The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3511 Intoxicated

After the latest photo was released, the girls couldn't sit still.

If she continued to sit here and watch the fun, Yoona might have to consider retiring, of course, after she calmed down.

From the release of this photo, it can be seen that Yoona's current mental state is probably problematic.

I don't know how Li Menglong fooled her, but the problem must be with him.

After all, Yoona was raised by them, and they know this little girl's personality very well.

Even if we don't mention Yoona's own personality, it is impossible to let such photos spread out purely from the perspective of the artist's self-consciousness.

This is a complete black history, and it may be repeatedly brought up every time she appears on variety shows in the future.

It would be best if Yoona could see it more openly and everyone would be happy, sacrificing herself to entertain the public, but is Yoona really broad-minded to this extent?

The girls don't think so, so while there is still time, it is better to separate these two people quickly, otherwise there may be more explosive photos in the future.

Although they had made up their minds, they were faced with a new problem as soon as they ran out of the door: Where are Li Menglong and Yuner now?

This question is undoubtedly the key to whether they can find the two people. Otherwise, they should call and ask?

The girls almost immediately rejected this proposal, mainly because they were afraid of alerting the enemy. If Li Menglong ran away, who would bear the anger of Yuner later?

Yes, they can already foresee what will happen in the future. Yuner will definitely regret endlessly after she wakes up.

And between punishing herself and teaching Li Menglong a lesson, Yuner will undoubtedly choose the latter.

So as Yuner's sister, what they have to do now is to stop Li Menglong for Yuner.

By the way, they also have a lot of opinions about Li Menglong. He is a manager, but he actually encouraged his own artists to do these things. What about his professional ethics? Is he still a person?

In the case of not being able to ask directly, they can only analyze secretly. Fortunately, there are still some clues.

Tiffany took the initiative to provide the location of the bathroom before, and then contacted Yoona to buy coffee, so it was enough to search for coffee shops near the bathroom?

After looking at the circle map, the girls quickly screened out several suspicious objects. Since the distance was not too far, they decided to run all the way.

On the way, they naturally divided into groups, so that they could stop Yoona as soon as possible, and they worked hard for this.

In such a large-scale coverage, it is not that difficult to find Yoona's hiding place, and this time the winner is the small team composed of Kim Taeyeon and Tiffany.

The two stood in front of the bar panting, and before they asked, the clerk pointed to the direction of the second floor and indicated that they could go up to find it.

It can't be said that the clerk is very smart, because in this case, unless they don't know the girls, they will come to the same conclusion.

Kim Taeyeon and Tiffany were not polite, but they didn't forget to order a lot of coffee before going up. They were thirsty, and more and more people would come later.

After gathering all their strength and going to the second floor again, the two finally saw the pictures in the previous photos. Now it looks more impactful.

Even though Li Menglong's photography skills have been cultivated by them for so long, they are still not particularly outstanding. He does not have the ability to make their 100% looks look 120%.

Fortunately, with their looks, even if they only show 80% in the photos, it is enough for ordinary people to envy.

And this time is the same. Li Menglong only made Yoona's "hateful face" look 70% like. Should he be praised for this?

But it is obvious that Yoona is not a vegetarian. She is holding an eyebrow pencil and scribbling on Li Menglong's face at this moment. Judging from her important silver teeth, she is probably writing with hatred.

So now it is Li Menglong's turn to be unlucky? Should they stop it now, or wait until Yoona's revenge is over?

The two finally chose to intervene immediately. It's not that they want to help Li Menglong, but Yoona has always been a disadvantaged character in the whole thing, and she really can't continue.

However, persuasion also requires skills, but the two obviously did not master the method here. Kim Taeyeon came up and started to reason: "When will the cycle of revenge end? I advise you, Lin Yuner, to be kind!"

This sentence almost made Yuner go crazy on the spot. If Li Menglong had not quickly tilted his head back, the eyebrow pencil in Yuner's hand might have pierced his cheek.

