The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3481 Stay out of it

Xu Xian looked at Li Menglong's calm back. To be honest, she couldn't help but feel suspicious. Could it be that they really made a mistake?

If Li Menglong was the mastermind behind the scenes, then he was just walking into a trap.

Li Eun-hee and the others were definitely not as easy to talk to as the girls. At least in this matter, the other party would definitely take the toughest attitude.

After all, Li Menglong was simply making trouble for the other party. Did he think that they took the money but did not make corresponding achievements? So he forced them to find something to do?

However, no matter how Xu Xian guessed, the answer would eventually be revealed, so what role did Li Menglong play in this?

As the two walked in, the originally serious atmosphere in the conference room was diluted a lot, and the smell of fried chicken instantly spread.

Xu Xian didn't need anyone to tell her at this moment, and immediately distributed the fried chicken to everyone, after all, everyone looked quite embarrassed.

Not to mention the makeup and hair, there were more than one person wearing pajamas. Is it necessary to be so anxious? There was no time to change clothes?

There may be some conspiracy theories, but Xu Xian has to suspect that this group of people has intentional elements. As for who they are performing for, Xu Xian doesn't think she has such a great influence anyway.

However, these are just insignificant details, and the focus is still on the matter itself.

The group had already made preliminary communication on the road. Even the girls could find out clearly, so they would naturally know something.

So while eating fried chicken, everyone kept looking at Li Menglong out of the corner of their eyes.

On the one hand, they were waiting for this person to take the initiative to explain, and on the other hand, they were also thinking, is this Li Menglong intentional? What exactly does he want to achieve?

Although everyone was secretly looking, Li Menglong would always feel it when there were more people.

So is there something dirty on his face? He also asked Xu Xian to help him check it out so that he wouldn't be too embarrassed.

After Li Menglong made this move, Xu Xian and Li Enxi probably had a bottom line in their hearts, at least they could roughly guess what Li Menglong was thinking.

Most of the things are correct, and it is indeed all done by Li Menglong, but he obviously did not estimate the seriousness of the matter, and even knew nothing at this moment.

Speaking of which, even the girls can receive the news, and Li Menglong should have someone to come to verify this, but maybe because he is the source, he spent this crucial period of time quietly in the center of the storm, and even had the mind to go to the kitchen to make fried chicken for himself.

Now the two of them are not in a good position to tell the truth to Li Menglong, and they also have to consider whether this fact will have an impact on Li Menglong.

Don’t think that Li Menglong’s appearance is strong enough, that is, he has not encountered anything that breaks his defense, and now this matter has such a possibility.

Li Enxi and Xu Xian looked at each other. The tacit understanding between the two is not enough for them to convey information between their eyes, but they can’t resist the two of them. They can make some gestures.

And what Li Enxi revealed is also very simple, that is, let Xu Xian take Li Menglong out, and let her solve this independently.

This order happened to be in line with Xu Xian's plan, so what else was there to say? Just take Li Menglong and leave.

But Li Menglong was very stubborn this time. He was not a fool. So many people had to rush back after work. It couldn't be just to eat a meal of fried chicken, right?

Although he didn't know what happened, he had no choice but to do it. Besides, did the company need to hide the news from him?

"We have been colleagues for so long, don't you know my character?" Li Menglong said sincerely to everyone: "Even if you cause the company to suffer losses, this is acceptable as long as you can learn a lesson!"

After hearing Li Menglong's soothing words, everyone didn't know what expression to show.

It seems that he was the one who made the mistake, so how could they cause the company to suffer losses?

But his words sounded sincere, and it was indeed something Li Menglong could do, so everyone reluctantly forgave him?

Fearing that Li Menglong would say something offensive again, Li Enxi simply made the topic clear: "Hey, what did you do yourself? Don't you know it in your heart?"

This made Li Menglong confused. Why did they suddenly start to target him? Didn't these people make mistakes?

Oh, this must be an excuse for them to shirk responsibility and get along with each other.

It is indeed understandable. After all, the company has to find someone to take the blame. He Li Menglong is indeed one of the best candidates, as long as the punishment is limited.

If he can explain it well, he Li Menglong doesn't mind coming out to be the bad guy, but this group of people should explain it. Why did they suddenly become silent?

It's as if he Li Menglong should know something, but he really doesn't know anything, so can someone come out to explain it?

There is no hope for the people around him, Li Menglong turned his attention to Xu Xian.

His original intention was to find a partner for himself in this environment, but now it seems that a traitor has been planted around him.

"You know all the inside story? And you never told me?"

Li Menglong pointed at Xu Xian and complained silently. Although he was not sad, he felt a little wronged. He was so good to Xu Xian and even gave her the opportunity to send fried chicken, but this is how the little girl treated him?

Regarding Li Menglong's behavior of forcing her to play a role, Xu Xian could only say that she had no desire to cooperate at all.

Should she show some grievance at this moment? She let Li Menglong misunderstand her in various ways, but she didn't say a word, and finally waited for Li Menglong to kneel down in front of her to apologize!

But Xu Xian didn't have such bad taste. Considering that the misunderstanding was already complicated, she continued to make it more difficult, so she simply described the course of events.

During the whole narration, Li Menglong's expression was quite wonderful, from the initial disbelief, to the subsequent acceptance of reality, and then to the current deathly pale face.

Li Menglong really didn't understand why things had developed to this point. He just took the initiative to send some messages to the girls to find some work. Where did these extreme associations come from?

The company was poorly managed and the girls were forced to pay back the money. There was even news that they secretly gave birth to children. Could it be that someone was maliciously smearing them?

