The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3515 Temporary Online

Pani did hesitate, mainly because the conditions proposed by Li Menglong were quite tempting. Which girl can refuse a magic lamp that can make wishes at will?

Although Li Menglong cannot be as omniscient and omnipotent as the genuine djinn, to Pani, he can be regarded as an inferior version of the djinn.

After all, Pani doesn't have that many wishes, and she isn't that greedy. At least within Li Menglong's ability, all of these wishes can be realized.

The only concern now is Kim Taeyeon. This woman won't feel jealous because of this, right?

Pani just wanted to say that it was not necessary. She was still happy to share. Otherwise, why not ask her if she had any wishes? You can definitely help realize it together!

When Pani asked kindly, Kim Taeyeon's face turned ugly to the naked eye.

Since she is willing to ask this, it means that Pani is already moved, so can she be more reserved?

After all, she is a popular female idol, so can she be manipulated so casually? Does she lack money or source of words?

If you can work hard for what you want with your own hands, why should you eat this kind of food? Especially the leftover food peeking out from Li Menglong’s hand!

But her extreme statement was difficult to win the approval of the other two, especially for Li Menglong. This was not leftovers at all, it was clearly just grabbing food from his bowl.

Don't think that Pani will make some easy demands casually. This little girl is not stupid, and she will probably kill him severely.

From a purely solution point of view, Li Menglong should actually please Kim Taeyeon, but this woman can no longer communicate, so he can only spend a lot of money.

"So what do you think now? My time to make a wish here is quite limited. You'd better make a decision quickly." Li Menglong continued to urge.

Although Kim Taeyeon didn't continue to speak, her eyes looking at Pani became more and more evil, as if she could pounce on him and take a big bite at any time.

The pressure from both sides makes it difficult for Pani to make a choice. Should she choose interests, or should she consider and maintain the relationship between sisters?

It can be said that this kind of problem occurs in every girl group. As for the final ending, it is often not particularly happy.

It can be seen from the number of group disbandments that there are almost no exceptions to this choice.

And Pani also wants to follow the footsteps of his predecessors. Anyway, if his teammates are gone, he can find them again, but if the opportunity disappears, it is really gone.

Pani's eyes became more determined, so bright that Kim Taeyeon subconsciously avoided them. They were full of utilitarianism.

Just when Kim Taeyeon fell into despair and was about to leave alone, Pani turned the tables and perfectly replicated Kim Taeyeon's previous actions. This time, she tightened Kim Taeyeon's hand!

"Where are you going? You pulled me here, how could you escape first? We promised to be together forever!"

Pani's sincere confession made the air in the room much sweeter. Breathing this air, Li Menglong thought that he was about to develop diabetes.

But Kim Taeyeon accepted it very well. Not only did she not find it too sweet, she even added sugar into it.

I saw her holding Pani's head with her backhand, and their heads were together, with only each other in their eyes: "Even if I am too old to walk in the future, I will not leave you behind!"

Pani vaguely felt that there was something wrong with what she said, but the atmosphere was so good that she didn't think much about it, so she could only hug Kim Taeyeon tightly to express her feelings.

But there are still people who can think independently at the scene. Li Menglong's interpretation is quite malicious: "So you want Pani to push the wheelchair for you? Are you still going to carry you to the bathroom? You are not looking for a sister here. You are obviously Looking for a nanny..."

When she heard these words, Kim Taeyeon reacted for a while. She wanted to confirm who this guy was talking to. It couldn't be her, right?

Kim Taeyeon knew what she wanted to express, so she couldn't connect this malicious statement with her beautiful feelings.

But there were only a few people in the room. Unless Li Menglong was attacking himself, the only one being targeted was Kim Taeyeon.

She was really angry now. How dare he taint such pure emotions? Does he have no heart?

It would be fine if he was just talking to himself, but what about the thoughtful look in Pani's eyes? She wouldn't really believe it, would she?

Don't make trouble, doesn't Pani still know who Kim Taeyeon is?

