Time travel, even in science fiction, should be the most advanced ability, the kind that only the protagonist can obtain.

But the girls just mastered such a terrifying ability, and even planned to perform it in front of Li Menglong.

This made Li Menglong feel honored. What preparations did he need to make? Should he use up all his savings in advance? Anyway, he could go back in a while.

But the girls didn't give him this opportunity, they didn't have so much time to cooperate with him.

They are now adjusting their own state, trying to succeed in one go, which also requires a lot of energy.

Fortunately, they have been sisters for many years, and they need to cooperate with each other in a relatively tacit way.

And their last signal was to close their eyes collectively. To be honest, this scene is still a bit scary. Are they going to transform next?

However, compared to Li Menglong's curiosity, Xu Xian seemed much calmer, and she even had the mind to continue drinking porridge.

In theory, Xu Xian should have mastered all the abilities that the girls have, and they would not hide them from her.

But she really didn't want to get involved. She even admired Li Menglong for being curious.

He knew that the girls were about to start playing badly, but he still wanted to cooperate. Could he be the good guy in the legend? But this didn't seem to be his image.

Before Xu Xian could figure out Li Menglong's idea, the girls started to act.

As the girls opened their eyes one after another, time actually began to flow backwards, at least it had a similar effect on them.

"Is this the breakfast you bought? You've worked so hard, thank you very much!"

"It just so happens that I don't have much appetite this morning, and white porridge is very light."

"Does everyone have it? If it's not enough, share it with each other, don't leave anyone behind."

The girls spoke very gently, as if they just knew that they had to drink white porridge for breakfast.

But there was something wrong with their ability. They agreed to go back in time, but how could their personalities change drastically? How could they explain this?

If they just knew that they had to drink porridge for breakfast, they would not have such an attitude. Without even a bit of meat, how can this be called eating?

On weekdays, asking them to eat some vegetables and drink some porridge is like asking them to die. Now they suddenly become considerate?

If this state can continue, then Li Menglong is not unacceptable, but I am afraid that it will only last for one day, so can they give a specific deadline?

Li Menglong is clearly looking for trouble, at least the girls think so.

Everyone knows what happened. They finally took the initiative to find a step, but Li Menglong insisted on moving the ladder away?

Don't be so short-sighted. Now he has the upper hand, but can he guarantee that he will always be in an advantageous position?

Letting them go now is a good deal compared to him letting himself go once!

Facing the girls' persuasion, Li Menglong was unmoved. To be precise, this is all the girls' own fault.

Similar things have happened before, and Li Menglong did let them go on his own initiative based on the idea of ​​mutual benefit.

But how did they respond?

When Li Menglong fell into their hands and took the initiative to mention this matter, they did not deny it, and this point should be affirmed.

But they will find a new reason, a favor for a reason, but is the reason too easy to find?

After being fooled several times, Li Menglong finally learned his lesson.

Instead of pinning all his hopes on their trustworthiness, it is better to take action first to make himself comfortable once, even if he is retaliated later, it is not a loss.

So Li Menglong, like a fighter against counterfeiting, kept causing trouble for them here, putting the girls on the verge of breaking their skills.

If they continue, then this meal will not be eaten safely, Xu Xian has a clear understanding of this.

So what else is there to say, whether as a member of the girls or just wanting to eat quietly, she can only stand up and say something: "Oppa, didn't you say you were going downstairs to buy breakfast? Let's go now?"

Xu Xian's words successfully made the scene quiet for a few seconds, especially for the girls. Wasn't Xu Xian's "retrospection" a bit too long?

Although they are all people with "superpowers", they should still restrain themselves in front of Li Menglong, an ordinary person, otherwise how can he deal with himself?

However, they soon realized that Xu Xian was helping them out. Once they could successfully take Li Menglong away, what would happen next?

Now it depends on whether Li Menglong will cooperate, but he obviously has no intention of doing so.

Acting with the girls is because he can get fun from it, but what good does Xu Xian's plan have for him?

He didn't even eat a bite of the breakfast he bought with great effort, so he was going to be excluded?

I can only say that Xu Xian is really cruel. I didn't see that the little girl had such a big grudge against me on weekdays. Did I offend her recently?

However, when Li Menglong refused to cooperate, he also withdrew from this boring game in disguise.

Not sure if this was Xu Xian's original intention, but it did successfully solve the problem for them, so should they say thank you to Xu Xian?

Xu Xian obviously didn't have such thoughts, and motioned them to eat quickly, which was the best reward for her.

After this interaction, the girls' breakfast time was much smoother. Except for a little violence when fighting for food, it was still within controllable range.

Xu Xian was very pleased with this, but at the same time, she was inevitably speechless. Since when did even eating a meal quietly become something to be thanked for?

For a moment, Xu Xian couldn't tell whose responsibility it was. It seemed that it was all the girls' problem, but Li Menglong was not so innocent, right?

It's too absolute to say that it takes two hands to clap, and it can even be said to be a heresy, but there is always a little truth, right?

What's more, Xu Xian saw the whole process, and Li Menglong's "cooperation" with the girls was simply too tacit.

What else can Xu Xian say about this? It makes her feel like an outsider. She can only think about the good side as much as possible to comfort herself: for example, these people are still very energetic, otherwise who can quarrel so early in the morning?

After finding some reasonable reasons for himself, the effect was quite significant. Xu Xian looked at them more favorably, unlike before when she wanted to punch them.

The breakfast time ended peacefully, and Li Menglong, Xu Xian and Yuner all got a little free time.

