menglong was teased by the girls together, at least that's what he thought. This made him have a tendency to insomnia for a while. He always felt that he shouldn't be so stupid. This was not his true level!

Although no one made any demands, Li Menglong always had to prove himself, even if it was for himself.

With this idea, Li Menglong finally settled down. Sure enough, hatred is a positive emotion. At least it can make people put aside many distractions.

Li Menglong was thinking about ways to get revenge, and it was very easy to fall asleep in this state. Wait until tomorrow to see the result!

Li Menglong woke up early the next day. Although he didn't get enough sleep, he was very energetic.

Even in his dreams, he seemed to be thinking. Otherwise, why was his desire for revenge so strong? At the same time, inspiration also emerged in an endless stream?

Li Menglong now understands Yoona's daily state. If she has such rich ideas every moment, it would be a pity not to implement them.

He can only choose one from many options now, which makes him very embarrassed. He is in a dilemma. He can't be partial to one or the other.

So Li Menglong plans to give the girls a big one. As long as time permits, all these ideas can be arranged.

For this reason, Li Menglong has no intention of taking a nap. You know, it's only dawn now, but he can't wait to act.

While he was preparing all this, the girls didn't feel anything. Maybe they felt something in their dreams?

In short, when they woke up, everything seemed normal, and even the air was full of fragrance... stench...

"What's this smell? Lee Sunkyu, did you poop on the bed?"

Kim Taeyeon pinched her nose, held her breath as much as possible, and kicked the bed opposite.

However, she stopped abruptly in mid-air, not because she felt sorry for Lee Sunkyu, but because she was afraid that her feet would be stained with something indescribable.

Lee Sunkyu finally woke up in Kim Taeyeon's shouting, but she looked much more normal: "What are you yelling about? I just have a stuffy nose, and my ears are very sensitive!"

This explanation is reasonable... bullshit!

Nasal congestion and pooping in bed are completely two organ problems. Lee Sunkyu had better take the initiative to solve the problem, otherwise she, Kim Taeyeon, will be sick to death.

Although she didn't know what this woman was doing, Lee Sunkyu still subconsciously groped herself, and still closed her eyes, after all, she hadn't woken up yet.

Seeing Lee Sunkyu groping around her body, there was no trace of any residue on her hands, so she was innocent?

Kim Taeyeon slowly let go of her fingers on her nose. She also felt that it didn't make sense. Could it be that there was something wrong with her sense of smell?

As soon as she let go of a gap, the stench instantly rushed in, and Kim Taeyeon couldn't help but start to retch.

This action seemed to have triggered something, and the girls in the next room began to complain and whine.

When everyone got together, they almost immediately checked each other's clothes. Suspicion was subconscious.

Fortunately, everyone was still rational. Not to mention that they were still young and not to the point of being unable to control themselves, the smell alone was not something that one person could create.

They urgently need to find the source of the smell, but who will make this sacrifice? You can't judge the direction of the smell with your eyes, right?

The girls looked at each other, and their eyes were full of threats for a while. Don't expect them to make sacrifices in this situation.

Fortunately, Lee Sun-kyu was there. This woman relied on her physical "advantage" to check around. Even if she couldn't smell it, the girls could still make some judgments.

So they finally locked the location of the bathroom, completely locked the door and turned on the ventilator, and they finally got a little breathing space.

"Most likely there is a problem with the sewer. Who was the last one to go to the bathroom last night? You'd better confess quickly. For the sake of sisterhood, I will leave you a whole body!"

This kind of words is more of a reminder than a threat. Who dares to really stand up? Don't you want to die?

Seeing that no one confessed, the girls can only put this issue aside for the time being, or go downstairs to hide?

In fact, they wanted to see Li Menglong's excitement. It would be best if they could put the hat on his head. He would probably be too ashamed to see people in the future.

They ran down excitedly, but they were disappointed. Almost all the windows on the first floor were open, and even the air conditioner was not turned off. The air was too good for a while.

This made them a little resentful. They were woken up by the stench upstairs, but Li Menglong had no problem at all?

"It shouldn't be that serious, otherwise why would Oppa open the window? It's just that he woke up earlier."

Xu Xian explained for Li Menglong on the side. She did this kind of thing a lot on weekdays.

The girls also accepted this answer, so where is Li Menglong? Could he have fainted in a corner?

The girls looked around and found no trace of him at all. Fortunately, his location was not difficult to guess.

"He's smart enough to buy us breakfast so early in the morning. Let's forgive him this time!"

This statement was unanimously agreed by the girls. Otherwise, what else could they do? Ask someone to block the toilet on the first floor?

While they were enjoying the fresh air in every corner, Li Menglong's "breakfast takeaway" also arrived as promised. In this regard, he did not disappoint the girls.

But what was he holding in his hand? Why did it smell worse than upstairs...

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