The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3501: Capricious

The girls have not yet realized the seriousness of the problem. They simply thought that someone had stolen their ideas, or that they had a tacit understanding?

However, the other party seemed to be more generous than them. They were only thinking about serving themselves, but they were planning to benefit the entire company.

In theory, they are also part of the company, right? They can't be excluded just because they earn more.

The company's welfare is counted as one, and they can't be left out. Every year, they will ask Li Menglong to pick up the gifts for various festivals.

Even if they still have to think about how to deal with it later, it is not a reason for them not to ask for it.

So since the lottery in front of them is for the entire company, they should have the right to participate in it. Can you give them a seat?

There is no need for everyone to refuse the girls' small request.

But when they walked to the center, they found something wrong. Why are Li Menglong and Xu Xian here, and they look quite enthusiastic?

At first, they thought it was a company-level welfare, but now it seems that there are bad people in the team!

These two people could obviously share their ideas. They are not stingy people. They would probably agree to it. It's just a treat, they are good at it.

As a result, these two people coaxed them to leave first, and then rushed to the company impatiently. Taking advantage of their absence, they forced this idea to become their goodwill. Isn't this inappropriate?

And before they could ask questions, they heard more infuriating news. The person selling lottery tickets on the spot turned out to be the owner of the store they went to before.

So Li Menglong and Xu Xian not only plagiarized their ideas, but also monopolized their original purchase channels?

People really can't be so shameless, they will be punished!

Even if God doesn't punish them for this, the girls will do justice for God. They must let these two know what courtesy means.

However, there are too many people on the scene. They decided to go to a quieter place to have a good chat, but the two people opposite obviously didn't cooperate.

Let's not talk about Xu Xian first. Li Menglong relied on his height advantage and actually found them when the girls came in.

But he would not take the initiative to explain. Who told them to act on their own? These are the consequences they need to bear.

As for grabbing ideas or something, everyone lives together, who can tell where the ideas come from?

Li Menglong can still say that he was the first to propose it. Can these women find evidence to deny it?

So let's not make each other unhappy. Have they not had time to buy lottery tickets? Do you want to give them two?

The girls wanted to refuse, but considering what Yoona said about luck before, it seems that buying first will have an extra bonus?

Because they discussed it for a long time in the car, they are now convinced that they are about to win the lottery. In this way, it is really not easy to fight with Li Menglong.

So Yoona came over with the notes prepared in advance, intending to buy hundreds of tickets at a time.

This scene is naturally a good thing in an ordinary store, but there are so many people waiting on the scene. Is she really embarrassed to do this?

Others are embarrassed to say it, but Li Menglong has no such concerns. His words made Yoona blush a little.

But she also gave her own explanation: "You can win more if you buy more, do you understand?"

Yoona originally wanted to teach Li Menglong a lesson, but in the end, she was taught a lesson by everyone.

Because the first prize of this lottery belongs to the type of shared bonus pool, if only Yoona wins the prize, there is no difference between buying one ticket and buying 100 tickets.

Of course, considering that she may need to share the bonus pool with others, her behavior has a certain rationality.

But Yoona's idea is obviously different from that of ordinary people. After realizing that everyone can win the prize together, Yoona generously shared her numbers.

Anyway, they are all people from their own company. After the bonus is divided equally, it is just a welfare they give to everyone. Will they take better care of them at work in the future?

Although Yoona vowed that these numbers will definitely win the prize, judging from the expressions of the people around her, there are still only a few people who believe it.

After all, this kind of thing is too mysterious. Even if Yoona's fans come, they may not believe it.

But everyone still gave face. After all, they were all given by the company, and they didn't expect to win the prize. So why not follow Yoona to gamble, what if they really won the first prize?

Seeing so many people supporting her, Yoona was really moved. Sure enough, her Lin Yoona's character is still trustworthy!

However, every time it was tear-jerking, there would always be some blind people who would come to sabotage. Didn't he realize that his behavior was inappropriate?

Li Menglong did not have similar feelings. He just wanted to pick a few bets and go upstairs to prepare for work.

As for why he would rather pick randomly than trust Yoona and the girls, it seems that there is no need to explain it, right?

Anyway, they were all randomly picked. Can the numbers they gave really increase the probability of winning?

You can cheat others, but don't cheat yourself!

In addition to Li Menglong, Xu Xian also followed Li Menglong's footsteps, which had a great impact on the girls.

With these two taking the lead, quite a few people still followed at the scene. It was not that they were not giving face to the girls, but they also had their own lucky numbers.

All in all, the scene seemed dull for a while. After Li Menglong realized this, he immediately threw the blame away: "Ah, what do you mean? You don't believe us, Yoona. I really misjudged you. Don't say anything when I go out next time." It’s from our company!”

When Li Menglong openly said these words, the originally quiet scene instantly became lively.

Especially the group of people following Li Menglong, they now want to go up and kill Li Menglong.

He was obviously the one who took the lead, but now he is saying these words, Yin and Yang guys. Does he think that as the boss, he can do whatever he wants?

Seeing that this group of people had the intention to rush forward at any time, Yoona, who was watching the excitement from the sidelines, couldn't sit still.

She didn't know if Li Menglong did it intentionally, but he was indeed causing trouble for himself now.

It is said that Yoona still trusts Li Menglong, especially when it comes to work, he rarely causes trouble for her.

But now it seems that he has underestimated Li Menglong. It's not that he doesn't know how to do it, he just didn't do it.

Now I do it once in a while, and the effect is amazing.

Even if Yoona wanted to see everyone beating him to death, she couldn't stay out of it now.

Because Li Menglong forced her to join in, it seems that he is the mastermind, but will everyone also hold grudges against her, Lin Yoona?

