The girls' suspicions are quite reasonable. They have eliminated all possibilities as much as possible, and among the remaining answers, only Xu Xian is the most suspicious.

This is inappropriate. Although Xu Xian and Li Menglong have a good relationship, they should be the ones Xu Xian can rely on the most.

They have known each other for many years and have experienced so many ups and downs together. Is this relationship still inferior to Li Menglong?

What did Li Menglong do for Xu Xian again?

It’s nothing more than finding a role for Xu Xian to star in, teaching Xu Xian how to be a director, and leading Xu Xian to make some solid investments...

Originally, they wanted to blame Li Menglong, but why did they feel guilty the more they summed it up?

If they were replaced by Xu Xian, would they definitely be able to act differently?

Girls have little self-confidence, but they cannot express it in their words. Instead, they even have to talk to Xu Xian in a stronger tone to cover up their guilty conscience.

So Xu Xian was called up quickly. The excuses were not important at all. After all, Xu Xian himself could guess what was going on.

It's just that it's difficult for her to give the girls an answer, because she is very confused now.

After repeated comparisons and confirmations by the girls, Xu Xian was indeed relatively innocent and did not provide any financial assistance to Li Menglong.

But this answer will only make everyone more confused, because if you continue to guess, there will be too many possibilities.

After all, with Li Menglong's current connections and status, once he can really risk his money, there will be no problem in borrowing some money.

Even if you don't go to an individual, some private lending companies are willing to take a gamble based on his current reputation.

"So Li Menglong went behind our backs to borrow loan sharks? Just to treat everyone in the company to dinner?"

When these conjectures were told, the girls themselves didn’t believe it.

They know very well how stingy Li Menglong is. There must be something wrong with the source of this money!

Generally speaking, he will probably not pay the price, otherwise he will not agree.

And in this case, the price will have to be transferred. It is impossible to let those stores pay. Do they owe Li Menglong?

So no matter how you look at it, they are the most likely to pay, but how can Li Menglong be sure that they will definitely pay?

It is true that they are relatively thin-skinned, but this does not mean that Li Menglong can bully them wantonly. If they are really pushed into a hurry, it is not impossible for them to die together.

While they were thinking, Li Menglong was also on the phone constantly. He had quite a lot of details to communicate.

After all, it is still too temporary in general, without any advance discussion, and there should not be too many details that need to be discussed.

But Li Menglong is not without his advantages. Whether it is the popularity of the girls, the influence of the company or even himself in this area, it is enough to make the other party take the initiative to give in.

As for the company, it was even simpler. With just one phone call, someone was already busy on the third floor.

The figures coming and going quickly attracted the attention of the girls. Could these people's jobs be related to them?

I stopped one person and asked, but the other person was also confused and was just acting according to the above requirements.

As for who the so-called "higher people" were, they actually didn't ask for a while.

It's not that everyone intentionally hid it from them, but they worked overtime last night, so many people at SISU didn't come.

And these absent people are often the leaders of various departments. They call directly and speak extremely vaguely. How can the girls understand this?

And from everyone's words, most of them can be attributed to Li Menglong, that is, this man is directing everyone's actions at every level.

This answer is no different from not saying anything. They can't possibly pull Li Menglong's collar and question him now, right?

This is already a war. They can't admit defeat first. They have to rely on their own abilities to break the situation!

Xu Xian still admired the girls' backbone, but why did they send themselves down again and ask her to focus on Li Menglong's whereabouts?

What is the difference between this approach and hiding one’s ears and stealing the bell? They can't even lie to themselves!

"You are still young, and if you take the initiative to ask, it means we surrender and admit defeat; but if we send you to inquire, it is our fight back. The difference between the two is not too big!"

The girls are still doing psychological work for Xu Xian. After all, for Xu Xian to "lurk behind enemy lines", the risks are indeed greater, and the emotional pressure must even be taken into consideration.

If possible, they would also like to change someone to go there, but this move will definitely attract Li Menglong's attention.

In this situation, the only person who can reassure Li Menglong is Xu Xian, so the little girl has no one else to shirk. Today is the day she will sacrifice for the group!

"Oh, there are obviously nine people in the team, why do I always have to sacrifice alone? Do I sacrifice more than 300 days a year?"

That is to say, there are colleagues passing by around, otherwise Xu Xian really wants to curse. Is the logic of these women too overbearing?

But Xu Xian finally walked on obediently, not because she was persuaded by these women, but because she was curious herself.

And as a member of the girls, she didn't think that Li Menglong would take the initiative to exclude her when she was really unlucky.

So even if it wasn't for those women, she, Xu Xian, would still do it for herself.

As a result, as soon as she walked downstairs, she noticed that the people around her looked at her in a slightly strange way, and many people even came to express their gratitude.

This language is too strange. She wanted to stop a few people to chat, but she saw Li Menglong calling her from a distance, so she could only deal with this bastard first.

Li Menglong was not polite either. He threw a lot of work at her when they met. Combined with the emails he sent to her before, Xu Xian had reason to suspect that Li Menglong pushed all the work to her.

She, Xu Xian, only came here to be a secretary, not to be a boss!

If she can do all these jobs, then what is the point of Li Menglong? He should just find a place to retire.

Just when she wanted to communicate with Li Menglong about this issue, she saw encouragement in his eyes. Is this a trap?

Xu Xian felt that it was very likely, because once she quarreled about this issue, it would be difficult for her to talk about something else.

Fortunately, she was calm enough and did not fall into Li Menglong's trap: "Don't you have anything to explain to me? Upstairs is in chaos!"