"If you are not here to help me, then go back to where you came from. I, Lin Yuner, don't have sisters like you who are traitors. I am not worthy of you!"

Yuner's words were extremely decisive, and it seems that she has a deep resentment towards the girls.

In fact, from this sentence, it can be heard that Yuner's mental state is definitely not normal, otherwise she would not dare to use such words to sneer.

Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon and Tiffany can still distinguish the importance and know where the focus is now. They locked their eyes on their respective mobile phones.

This is considered to be cutting off the firewood from the bottom of the pot. Since it is impossible to make Yuner give up revenge, it is better to confiscate the "tools of crime" of the two.

As long as they can get their phones, the two of them will have no media to publish, so the impact will be controlled within a very small range.

If they can be confined to their small group, Kim Taeyeon will not only not advise, but may even take the initiative to help. When it comes to painting, Kim Taeyeon is also a good hand.

It's just that Yoona would naturally be prepared for what these two people could think of. They are all from the same group, so who doesn't know each other?

Yoona didn't care to continue graffiti. She originally planned to completely blacken Li Menglong's face, but now she has only barely achieved half of the effect. It's really a pity.

But who asked Li Menglong to call these traitors over? Yoona couldn't beat so many people alone, so she could only send out this "semi-finished product" first.

In order to prevent Li Menglong from deserting, Yoona also warned him: "Admit defeat if you are willing to bet, don't let me look down on you!"

Li Menglong really didn't have any intention of dodging, and let Yoona take pictures all the time, but this was not because of Yoona's warning, he didn't intend to dodge in the first place.

The interaction between the two can still be considered restrained, and the damage has been acknowledged by each other. Even if they turn against each other later, there will be no good reason.

But once he regrets halfway, there will be too much for Yoona to say and do.

Li Menglong thought it was not worth it to completely anger the little girl for a photo.

Besides, is this photo shameful? There are many people who cover their skin with tattoos. He just used eyebrow pencil to blacken it, which is already a small matter.

The completely different reactions of Yoona and Li Menglong naturally led to different results.

Tiffany successfully got Li Menglong's mobile phone, while Kim Taeyeon was empty-handed and even showed off her skills to Yoona.

At this time, the benefits of Yoona's long-term dance practice can be seen. Her body is really soft and flexible. Kim Taeyeon circled around Yoona, but she didn't touch the phone.

But how to say it, Li Menglong felt that the performance was a bit heavy, unless Kim Taeyeon admitted that she was a pure waste.

Kim Taeyeon clearly wanted to create a fait accompli, that is, Yoona sent the photo, but Li Menglong had no position to reprimand her, and even Kim Taeyeon was quite innocent.

Yoona doesn't have so many little messages. She is just happy now: "Li Menglong, just wait and see. Your ugly photos will spread all over the Internet in a few hours!"

Isn't this statement too confident? Or has Yoona been a top artist for too long, so she has forgotten the pain of her rookie period?

If taking an ugly photo can spread all over the Internet, then the newly debuted artists will use their cameras to burst.

Newcomers have to go through a trainee period calculated in years. After debuting, they have to spend a lot of money to buy songs and produce albums. After the song is promoted, they have to run various schedules.

With such hard work, artists can't expect their photos to be circulated all over the Internet, even if they dare not dream.

Because this represents fame and popularity. Once the two are not combined, no one will look at the ugly photos.

Although Li Menglong is better than the newcomers who just debuted, he is also limited.

In this case, expect everyone to spread his photos spontaneously? Bah, is he worthy?

On the other hand, Yoona is qualified to say such things, and her ugly photos have all the basis for circulation, especially under the premise of being extremely ugly.

This is also the reason why the girls rushed over in a hurry. As the saying goes: porcelain should not touch rotten tiles!

In this matter, Li Menglong is undoubtedly the rotten tile. No matter what Yoona does, she will suffer a lot.

This trick actually has corresponding examples in the entertainment industry, the most intuitive of which is the quarrel between artists.