And if nothing else, why is it that even though Kim Taeyeon is in a wheelchair, Pani can still be healthy enough to push her around?

Kim Taeyeon is not boasting, her body is second only to Seohyun in the team, and she will definitely survive longer than these women.

So all the premises are invalid. Why does Pani still believe it? Can she think for herself!

Temporarily unable to care about appeasing Pani, Kim Taeyeon wanted to solve the problem from the source.

By the way, she has indeed endured quite a hard time, from being maliciously deceived by Li Menglong by jumping off a building to being abandoned by him again when she got to the street corner.

Don't think that Kim Taeyeon has forgotten all these things. Her memory is not that bad.

The only reason why she was still enduring was that she didn't have the strength, and she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to beat Li Menglong to death.

But it’s a matter of life. Li Menglong has acted so recklessly. If she, Kim Taeyeon, doesn’t respond, how can she manage such a big team?

Even though her strength recovery was quite limited, Kim Taeyeon decided to attack.

But she still had a certain strategy this time. After all, she fell into the same pit twice. How stupid could she be?

She, Kim Taeyeon, is as smart as ice and will never make the same mistakes again!

Her idea at the moment was very simple. Since she couldn't beat Li Menglong to cry for his father, she could use her own body as a weapon.

I saw Kim Taeyeon rushing over like a ball of sharp arrows, not giving Li Menglong any time to react.

There was no accident. The two of them rolled into a ball on the ground. Before Li Menglong could react, Kim Taeyeon had already started shouting:

"Help, my head hurts. Is my hand broken? What about my feet? Why can't I feel anything at all?"

Kim Taeyeon's wailing was quite sharp and could probably be heard through the door by her colleagues passing by. Could this be her plan?

This kind of cheating method is really low-level. The one who is really hurt is Li Menglong. Why is Kim Taeyeon shouting so loudly?

And Pani is not an honest child. She clearly saw the whole process with her own eyes. She should be able to tell what is going on.

As a result, she was throwing herself at Kim Taeyeon and kept shouting: "Taeyeon, how can I live without you..."

As a relatively professional director, Li Menglong really wanted to record the scene at this moment and show it to all the actors he knew, especially idols.

The purpose is not for them to learn, but to learn lessons from this negative example.

At this moment, the performance of the two people can no longer be described as stiff. It clearly embodies all the shortcomings of idols when they transform into actors.

The lines are exaggerated, the expressions are pulpy, and the movements are stiff. The only thing worthy of praise is that the pretense is pretty good, but isn't this the most basic condition for every actor?

Li Menglong really couldn't stand it. He couldn't let such acting skills appear in front of him, especially when it was someone he knew.

In this case, what else is there to say? Let's train online: "Pani, remember your voice is your advantage, not the timbre, but your control of the voice. Do you know Poyin? Maintain a similar state!"

As Li Menglong spoke, Pani subconsciously followed the other party's suggestion. After all, this was really easy for her.

But what should I say, the effect was really immediate. Originally her voice was dry, but now it seemed to be filled with emotion, even though she didn't do it at all.

This is the meaning of acting. Many times it can be replaced by skills. This is what many actors need to learn.

As for the rest, it purely depends on talent, and there is almost no possibility of catching up.

Fortunately, Li Menglong didn't have high demands on them. Seeing that Pani was still obedient, he continued to guide: "The eyes are the key point. At least half of the emotions are revealed here. Do you know the alternative method? Think about your own sadness."

Pani blinked and immediately started thinking, what was the last time he was sad? It seems that Kim Taeyeon secretly wore her new clothes, and she didn't even bother to wear them herself...

Li Menglong wanted to make Pani look sad and haggard, but a flash of anger suddenly appeared in Pani's eyes.

Although the mood is not particularly suitable, it is good to be able to do this. He needs to continue to create an atmosphere for Pani: "Your sister is lying in front of you, with scars all over her body. At this moment, you can't care about your sadness. I just want to avenge her!"

