Li Menglong had already arrived in the kitchen. Didn't he promise to make some food for the two girls? There was no room for regret.

Although Lee Sunkyu didn't get angry for the time being, it was all because she kept yawning. Once she was really angry, the consequences might not be something he and Yoona could bear.

Yoona knew this clearly, so she followed behind Li Menglong and kept urging him.

After all, there was no specific time given, so the sooner the better, so as not to give Lee Sunkyu any excuse to get angry.

"Hey, either come and help or shut up. It's annoying to keep nagging behind me!" Li Menglong couldn't help but mutter to Yoona.

Although his attitude was not that serious, Yoona still felt offended.

After all, Lin Yoona was an artist liked by countless people outside. Besides, why did she appear here? Didn't Li Menglong have any idea in his mind?

She was completely implicated by these two people. Li Menglong not only did not feel ashamed, but also despised her. Is his heart made of iron?

It was just a small complaint, but it made Yoona nag for so long, and Li Menglong was really convinced.

He admitted that he couldn't afford to offend this woman, so couldn't he just shut up?

However, it was a coincidence that Yoona's "urging" was still effective. In order to make Yoona shut up earlier, Li Menglong did speed up his hands.

As for the food, it was also very simple. Didn't they buy a bunch of fast food yesterday? Just pick two and put them in the microwave.

Soon a strong smell of meat filled the air, and the two little girls who were originally listless became much more energetic.

It's not that they can't get up early, but there must be a reasonable reason, such as for work, or for food!

Even if they know that they are all convenient fast food, the taste is not bad after all, the only thing to worry about is the calories in it.

After all, these foods often add a lot of oil and spices in pursuit of taste, so they must eat in moderation!

Li Menglong also took this into consideration, so he really heated up a portion of meatball pasta, intending to let the two of them share it.

However, this move planted some disputes. The portion was not much, and they had to eat it together. Who opened their mouths wider? Maybe they would eat a lot more.

It happened that the mouths of these two people were not small. Looking at the plate of steaming noodles, a spark flashed in their eyes.

There was no countdown, nor any clear prompts, but only the tacit understanding and intrigue between sisters for many years.

The first to start was Yoona, who relied on being two years younger than Lee Sunkyu and tried to get rid of the other party with absolute speed.

Yoona had thought about the follow-up operations. When she approached, she had to spray her saliva on the noodles immediately.

Although Lee Sunkyu had a certain probability of not being disgusted, she could still disgust her!

But this little move did not escape Lee Sun-kyu's peripheral vision. To be precise, Lee Sun-kyu was also prepared in advance, but it was Yoona who took the lead.

She did not rush to run, but instead pulled Yoona's waist with both hands and dragged the little girl back with all her strength.

Her plan was to knock Yoona down, and then she would walk over leisurely with a relatively elegant posture.

But he overestimated his wrestling skills and underestimated Yoona's struggle under the temptation of food.

In short, the two hugged each other, and with a muffled bang, the two fell to the ground together.

Although she was a little unconscious after being thrown, Yoona still did not give up. She staggered up from the ground with her hands and feet. Just when she was about to rush over in one go, her feet seemed to be welded to the ground.

Yoona repeatedly exerted force, but the effect was quite limited. She had to look back. It turned out that Lee Sun-kyu hugged her calf tightly and pressed the weight of his whole body on her feet.

"Ah, do you know how heavy you are? My leg is about to break. Please let go!"

Yoona struggled hard, and even used her other foot to step on Lee Sunkyu's face.

Yoona is still very courageous in the physical aspect of "kicking the nose and face".

And Lee Sunkyu is not a person who eats nothing. The reason why she can be so domineering in the team is not just because of her age, but her status is earned through fighting!

I saw Lee Sunkyu reluctantly stretched out a hand, and no matter where she touched, she pinched it hard.

If this trick doesn't work, she still has a mouth and teeth, which can make Yoona face reality.

The ground fight between the two is quite exciting. If time permits, Li Menglong doesn't mind watching it for a while.

But he really doesn't have the leisure time, especially considering the shyness and anger of the two girls afterwards, they should also get rid of him, Li Menglong, and drink a pot.

So Li Menglong wisely chose to stay out of it, and even closed the kitchen door to avoid suspicion, so he was not afraid of being accused of watching the fun.

However, without Li Menglong, there was no shortage of other spectators.

Xu Xian also got up early, mainly because she was afraid that there would be no one to help in the kitchen, so she came over to help.

But she saw such an exciting scene just after coming down, and she subconsciously thought that she was still asleep, so she rubbed her eyes blankly.

This cute look would make anyone whistle.

But the two people on the ground were not in this mood. They called out to Xu Xian:

"Xiao Xian, come and help me quickly. Li Shungyu, this crazy woman, is bullying the youngest again!"

"Maknae, don't listen to her nonsense. It's clear that Lin Yuner is the first to be disrespectful. Come and get her away!"

Both of them were seeking Xu Xian's help, but Xu Xian chose to turn a blind eye.

The main reason was that she didn't know who to help. In this case, it was easy for the other party to hold a grudge. But she didn't know the specific details. If she acted rashly, she would only implicate herself.

So Xu Xian looked around and quickly determined Li Menglong's position.

What else can be said? She came down to help in the kitchen, so under the expectant eyes of the two, Xu Xian walked to the kitchen silently and closed the door again.

This "cold-blooded" scene also made the two people feel a lot. It seems that they are embarrassed?

After looking at each other, the two bounced away quickly as if they were electrocuted, and kept tidying up their clothes, as if they had been greatly insulted.

They wanted to ease each other's embarrassment, but they couldn't find a suitable reason.

