After Li Menglong's threat of force, Yoona was still relatively honest. At least she didn't go past Li Menglong to harass Xuxian that night.

She was even the one being harassed. She heard people whispering around her in a daze. Would they do something bad to her, Lin Yuner?

Even after thinking of this, Yoona still had no intention of opening her eyes. This was her trust in Li Menglong and Xuxian.

And in order to repay her trust, shouldn't these two people be quiet for a while? She hasn't slept enough.

But this silent communication was obviously too wishful. There was not even an eye contact. How could they expect Li Menglong and Xuxian to understand anything?

Besides, the two of them had been as careful as possible. Could it be that Yoona was too sensitive?

"Hey, do you have any sense of public morality? There is still someone resting here!" Yoona couldn't help but yelled at the two people.

But what can I say? Maybe her body is not fully awake yet. Her roar sounds more like a spoiled child, which makes Li Menglong want to go over and rub her head.

Compared with Li Menglong's hesitation, Xu Xian went straight over here, hugged Yoona and harassed her, which made Li Menglong envious.

After Xu Xian's interaction, Yoona's sleepiness finally dissipated a little, and she really opened her eyes at this time. She wanted to see what these two people were doing. Could it be that she had insomnia?

But after seeing the sunshine outside the window, Yoona knew that it might be her own problem, so she overslept?

The brain just after waking up was not enough, and Yoona was almost confused by her own thoughts. Fortunately, she quickly recognized the facts.

The problem was not with her at all, it was clearly these two people who were abnormal: "Hey, it's just past five o'clock, why did you get up? Just to wake me up?"

This is typical overconfidence, a common problem among artists, as if the whole world is revolving around them.

How could Lin Yuner be so worthy of disturbing Li Menglong and Xu Xian at the same time?

Of course, there was no need to say it so directly. Li Menglong just glanced at Yuner with contempt, but Yuner caught it.

How could Yuner accept this: "What kind of look is that? You actually look down on me, I..."

Originally, she was very unhappy to be woken up, and she was forcibly suppressing her temper when she got up, but Li Menglong took the initiative to provoke her.

If she didn't get angry, she would be sorry for Li Menglong's "cooperation"!

So she pushed Xu Xian away and Yuner jumped up.

But there was something wrong with this move. Li Menglong's dodge seemed extremely redundant, because as Yoona's feet slipped, she fell straight to the ground, face down.

This move was actually quite dangerous, mainly because Yoona had no defense. If her face really landed first, she would be disfigured.

Fortunately, Li Menglong was quick-witted and quick-handed. It was too late to grab a handful, but he still had his feet.

Li Menglong took a big step and put his feet under Yoona's head in time, which was enough to reduce 90% of the damage.

Only the physical damage was reduced, but did he consider Yoona's mental damage?

Fortunately, Yoona was prepared. Even if she had no defense, she still had instincts.

Relying on the strong core brought by years of dance practice, she actually twisted her body in mid-air and let her back fall first.

In this way, she was not afraid of any damage, but she just turned her head and saw Li Menglong's stinky feet, and the distance was almost at the tip of her nose.

Although there was no excessive smell, Yoona was still disgusted. She rolled to the side several times and then rubbed her nose desperately.

That is, there was no technology on Yoona's nose, otherwise she would have to stay in the hospital for a few days just by rubbing it like this.

However, Li Menglong was not qualified to tease Yoona now. Although he was well-intentioned, he was still a little embarrassed now. Yoona should understand her, right?

In order to appease Yoona's emotions, Li Menglong kept winking at Xuxian, signaling the little girl to take the initiative and go up to see what Yoona was like.

At least don't let her continue to fiddle with her nose. If there is really any problem, he, Li Menglong, doesn't know how much money he will have to pay.

Xuxian naturally saw Li Menglong's hint clearly, and she didn't mind going over to care about Yoona, but she didn't know what to say.

She couldn't say that Li Menglong's feet didn't smell, she really had no say in this regard.

Fortunately, Yoona quickly recovered her energy, mainly because she felt that she had suffered a great loss. If she continued to complain here, wouldn't it be a bargain for Li Menglong?

Lin Yoona wanted to seek justice for herself, and this time Li Menglong agreed very readily.

Although it was not his fault, Yoona was indeed hurt, and he was willing to make certain compensation, including accepting a certain degree of punishment.

This cooperative attitude surprised Yoona, which was completely opposite to what she had guessed. She couldn't even say what she had prepared later.

And the most important thing is that she hasn't thought about how to punish at all, which is the crux of the problem.

As if seeing Yoona's confusion, Li Menglong took the initiative to suggest: "How about tit for tat? Retaliate in the same way?"

Li Menglong did not give the specific details, but the meaning was quite obvious. He wanted to smell what Yoona's feet smelled like?

The moment this "perverted" proposal was made, Yoona felt as if her feet were electrified, and her whole body was abnormal.

If everything that happened before could be understood as an accident, then after Li Menglong's words, it would be doubtful. Could it be that Li Menglong did it intentionally?

Li Menglong was really wronged by Yoona's slander: "Why should I do this? There must be a reason. You can't slander someone's innocence out of thin air!"

Facing Li Menglong's strength, Yoona really came up with her own inference: "Isn't it enough to let the popular top female artist smell your stinky feet? This perverted sense of accomplishment will probably make you excited for a good day!"

It has to be said that Yoona has really grown up. If she was a little naive, she wouldn't be able to come up with such a reason.

Xu Xian was very impressed when she saw this. Although she didn't think Li Menglong would do this, she still felt very happy. Maybe this is the happiness that only black fans can have?

Li Menglong couldn't explain it clearly. The key is that there is no need to explain it, because Yoona doesn't talk about logic and evidence. It's all her conjecture.