Faced with Xu Xian's questioning, Li Menglong did not cover up: "How is it possible? It doesn't take many people in total. Don't exaggerate with me here."

Seeing that he couldn't deceive Li Menglong, Xu Xian simply came up: "Just tell me, where does the money come from? I will never tell them!"

Although this is Xu Xian's promise, considering the little girl's past character, Li Menglong should choose to believe it.

But it must be said that Xu Xian was too eager this time, and it seemed that she was not worthy of trust, so Li Menglong just smiled and gave an ambiguous answer: "The wool comes from the sheep!"

Li Menglong thought that he had answered Xu Xian's doubts, so Xu Xian should repay him with hard work. Why is she still standing here?

Even though she was pressed on the seat by Li Menglong, Xu Xian was still thinking about this sentence. It seems that they still pay for it?

However, the girls had already confirmed their wallets, so Li Menglong would not have the opportunity to do anything.

Unless he had dealt with one of the girls in private, but was that possible?

If Xu Xian had to choose such a person from the girls, she would think it would be herself, but she was innocent this time.

So who would betray the organization, Kim Taeyeon? Lee Sunkyu? Or Yoona?

Xu Xian's brain was about to boil for a while, and there was a clear trend of overclocking, so Li Menglong had to knock the little girl on the forehead.

"Work hard, don't think about slacking off here, be careful that you won't have lunch at noon!" After Li Menglong warned Xu Xian, he began to continue to remotely command leisurely.

However, the core communication had already been completed, and it was difficult for Xu Xian to guess the full picture of the following details. For a while, she was in no mood to work.

Fortunately, there were still many colleagues around, and after their secret reminders, Xu Xian finally barely understood Li Menglong's thoughts.

I can only say that this man really doesn't suffer any loss, and how can he come up with such an outrageous method?

Originally, I wanted to tell the girls secretly, but from Xu Xian's perspective, they didn't seem to suffer any loss, and it was even a win-win situation for all parties.

In this case, it's better for her to keep quiet, otherwise, if Li Menglong's plan is ruined, will she have to pay for the end?

Xu Xian, who has made up her mind, not only ignores Li Menglong, but also has no desire to reply to the girls' messages, and the main purpose is to sink into the sea.

This makes the girls upstairs more anxious. Should they go downstairs to rescue Xu Xian? Is she suffering from inhuman torture now?

However, the girls did not fail to notice this. After all, there are so many people upstairs setting up, and they can always see some clues.

These people are now setting up the practice room, such as moving a row of tables and putting some curtains and patterns on the back wall.

If this was not direct enough, the group of people later brought cameras, radio microphones, etc.

Now even the dumbest person can vaguely guess something.

This room obviously wants to film something. As for the protagonist of the filming, who else can it be besides them?

However, although this point is confirmed, it is still difficult for them to connect the whole thing. For example, what is the connection between the filming and the cost of lunch? It is impossible that they are asked to film a variety show to sell for money?

An extremely absurd idea, but after it was really proposed, the girls felt that it was indeed something that Li Menglong could do.

And considering their current popularity, even a casual variety show can probably be sold at a high price.

But isn’t this too hasty? Although they usually perform freely in front of the camera, they cannot do without the assistance of a large number of staff behind the scenes.

This is already a fairly mature industry. The cooperation between various types of work is the basis for creating high-quality programs, but the carrier of the final presentation is the artist.

Just like the so-called variety show effects, at least half of them are prepared in advance by the scriptwriters, and the artists need to perform as interestingly as possible.

If there is no collective effort from these people, and only relying on the flash of inspiration of the artists in front of the camera, this show will probably not last long.

So in the eyes of the girls, Li Menglong's current behavior is just drinking poison to quench thirst, overdrawing their and even the entire company's past reputation. Isn't this too impulsive?

They were really worried, so they couldn't help but want to find someone to persuade Li Menglong, at least to calm him down.

But they looked around on the third floor, but they couldn't find such a person.

Anyone who could talk to Li Menglong was not in the company. Don't they have so-called attendance? Aren't they afraid of being deducted from their salary?

The girls didn't affect the work of the people around them while thinking. They were quickly arranged in front of the dining table, facing the camera.

This was a complete showdown. This was a variety show. Where was Li Menglong? Did he dare to stand up and give them an explanation?

However, the girls didn't refuse immediately. First, they had to give some face to everyone on the scene. Second, the variety show could be filmed first. Whether it could be broadcasted was the focus of their competition.

With this idea in mind, they immediately relaxed a lot, and even thought that this show was destined not to be broadcasted. Could they be more cheerful?

As the indicator lights of the cameras on the opposite side lit up, the girls entered the shooting state very naturally: "Hello everyone, we are..."

After a simple opening introduction, the girls didn't know what to do, because no one told them.

Just as the girls were staring at the camera in a daze, the staff in the distance finally ran over with a plate.

But this person didn't seem to be from the company. If the girls were not mistaken, it was because he was the owner of a nearby restaurant?

After all, they had eaten with everyone many times on weekdays, and they were still a little familiar, but why did this person come to deliver food?

Although they were puzzled in their hearts, based on the basic qualities of artists, they still subconsciously began to introduce: "This restaurant is amazing, at least a quarter of the people in the company will go there to solve lunch, and we are all regular customers..."

The girls were not just talking, after all, the "props" were all on display, and it would be unreasonable for them not to taste them.

And as the girls began to feast, the fans on the other side of the screen couldn't help it. Doesn't this restaurant have a takeaway phone? Can't they order one together?

That’s right, this is not a variety show shoot, it’s clearly a live broadcast, but no one told the girls, or everyone thought they knew?

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