It can only be said that Li Menglong still has some ability to temporarily create a new script based on Pani's emotions. The only thing that needs to be considered is that Kim Taeyeon is not very willing to cooperate.

She really planned to create a scarred appearance and then blackmail Li Menglong once.

But after hearing Li Menglong's description, she always felt as if she was going to die. She was obviously still alive, and she felt that she could still save him!

For this reason, she reached out to Pani. This sister should cooperate with her, right? At least don't cooperate with Li Menglong!

But Pani is already involved in the drama now. Her anger is not fake. She wants to avenge Kim Taeyeon. Who hurt her sister?

"After some investigation, you realized that she was hurting herself. What emotions would you have in this situation? Let your thoughts spread, anger? Complain? Sadness? Self-pity?"

Li Menglong continued to guide, and Pani was also thinking along his words, but the result was quite unexpected. She thought that the person who should be blamed most was herself!

Why didn't she discover the abnormality earlier? Why didn't she spend more time with Kim Taeyeon on weekdays.

Kim Taeyeon has given her signals more than once, why would she want to steal clothes? Does she need this new dress?

It's not just to attract your own attention and send out a distress signal!

But she, Huang Meiying, turned a blind eye the whole time and allowed Kim Taeyeon to harm herself to this extent. She is a sinner.

As Pani's big tears fell, Kim Taeyeon finally panicked. What is going on?

She really couldn't understand it. Even though she lay there and heard the entire conversation between the two, she still couldn't figure out why Pani was crying.

She no longer cares about trouble with Li Menglong at this moment, she wants to appease Pani's mood.

Holding Pani's little face, Kim Taeyeon kept using her thumbs to hang up the dripping tears, and at the same time said comforting words: "It's okay, it's all that bastard talking nonsense. Look, I'm not okay!"

Kim Taeyeon tried to use her health to prove that everything before was false, but Tiffany didn't think so: "Taeyeon, I will treat you better in the future. You can wear any new clothes I buy first, and I can wear the old ones!"

After hearing Tiffany's promise, Kim Taeyeon couldn't help but take a breath. What happened? Did Li Menglong brainwash Tiffany?

You know, Tiffany usually takes this kind of thing very seriously. Not to mention that she will turn against him, but at least she will be awkward for a long time.

Although Tiffany is very cute in this state, Kim Taeyeon doesn't dare to try it often. Now it seems that the fun has completely disappeared?

But when she thought of Tiffany's full wardrobe, Kim Taeyeon felt that it was not unacceptable.

After Tiffany said this, she still felt that it was not enough, and immediately hugged Kim Taeyeon tightly, trying to convey her love for her with strength.

Kim Taeyeon was strangled to the point of being unable to breathe. If it weren't for Li Menglong's help, their team would probably consider changing the captain.

While panting, Kim Taeyeon stared at Lee Moon-long. This man was quite dangerous. Just a few words made the sisters "turn against each other". When did he learn this skill?

"Don't look at it. You can't learn it. Besides, it's OK if Xiaoxian learns it. Isn't she your youngest?"

Lee Moon-long tried to stop Kim Taeyeon's enthusiasm for learning with calm words. If Kim Taeyeon didn't understand, he could only attack her personally.

This skill also requires brain power as support, and apart from Seohyun, he doesn't think anyone else in the team has this kind of brain.

Being doubted in terms of IQ is undoubtedly a very bad thing, but Kim Taeyeon inexplicably feels that it makes sense.

Seohyun is the smartest one in their group. Is there anything to question about this?

This statement even came from them. After all, everyone needs a persona, and Seohyun's persona is this.

As for whether this is true or not, it doesn't matter to the outside world. Anyway, if similar words are said too much, the fake will become true.

And judging from Seohyun's performance in recent years, the little girl is indeed becoming smarter. Who makes her continue to learn, especially when compared with the other girls who are stagnant.

In short, Kim Taeyeon agreed with Li Menglong's point of view and didn't even feel offended.

She thought that if Seohyun learned, it was equivalent to their group learning. In this case, can she discuss the ownership of the clothes with Tiffany?

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