The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3479 Creating Trouble

"If apologies work, then what's the point of the law?" Xu Xian pointed at the women and threatened them fiercely: "I warn you, you are in big trouble, I will sue you!"

Although the girls tried their best to act scared, they still couldn't help laughing.

How big a mistake have they made that they need to be escalated to the legal level?

Even if it is exaggerated, it is at most a moral issue.

However, if it is put on the heads of ordinary people, it is probably a joke, but if it must be said, artists can't deal with it so easily.

Because of their status, the public has extremely strict requirements for artists. Even if it is just a moral issue, it is still enough to ruin the artist's career.

This point is often exaggerated in the process of many artists crying, that is, the so-called grievances, depression, etc., they claim to be ordinary people.

But how to say it, this may be the price paid for fame.

Like Xu Xian's threat at this moment, it can probably be regarded as evidence that they bully the youngest.

It seems that it can be explained as a joke within the team. Even if Xu Xian is really in a bad mood at the moment, is this normal? Have they never cared about Xu Xian?

But the media will not report it like this. Anyway, it will be as extreme as possible.

Once a subsequent chain reaction is triggered, this topic is enough to become the fuse for the crisis within their team.

This is not alarmist, because similar news is exposed almost every year, and it is not uncommon for groups to disband directly for this reason, even top groups.

So compared to the so-called legal threats, Xu Xian might as well take the media exposure route. Maybe they will be a little afraid of it.

It’s just that this kind of exposure is mutual. Xu Xian can accuse them, so they can naturally fight back.

And this is the media’s favorite part, that is, the "tearing" battle within the team, and the topic is enough for the media to eat their fill.

Considering the current size and fan base of the girls, this is more than just eating their fill. It is estimated that it is possible to make the media die on the spot.

But will Xu Xian do this? Why did she go to those media? Does she have a good impression of the media?

As long as she is an artist, no one likes the media, whether it is formal or not. This is their common voice.

But artists want to develop but cannot do without media publicity, including those gossip tabloids. In short, the relationship between them is quite complicated.

Xu Xian has been harassed by the media in recent years, but she is clean enough and it is difficult for the media to catch her.

So she can neither sue them nor expose them in the media. It seems that Xu Xian’s only way out is to rely on her own fists?

But even Li Menglong has to retreat when facing the attack of these women. Why does Xu Xian think she can defeat them?

No matter how she thinks, there is no chance of winning. Xu Xian can only lower her voice silently. He admits that he can’t do anything with these women. She lost!

But Xu Xian doesn’t have to be too lonely, because these women are still more conscientious. At least they can’t bear to see Xu Xian’s depressed look.

So they quickly came forward to comfort Xu Xian, and all kinds of conditions were thrown out like money, highlighting a generous heart.

As for how many of these promises can be fulfilled, that's another story.

After all, the women who made the promises at this moment and the women who need to fulfill the promises later are two different people, and they will have different considerations.

Xu Xian also knew this clearly, so she didn't mean to take it seriously at all, just listen to some words.

However, it was already quite rare for them to say these things. Looking at Li Menglong's treatment, what else can she complain about?

It just happened that they were tricked to come here to practice before, and they were afraid that they would retaliate later. Now it seems that there should be no worries.

"So how long do you want to rest? You have already replenished your energy, you have to move!"

Xu Xian waved her fists to cheer for these women, but they looked unbelievable.

Did they eat anything? Why didn't they remember it themselves? Was there any discrepancy between the two sides' cognition?

If that little bit of batter residue was also considered food, then they really had to have a good chat with Xu Xian. Did this little girl come to make trouble on purpose?

But Xu Xian had already run away. She was still full of strength and she wanted to vent it.

After all, she was also under pressure. Living with ordinary young and beautiful girls every day, could she accept mediocrity?

If it was some congenital problems, it would be fine, such as height, which could not be changed, but the body shape could be completely controlled by oneself.

Xu Xian undoubtedly had to work harder in this regard, because her natural skeleton was much larger, which was the disadvantage brought by her height.

But she had better not say such things in front of the girls, because some people would break the defense. Who would it be depends on their personal involvement? Conservatively speaking, there would always be two or three people.

Since Xu Xian had started to move, it was indeed difficult for the girls to continue to rest. It can only be said that it was their "blessing" to have such a youngest!

When the girls were working hard to contact, Li Menglong was really a little bored.

He actually didn't have as much free time as he imagined every day, after all, he had to live with the girls after get off work.

Considering the nature of his work, it can be said that he is working whenever he meets the girls.

And once this is calculated, wouldn't he work at least ten hours a day? And he takes a lunch break all year round!

This sounds quite scary, although many fans will envy him.

Li Menglong himself did not mean to complain about this. After all, these girls are generally very considerate. At the very least, they are willing to spend money, which he cannot refuse.

At this moment, the bosses are practicing, but they have not assigned him any work. Are they going to let him play freely?

The boss's wife tried to recruit Li Menglong as Xu Xian expected, and it would be good to work as a temporary worker.

But Li Menglong did not appreciate it at all: "How much can you pay for that hour? I, Li Menglong, am destined to create greater value!"

Li Menglong has indeed been with the girls for a long time, which has changed his view of money a little.

He is now determined to make a big one, at least to show his value.

As for why he had to do this, boredom was one aspect, but he also wanted to make those women look at him with new eyes!