The best way in this situation is to deal with it coldly. It's all the experience accumulated when dealing with their related news. I didn't expect that one day it would be used on them.

Li Menglong can only say that this is retribution!

When Li Menglong chose to remain silent, Yoona felt very bored. It was not easy to think of such a good reason. Why don't he cooperate with it?

If she feels that she has been slandered, then Li Menglong can also retaliate in the same way. She, Lin Yoona, will never turn against her because of rumors. She is still very confident in this regard!

After all, Yoona has been slandered too many times in the past, and the news is always so outrageous, so outrageous that she has to doubt whether the other party has a problem with his brain.

But Li Menglong also knew this, so he would not fight against Yoona in her strengths, that would be asking for trouble!

Yoona secretly thought it was a pity, and looked at the two curiously. What was the reason for them to wake her up? It couldn't be just to humiliate her, right?

In fact, Xu Xian and Li Menglong were not so bored, and even waking her up was an accident: "Oppa and I are going downstairs to exercise and buy breakfast. Do you want to join us?"

After hearing this invitation, Yoona's first reaction was naturally to refuse. She didn't have the bad habit of exercising in the early morning. No matter how you look at it, it's more comfortable to sleep.

But the current situation is that she has woken up, and she is so awake that she is a little excited. Although she can fall asleep again, considering that she can't sleep for long, it seems that following the two out is a good choice?

The key is that Yoona is still a little unwilling. The previous topic can obviously continue. What if Li Menglong wants to speak on the way?

"Since you two are sincerely inviting me, I, Lin Yuner, will reluctantly give you some face and wait for me to go upstairs to change clothes!" Yuner responded with a little reserve.

She thought she had the capital to be reserved. After all, it was these two people who took the initiative to invite her, and it was not Lin Yuner who begged to go together.

In this case, asking them to wait for two minutes was nothing. Not asking them to kneel down was considered that Lin Yuner had a good temper.

But this idea was difficult to be recognized, at least Li Menglong did not mean to agree: "I will give you three minutes. I have already started counting. I won't wait for a second more!"

Who is this threatening? Is she Lin Yuner scared?

Walking up slowly all the way, Yuner not only washed up simply, but also specially picked a pink sportswear just to disgust Li Menglong.

She simply looked at the time and estimated that it took about ten minutes, a time she thought was relatively appropriate.

When she thought that Li Menglong was still waiting foolishly downstairs, Yuner couldn't help but smile. What attitude should she use to face him later, laugh? Reserved? Or an apology?

Yoona prepared many emotions, but none of them worked in the end. She didn't expect that she would become angry and panic.

"Li Menglong? Xuxian? Stop it, come out quickly, we can go together..."

Yoona shouted the names of the two while searching privately on the first floor, as if they were playing hide-and-seek.

But considering Li Menglong's mental age, he shouldn't be so naive, so the answer is already very obvious.

It was agreed that they would only wait for three minutes, but Li Menglong didn't wait for a second longer, and left first with Xuxian.

Now it was Yoona's turn to be dumbfounded. What should she do now? Should she continue to stay at home to rest, or run out to chase the two?

The former's silence cost was obviously a bit high. She had changed her clothes, so now she was asked to sleep in this outfit?

As for chasing after them, would it be a bit too proactive? She didn't even dare to imagine Li Menglong's arrogant face.

After hesitating for a few minutes, Yoona knew that she couldn't delay any longer, otherwise she would become a joke.

The choice could also be innovative, for example, she didn't go down to catch up with the two people, but just to exercise.

As for why she met the two people, it was easier to explain. There was only such a small place, so it was normal for everyone to meet by chance, wasn't it?

After preparing the reason in advance, Yoona set off immediately, but she ignored the difficulty of "encountering by chance".

The neighborhood and the breakfast block behind it are not very small. If she wanted to hide, she might not be able to find anyone even if she spent a whole day looking for them.

After finding a few routes, Yoona realized that she couldn't just wander around like a headless fly. She had to have a specific strategy.

The solution Yoona finally came up with was to "wait for the rabbit". No matter where the two people ran to, they would eventually go home, right?

As long as she stared at the entrance of the unit, she wouldn't be afraid that the two people would disappear.

But her passive waiting method was suspected of wasting time. Why didn't she just go back home and wait? Wouldn't that be more direct?

Fortunately, Yoona's silly behavior didn't last too long, because Xu Xian forcibly pulled Li Menglong back.

When she was at home before, Xu Xian insisted on waiting for Yoona, but Li Menglong forcibly dragged her out.

Xu Xian could understand Li Menglong's thoughts. Being punctual is indeed a virtue, but he couldn't ask for too much.

After all, Yoona has some privileges. If Li Menglong doesn't admit this, then Xuxian will have a good talk with him.

When Xuxian saw Yoona sitting alone, she looked at Li Menglong proudly. She saved Li Menglong's life.

If Yoona waits here for half an hour, Li Menglong will have a hard time. Even if Yoona doesn't pursue it, the women upstairs will not let him go.

However, Li Menglong obviously didn't appreciate it, or he didn't realize what happened at all.

Xuxian had no way to deal with Li Menglong's slightly dull emotional intelligence. She agreed with the girls' views in this regard. She always felt that Li Menglong was a little unscrupulous after finding his other half.

Li Sunkyu really should break up from time to time, maybe Li Menglong's emotional intelligence can be moderately increased?

However, no one dared to say this to Li Sunkyu, otherwise if there was really a problem in their relationship, they would not be able to bear the responsibility.

It seems that Li Menglong's EQ is low, anyway, they are used to it in their daily lives, and this is even a reason to target Li Menglong.

While thinking about this, Xu Xian rushed towards Yuner quickly. She wanted to give this sister a big hug and let her feel the love from sisters...

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