The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3475: Rarely Taking the Initiative

Kim Taeyeon was chattering endlessly, while Li Menglong was silent. As for the other girls, they were either listening to music or watching the excitement.

In short, everyone's attention was well divided, providing sufficient space for Xu Xian's next operation.

The girls were not unconscious at all, but the scenery at night was still very different from that during the day, so Xu Xian excused them by saying they were driving the wrong way.

It wasn't until they saw the sign of the fried chicken restaurant that they finally recognized the reality: "Maknae, why did you drive back to the company? We are going home, and you are going in the wrong direction!"

Although there were a lot of speculations in their hearts, the girls still mainly joked. If Xu Xian could immediately find his way back, they would still be good sisters.

But Xu Xian at least doesn't intend to compromise with them now. Besides, they are already at the door of the company, why should they paralyze themselves?

Even if Xu Xian is really a road crazy, she wouldn't go back the same way. It can only be said that she did all this intentionally, and these people should just accept their fate.

"Get out of the car quickly, I have prepared a surprise for you, you can look forward to it!"

Xu Xian said with a beaming eyebrow, and it could be seen that the little girl was in a really good mood at the moment.

But this made the girls quite worried. What on earth was this woman doing? She couldn't possibly want to take them to work overtime, right?

No matter what they are about to face, it is always difficult for them to refuse. Is it possible that they, as sisters, will be intimidated by Xu Xian's maknae?

Besides, they do owe Xu Xian once. This should be the reconciliation condition proposed by the little girl. There is no possibility for them to refuse.

Once Xu Xian is forced to bow due to the large number of people this time, then Xu Xian will be able to perform unscrupulously. Overall, it will be a lose-lose situation for both sides.

So what else is there to say? They can only hope that the surprise will not turn into a fright. They are very timid. If they are scared to death, Xu Xian will have to bear the responsibility.

The girls walked in cautiously, with defensive thoughts on their faces, which surprised everyone who came up to say hello.

"Why are you back? And what's going on in this state? Is anyone following you?"

The proprietress asked for everyone. It seemed that they were all very nervous at the moment, as if they could jump up and take a bite at any time.

Facing this kind of "mad dog", hiding is a good choice, at least that's what the boss lady chooses.

And this is exactly in line with the wishes of the girls. They look at everyone as a bad guy at the moment. Has the boss lady been bribed by Xu Xian a long time ago and is here to deceive their trust?

Although they also knew that they might have wrongly accused a good person, there was no time to tell the difference now.

If they are wronged, they will come and apologize sincerely later, so let's give in now, and they will try their best again.

There were only three or two kittens left upstairs, and the girls gradually felt relieved due to the large number of people.

But this makes them even more confused. What exactly has Xu Xian prepared for them? Isn't he just trying to scare them?

Fortunately, Xu Xian is not so boring, and she is not the kind of character who talks freely. Besides, how can she, the maknae, deceive her sisters?

If there is a surprise, then there must be a surprise!

"Why are you still dawdling there? We have been waiting for you for a long time."

While Kim Taeyeon and the others were still hesitating in the corridor, someone in the practice room took the initiative to say hello to them.

Because of the backlight, they didn't recognize who it was for a while, but from the casual words, it sounded like it was someone they knew?

This made a few people even more curious. Who did Xu Xian find here? It couldn't be their parents, right?

Facts have proved that Xu Xian is not so indifferent, but the difference is not very far.

When the girls walked in, they began to say hello non-stop, and various teachers shouted happily.

It's not that the girls are being polite, but the people in front of them are indeed their past teachers, some are choreographers, some are singing instructors, in short they are quite rich.

But why are these people here? Many of them work in other companies. Are they planning to change jobs?

"Xiaoxian called us here and said that you need guidance. Are you going to have a concert?"

The guesses of these teachers are also reasonable. After all, they get together to either release a new album or prepare for a concert.

But the girls know their own situation and have no corresponding plans at all in the near future. As for why they were called here, they will wait for Xu Xian's explanation. It can't be that they are here to reminisce.

Xu Xian was indeed explaining his plan to Li Menglong at this moment, and the pride in his words could be heard by anyone.

According to Xu Xian's explanation, the reason why she called these teachers was to lead the girls in high-intensity practice for several hours.

And this is also her punishment for the girls. It not only serves as an exercise, but also improves their professional skills. It kills two birds with one stone.

The only issue worth discussing is the cost. The tuition fees for these teachers are quite considerable.

But in order to give these women a perfect workout, Xu Xian really didn't mind paying a little extra.

Besides, Li Menglong is still here. Does the company have to bear part of the expenses? You can't let her pay it all, right?

This is also the necessary cost of operating this group. Li Menglong should have this concept, right?

As long as Li Menglong doesn't pay for it himself, he is relatively generous: "It's okay to bear the cost, but are you sure there is an effect of exercise?"

Xu Xian originally wanted to explain it to him, but when she thought that Li Menglong had never experienced this, she let him observe with his own eyes.

She could only say that whether it is dancing or singing, as long as it is practiced continuously in a short period of time, the intensity is definitely not lower than that in the gym.

This is also the reason why many singers will strengthen their physical strength before the concert, because a concert is really tiring.

As for private practice, in theory, you can be lazy, but with Xu Xian watching, she wants to see who has the courage!

With the arrival of Li Menglong and Xu Xian, the girls finally realized what they were about to suffer, and their faces were completely bloodless for a while.

Sure enough, they shouldn't offend Xu Xian, this little girl, and they shouldn't be greedy. Now the little food they ate might be vomited out.

They are not exaggerating. Once the intensity is really raised, vomiting is almost inevitable, especially when they are not prepared.