After all, Li Menglong could guess what they would say when they met later, which was nothing more than that they were working hard, while Li Menglong was doing nothing.

Even if it was to shut them up, Li Menglong had to work hard, but what should he do?

After calculating his own status, it was not impossible to start from the company and director level, but the effect was too slow, and he couldn't wait.

So the focus still fell on the girls, and he still had to continue their names to see if he could make some achievements in the identity of the agent.

For the agent, the work content is actually quite complicated, from decision-making to miscellaneous work, it is likely that everything has to be involved.

But from the perspective of the artist, the most important quality is to be able to connect them with various jobs. After all, having a job means exposure and money, which is indeed the top priority!

After confirming this, Li Menglong began his own actions.

It is not that difficult to find work for artists. Of course, it refers to artists as famous as the girls. Work will come to them on their own. The agent has to help select and refuse.

Once the artist is not so popular, the agent's personal ability is tested.

Li Menglong has indeed not had many opportunities to show his talents in this regard. After all, when he took over the work of the girls, they were already in their heyday.

Although he has not experienced it, it does not mean that he has not worked hard in this regard. He has consulted more than one senior.

In order to find opportunities for artists, those senior agents really do everything they can, such as bribery, treats, kneeling and begging, etc.

The most common and most common behavior is "indiscriminate bombing", which is to send resumes, emails, and phone calls to people in various corresponding industries, highlighting a continuous harassment.

To be honest, doing this is a bit of a loss of character, and most people who are harassed will feel annoyed.

But there is no other way. As long as one out of a hundred attempts succeeds, it is not a loss. At least it gives the artist a chance to be exposed and a possibility of becoming popular.

Li Menglong felt very inspired by this. Just thinking about this story of accompanying an artist from weakness to success makes his blood boil!

He wanted to go back to the time when the girls just debuted and look for opportunities for them frantically.

However, it is not too late to mend the fold after the sheep have been lost. Li Menglong must at least make up for his regrets.

So Li Menglong began to "harass" proportionally according to the network of relationships he had accumulated.

He didn't know how stupid he was at the moment, but someone should tell him soon.

Because of his harassment, half of the circle has been shaken!

Li Menglong may have considered many details, including being scolded by the girls after too many subsequent activities, etc., but he only ignored the correct positioning of himself.

What kind of people do similar things? They are often novice agents with artists who have just debuted in small companies.

Whether it is the agent himself, or the artist or the company, it is that there is no connection, no resources, and can only rely on this method to hit the jackpot.

Any agent who has worked for two years will, at the very least, invite the person he has entrusted to come out, have a meal together, sing a song, and happily finalize the matter.

And Li Menglong has now found a loophole. No famous agent would do this.

As for why, the reason has gradually emerged.

All the people that Li Menglong can contact are not particularly low in their respective fields of work. This is understandable. Newcomers in various industries have no chance to meet him, Li Menglong.

So when these people saw the girls' resumes, they were almost dumbfounded.

The industry is already so depressed now that even Girls' Generation has to use this method to find a job?

When the top stars of an industry have to come out to "beg for food", there is obviously something wrong with the industry.

But although this industry cannot be called a sunrise, it does not show too many signs of decline.

So it seems that the problem is the company, or Girls' Generation itself.

The former is nothing more than the company's investment failure, and it needs to let the girls engage in crazy activities to ensure liquidity. It's so ugly, is it going to go bankrupt?

As for the latter, the problem is even more serious!

It is unlikely that the girls will go bankrupt individually. Even if one or two of them go bankrupt, the whole team will not be blamed.

So most of the time, there are some big scandals among them. So far, they can still suppress it, but they don’t know when it will explode.

So while it is still hot, they should make a fortune first. This idea is very realistic.

Everyone has their own guesses, and the best way to confirm the specific news is to ask friends, and they are the ones who know the first-hand information.

The six-person rule means that at most five people can contact any designated stranger.

This also applies to the entertainment industry. Considering that this kind of information must have a strong background and character as an endorsement, there are basically only a few people who are finally confirmed.

Liu Zaishi, Kim Jong-kook, and Lee Eun-hee have received more than one call in succession, asking if the company is going to go bankrupt.

When several people denied it with a confused look on their faces, the subsequent speculations were very varied.

After all, the girls' scandals can cover too many areas, and everyone's speculation is extremely explosive, such as the suspicion of having a child can be asked openly.

In addition to these people, the girls, as the parties involved, also have many friends in the circle, so they naturally received greetings of concern.

"What do you mean? Say it again, one of us is secretly pregnant, and the child is three years old? How come I don't know?"

If the person on the other side of the phone is not her friend, and the other party is just reminding her in good faith, she, Kim Taeyeon, will really curse.

There is also some basic logic in making rumors.

They do have more time to rest in the past two years, but basically they will be publicly on the road every month, and more than once.

Once it was four or five years ago, they were at the peak of their schedules, and they were either performing or on the way to perform every day.

They wanted to sleep in the car every day, and in this case, they still had to "take time" to have a child?

Are you overestimating their ability to be lazy? They are also human beings. They have the same 24 hours a day. They don't have extra hours to have children.

Kim Taeyeon is really angry this time. She must sue the rumor maker until he goes bankrupt. So where is the source of the rumor? Do you dare to stand up and confront?

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