It must be said that Li Menglong's vigilance was still there. If only Li Menglong's words had caused some rumors, Li Enxi and others would not have rushed here.

The current situation is obviously that someone is stirring up trouble behind the scenes, or at least adding fuel to the fire, trying to really establish something.

This is understandable, after all, as the company grows in size, more and more people dislike them.

The girls have a deep understanding of this, not because of what they have done specifically, but simply because they are standing here.

Envy, jealousy, wanting to catch up, in short, for various reasons, these people don't mind adding a piece of firewood when necessary to make the fire burn more vigorously.

Everyone gathered here at this moment not to denounce Li Menglong, to be precise, this is only one aspect, more is to discuss how to solve this wave of public opinion.

At this time, no one cares about Li Menglong, except Xu Xian, after all, she is sitting next to Li Menglong, and she can't help with the company's affairs, so it is natural to care about him.

From Xu Xian's perspective, Li Menglong suffered a big blow, at least that's the state he showed.

This made Xu Xian a little worried. What should she do if Li Menglong was devastated?

Let alone her own feelings, the girls would never let her go.

Although Xu Xian was asked to follow to find out the truth, it did not mean that she had to protect Li Menglong. It can only be said that there is no need to explain these.

After all, if they had to choose between the company and Li Menglong, they would choose the latter without hesitation, even if Li Menglong was indeed the guilty party.

So Xu Xian gently patted Li Menglong's shoulder, intending to make him sober up a little.

But Li Menglong's reaction was too big. He actually jumped up from the chair and slapped his hands on the table. For a while, everyone around him subconsciously looked over.

At this time, Xu Xian had quietly moved the chair to the side, and at the same time looked at her palm. Was there some extra power contained in it?

"I've thought about it. I'll take the initiative to explain and apologize. I will never let the whole company be implicated because of my own reasons!"

Li Menglong said it firmly, but everyone's reaction seemed unmoved?

At least express some emotion and encouragement. Li Menglong did not shirk his responsibility. Isn't this worthy of praise?

But the fact is that no one wants to hold him accountable, just as Li Menglong did not think about holding everyone accountable before, and now everyone just wants to solve the problem.

As for what punishment Li Menglong will get in the end, that is the business of Li Enxi and the girls. They just need to watch the excitement.

Anyway, based on their understanding of these people, Li Menglong's next few days should not be very good.

Seeing that Li Menglong was about to say something else, Li Enxi was not the only one who winked at Xu Xian.

Inexplicably, she became the center of the crowd. Xu Xian was a little uncomfortable for a while. Why were they looking at her? Didn't they want her to take responsibility?

For a moment, Xu Xian actually found some familiarity. After all, the girls have done such immoral things. Is it contagious now?

Fortunately, there are not many girls who have no bottom line. Everyone is just urging Xu Xian to take Li Menglong out now.

Anyway, they have eaten fried chicken. When Li Menglong cannot think calmly and make reasonable suggestions, it is reasonable to ask him to leave. Don't delay everyone's time.

In this kind of situation, time is extremely important. If you can discuss a solution an hour earlier, you can reduce at least half of the impact. After all, the spread of news is exponential.

This time Xu Xian is completely understood, but are they a little overestimating her?

Although Li Menglong does respect her opinions on weekdays, this is not a special situation.

Just patting Li Menglong just now, there was such a big reaction. If she tried to pull him out, would she be beaten directly?

But being watched by so many people, it is indeed Li Menglong's problem, and Xu Xian really can't shirk it.

She could only say that she owed Li Menglong, and now it was time to pay it back.

She sighed silently. If she hadn't been running out of time, she would have wanted to call home. What if she didn't have the chance in the future?

She mustered up the courage to approach Li Menglong again, and Xu Xian asked softly, "Oppa, do you think you can come out with me first? We've eaten all the fried chicken on the table."

At such a critical moment, Xu Xian could actually give a reasonable reason. She admired herself a little.

The key is that Li Menglong actually nodded in agreement. Is he sure he is not taking advantage of the situation? Has he been pretending to be confused?

Although she was full of doubts in her heart, Xu Xian was not stupid enough to ask in person, but this guess was soon confirmed.

As soon as he came to the corridor, Li Menglong let go of Xu Xian's hand, and then kept patting his chest, looking scared.

This scene is still relatively rare, at least Xu Xian rarely sees it, so it looks quite strange.

But it can be understood, after all, Li Menglong really got into trouble this time, and he was blocked in the office by so many people. If there is no suitable excuse, he will be very embarrassed and nervous.

Even though Li Menglong has seen many big scenes, this time there is really no room for explanation, and he can't think of a way to deal with it later. Finding an excuse to escape is already his little cleverness.

But what should be done next? The company will help deal with the disturbance outside, but what about the girls?

They were just fooled by Li Menglong's frank performance before. Now the truth is out, Li Menglong must give them an explanation.

After all, they have debuted for so many years, and there has never been any rumors about having children. Does Li Menglong help them to open up a new track?

Even in the history of the entire girl group, this level of news is unique: an active girl group member gave birth to a child out of wedlock?

Anyway, Xu Xian didn't know what to do at the moment. She really had the will but not the strength.

But don't say she is cold-blooded. If Li Menglong wants to choose to run away now, she can sponsor him with the money on her body so that he won't end up on the streets.

"Thank you first, but why should I run? The whole thing was an accident, and I am also a victim. Why are you targeting me like this?"

Li Menglong tried to give his answer, but it was useless to ask Xu Xian this kind of question. Otherwise, go talk to the girls?

When the topic came up about confronting those women face to face, Li Menglong immediately became a lot more timid. It was not suitable for him to offend too many people at the same time. If he was given a little more time, things would definitely turn around!

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