But now there is no possibility of refusal. If Xu Xian is alone, they can still rely on their status as sisters to act rogue.

It's just that so many teachers are here, and they are willing to come here not just for money.

The teachers who can cooperate with the girls are basically the top in the industry, and they don't lack work at all.

The reason why they can come here is, on the one hand, because of past friendship, and on the other hand, they want to take advantage of the popularity of the girls. After all, working with the girls can still improve their business.

So unless the girls don't plan to cooperate with this group of people, it is impossible to tell the truth, so now they have almost no choice.

In order to avoid suspicion, they even have to take the initiative to cover up for Xu Xian: "It's mainly because of some commercial performances recently. I feel that I haven't moved for a long time, so the business is a little rusty, so I asked you to come and help."

This reason can barely make sense, although it sounds a bit like setting up a person, but it seems to be something they can do?

Since there are no doubts, let's start practicing.

However, before practicing, they still need to make some preparations, such as changing into comfortable clothes, and their makeup and hairstyles also need to be arranged.

After all, once they start practicing, the sweat will flow down like it's free.

The makeup will be smudged, the hairstyle will collapse, and the clothes will become the worst-hit area, and water can be wrung out at will.

In this case, they are undoubtedly quite embarrassed, and they will never appear in front of everyone with a similar image.

The teacher who works with them has no choice, but what is Li Menglong still doing? Does he want to stay and watch the fun?

Even if it is just a practice scene, it is not something Li Menglong can appreciate, otherwise wouldn't it be that they are performing for Li Menglong alone?

They don't have the mind to please him, he doesn't deserve it!

They originally wanted Li Menglong to give up, but this person seemed to be unable to see the difference between the eyebrows and eyes, which forced them to curse.

"Hello, this idle gentleman, can you please go buy us some water, pure water is fine, big bottles, we need one for each of us!"

The girls still gave him some face, at least they gave him a reasonable reason, he should understand what this means, right?

After all, water is a thing, not to mention that there is a lot of it on the third floor, they can go to the first floor to ask the boss lady for it, why do they have to arrange him, Li Menglong, to run errands?

Unless they want to give Li Menglong pocket money in this name, but they are penniless now, so Li Menglong must think more, I believe he will come to the right conclusion.

Li Menglong was invited out by the girls, coaxed and deceived, the process was quite gentle, but the door was closed too hard, it should be an accident?

Li Menglong stood at the door and tried to listen, but the sound insulation effect was so good that he could only retreat silently.

As the girls hoped, Li Menglong was indeed thinking, and it was quite in-depth.

The first thing he thought of was money. What did these women mean by asking him to run errands but not paying them?

He could use this as an excuse to refuse to run errands unless they paid him.

In the past, Li Menglong might have done so, but today he had extra income.

The girls had given him a lot of cash before, theoretically for the previous problem, but Li Menglong still had a conscience.

After taking so much money from them, it was not impossible to return a little appropriately, even if it was for better interaction in the future.

So Li Menglong silently calculated in his mind that his bottom line was one-fifth, but this number was a bit large, at least he could not use up the water.

In that case, what else could he say? Just upgrade. If the water was too cheap, then buy them coffee.

And Li Menglong had not forgotten the girls' instructions. Each of them had to drink a large bucket.

He called several shops he often went to first, but they were either closed or did not have this kind of coffee in buckets.

This is very inconsiderate. Although you can buy a few more cups as an alternative, those women will definitely not be satisfied with this approach.

Considering that he had nothing to do, even if he wanted to work overtime at this time, there would be no one to accompany him, so he simply planned to make this thing perfect.

There is no barreled coffee, so why not just bring the container with him?

But there were not many suitable containers available. He searched around the store and found no similar containers at all.

This was forcing him. He had no choice but to buy bottled mineral water first and come back, and forced everyone on the first floor to pack it in various containers. These were all gifts from him. Doesn't anyone want to take the initiative to pay?

Li Menglong was embarrassed to speak, but this group of people had been familiar with him for a long time, and it was estimated that no one would be so thin-skinned.

So Li Menglong didn't ask for trouble. He brought a dozen empty buckets to a nearby cafe: "Hello, how much does a cup of iced Americano cost? Are there any discounts for buying 100 cups?"

Li Menglong thinks that he is still a big customer, so the other party must express his opinion, right?

However, the clerk said that there was no similar statement. If Li Menglong insisted, he could make the decision to give Li Menglong a cup alone, which was within his authority.

Based on the principle that mosquito legs are also meat, Li Menglong first got himself a free cup, and handed the empty buckets to the place, indicating that he would use this to fill them.

To be honest, many people bring their own containers to cafes, either for environmental protection or because they think the containers in the store are not hygienic enough.

But this is the first time I have seen this kind of plastic bucket with water stains inside. Is Li Menglong sure he wants to do this? Don't think about it anymore?

At Li Menglong's insistence, the waiter could only meet his request. After all, the customer was the biggest.

But the problem is not that there is no problem. It’s just coffee. It can be poured in no matter what, but ice cubes cannot.

"Can't you break it into pieces and stuff it back in?" Li Menglong tried to give a solution, but he also knew that he was forcing others to do something difficult.

As hardworking workers who have to go to work at this time, they shouldn't make it difficult for each other, or else let the girls drink room temperature?

Li Menglong planned this, but the clerk opposite reminded him kindly: "According to my personal observation, I have been working here for more than two years, and there has not been a single customer drinking Americano coffee at room temperature. Otherwise, you should think about it again." ?”

Li Menglong hesitated. If he bought it back and was complained by the girls, wouldn't he be unhappy for himself?

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