It stands to reason that the best way is to find a common enemy. Considering that there are only a few people at the scene, Li Menglong is the most suitable candidate.

But he seemed to have foreseen this scene in advance and was prepared in advance.

The closed door before proved his innocence. He had "locked" himself in the room. Why did they come to trouble him? What's the reason?

You can't say that he was watching the fun on the side, he didn't see anything!

This cunning move left the two helpless, and even a little admired Li Menglong. He could be so "cruel" to himself?

You know, the two people who were fighting before were popular female artists. Even if they put aside this identity, the fight between two women alone was enough to attract onlookers.

But Li Menglong restrained his desire to watch the fun. Didn't he think it was a pity?

In fact, Xu Xian was also asking this question, but her words were more of a compliment to Li Menglong. He did a good job of avoiding suspicion this time.

If he can do this in the future, the conflicts in the team will be reduced by at least half, so can he insist?

"Of course not, this time time does not allow, otherwise why should I avoid them? Living with them is one of the few remaining benefits."

Li Menglong said shamelessly, as if the girls were entertaining him every day.

Xu Xian wanted to complain, but then she thought that from Li Menglong's perspective, the facts were almost the same.

After all, in his eyes, they can all be called top artists, and any two people quarreling with each other are gossips that can only be seen from the media in the past.

Not to mention that the girls are not limited to quarreling, and occasionally they don't mind escalating the conflict, just like the two women entangled outside.

Thinking of this, Xu Xian actually felt a little ashamed for no reason. Why can't they be more sober? Should I tell them this conclusion?

Xu Xian didn't feel that she had betrayed Li Menglong. The reason she hesitated was that she simply doubted the final effect. After all, they were not the kind of people who would listen to advice.

Soon someone proved this. Lee Sunkyu and Yoona tidied up their messy clothes and broke in again.

Don't think that Li Menglong is safe after closing the door. Although he didn't see it with his eyes, he heard it with his ears, right? This is the original sin!

"Ouni, can you get down to business first? There is not much time, so we can talk about it later."

In order to prevent the two women from continuing to embarrass themselves, Xu Xian gave a few words of advice in a subtle way.

But the two women didn't appreciate it at all. Instead, they accused Xu Xian of standing on Li Menglong's side. Are they not worthy of Xu Xian's team?

Although there are only two of them here, their fighting power is not low at all. At least they can drag Li Menglong to die together!

"Indeed, if I accidentally beat you two to death, I will probably be sentenced to death. You are so cruel!"

Li Menglong originally wanted to show his fear, but he didn't know whether it was intentional or just because of his poor acting skills. The final effect was almost riding on the faces of the two people. Did he think it was not lively enough?

Seeing this scene, Xu Xian had silently retreated to her seat. She shouldn't have come down, especially when this group of people didn't intend to stop.

However, the final riot did not unfold as Xu Xian expected, mainly because there was still a portion of pasta on the table, which was also the root cause of the quarrel between Lee Sunkyu and Yoona before.

As for why they can reach a settlement now, it is mainly because there was another portion on the table during their fight.

This light move made the previous fight between the two people a joke. They looked at Li Menglong with extremely dangerous eyes.

Because they couldn't be sure of this man's mind. Everything before was planned in advance by him? Or did he plan to heat two portions, but the microwave couldn't hold them, so he needed to do it one by one.

The two naturally preferred the former, after all, Li Menglong was not a good person, and if there was no trick, wouldn't it make them look stupid?

However, if you ask Li Menglong, the answer would definitely be the latter, he was not stupid, why would he make himself unhappy?

After hesitating for a long time, the two of them obviously still wanted to take revenge, otherwise it would be difficult to suppress the resentment in their hearts.

However, Li Menglong's words made the two sit down again: "Eat quickly, otherwise it will get cold in a while!"

Very simple words, but it is useful. Even if it is fast food, it is necessary to pursue a relatively suitable temperature.

The two hurriedly sat down, as if the noodles would be cold in the next second. Should they eat so urgently?

Xu Xian watched from the side without any appetite, but simply felt a little blocked in her throat. She even recalled the action of artificial respiration, because these two people might be choked to death in the next second!

It's really not Xu Xian who cursed them, it's just that these two people ate too wildly.

Li Shungyu was waving her hands frantically soon, and Li Menglong naturally turned a blind eye. Xu Xian wanted to do this, but she was still afraid that this woman would die in front of her.

Passing a glass of water expressionlessly, Lee Sunkyu hurriedly took a big gulp of it, choking and rolling her eyes before she could swallow the food in her throat.

This embarrassing scene made Yoona beside her extremely happy. She pointed her finger at Lee Sunkyu and laughed, but her frivolous behavior did not last too long.

It was not Lee Sunkyu who stopped her, but Yoona herself was choked by the food.

When she saw Yoona about to cough, Seohyun had wisely turned her back in advance. She really didn't want to see the scene of "flowers scattered by the goddess" afterwards.

Especially when she thought of the cleaning afterwards, she couldn't help but feel a headache.

However, Li Menglong's emotions were much more stable. How did he do it? Can you share your experience?

"You can't learn it!" Li Menglong concluded first, and then took the initiative to share: "You think of yourself as one of them, so you get angry, but I see them as fun, and I'm so happy!"

Li Menglong's words may be a bit false. After all, seriously speaking, he is also one of the crowd, just like he can't escape the cleaning afterwards.

But to some extent, he can temporarily get rid of this identity. Once he regards himself as a passerby, his mentality is simply too healthy.

As one of the most well-known female idols at present, Yoona performed this restricted program in front of him, and it didn't cost a penny. He should really be grateful!

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