No matter what the cause is, and whether it is intentional, when two artists start to quarrel, the one with low popularity may not benefit from it, but the one with high popularity will definitely suffer!

The reason is here, with Yoona's IQ, it is impossible not to understand, but she has lost the ability to think now.

Kim Taeyeon and Tiffany did not intend to tell the truth immediately, because it was too cruel for Yoona.

They even suspected that Yoona was just pretending to be stupid. Since the matter could not be saved, Yoona seemed to have no other way out except pretending to be crazy and stupid.

After barely controlling the situation on the scene, the rest of the girls also gathered over one after another, and they also brought coffee up by the way.

Li Menglong naturally accepted everyone who came, and it happened that he was too enthusiastic in shouting before, and his voice was very hoarse.

But every time he finished a cup of coffee, Yoona on the opposite side always had to follow up with a cup. Does this little girl still plan to continue?

The girls also noticed this, which made them really not know what to say.

Fortunately, the appetite of both parties is here. Yoona was not able to drink after two cups, because she had a lot in her stomach before.

She was lying on a chair by the window at this moment, basking in the sun and burping happily, looking very comfortable.

The girls did not intend to destroy the little girl's remaining happiness. They focused their attention on Li Menglong's head. Should he explain it?

The person who led the way was Tiffany, who had the qualifications: "I ordered a lot of projects for you before, why did it end so quickly? Could it be that the other party was fooling you?"

Tiffany's suspicion was very reasonable. After all, she had not contacted Li Menglong in advance. Once the boss wanted to make some tricks, she would be easily deceived.

But the girls obviously had different views. As artists, they did have many inconveniences in their lives. For example, merchants would temporarily raise prices after seeing them, and they even felt that they would be bastards if they didn't make money.

It's not all shortcomings, there are also many advantages, for example, they are rarely deceived or sold inferior goods, after all, the influence is here, and if there is trouble later, the merchants may lose more than they gain.

So as long as the merchants don't want to run away after a deal, they will basically not be so short-sighted.

And Li Menglong left early, so can there be a new interpretation, such as Li Menglong and the merchant negotiated a refund?

Under the premise of refusing service, each party gets half of the money, which is a win-win solution.

The only one who was hurt in this was Tiffany. She kindly asked Li Menglong to take a shower, but he exchanged it for cash?

This behavior is comparable to the behavior of receiving birthday gifts in person!

Li Menglong really couldn't explain it, so he could only keep smiling at Tiffany, trying to deceive her.

Although Tiffany didn't care too much, after all, it was good enough that the intention was conveyed, but this was not an opportunity that was delivered to her door, and she had to grasp it.

Li Menglong has already started to make excuses for his behavior, and the main point he has described is the purpose of the money. He did not choose to keep it privately, but exchanged it for visible benefits.

"Lin Yuner can testify for me. I bought sugar cakes to bring to you, but I saw Yuner on the second floor on the way, so I came up, and she ate all the sugar cakes!"

Li Menglong pointed at Yuner and said confidently, almost swearing to the sky.

Before the girls could react, Yuner couldn't help but speak first: "You are talking nonsense, I ate it, but how much can I eat? You only brought three or two up, and you deliberately gave it to the sisters?"

Yuner repeatedly argued with Li Menglong about the issue of quantity. Li Menglong now insisted that it was Yuner's fault. He brought a lot up, but Yuner ate them all.

This conclusion is actually a bit outrageous. After all, it is not a good thing. Even if Yuner really wants to eat it, she can't eat so much, right?

But who can blame Yoona for not being able to produce evidence? And she did eat it, so this case is likely to become a headless case.

Fortunately, technology is advanced enough. Before Yoona got angry, she found that there was a camera on the second floor. What can Li Menglong say now? Why don't you confess quickly and get leniency?

Yoona thought she had already won, but Li Menglong's attitude was still bad. He insisted that he didn't lie. Is he going to cry until he sees the coffin?

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