The main thing was that the kitchen needed to be cleaned up later, and this was the girls' task.

This was one of the few conditions that Li Menglong was very satisfied with, that is, he was responsible for cooking and running errands, and the subsequent cleaning was left to them.

Although the girls occasionally played tricks, they kept their promises most of the time: "Why do you use so many plates? Li Menglong, you did it on purpose, right?"

The girls were still complaining in the kitchen, but it was not his fault, Li Menglong, who made them so many people?

When there are many people, more food is needed, and they pay attention to details such as dividing the food and posing for photos, and the result is naturally a pile of plates in the sink.

In order to prevent them from nagging, Li Menglong decisively hid in his room, otherwise what if they were dragged to work?

And Xu Xian and Yuner also naturally came over, because they were more dangerous than Li Menglong.

Once the girls wanted to pull Li Menglong to work, they had to lay the groundwork and find some excuses that sounded a bit perverse.

But when it came to the two of them, did they need a reason? A look was enough!

If we have to make an analogy, it was probably that punishing Li Menglong relied on "laws", while when it came to Xu Xian and Yuner, it was all about their morality!

As for the moral level of the girls, Xu Xian and Yuner were not optimistic anyway.

So the three "brothers in distress" huddled together for warmth, and they could also help the women pack up their clothes.

"Ah, didn't you take these clothes away last night? How many days will it take for this smell to go away?"

Li Menglong pinched a corner of the clothes with two fingers, and then threw it on the ground with great disgust, as if it would be infected with some virus.

Xu Xian and Yoona were fine at first, but after seeing Li Menglong's action, they felt a little disgusted.

So Xu Xian chose to wear gloves, while Yoona put on socks. This choice also reflects their personalities.

While fiddling with her clothes with her feet, Yoona emphasized to Li Menglong: "I said I would stay here for a week. The smell is my problem. Is it your turn to complain here?"

This is quite impolite, but it does make sense, and Yoona still has a trump card that has not been used.

It was agreed that Li Menglong would be responsible for bringing lunch boxes for them during this period, but didn't he prepare it today?

Everyone knew that because of yesterday's accident, Li Menglong didn't have much time, so they just thought that they had a bad memory and temporarily forgot about it.

But this is not a reason for Li Menglong to be unscrupulous. He should know how to be grateful, especially to Lin Yuner.

Otherwise, once she breaks this window paper, Li Menglong will find a place to cry!

Although she didn't finish her words, the provocation in Yoona's eyes was quite obvious, as if she was waiting for Li Menglong to attack first.

In this case, who would really be fooled unless they were fools?

Of course, it is not ruled out that Yoona was bluffing, but Li Menglong didn't need to take this gamble. He would have many opportunities to trip up the little girl in the future.

Xu Xian originally planned to say something to ease the atmosphere, but she didn't expect that these two people would solve the problem on their own?

Although she felt that the problem still existed, as long as they didn't quarrel in front of her, Xu Xian could pretend that she didn't see anything.

After being with these people for a long time, you have to learn some self-soothing methods, otherwise you will suffer too much.

The three of them simply tidied the room and added a living room. After all, it will be Li Menglong's "bedroom" in the next few days.

After a busy time, both the girls and Li Menglong were listless. After all, no one likes to work early in the morning.

"Be patient, you can rest at the company!" The girls encouraged each other, but wasn't that too cruel to Li Menglong and Xu Xian?

They really went to work at the company, and they were the core ones, so they didn't even have time to rest.

It seemed that they were living too easily, and even Xu Xian felt a little unbalanced. Should we find something for them to do?

Although there was no communication, Li Menglong and Xu Xian looked at each other and instantly understood each other's meaning. It can only be said that great minds think alike.

As for what work to arrange for them, it will be decided after going to the company. It must be analyzed according to the specific situation on the spot.

However, they probably can't escape. Li Menglong has at least thought of their backup job: replace the water dispensers in the entire company with new water!

In theory, this work should be the responsibility of the water delivery company, but because of the nature of the entertainment company, there are too many secrets that are not good for outsiders to know.

The private status of the artist alone must be kept secret. Otherwise, while the water is being changed here, the artist next door is scolding the agent. How can this news be leaked?

Every year, there are many artists who apologize for such rumors. Of course, there are many groundless parts, but who can guarantee that there is no part of the truth in the middle?

For this reason, it is better to guard against it. Isn't it just changing the water? The company can do it by itself!

However, if the girls insisted on doing it for them, they would not refuse. It was rare for them to enjoy the service from the artists.

Li Menglong was not in a hurry to share the good news with the girls. He was afraid that the girls would be too excited. If they did something extreme in the car, it would hurt each other.

But his implicit hostility was still captured by the girls. Their sixth sense was really not a joke.

"Li Menglong, you are not planning something, are you? You should be conscientious. We haven't bothered you yet. You can't repay kindness with enmity!"

The girls tried to use threats to dispel Li Menglong's unreliable ideas, and he did agree.

But this time he agreed too readily, and even ignored the trap!

Originally, the girls could not confirm that he had any malicious intentions, but he admitted it so easily. What should they do?

Anyway, they immediately had the intention to refuse to go to the company, and it was quite strong!

However, considering that this response was too negative, and it seemed that they were afraid of Li Menglong, it was not good!

So they still have to go to the company, but forget about taking the same car. They can act separately.

This way, they can prevent Li Menglong from attacking them on the road, and they can control the time of arriving at the company by themselves, which may make Li Menglong's plan fail.

Are they very smart? Is Li Menglong dumbfounded?

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