Yoona thinks that this possibility is not small, and it is impossible for her to take such a risk.

So what else is there to say, except that Li Menglong escaped disaster again this time.

As Yoona took the initiative, everyone's excitement slowly calmed down. When they wanted to find Li Menglong again, he was nowhere to be seen.

In fact, when Yoona opened her mouth to attract everyone's attention, the other girls took action. This is the tacit understanding cultivated over the years.

Not only did they drag Li Menglong away, but they also wanted to settle accounts with Li Menglong. Didn't he have something to explain?

Li Menglong was blocked in the corner of the room by this group of women, who seemed to be asking for help from the sky and the earth.

However, he found a small problem. He didn't know whether these women did it intentionally. In short, they did not bring Xu Xian in.

Are you afraid that the little girl will cause trouble here?

But this can be considered as giving him room to mediate: "Listen to my explanation. I have been persuading Xiaoxian the whole time, but this little girl is determined to do this. There is nothing I can do. You also know that you have to pay for it." It’s all her!”

After hearing Li Menglong's explanation, the girls wanted to record this sentence so that Xu Xian could see the man's true face.

Usually Xu Xian always helped him at home, but Li Menglong sold Xu Xian in the blink of an eye? And you don’t feel any guilt at all?

They really felt worthless for Xu Xian, as if they were watching their maknae being deceived by a scumbag.

They have the responsibility and obligation to let Xu Xian see the truth clearly, so Li Menglong can repeat it!

Although the girls were very careful in their movements and even found someone to cover them, this did not affect Li Menglong's guess that they had turned on the recording.

"What are you going to do? Don't try to force me to drag Xu Xian into the water. Just bully me. Xu Xian is innocent!"

Li Menglong shouted at the top of his lungs, as if he had been raped by a gang of gangsters.

But the girls didn't do anything at all, so he did it on purpose? Just performing?

In fact, girls are somewhat familiar with this kind of performance. As artists, the performance with or without a camera is simply two extremes.

It's just that they are already very careful, but Li Menglong is still on guard?

They were in an even worse mood now, because Li Menglong was doing these little tricks right under their noses and deceiving their most cherished maknae. This was simply a heinous crime!

In order to make Li Menglong restrain himself, and of course to allow him to vent his anger, they finally gave up the verbal confrontation and let their fists do the talking!

It barely took a minute for Li Menglong to run out of the room in a state of embarrassment. Of course, he became much more normal in an instant.

As for the angry girls in the room, when the door was opened, they could only hold back their roars.

These women still haven't figured it out. It's not that Li Menglong can't defeat them, and it's not that he can't run away. In the past, there were special circumstances.

But today, as long as he wanted to escape, how could they stop him?

Especially when there are colleagues walking back and forth in the corridor, they can't do it in front of everyone, right?

Although everyone in the company is probably happy to see this scene, the girls are not planning to perform for everyone, the risk is too great!

After realizing that they had no way to deal with Li Menglong for the time being, they quickly calmed down and even greeted Li Menglong politely.

"Be careful when you walk, otherwise if you fall, you might be paralyzed. We won't take care of you!" The girls' greetings were so considerate.

Faced with these words that were hard to tell whether they were greetings or curses, Li Menglong responded completely: "Don't worry, I plan to provide for you until you die, and I will never leave first!"

Li Menglong's response was also very unpleasant. Why did he think he could live so long? Do they need Li Menglong's attentiveness?

The two sides parted unhappily, and at this time, Xu Xian happened to come up with her arm around Yoona, and the two of them were talking and laughing, and the atmosphere seemed to be good.

Yoona immediately changed her face when she saw Li Menglong, but was still pulled over by Xu Xian: "Oppa, your previous performance was too bad, hurry up and apologize to Ouni, she will forgive you!"

It has to be said that Xu Xian really worried about this family. Not only did she help explain downstairs, but she also took the initiative to come over to ease the conflict between the two.

Xu Xian occasionally couldn't help but think, if there was no maknae like her, what would this family be like?

Apology is nothing to Li Menglong, he has never paid attention to the so-called face.

It's just that the girls on the side haven't walked far yet, and they feel more and more sorry for Xu Xian when they see this scene.

Li Menglong has openly betrayed her, but Xu Xian is still thinking about this bastard. How can he accept it with peace of mind?

Anyway, the girls couldn't stand it. Even if they couldn't expose Li Menglong's ugly face to his face, they at least wanted Xu Xian to stay away from this two-faced man.

So they surrounded him again, and just as they came over, they heard Yoona's voice forgiving Li Menglong.

This interaction is actually quite normal, otherwise what would Yoona do? Beat Li Menglong half to death?

But the girls couldn't accept it, they even spoke for her over Yoona:

"Give up this idea, our Yoona will never forgive you even if there are no movies to shoot or shows in the future!"

"Put away all your little thoughts, don't always do some small favors, it's useless!"

"Leave quickly, I feel sick when I see you, I don't know how many times Yoona vomited behind your back!"

The girls' attack has not received a response from Li Menglong, and Yoona will not do it for the time being.

Why did she say it so decisively? Although Lin Yoona is not the kind of person who is greedy for money, she is not the kind of person who would not take the benefits.

She still wanted to cooperate with Li Menglong, and some small favors were not a problem. She would get as much as she could.

In short, according to these women, she was almost going to fight to the death with Li Menglong. Why didn't they do it themselves?

Yuner finally understood. This was the legendary internal strife, right? They were just jealous of her!

She would never let these women get what they wanted. She stood beside Li Menglong like a fly and took his arm to show her position.

The girls who saw this scene wanted to cry...

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